# frozen_string_literal: true module GoodJob module ActiveJobExtensions module Concurrency extend ActiveSupport::Concern VALID_TYPES = [String, Symbol, Numeric, Date, Time, TrueClass, FalseClass, NilClass].freeze class ConcurrencyExceededError < StandardError def backtrace [] # suppress backtrace end end module Prepends def deserialize(job_data) super self.good_job_concurrency_key = job_data['good_job_concurrency_key'] end end included do prepend Prepends class_attribute :good_job_concurrency_config, instance_accessor: false, default: {} attr_writer :good_job_concurrency_key if ActiveJob.gem_version >= Gem::Version.new("6.1.0") before_enqueue do |job| good_job_enqueue_concurrency_check(job, on_abort: -> { throw(:abort) }, on_enqueue: nil) end else around_enqueue do |job, block| good_job_enqueue_concurrency_check(job, on_abort: nil, on_enqueue: block) end end wait_key = if ActiveJob.gem_version >= Gem::Version.new("7.1.0.a") :polynomially_longer else :exponentially_longer end retry_on( GoodJob::ActiveJobExtensions::Concurrency::ConcurrencyExceededError, attempts: Float::INFINITY, wait: wait_key ) before_perform do |job| # Don't attempt to enforce concurrency limits with other queue adapters. next unless job.class.queue_adapter.is_a?(GoodJob::Adapter) perform_limit = job.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:perform_limit] perform_limit = instance_exec(&perform_limit) if perform_limit.respond_to?(:call) perform_limit = nil unless perform_limit.present? && (0...Float::INFINITY).cover?(perform_limit) unless perform_limit total_limit = job.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:total_limit] total_limit = instance_exec(&total_limit) if total_limit.respond_to?(:call) total_limit = nil unless total_limit.present? && (0...Float::INFINITY).cover?(total_limit) end limit = perform_limit || total_limit next unless limit key = job.good_job_concurrency_key next if key.blank? if CurrentThread.execution.blank? logger.debug("Ignoring concurrency limits because the job is executed with `perform_now`.") next end GoodJob::Execution.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do allowed_active_job_ids = GoodJob::Execution.unfinished.where(concurrency_key: key).advisory_locked.order(Arel.sql("COALESCE(performed_at, scheduled_at, created_at) ASC")).limit(limit).pluck(:active_job_id) # The current job has already been locked and will appear in the previous query raise GoodJob::ActiveJobExtensions::Concurrency::ConcurrencyExceededError unless allowed_active_job_ids.include? job.job_id end end end class_methods do def good_job_control_concurrency_with(config) self.good_job_concurrency_config = config end end # Existing or dynamically generated concurrency key # @return [Object] concurrency key def good_job_concurrency_key @good_job_concurrency_key || _good_job_concurrency_key end # Generates the concurrency key from the configuration # @return [Object] concurrency key def _good_job_concurrency_key key = self.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:key] return if key.blank? key = instance_exec(&key) if key.respond_to?(:call) raise TypeError, "Concurrency key must be a String; was a #{key.class}" unless VALID_TYPES.any? { |type| key.is_a?(type) } key end private def good_job_enqueue_concurrency_check(job, on_abort:, on_enqueue:) # Don't attempt to enforce concurrency limits with other queue adapters. return on_enqueue&.call unless job.class.queue_adapter.is_a?(GoodJob::Adapter) # Always allow jobs to be retried because the current job's execution will complete momentarily return on_enqueue&.call if CurrentThread.active_job_id == job.job_id # Only generate the concurrency key on the initial enqueue in case it is dynamic job.good_job_concurrency_key ||= job._good_job_concurrency_key key = job.good_job_concurrency_key return on_enqueue&.call if key.blank? enqueue_limit = job.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:enqueue_limit] enqueue_limit = instance_exec(&enqueue_limit) if enqueue_limit.respond_to?(:call) enqueue_limit = nil unless enqueue_limit.present? && (0...Float::INFINITY).cover?(enqueue_limit) unless enqueue_limit total_limit = job.class.good_job_concurrency_config[:total_limit] total_limit = instance_exec(&total_limit) if total_limit.respond_to?(:call) total_limit = nil unless total_limit.present? && (0...Float::INFINITY).cover?(total_limit) end limit = enqueue_limit || total_limit return on_enqueue&.call unless limit GoodJob::Execution.advisory_lock_key(key, function: "pg_advisory_lock") do enqueue_concurrency = if enqueue_limit GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.advisory_unlocked.count else GoodJob::Execution.where(concurrency_key: key).unfinished.count end # The job has not yet been enqueued, so check if adding it will go over the limit if (enqueue_concurrency + 1) > limit logger.info "Aborted enqueue of #{job.class.name} (Job ID: #{job.job_id}) because the concurrency key '#{key}' has reached its limit of #{limit} #{'job'.pluralize(limit)}" on_abort&.call else on_enqueue&.call end end end end end end