require 'spec_helper' require 'support/backend_constants' require 'support/mock_worker' module CarrierWave::Backgrounder RSpec.describe Support::Backends do let(:mock_module) { } before do mock_module.send :include, Support::Backends end describe 'setting backend' do it 'using #backend=' do expect { mock_module.backend = :delayed_job }.to raise_error(NoMethodError) end it 'using #backend' do mock_module.backend(:delayed_job) expect(mock_module.backend).to eql(:delayed_job) end it 'allows passing of queue_options' do mock_module.backend(:delayed_job, :queue => :awesome_queue) expect(mock_module.queue_options).to eql({:queue => :awesome_queue}) end end describe '#enqueue_for_backend' do let!(:worker) {'FakeClass', 1, :image) } context 'active_job' do let(:args) { ['FakeClass', 1, :image] } it 'invokes perform_later with string arguments' do expect(MockWorker).to receive(:perform_later).with('FakeClass', '1', 'image') mock_module.backend :active_job mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockWorker, *args) end end context 'delayed_job' do before do @mock_worker = do def self.perform(*args); new(*args).perform; end end allow(MockWorker).to receive(:new).and_return(worker) end context 'queue column exists' do it 'does not pass the queue name if none passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :delayed_job expect(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).with(worker, {}) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image end it 'sets the queue name to the queue name passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :delayed_job, :queue => :awesome_queue expect(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).with(worker, :queue => :awesome_queue) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image end end context 'priority set in config' do it 'sets the priority which is passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :delayed_job, :priority => 5 expect(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).with(worker, :priority => 5) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image end end context 'queue column does not exist' do before do column_names = Delayed::Job.column_names.tap { |cn| cn.delete('queue') } allow(Delayed::Job).to receive(:column_names).and_return(column_names) Delayed::Job.class_eval { remove_method(:queue) } end after do Delayed::Job.class_eval { define_method(:queue) { nil } } end it 'does not pass a queue name if none passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :delayed_job expect(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).with(worker, {}) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image end it 'does not pass a queue name and logs a warning message if a queue name is passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :delayed_job, :queue => :awesome_queue expect(Rails.logger).to receive(:warn).with(instance_of(String)) expect(Delayed::Job).to receive(:enqueue).with(worker, {}) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image end end end context 'resque' do let(:args) { [MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image] } before do allow(Resque).to receive(:enqueue).with(*args) end it 'sets a variable with the queue name, defaults to :carrierwave' do mock_module.backend :resque mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) expect(MockWorker.instance_variable_get '@queue').to eql(:carrierwave) end it 'sets a variable to the queue name passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :resque, :queue => :awesome_queue mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) expect(MockWorker.instance_variable_get '@queue').to eql(:awesome_queue) end end context 'sidekiq' do let(:args) { ['FakeClass', 1, :image] } it 'invokes client_push on the class with passed args' do expect(MockSidekiqWorker).to receive(:client_push).with({ 'class' => MockSidekiqWorker, 'args' => }) mock_module.backend :sidekiq mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockSidekiqWorker, *args) end it 'invokes client_push and includes the options passed to backend' do expect(MockSidekiqWorker).to receive(:client_push).with({ 'class' => MockSidekiqWorker, 'retry' => false, 'timeout' => 60, 'queue' => :awesome_queue, 'args' => }) options = {:retry => false, :timeout => 60, :queue => :awesome_queue} mock_module.backend :sidekiq, options mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockSidekiqWorker, *args) end it 'does not override queue name if set it worker' do expect(MockNamedSidekiqWorker).to receive(:client_push).with({ 'class' => MockNamedSidekiqWorker, 'retry' => false, 'timeout' => 60, 'args' => }) options = {:retry => false, :timeout => 60} mock_module.backend :sidekiq, options mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockNamedSidekiqWorker, *args) end end context 'girl_friday' do let(:args) { [MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image] } it 'instantiates a GirlFriday work queue if one does not exist' do mock_module.backend :girl_friday expect(GirlFriday::WorkQueue).to receive(:new).with(:carrierwave, {}).and_return([]) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) end it 'instantiates a GirlFriday work queue passing the args to the queue' do mock_module.backend :girl_friday, :queue => :awesome_queue, :size => 3 expect(GirlFriday::WorkQueue).to receive(:new).with(:awesome_queue, {:size => 3}).and_return([]) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) end it 'does not instantiate a GirlFriday work queue if one exists' do mock_module.backend :girl_friday mock_module.instance_variable_set('@girl_friday_queue', []) expect(GirlFriday::WorkQueue).to receive(:new).never mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) end it 'add a worker to the girl_friday queue' do expected = [{ :worker =>'FakeClass', 1, :image) }] mock_module.backend :girl_friday mock_module.instance_variable_set('@girl_friday_queue', []) mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) expect(mock_module.instance_variable_get '@girl_friday_queue').to eql(expected) end end context 'sucker_punch' do let(:args) { [MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image] } let(:job) { double('job') } it 'invokes a new worker' do expect(MockWorker).to receive(:new).and_return(worker) expect(worker).to receive(:async).and_return(job) expect(job).to receive(:perform).with('FakeClass', 1, :image) mock_module.backend :sucker_punch mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) end end context 'qu' do let(:args) { [MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image] } before do allow(Qu).to receive(:enqueue).with(*args) end it 'sets a variable with the queue name, defaults to :carrierwave' do mock_module.backend :qu mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) expect(MockWorker.instance_variable_get '@queue').to eql(:carrierwave) end it 'sets a variable to the queue name passed to #backend' do mock_module.backend :qu, :queue => :awesome_queue mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(*args) expect(MockWorker.instance_variable_get '@queue').to eql(:awesome_queue) end end context 'qc' do it 'calls enqueue with the passed args' do expect(QC).to receive(:enqueue).with("MockWorker.perform", 'FakeClass', 1, 'image') mock_module.backend :qc mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image) end end context 'immediate' do it 'instantiates a worker passing the args and calls perform' do worker = double('Worker') expect(MockWorker).to receive(:new).with('FakeClass', 1, :image).and_return(worker) expect(worker).to receive(:perform) mock_module.backend :immediate mock_module.enqueue_for_backend(MockWorker, 'FakeClass', 1, :image) end end end end end