# FFaker reference * [FFaker::Address](#ffakeraddress) * [FFaker::AddressAU](#ffakeraddressau) * [FFaker::AddressBR](#ffakeraddressbr) * [FFaker::AddressCA](#ffakeraddressca) * [FFaker::AddressCH](#ffakeraddressch) * [FFaker::AddressCHDE](#ffakeraddresschde) * [FFaker::AddressCHFR](#ffakeraddresschfr) * [FFaker::AddressCHIT](#ffakeraddresschit) * [FFaker::AddressDA](#ffakeraddressda) * [FFaker::AddressDE](#ffakeraddressde) * [FFaker::AddressFI](#ffakeraddressfi) * [FFaker::AddressFR](#ffakeraddressfr) * [FFaker::AddressGR](#ffakeraddressgr) * [FFaker::AddressIN](#ffakeraddressin) * [FFaker::AddressKR](#ffakeraddresskr) * [FFaker::AddressMX](#ffakeraddressmx) * [FFaker::AddressNL](#ffakeraddressnl) * [FFaker::AddressRU](#ffakeraddressru) * [FFaker::AddressSE](#ffakeraddressse) * [FFaker::AddressSN](#ffakeraddresssn) * [FFaker::AddressUA](#ffakeraddressua) * [FFaker::AddressUK](#ffakeraddressuk) * [FFaker::AddressUS](#ffakeraddressus) * [FFaker::Airline](#ffakerairline) * [FFaker::Avatar](#ffakeravatar) * [FFaker::Lorem](#ffakerlorem) * [FFaker::BaconIpsum](#ffakerbaconipsum) * [FFaker::Book](#ffakerbook) * [FFaker::Boolean](#ffakerboolean) * [FFaker::CheesyLingo](#ffakercheesylingo) * [FFaker::Color](#ffakercolor) * [FFaker::ColorUA](#ffakercolorua) * [FFaker::Company](#ffakercompany) * [FFaker::CompanyCN](#ffakercompanycn) * [FFaker::CompanyIT](#ffakercompanyit) * [FFaker::CompanySE](#ffakercompanyse) * [FFaker::Conference](#ffakerconference) * [FFaker::CoursesFR](#ffakercoursesfr) * [FFaker::Currency](#ffakercurrency) * [FFaker::DizzleIpsum](#ffakerdizzleipsum) * [FFaker::Education](#ffakereducation) * [FFaker::Food](#ffakerfood) * [FFaker::Gender](#ffakergender) * [FFaker::GenderBR](#ffakergenderbr) * [FFaker::GenderCN](#ffakergendercn) * [FFaker::GenderKR](#ffakergenderkr) * [FFaker::Geolocation](#ffakergeolocation) * [FFaker::Guid](#ffakerguid) * [FFaker::HealthcareIpsum](#ffakerhealthcareipsum) * [FFaker::HipsterIpsum](#ffakerhipsteripsum) * [FFaker::HTMLIpsum](#ffakerhtmlipsum) * [FFaker::Identification](#ffakeridentification) * [FFaker::IdentificationBR](#ffakeridentificationbr) * [FFaker::IdentificationES](#ffakeridentificationes) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCL](#ffakeridentificationescl) * [FFaker::IdentificationESCO](#ffakeridentificationesco) * [FFaker::IdentificationKr](#ffakeridentificationkr) * [FFaker::IdentificationMX](#ffakeridentificationmx) * [FFaker::Internet](#ffakerinternet) * [FFaker::InternetSE](#ffakerinternetse) * [FFaker::Job](#ffakerjob) * [FFaker::JobBR](#ffakerjobbr) * [FFaker::JobCN](#ffakerjobcn) * [FFaker::JobFR](#ffakerjobfr) * [FFaker::JobJA](#ffakerjobja) * [FFaker::JobKR](#ffakerjobkr) * [FFaker::JobVN](#ffakerjobvn) * [FFaker::Locale](#ffakerlocale) * [FFaker::LoremAR](#ffakerloremar) * [FFaker::LoremCN](#ffakerloremcn) * [FFaker::LoremFR](#ffakerloremfr) * [FFaker::LoremJA](#ffakerloremja) * [FFaker::LoremKR](#ffakerloremkr) * [FFaker::LoremUA](#ffakerloremua) * [FFaker::Movie](#ffakermovie) * [FFaker::Music](#ffakermusic) * [FFaker::Name](#ffakername) * [FFaker::NameBR](#ffakernamebr) * [FFaker::NameCN](#ffakernamecn) * [FFaker::NameCS](#ffakernamecs) * [FFaker::NameDA](#ffakernameda) * [FFaker::NameDE](#ffakernamede) * [FFaker::NameFR](#ffakernamefr) * [FFaker::NameGA](#ffakernamega) * [FFaker::NameGR](#ffakernamegr) * [FFaker::NameIT](#ffakernameit) * [FFaker::NameJA](#ffakernameja) * [FFaker::NameKH](#ffakernamekh) * [FFaker::NameKR](#ffakernamekr) * [FFaker::NameMX](#ffakernamemx) * [FFaker::NameNB](#ffakernamenb) * [FFaker::NameNL](#ffakernamenl) * [FFaker::NamePH](#ffakernameph) * [FFaker::NameRU](#ffakernameru) * [FFaker::NameSE](#ffakernamese) * [FFaker::NameSN](#ffakernamesn) * [FFaker::NameTH](#ffakernameth) * [FFaker::NameTHEN](#ffakernamethen) * [FFaker::NameUA](#ffakernameua) * [FFaker::NameVN](#ffakernamevn) * [FFaker::NatoAlphabet](#ffakernatoalphabet) * [FFaker::PhoneNumber](#ffakerphonenumber) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberAU](#ffakerphonenumberau) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberBR](#ffakerphonenumberbr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCH](#ffakerphonenumberch) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberCU](#ffakerphonenumbercu) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDA](#ffakerphonenumberda) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberDE](#ffakerphonenumberde) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberFR](#ffakerphonenumberfr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberIT](#ffakerphonenumberit) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberKR](#ffakerphonenumberkr) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberMX](#ffakerphonenumbermx) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberNL](#ffakerphonenumbernl) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSE](#ffakerphonenumberse) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSG](#ffakerphonenumbersg) * [FFaker::PhoneNumberSN](#ffakerphonenumbersn) * [FFaker::Product](#ffakerproduct) * [FFaker::Skill](#ffakerskill) * [FFaker::Sport](#ffakersport) * [FFaker::SSN](#ffakerssn) * [FFaker::SSNMX](#ffakerssnmx) * [FFaker::SSNSE](#ffakerssnse) * [FFaker::String](#ffakerstring) * [FFaker::Time](#ffakertime) * [FFaker::Tweet](#ffakertweet) * [FFaker::Unit](#ffakerunit) * [FFaker::UnitEnglish](#ffakerunitenglish) * [FFaker::UnitMetric](#ffakerunitmetric) * [FFaker::Vehicle](#ffakervehicle) * [FFaker::Venue](#ffakervenue) * [FFaker::Youtube](#ffakeryoutube) ## FFaker::Address | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 626, 7729, 3815 | | `city` | Lake Boycestad, Port Mary, West Aleshia | | `city_prefix` | New, North, Lake | | `city_suffix` | berg, town, chester | | `country` | Aruba, Israel, Russian Federation | | `country_code` | LT, NO, BB | | `neighborhood` | Northwoods West, Cipriani, Bushwick South | | `secondary_address` | Suite 636, Suite 370, Suite 716 | | `street_address` | 3378 Wintheiser Cove, 364 Treutel Pines, 16704 Wyman Courts | | `street_name` | Vallie Shores, Mayme Place, Swift Fords | | `street_suffix` | Stravenue, Summit, Manors | | `time_zone` | Asia/Baku, America/Lima, Africa/Algiers | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 2055, 003, 398 | | `city` | Bryanhaven, West Katheleenburgh, Dickitown | | `city_prefix` | South, New, Port | | `city_suffix` | town, berg, fort | | `country` | French Southern Territories, Peru, Croatia | | `country_code` | FI, CX, CN | | `full_address` | 569 Johnathon Manors, Canberra ACT 0800, 58742 Marlena Harbor, O'Connor ACT 3850, 46555 Fahey Extension, O'Connor ACT 5607 | | `neighborhood` | Rockville East of Hungerford Dr, Babylon Bayside, Dyker Heights | | `postcode` | 2142, 2580, 2600 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 912, Suite 742, Apt. 628 | | `state` | Australian Capital Territory, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory | | `state_abbr` | QLD, WA, WA | | `street_address` | 081 Luna Mill, 3438 Odette Prairie, 7577 Doreen Fork | | `street_name` | Stanley Light, Teodora Circle, Glynis Well | | `street_suffix` | Track, Dale, Glens | | `suburb` | Benalla, Nedlands, Townsville | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Fakaofo, America/Los_Angeles, Pacific/Guam | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 38194, 8686, 6103 | | `city` | Porto Velho, São Bernardo do Campo, Cachoeirinha | | `city_prefix` | West, West, New | | `city_suffix` | shire, burgh, side | | `country` | Vanuatu, Guinea-Bissau, Guatemala | | `country_code` | MG, CR, PA | | `neighborhood` | Florissant West, Mott Haven/Port Morris, Jupiter South/Abacoa | | `secondary_address` | Suite 706, Suite 264, Suite 203 | | `state` | Sergipe, Tocantins, Rondonia | | `state_abbr` | PE, BA, PE | | `street` | Alameda Martinho Rocha, Alameda Naíde Novaes, Alameda Bebiana Braga | | `street_address` | 81413 Arielle Lakes, 014 Dayle Fall, 7656 Myrtie Pines | | `street_name` | Serina Parkway, Quitzon Well, Kunze Groves | | `street_prefix` | Avenida, Avenida, Alameda | | `street_suffix` | Spring, Haven, Dale | | `time_zone` | Europe/London, Europe/Dublin, Asia/Singapore | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 52835-829, 33987-768, 79081-938 | ## FFaker::AddressCA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 960, 4891, 608 | | `city` | Pickering , Surrey , Quinte West | | `city_prefix` | Port, Lake, West | | `city_suffix` | view, ton, furt | | `country` | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan Da Cunha, Cameroon, Libya | | `country_code` | MY, FO, MS | | `neighborhood` | Olmsted Falls Central, East of Telegraph Road, Allegheny West | | `postal_code` | Y5R 4A7, V9E 8P4, J3K 0H3 | | `province` | Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland and Labrador | | `province_abbr` | AB, MB, NS | | `secondary_address` | Suite 774, Suite 149, Apt. 680 | | `street_address` | 5535 Lueilwitz Spring, 0748 Rau Port, 56863 Neva Branch | | `street_name` | Lowe Garden, Heaney Park, Shameka Bridge | | `street_suffix` | Skyway, Mall, Burgs | | `time_zone` | Asia/Almaty, America/Chicago, Asia/Karachi | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 9819, 7345, 7998 | | `canton_abbr` | GL, SZ, FR | | `city` | New Wanetaberg, Micatown, Merleton | | `city_prefix` | Port, Port, Port | | `city_suffix` | mouth, ton, shire | | `country` | Cyprus, Indonesia, Serbia | | `country_code` | CZ, NA, NI | | `neighborhood` | Cipriani, Bridesburg, phoenix | | `postal_code` | 7025, 7120, 9483 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 117, Apt. 196, Apt. 328 | | `street_address` | 93217 Gerhold Knolls, 13530 Hessel Square, 4597 Greenholt Port | | `street_name` | Wolff Meadows, Lincoln Crescent, Eulalia Pike | | `street_suffix` | Parkways, Falls, Gateway | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Midway, Pacific/Pago_Pago, Asia/Almaty | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 063, 43968, 990 | | `canton` | Appenzell Ausserrhoden, Schwyz, Schwyz | | `canton_abbr` | NW, BE, NE | | `city` | Rippinland, South Charla, Hudsonburgh | | `city_prefix` | West, South, New | | `city_suffix` | borough, side, borough | | `country` | Norfolk Island, Turkey, Jordan | | `country_code` | VI, EC, SL | | `neighborhood` | Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, Gates Mills North, Greater Las Vegas National | | `postal_code` | 6902, 8246, 1165 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 317, Suite 899, Suite 303 | | `street_address` | 5645 Bednar Road, 71419 Isabell Run, 2942 Staci Passage | | `street_name` | Joseph Viaduct, Pollich Extensions, Hauck Forges | | `street_suffix` | Fort, Meadow, Gardens | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kabul, Europe/Ljubljana, Europe/Kiev | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 11700, 149, 4955 | | `canton` | Argovie, Soleure, Appenzell Rhodes-Intérieures | | `canton_abbr` | TI, TG, BS | | `city` | Friesenside, Linhtown, West Long | | `city_prefix` | Port, Port, South | | `city_suffix` | stad, ville, shire | | `country` | Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Tajikistan, Samoa | | `country_code` | CH, ME, RO | | `neighborhood` | Northwoods West, Cleveland Park, Jamaica Estates/Holliswood | | `postal_code` | 7983, 1305, 7860 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 712, Suite 384, Apt. 079 | | `street_address` | 437 Enriqueta Skyway, 99053 Stamm Knolls, 595 Wunsch Prairie | | `street_name` | Lyle Knolls, Connie Landing, Mayert Drives | | `street_suffix` | Tunnel, Crossroad, Greens | | `time_zone` | Pacific/Guam, Atlantic/Cape_Verde, Pacific/Apia | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressCHIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 3064, 2609, 091 | | `canton` | Appenzello Interno, San Gallo, Friburgo | | `canton_abbr` | SG, NW, BE | | `city` | Shandabury, Reamouth, Jessiemouth | | `city_prefix` | North, Port, Port | | `city_suffix` | borough, port, mouth | | `country` | Portugal, Belarus, Palau | | `country_code` | TK, ZM, KW | | `neighborhood` | Bushwick South, Central Chandler, Mott Haven/Port Morris | | `postal_code` | 0645, 1693, 4707 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 548, Apt. 043, Suite 629 | | `street_address` | 139 Patsy Run, 5559 Emilio Trail, 687 Ira Manor | | `street_name` | Domonique Spring, Mariel Corners, Connelly Drive | | `street_suffix` | Pines, Coves, Junctions | | `time_zone` | Asia/Irkutsk, America/Sao_Paulo, Asia/Tbilisi | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 68694, 914, 1653 | | `city` | Gørding, Esbjerg, Værløse | | `city_prefix` | East, Lake, Lake | | `city_suffix` | borough, view, land | | `country` | Timor-leste, Suriname, Malawi | | `country_code` | AG, PG, IR | | `full_address` | Øksen 46 4734 Jystrup Midtsj Nordjylland DANMARK, Svendsvej 21 2545 Tistrup Nordjylland DANMARK, Hammeren 28 5092 Søllested Hovedstaden DANMARK | | `kommune` | Høje-Taastrup, Favrskov, Haderslev | | `neighborhood` | Northwoods West, Allegheny West, Candlewood Country Club | | `post_nr` | 3454, 8999, 4606 | | `region` | Nordjylland, Hovedstaden, Syddanmark | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 017, Suite 849, Suite 006 | | `state` | Samsø, Kolding, Næstved | | `street_address` | Høje Taastrup 14, L A Rings Vænge 72, Leen A 32 | | `street_name` | Niverød Bakke, Skovgårdsvej, Bøgekrattet | | `street_suffix` | Fort, Roads, Meadow | | `time_zone` | Africa/Casablanca, Asia/Seoul, Asia/Chongqing | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 5408, 0509, 2238 | ## FFaker::AddressDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 143, 73856, 23292 | | `city` | Wadern, Pohlheim, Doberlug-Kirchhain | | `city_prefix` | North, Port, Lake | | `city_suffix` | port, ville, side | | `country` | Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Aruba | | `country_code` | LT, CV, BM | | `neighborhood` | East of Telegraph Road, Sagaponack Seaside, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 794, Suite 968, Apt. 424 | | `state` | Schleswig-Holstein, Brandenburg, Sachsen | | `street_address` | Krajcikstr. 166, Leuschkehain 96, Wunschstr. 85 | | `street_name` | Dorothastr., Hanastr., Considinestr. | | `street_suffix` | Rest, Forest, Course | | `time_zone` | Africa/Monrovia, America/Godthab, Asia/Baghdad | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 01358, 85182, 86638 | ## FFaker::AddressFI | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 74470, 01630, 31978 | | `city` | Laitila, Kurikka, Lahti | | `city_prefix` | Port, North, West | | `city_suffix` | town, port, burgh | | `country` | Cape Verde, Syrian Arab Republic, Singapore | | `country_code` | EE, MR, FI | | `full_address` | Kerhotie 007, 34781 Sastamala, SUOMI, Urheilutie 1 b, 35525 Suonenjoki, SUOMI, Ristikuja 6 a, 15505 Hämeenlinna, SUOMI | | `neighborhood` | Ladue South, Brentwood