# ******************************************************************************* # Honeybee OpenStudio Gem, Copyright (c) 2020, Alliance for Sustainable # Energy, LLC, Ladybug Tools LLC and other contributors. All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* require 'honeybee/hvac/template' require 'to_openstudio/model_object' module Honeybee class TemplateHVAC @@vintage_mapper = { DOE_Ref_Pre_1980: 'DOE Ref Pre-1980', DOE_Ref_1980_2004: 'DOE Ref 1980-2004', ASHRAE_2004: '90.1-2004', ASHRAE_2007: '90.1-2007', ASHRAE_2010: '90.1-2010', ASHRAE_2013: '90.1-2013', ASHRAE_2016: '90.1-2016', ASHRAE_2019: '90.1-2019' } def to_openstudio(openstudio_model, room_ids) # only load openstudio-standards when needed require 'openstudio-standards' require_relative 'Model.hvac' require_relative 'radiant' # get the defaults for the specific system type hvac_defaults = defaults(@hash[:type]) # make the standard applier if @hash[:vintage] standard_id = @@vintage_mapper[@hash[:vintage].to_sym] else standard_id = @@vintage_mapper[hvac_defaults[:vintage][:default].to_sym] end standard = Standard.build(standard_id) # get the default equipment type if @hash[:equipment_type] equipment_type = @hash[:equipment_type] else equipment_type = hvac_defaults[:equipment_type][:default] end # get all of the thermal zones from the Model using the room identifiers zones = [] room_ids.each do |room_id| zone_get = openstudio_model.getThermalZoneByName(room_id) unless zone_get.empty? os_thermal_zone = zone_get.get zones << os_thermal_zone end end # create the HVAC system if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'Radiant' os_hvac = openstudio_model.add_radiant_hvac_system(standard, equipment_type.to_s, zones, @hash) else os_hvac = openstudio_model.add_cbecs_hvac_system(standard, equipment_type, zones) end # Get the air loops and assign the display name to the air loop name if it exists os_air_loops = [] air_loops = openstudio_model.getAirLoopHVACs unless air_loops.length == $air_loop_count # check if any new loops were added $air_loop_count = air_loops.length zones.each do |zon| os_air_terminal = zon.airLoopHVACTerminal unless os_air_terminal.empty? os_air_terminal = os_air_terminal.get os_air_loop_opt = os_air_terminal.airLoopHVAC unless os_air_loop_opt.empty? os_air_loop = os_air_loop_opt.get os_air_loops << os_air_loop loop_name = os_air_loop.name unless loop_name.empty? # set the name of the air loop to align with the HVAC name if @hash[:display_name] clean_name = @hash[:display_name].to_s.gsub(/[^.A-Za-z0-9_-] /, " ") os_air_loop.setName(clean_name + ' - ' + loop_name.get) end end break if !equipment_type.include? 'PSZ' # multiple air loops have been added end end end end # set the efficiencies of fans to be reasonable for DOAS vs. All-Air loops if !os_air_loops.empty? if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'DOAS' fan_size = 0.2 else fan_size = 2 end os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| # set the supply fan efficiency unless os_air_loop.supplyFan.empty? s_fan = os_air_loop.supplyFan.get s_fan = fan_from_component(s_fan) unless s_fan.nil? s_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(fan_size) # set to a typical value standard.fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency( s_fan, standard.fan_brake_horsepower(s_fan)) s_fan.autosizeMaximumFlowRate() # set it back to autosize end end # set the return fan efficiency unless os_air_loop.returnFan.empty? ex_fan = os_air_loop.returnFan.get ex_fan = fan_from_component(ex_fan) unless ex_fan.nil? ex_fan.setMaximumFlowRate(fan_size) # set to a typical value standard.fan_apply_standard_minimum_motor_efficiency( ex_fan, standard.fan_brake_horsepower(ex_fan)) ex_fan.autosizeMaximumFlowRate() # set it back to autosize end end end end # get the boilers and assign a reasonable efficiency (assuming 40kW boilers) if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'Boiler' openstudio_model.getBoilerHotWaters.sort.each do |obj| obj.setNominalCapacity(40000) # set to a typical value standard.boiler_hot_water_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj) obj.autosizeNominalCapacity() # set it back to autosize obj.setName(standard_id + ' Boiler') end end # get the chillers and assign a reasonable COP (assuming 2000kW water-cooled; 600kW air-cooled) if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'Chiller' if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'ACChiller' chiller_size = 600000 else chiller_size = 2000000 end clg_tower_objs = openstudio_model.getCoolingTowerSingleSpeeds openstudio_model.getChillerElectricEIRs.sort.each do |obj| obj.setReferenceCapacity(chiller_size) # set to a typical value if obj.name.empty? obj_name = standard_id + ' Chiller' else obj_name = obj.name.get end standard.chiller_electric_eir_apply_efficiency_and_curves(obj, clg_tower_objs) obj.autosizeReferenceCapacity() # set it back to autosize obj.setName(obj_name) end end # set the efficiency of any gas heaters (assuming 10kW heaters) if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'GasHeaters' zones.each do |zon| zon.equipment.each do |equp| if !equp.to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.empty? unit_heater = equp.to_ZoneHVACUnitHeater.get coil = unit_heater.heatingCoil unless coil.to_CoilHeatingGas.empty? coil = coil.to_CoilHeatingGas.get coil.setNominalCapacity(10000) # set to a typical value standard.coil_heating_gas_apply_efficiency_and_curves(coil) coil.autosizeNominalCapacity() # set it back to autosize end end end end end # assign the economizer type if there's an air loop and the economizer is specified if @hash[:economizer_type] && !os_air_loops.empty? os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| oasys = os_air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem unless oasys.empty? os_oasys = oasys.get oactrl = os_oasys.getControllerOutdoorAir oactrl.setEconomizerControlType(@hash[:economizer_type]) end end end # set the sensible heat recovery if there's an air loop and the heat recovery is specified if @hash[:sensible_heat_recovery] && @hash[:sensible_heat_recovery] != 0 && !os_air_loops.empty? os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| erv = get_existing_erv(os_air_loop) unless erv erv = create_erv(openstudio_model, os_air_loop) end eff_at_max = @hash[:sensible_heat_recovery] * (0.76 / 0.81) # taken from OpenStudio defaults erv.setSensibleEffectivenessat100CoolingAirFlow(eff_at_max) erv.setSensibleEffectivenessat100HeatingAirFlow(eff_at_max) erv.setSensibleEffectivenessat75CoolingAirFlow(@hash[:sensible_heat_recovery]) erv.setSensibleEffectivenessat75HeatingAirFlow(@hash[:sensible_heat_recovery]) end end # set the latent heat recovery if there's an air loop and the heat recovery is specified if @hash[:latent_heat_recovery] && @hash[:latent_heat_recovery] != 0 && !os_air_loops.empty? os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| erv = get_existing_erv(os_air_loop) unless erv erv = create_erv(openstudio_model, os_air_loop) end eff_at_max = @hash[:latent_heat_recovery] * (0.68 / 0.73) # taken from OpenStudio defaults erv.setLatentEffectivenessat100CoolingAirFlow(eff_at_max) erv.setLatentEffectivenessat100HeatingAirFlow(eff_at_max) erv.setLatentEffectivenessat75CoolingAirFlow(@hash[:latent_heat_recovery]) erv.setLatentEffectivenessat75HeatingAirFlow(@hash[:latent_heat_recovery]) end end # assign demand controlled ventilation if there's an air loop if @hash[:demand_controlled_ventilation] && !os_air_loops.empty? os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| oasys = os_air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem unless oasys.empty? os_oasys = oasys.get oactrl = os_oasys.getControllerOutdoorAir vent_ctrl = oactrl.controllerMechanicalVentilation vent_ctrl.setDemandControlledVentilationNoFail(true) oactrl.resetMinimumFractionofOutdoorAirSchedule end end end # assign the DOAS availability schedule if there's an air loop and it is specified if @hash[:doas_availability_schedule] && !os_air_loops.empty? os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| schedule = openstudio_model.getScheduleByName(@hash[:doas_availability_schedule]) unless schedule.empty? avail_sch = schedule.get os_air_loop.setAvailabilitySchedule(avail_sch) end end end # set the outdoor air controller to respect room-level ventilation schedules if they exist if !os_air_loops.empty? oa_sch, oa_sch_name = nil, nil zones.each do |zone| oa_spec = zone.spaces[0].designSpecificationOutdoorAir unless oa_spec.empty? oa_spec = oa_spec.get space_oa_sch = oa_spec.outdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule unless space_oa_sch.empty? space_oa_sch = space_oa_sch.get space_oa_sch_name = space_oa_sch.name unless space_oa_sch_name.empty? space_oa_sch_name = space_oa_sch_name.get if oa_sch_name.nil? || space_oa_sch_name == oa_sch_name oa_sch, oa_sch_name = space_oa_sch, space_oa_sch_name else oa_sch = nil end end end end end if oa_sch os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| oasys = os_air_loop.airLoopHVACOutdoorAirSystem unless oasys.empty? os_oasys = oasys.get oactrl = os_oasys.getControllerOutdoorAir oactrl.resetMinimumFractionofOutdoorAirSchedule oactrl.setMinimumOutdoorAirSchedule(oa_sch) end end end end # if the systems are PTAC and there is ventilation, ensure the system includes it if equipment_type.include?