# # Some features of ActiveSupport conflicting with Rad, skipping it # %w( active_support/dependencies.rb ).each do |relative_path| $LOAD_PATH.each do |base_path| absolute_path = "#{base_path}/#{relative_path}" $LOADED_FEATURES << absolute_path if File.exist? absolute_path end end require 'active_support/all' # gem 'activesupport' #, '= 2.3.5' # # # autoload :BacktraceCleaner, 'active_support/backtrace_cleaner' # autoload :Base64, 'active_support/base64' # # autoload :BasicObject, 'active_support/basic_object' we use our own implementation # # # autoload :BufferedLogger, 'active_support/buffered_logger' # # autoload :Cache, 'active_support/cache' # # autoload :Callbacks, 'active_support/callbacks' # # autoload :Deprecation, 'active_support/deprecation' # # autoload :Duration, 'active_support/duration' # # autoload :Gzip, 'active_support/gzip' # autoload :Inflector, 'active_support/inflector' # # autoload :Memoizable, 'active_support/memoizable' # # autoload :MessageEncryptor, 'active_support/message_encryptor' # # autoload :MessageVerifier, 'active_support/message_verifier' # # autoload :Multibyte, 'active_support/multibyte' # # autoload :OptionMerger, 'active_support/option_merger' # # autoload :OrderedHash, 'active_support/ordered_hash' # # autoload :OrderedOptions, 'active_support/ordered_options' # # autoload :Rescuable, 'active_support/rescuable' # # autoload :SecureRandom, 'active_support/secure_random' # # autoload :StringInquirer, 'active_support/string_inquirer' # autoload :TimeWithZone, 'active_support/time_with_zone' # autoload :TimeZone, 'active_support/values/time_zone' # # autoload :XmlMini, 'active_support/xml_mini' # # # require 'active_support/vendor' # require 'active_support/core_ext' # # require 'active_support/dependencies' # # require 'active_support/json' # # Hacks # %w( miscellaneous time ).each{|f| require "rad/_support/active_support/#{f}"} require 'yaml_fix' # # Locales # support_dir = File.dirname __FILE__ I18n.load_path += Dir["#{support_dir}/active_support/locales/**/*.{rb,yml}"]