// environment $CONFIG_DEBUG_ENVS: (dev development); // environments to allow debug in $CONFIG_DEBUG: (index($CONFIG_DEBUG_ENVS, archetype-env()) != false) !default; // global debugging mode (enabled by default in $CONFIG_DEBUG_ENVS) // theme $CONFIG_THEME: archetype !default; // the theme name // units $CONFIG_UNIT_FORCE_INT: true !default; // force units to be whole integers. if set to strict, $abuse flags won't work [false|true|strict] // spacing $CONFIG_SPACING: 5px !default; // spacing factor $CONFIG_HORIZONTAL_SPACING: $CONFIG_SPACING !default; // horizontal spacing $CONFIG_VERTICAL_SPACING: $CONFIG_SPACING !default; // veritcal spacing $CONFIG_SPACING_METHOD: padding !default; // method for providing spacing [padding|margin] // resets $CONFIG_RESET_METHOD: hybrid !default; // reset method [reset|normalize|hybrid] $CONFIG_RESET_AUTO: false !default; // if true, importing `archetype` will invoke the reset $CONFIG_RESET_EXCLUDES: () !default; // list of things to exclude from the reset // states used when printing out styles $CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX: '' !default; // prefix state classnames @see to-style() $CONFIG_STATE_NO_PREFIX: () !default; // states to never apply prefix to // a mapping for state names to selectors $CORE_STATE_MAPPINGS: ( 'hover' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}hover, &:hover, &.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}focus, &:focus', 'hover-only' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}hover, &:hover', 'focus' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}focus, &:focus', 'active' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}active, &:active', 'visited' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}visited, &:visited', 'disabled' '&.#{$CONFIG_STATE_PREFIX}disabled, &[disabled]', 'focus-inner' '&::-moz-focus-inner' ); $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS: () !default; $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS: associative-merge($CORE_STATE_MAPPINGS, $CONFIG_STATE_MAPPINGS); // misc $CONTENT_PLACEHOLDER: '\0020' !default; // content placeholder (ensures block elements display correctly even if they're empty) $CONFIG_DISABLED_CSS: () !default; // a list of CSS3 features to always disable when using output-style() $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_PREFIX: x-archetype !default; // the prefix for the tag name to create when using ie-pseudo method $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_CSS: false !default; // styles to apply to the generated tag when using ie-pseudo method (use this as a way to reset styles on these tags) $CONFIG_GENERATED_TAG_INLINE: true !default; // if `true` insert the styles inline on the generated tag, otherwise insert the styles in a unique css rule // z-layers $CONFIG_Z_INDEX_BASE: 0 !default; // the default starting layer for z-index calculations $CONFIG_Z_LAYERS_OFFSET: 100 !default; // the offset between z-layers $CONFIG_Z_LAYERS: (default dialog navigation) !default; // the orders for the z-layers // compass $COMPASS_RTL_SUPPORT: false !default; // does your Compass version support RTL? set to true if Compass mixins support RTL // sprites $CONFIG_DISABLE_STYLEGUIDE_SPRITES: false !default; // disable all sprite generation in styleguide // keyframe animations $CONFIG_KEYFRAMES_AUTO: $CONFIG_RESET_AUTO !default; // whether or not to auto generate the keyframe animations $CONFIG_KEYFRAME_LOADERS: archetype-loader !default; // loading spinner keyframe name // glyphs $CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME: FontAwesome !default; // name for the font-face $CONFIG_GLYPHS_SVG_ID: $CONFIG_GLYPHS_NAME !default; $CONFIG_GLYPHS_BASE_PATH: 'vendor/archetype/fontawesome-webfont' !default; // generic path to all glpyh fonts (sans extensions) $CONFIG_GLYPHS_EOT: '#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_BASE_PATH}.eot' !default; $CONFIG_GLYPHS_FILES: font-files('#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_BASE_PATH}.woff', '#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_BASE_PATH}.ttf', '#{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_BASE_PATH}.svg##{$CONFIG_GLYPHS_SVG_ID}') !default; $CONFIG_GLYPHS_WEIGHT: normal !default; // font-weight for glyphs $CONFIG_GLYPHS_STYLE: normal !default; // font-style for glyphs $CONFIG_GLYPHS_THRESHOLD: 16px !default; // the threshold to switch to halfling characters, if available $CONFIG_GLYPHS_AUTO: $CONFIG_RESET_AUTO !default; // whether or not to auto generate the font-face definition for the glyph font // FontAwesome icon mappings as of 2012/11/03 $CORE_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS: ( glass '\f000', music '\f001', search '\f002', envelope '\f003', heart '\f004', star '\f005', star-empty '\f006', user '\f007', film '\f008', th-large '\f009', th '\f00a', th-list '\f00b', ok '\f00c', remove '\f00d', zoom-in '\f00e', zoom-out '\f010', off '\f011', signal '\f012', cog '\f013', trash '\f014', home '\f015', file '\f016', time '\f017', road '\f018', download-alt '\f019', download '\f01a', upload '\f01b', inbox '\f01c', play-circle '\f01d', repeat '\f01e', refresh '\f021', list-alt '\f022', lock '\f023', flag '\f024', headphones '\f025', volume-off '\f026', volume-down '\f027', volume-up '\f028', qrcode '\f029', barcode '\f02a', tag '\f02b', tags '\f02c', book '\f02d', bookmark '\f02e', print '\f02f', camera '\f030', font '\f031', bold '\f032', italic '\f033', text-height '\f034', text-width '\f035', align-left '\f036', align-center '\f037', align-right '\f038', align-justify '\f039', list '\f03a', indent-left '\f03b', indent-right '\f03c', facetime-video '\f03d', picture '\f03e', pencil '\f040', map-marker '\f041', adjust '\f042', tint '\f043', edit '\f044', share '\f045', check '\f046', move '\f047', step-backward '\f048', fast-backward '\f049', backward '\f04a', play '\f04b', pause '\f04c', stop '\f04d', forward '\f04e', fast-forward '\f050', step-forward '\f051', eject '\f052', chevron-left '\f053', chevron-right '\f054', plus-sign '\f055', minus-sign '\f056', remove-sign '\f057', ok-sign '\f058', question-sign '\f059', info-sign '\f05a', screenshot '\f05b', remove-circle '\f05c', ok-circle '\f05d', ban-circle '\f05e', arrow-left '\f060', arrow-right '\f061', arrow-up '\f062', arrow-down '\f063', share-alt '\f064', resize-full '\f065', resize-small '\f066', plus '\f067', minus '\f068', asterisk '\f069', exclamation-sign '\f06a', gift '\f06b', leaf '\f06c', fire '\f06d', eye-open '\f06e', eye-close '\f070', warning-sign '\f071', plane '\f072', calendar '\f073', random '\f074', comment '\f075', magnet '\f076', chevron-up '\f077', chevron-down '\f078', retweet '\f079', shopping-cart '\f07a', folder-close '\f07b', folder-open '\f07c', resize-vertical '\f07d', resize-horizontal '\f07e', bar-chart '\f080', twitter-sign '\f081', facebook-sign '\f082', camera-retro '\f083', key '\f084', cogs '\f085', comments '\f086', thumbs-up '\f087', thumbs-down '\f088', star-half '\f089', heart-empty '\f08a', signout '\f08b', linkedin-sign '\f08c', pushpin '\f08d', external-link '\f08e', signin '\f090', trophy '\f091', github-sign '\f092', upload-alt '\f093', lemon '\f094', phone '\f095', check-empty '\f096', bookmark-empty '\f097', phone-sign '\f098', twitter '\f099', facebook '\f09a', github '\f09b', unlock '\f09c', credit-card '\f09d', rss '\f09e', hdd '\f0a0', bullhorn '\f0a1', bell '\f0a2', certificate '\f0a3', hand-right '\f0a4', hand-left '\f0a5', hand-up '\f0a6', hand-down '\f0a7', circle-arrow-left '\f0a8', circle-arrow-right '\f0a9', circle-arrow-up '\f0aa', circle-arrow-down '\f0ab', globe '\f0ac', wrench '\f0ad', tasks '\f0ae', filter '\f0b0', briefcase '\f0b1', fullscreen '\f0b2', group '\f0c0', link '\f0c1', cloud '\f0c2', beaker '\f0c3', cut '\f0c4', copy '\f0c5', paper-clip '\f0c6', save '\f0c7', sign-blank '\f0c8', reorder '\f0c9', list-ul '\f0ca', list-ol '\f0cb', strikethrough '\f0cc', underline '\f0cd', table '\f0ce', magic '\f0d0', truck '\f0d1', pinterest '\f0d2', pinterest-sign '\f0d3', google-plus-sign '\f0d4', google-plus '\f0d5', money '\f0d6', caret-down '\f0d7', caret-up '\f0d8', caret-left '\f0d9', caret-right '\f0da', columns '\f0db', sort '\f0dc', sort-down '\f0dd', sort-up '\f0de', envelope-alt '\f0e0', linkedin '\f0e1', undo '\f0e2', legal '\f0e3', dashboard '\f0e4', comment-alt '\f0e5', comments-alt '\f0e6', bolt '\f0e7', sitemap '\f0e8', umbrella '\f0e9', paste '\f0ea', user-md '\f200' ); $CONFIG_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS: () !default; $CONFIG_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS: associative-merge($CORE_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS, $CONFIG_GLYPHS_MAPPINGS); // browser targeting $CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_CLASS: (ie) !default; // a list of browsers to support via class targeting $CONFIG_BROWSER_ALLOW_HACKS: true !default; // if set to true, allow browser targeting hacks $CONFIG_BROWSER_WARN_ON_HACK: false !default; // if hacks are used, throw a warning // this is an associative list for various hacks $CONFIG_BROWSER_VENDORS_HACK: ( (webkit-all, safari webkit chrome), (gecko-all, firefox gecko mozilla), (opera-all, opera) // NOTE: this may stop working once Opera switches over to using WebKit/Blink ) !default; // os targeting $CONFIG_OS_VENDORS_CLASS: ( (os-win, windows win winxp win7 win8), (os-mac, apple mac osx), (os-linux, linux), (os-other, other misc unknown) ) !default; // os/language safe font stacks // these are core font definitions, these will be extended with whatever is in $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS $CORE_SAFE_FONTS: ( (sans-serif, ( (default, ( (default (sans-serif)), (ko_KR ('Malgun Gothic', default)), (zh_TW (SimSun, default)), (zh_CN (SimSun, default)) )), (win, ( (default (Arial, sans-serif)), (ja_JP (メイリオ, Meiryo, 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic', default)), (zh_TW (default, '微軟正黑體', 'Microsoft JhengHei', PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun)), (zh_CN (default, '华文细黑', 'STHeiti Light', '微软雅黑体', 'Microsoft Yahei', '新宋体', NSimSun, '宋体', SimSun)), (ko_KR nil) )), (mac, ( (default (Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif)), (zh_TW (default, '黑體-繁', 'Heiti TC', '儷黑Pro', 'LiHei Pro', PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun)), (zh_CN (default, '黑体-简', 'Heiti SC', '华文细黑', 'STHeiti Light', '华文黑体', STHeiti)), (ja_JP ('Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro', 'ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3', 'MS Pゴシック', 'MS PGothic', default)), (ko_KR nil) )), (linux, ( (default (Helvetica, FreeSans, 'Liberation Sans', Helmet, Arial, sans-serif)), (zh_TW (default, PMingLiu, '宋体', SimSun)), (zh_CN (default, '新宋体', NSimSun, '宋体', SimSun)), (ja_JP nil), (ko_KR nil) )) )), (serif, ( (default, ( (default (Georgia, serif)), (CJK nil) // dont use any serif fonts in CJK langs )), nil )), (monospace, ( (default, ( (default (Menlo, Monaco, Consolas, 'Courier New', monospace)), nil )), nil )) ); // note that this declaration isn't a `default`, but rather is enforced everytime. this can be modified (via extending $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS) $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS: () !default; $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS: associative-merge($CORE_SAFE_FONTS, $CONFIG_SAFE_FONTS); $archetype-glyph-selector: false !default; $archetype-pseudo-selector: false !default;