class Sekrets # Fattr(:env){ 'SEKRETS_KEY' } Fattr(:editor){ ENV['SEKRETS_EDITOR'] || ENV['EDITOR'] || 'vim' } Fattr(:root){ defined?(Rails.root) ? Rails.root : '.' } Fattr(:project_key){ File.join(root, '.sekrets.key') } Fattr(:global_key){ File.join(File.expand_path('~'), '.sekrets.key') } # def Sekrets.key_for(*args) options = Map.options_for!(args) path = args.shift || options[:path] if options.has_key?(:key) key = options[:key] return(key) end path = path_for(path) if path dirname, basename = File.split(path) keyfiles = Coerce.list_of_strings( [:keyfile, :keyfiles].map{|k| options[k]}, %W[ #{ dirname }/.#{ basename }.key #{ dirname }/.#{ basename }.k ] ) keyfiles.each do |file| if test(?s, file) key = IO.binread(file).strip return(key) end end end if Sekrets.project_key and test(?s, Sekrets.project_key) return IO.binread(Sekrets.project_key).strip end env_key = (options[:env] || Sekrets.env).to_s if ENV.has_key?(env_key) key = ENV[env_key] return(key) end if Sekrets.global_key and test(?s, Sekrets.global_key) return IO.binread(Sekrets.global_key).strip end unless options[:prompt] == false if console? key = Sekrets.ask(path) return(key) end end return nil end # def Sekrets.key_for!(*args, &block) key = Sekrets.key_for(*args, &block) raise(ArgumentError, 'no key!') unless key key end # def*args, &block) options = Map.options_for!(args) path = args.shift || options[:path] key = args.shift || Sekrets.key_for!(path, options) return nil unless test(?s, path) encrypted = IO.binread(path) decrypted = Sekrets.decrypt(key, encrypted) new(decrypted) end # def Sekrets.write(*args, &block) options = Map.options_for!(args) path = args.shift || options[:path] content = args.shift || options[:content] key = args.shift || Sekrets.key_for!(path, options) dirname, basename = File.split(File.expand_path(path)) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) encrypted = Sekrets.encrypt(key, content) tmp = path + '.tmp' IO.binwrite(tmp, encrypted), path) encrypted new(encrypted) end # def Sekrets.settings_for(*args, &block) decrypted = read(*args, &block) if decrypted expanded = object = YAML.load(expanded) object.is_a?(Hash) ? Map.for(object) : object end end # def Sekrets.prompt_for(*words) ["sekrets:", words, "> "].flatten.compact.join(' ') end # def Sekrets.ask(question) @highline ||= @highline.ask(prompt_for(question)) end # def Sekrets.console? STDIN.tty? end # def Sekrets.tmpdir(&block) dirname = File.join(Dir.tmpdir, 'sekrets', Process.ppid.to_s,, rand.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) cleanup = proc do if dirname and test(?d, dirname) FileUtils.rm_rf(dirname) end end if block begin Dir.chdir(dirname) do end ensure end else at_exit{ } dirname end end # def Sekrets.openw(arg, &block) opened = false atomic_move = proc{} io = case when arg.respond_to?(:read) arg when arg.to_s.strip == '-' STDOUT else opened = true path = File.expand_path(arg.to_s) dirname, basename = File.split(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dirname) tmp = path + ".sekrets.tmp.#{ Process.ppid }.#{ }" at_exit{ FileUtils.rm_f(tmp) } atomic_move = proc{, path) } open(tmp, 'wb+') end close = proc do io.close if opened end if block begin ensure end else at_exit{ } io end end # def Sekrets.openr(arg, &block) opened = false io = case when arg.respond_to?(:read) arg when arg.to_s.strip == '-' STDIN else opened = true open(arg, 'rb+') end close = proc do io.close if opened end if block begin ensure end else at_exit{ } io end end # def Sekrets.path_for(object) path = nil if object.is_a?(String) or object.is_a?(Pathname) return(path = object.to_s) end [:original_path, :original_filename, :path, :filename, :pathname].each do |msg| if object.respond_to?(msg) path = object.send(msg) break end end path end def Sekrets.binstub @binstub ||= ( unindent( <<-'_v_' #! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'pathname' ENV['BUNDLE_GEMFILE'] ||= File.expand_path("../../Gemfile", require 'rubygems' require 'bundler/setup' dirname = File.dirname(__FILE__) root = File.dirname(dirname) ciphertext = File.expand_path('ciphertext', dirname) case ARGV.size when 0 ENV['SEKRETS_ARGV'] = "edit #{ ciphertext }" when 1 ENV['SEKRETS_ARGV'] = "#{ ARGV[0] } #{ ciphertext }" end key = File.join(root, '.sekrets.key') if test(?s, key) ENV['SEKRETS_KEY'] = IO.binread(key).strip end exec(Gem.bin_path('sekrets', 'sekrets')) _v_ ) ) end def Sekrets.unindent(string) indent = string.split("\n").select {|line| !line.strip.empty? }.map {|line| line.index(/[^\s]/) }.compact.min || 0 string.gsub(/^[[:blank:]]{#{indent}}/, '') end def Sekrets.unindent!