('PTAC') || equipment_type.include?('PTHP') always_on = openstudio_model.getScheduleByName('Always On').get zones.each do |zone| # check if the space type has ventilation assigned to it out_air = zone.spaces[0].designSpecificationOutdoorAir unless out_air.empty? # get any ventilation schedules vent_sched = always_on out_air = out_air.get air_sch = out_air.outdoorAirFlowRateFractionSchedule unless air_sch.empty? vent_sched = air_sch.get end # get the PTAC object ptac = nil zone.equipment.each do |equip| e_name = equip.name unless e_name.empty? e_name = e_name.get if e_name.include? 'PTAC' ptac = openstudio_model.getZoneHVACPackagedTerminalAirConditioner(equip.handle) elsif e_name.include? 'PTHP' ptac = openstudio_model.getZoneHVACPackagedTerminalHeatPump(equip.handle) end end end # assign the schedule to the PTAC object unless ptac.nil? || ptac.empty? ptac = ptac.get ptac.setSupplyAirFanOperatingModeSchedule(vent_sched) end end end end # assign an electric humidifier if there's an air loop and the zones have a humidistat if !os_air_loops.empty? humidistat_exists = false zones.each do |zone| h_stat = zone.zoneControlHumidistat unless h_stat.empty? humidistat_exists = true if equipment_type.to_s.include? 'DOAS' z_sizing = zone.sizingZone z_sizing.setDedicatedOutdoorAirSystemControlStrategy('NeutralDehumidifiedSupplyAir') end end end if humidistat_exists os_air_loops.each do |os_air_loop| humidifier = create_humidifier(openstudio_model, os_air_loop) end end end end private def fan_from_component(fan_component) # get a detailed fan object from a generic fan HVAC component; will be nil if it's not a fan if !fan_component.to_FanVariableVolume.empty? return fan_component.to_FanVariableVolume.get elsif !fan_component.to_FanConstantVolume.empty? return fan_component.to_FanConstantVolume.get elsif !fan_component.to_FanOnOff.empty? return fan_component.to_FanOnOff.get end nil end def get_existing_erv(os_air_loop) # get an existing heat ecovery unit from an air loop; will be nil if there is none os_air_loop.oaComponents.each do |supply_component| if not supply_component.to_HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent.empty? erv = supply_component.to_HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent.get return erv end end nil end def create_erv(model, os_air_loop) # create a heat recovery unit with default zero efficiencies heat_ex = OpenStudio::Model::HeatExchangerAirToAirSensibleAndLatent.new(model) heat_ex.setEconomizerLockout(false) heat_ex.setName(@hash[:identifier] + '_Heat Recovery Unit') heat_ex.setSensibleEffectivenessat100CoolingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setSensibleEffectivenessat100HeatingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setSensibleEffectivenessat75CoolingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setSensibleEffectivenessat75HeatingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setLatentEffectivenessat100CoolingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setLatentEffectivenessat100HeatingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setLatentEffectivenessat75CoolingAirFlow(0) heat_ex.setLatentEffectivenessat75HeatingAirFlow(0) # add the heat exchanger to the air loop outdoor_node = os_air_loop.reliefAirNode unless outdoor_node.empty? os_outdoor_node = outdoor_node.get heat_ex.addToNode(os_outdoor_node) end heat_ex end def create_humidifier(model, os_air_loop) # create an electric humidifier humidifier = OpenStudio::Model::HumidifierSteamElectric.new(model) humidifier.setName(@hash[:identifier] + '_Humidifier Unit') humid_controller = OpenStudio::Model::SetpointManagerMultiZoneHumidityMinimum.new(model) humid_controller.setName(@hash[:identifier] + '_Humidifier Controller') # add the humidifier to the air loop supply_node = os_air_loop.supplyOutletNode humidifier.addToNode(supply_node) humid_controller.addToNode(supply_node) humidifier end end #TemplateHVAC end #Honeybee