# Change log ## master ## 1.0.1 (2020-07-07) - Fixed patching Action Cable testing classes. ([@palkan][]) ## 1.0.0 (2020-07-01) - Support `rescue_from` in connections (Rails 6.1). ([@palkan][]) - Make AnyCable patches compatible with Action Cable testing. ([@palkan][]) - Do not add localhost `redis_url` to `anycable.yml` when Docker development method is chosen in `anycable:setup`. ([@palkan][]) - Fix connection identifiers deserialization regression. ([@palkan][]) Using non-strings or non-GlobalId-encoded objects was broken. - Improve `anycable:setup` generator. ([@palkan][]) Update Docker snippet, do not enable persistent sessions automatically, fix setting `config.action_cable.url` in environment configuration. - Add `state_attr_accessor` for channels. ([@palkan][]) Just like `attr_accessor` but "persists" the state between RPC calls. - Add `Channel#stop_stream_from` support. ([@palkan][]) - Add `RemoteConnections` support. ([@palkan][]) - Add `AnyCable::Rails.enabled?` method which returns true if Action Cable uses AnyCable adapter. ([@palkan][]) - Add `anycable:download` generator to download `anycable-go` binary. ([@palkan][]) - **Ruby 2.5+ is required**. ([@palkan][]) - Support `disconnect` messages. ([@palkan][]) Added in Rails 6 (see [PR#34194](https://github.com/rails/rails/pull/34194)). - Add ability to persist _dirty_ `request.session` between RPC calls. ([@palkan][]) This feature emulates the Action Cable behaviour where it's possible to use `request.session` as a shared Hash-like store. This could be used by some applications (e.g., [StimulusReflex](https://github.com/hopsoft/stimulus_reflex)-based). You must turn this feature on by setting `persistent_session_enabled: true` in the AnyCable configuration. - Add ability to use Rack middlewares when build a request for a connection. ([@bibendi][]) - Add set up generator to configure a Rails application by running `bin/rails g anycable:setup`. ([@bibendi][]) - Require a minimum version of Ruby when installing the gem. ([@bibendi][]) - Add ability to develop the gem with Docker. ([@bibendi][]) See [Changelog](https://github.com/anycable/anycable-rails/blob/0-6-stable/CHANGELOG.md) for versions <1.0.0. [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [@alekseyl]: https://github.com/alekseyl [@DmitryTsepelev]: https://github.com/DmitryTsepelev [@sponomarev]: https://github.com/sponomarev [@bibendi]: https://github.com/bibendi