(string) string.replace(string.unindent) end # module Blowfish def cipher(mode, key, data) cipher ='bf-cbc').send(mode) cipher.key = Digest::SHA256.digest(key.to_s) cipher.update(data) << end def encrypt(key, data) cipher(:encrypt, key, data) end def decrypt(key, text) cipher(:decrypt, key, text) end def cycle(key, data) decrypt(key, encrypt(key, data)) end def recrypt(old_key, new_key, data) encrypt(new_key, decrypt(old_key, data)) end extend(self) end extend(Blowfish) end Sekret = Sekrets BEGIN { require 'openssl' require 'fileutils' require 'erb' require 'yaml' require 'tmpdir' class Sekrets < ::String Version = '1.7.0' unless defined?(Version) class << Sekrets def version Sekrets::Version end def dependencies { 'highline' => [ 'highline' , ' >= 1.6.15' ] , 'map' => [ 'map' , ' >= 6.3.0' ] , 'fattr' => [ 'fattr' , ' >= 2.2.1' ] , 'coerce' => [ 'coerce' , ' >= 0.0.3' ] , 'main' => [ 'main' , ' >= 5.1.1' ] , } end def libdir(*args, &block) @libdir ||= File.expand_path(__FILE__).sub(/\.rb$/,'') args.empty? ? @libdir : File.join(@libdir, *args) ensure if block begin $LOAD_PATH.unshift(@libdir) ensure $LOAD_PATH.shift() end end end def load(*libs) libs = libs.join(' ').scan(/[^\s+]+/) Sekrets.libdir{ libs.each{|lib| Kernel.load(lib) } } end end end begin require 'rubygems' rescue LoadError nil end Sekrets.dependencies.each do |lib, dependency| gem(*dependency) if defined?(gem) require(lib) end Sekrets.fattr(:description){ <<-__ foobar __ } if defined?(Rails) class Sekrets class Engine < Rails::Engine engine_name :sekrets rake_tasks do namespace :sekrets do namespace :generate do # desc 'generate a .sekrets.key' task :key do keyfile = File.join(Rails.root, '.sekrets.key') abort("#{ keyfile } exists!") if test(?e, keyfile) key = SecureRandom.hex open(keyfile, 'wb'){|fd| fd.puts(key)} begin gitignore = File.join(Rails.root, '.gitignore') buf = unless buf =~ /\.sekrets\.key/ open(gitignore, 'a+') do |fd| fd.puts fd.puts '.sekrets.key' fd.puts end end rescue Object end puts "created #{ Rails.root }/.sekrets.key" puts "do *NOT* commit this file" puts puts "updated #{ Rails.root }/.gitignore" puts "yes *DO* commit this file" puts puts "*** YOU NEED TO DISTRIBUTE THIS KEY TO YOUR TEAM ***" puts puts "*** YOU NEED DEPLOY THIS KEY WITH YOUR APPLICATION ***" puts puts "hint: require 'sekrets/capistrano' in your Capfile" puts end # desc 'generate a secure editor for plaintext application sekrets' task :editor do keyfile = File.join(Rails.root, '.sekrets.key') abort("run 'rake sekrets:generate:key' first") unless test(?e, keyfile) key = IO.binread(keyfile).strip editor = File.join(Rails.root, 'sekrets', 'editor') ciphertext = File.join(Rails.root, 'sekrets', 'ciphertext') unless test(?s, editor) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(editor)) open(editor, 'wb'){|fd| fd.write(Sekrets.binstub)} File.chmod(0755, editor) puts "created #{ editor }" end unless test(?s, ciphertext) content = "# store sensitive infomation like credit cards, ssh keys, and passwords here\n\n\n" Sekrets.write(ciphertext, content, :key => key) puts "created #{ ciphertext }" end puts "run ./sekrets/editor to edit ./sekrets/ciphertext" end # desc 'generate a secure config for application sekrets' task :config do keyfile = File.join(Rails.root, '.sekrets.key') abort("run 'rake sekrets:generate:key' first") unless test(?e, keyfile) key = IO.binread(keyfile).strip config = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'sekrets.yml.enc') unless test(?s, config) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(config)) require 'yaml' unless defined?(YAML) content = {'api_key' => 42}.to_yaml Sekrets.write(config, content, :key => key) puts "created #{ config }" end initializer = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'initializers', 'sekrets.rb') unless test(?s, initializer) FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(initializer)) open(initializer, 'wb') do |fd| code = <<-__ config = File.join(Rails.root, 'config', 'sekrets.yml.enc') key = File.join(Rails.root, '.sekrets.key') if test(?e, config) if test(?e, key) SEKRETS = Sekrets.settings_for(config) else SEKRETS = warn "missing \#{ key }!" end end __ fd.puts(code) end puts "created #{ initializer }" end end end end end end end end }