Central, Rockville East of Hungerford Dr | | `random_country` | Unkari, Ecuador, Suomi | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 442, Suite 767, Suite 466 | | `street_address` | Mäenpääntie 91, Palikkalantie 97, Aholantie 2 b | | `street_name` | Pohjankulmantie, Simontie, Maijanpolku | | `street_nbr` | 5, 986, 4 | | `street_suffix` | Terrace, Crescent, Dale | | `time_zone` | America/Halifax, Australia/Perth, Pacific/Honolulu | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 12791, 97289, 45872 | ## FFaker::AddressFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 47652, 37675, 03406 | | `city` | Saint-Martin-d'Hères, Thionville, Saint-Priest | | `city_prefix` | Port, New, West | | `city_suffix` | berg, mouth, mouth | | `country` | Sweden, Sao Tome and Principe, Montenegro | | `country_code` | PN, MA, BO | | `full_address` | 80 QUATER rue Eugène Bailly, 2643 Drancy, 6670 B bd Jérôme le Seguin 0912 Choisy-le-Roi, 6-60 TER avenue Marine Georges 2B295 Le Lamentin | | `neighborhood` | River Heights, Greater Las Vegas National, Olmsted Falls Central | | `postal_code` | 2A632, 2B924, 0123 | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 545, Apt. 746, Suite 533 | | `street_address` | 0 impasse Laurent Da, 80 T boulevard Pénélope Moreno, 677 B impasse Agnès Costa | | `street_name` | Hae Place, Crist Port, Julian Shoal | | `street_suffix` | Row, Center, Forge | | `time_zone` | America/Bogota, Europe/Prague, Europe/Rome | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 453, 37727, 48747 | | `city` | Αλεξάνδρεια, Λάρισα, Καλύβια Θορικού | | `city_prefix` | New, East, West | | `city_suffix` | haven, town, borough | | `country` | Costa Rica, Estonia, Norway | | `country_code` | PW, TG, SO | | `neighborhood` | Seven Hills Area, Summerlin North, Kingsbridge Heights | | `region` | Ιόνιοι Νήσοι, Αττική, Στερεά Ελλάδα | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 541, Suite 953, Apt. 036 | | `street_address` | Πάροδος Πάροδος Κυψελών, 1, Πάροδος Σεφέρη Γιώργου, 1, Οδός Ηροδότου, 43 | | `street_name` | Αμαζόνων, Θάσου, Ανθεμίου | | `street_nbr` | 5, 6, 6 | | `street_suffix` | Key, Dam, Springs | | `time_zone` | Atlantic/South_Georgia, Europe/Minsk, America/New_York | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 58399, 32445, 43464 | ## FFaker::AddressIN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 8868, 662, 3878 | | `city` | Schummstad, Cherylside, Hansenville | | `city_prefix` | New, East, New | | `city_suffix` | bury, haven, chester | | `country` | India, India, India | | `country_code` | IN, IN, IN | | `neighborhood` | North East Irwindale, Schall Circle/Lakeside Green, phoenix | | `pincode` | 666182, 835057, 386555 | | `secondary_address` | Suite 259, Apt. 778, Suite 947 | | `state` | Kerala, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh | | `state_abbr` | AS, RJ, UK | | `state_and_union_territory` | Gujarat, Tripura, Goa | | `state_and_union_territory_abbr` | PY, JH, MN | | `street_address` | 45194 Crist Lakes, 4637 Joe Fork, 2610 Windler Knoll | | `street_name` | Veta Spur, McGlynn Row, Larkin Ranch | | `street_suffix` | Causeway, Skyway, Mount | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata, Asia/Kolkata | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `union_territory` | Daman and Diu, Lakshadweep, Pondicherry | | `union_territory_abbr` | DD, DD, LK | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 009928, 844785, 368696 | ## FFaker::AddressKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `address_detail` | 태호타워, 두헌빌라 가 063호, 신욱타운 763호 | | `borough` | 용산구, 강북구, 영등포구 | | `building_name` | 완우마을, 양호타운, 순필아파트 | | `city` | 고양시 덕양구, 의왕시, 양주시 | | `land_address` | 강원도 재환마을 010-18, 서울특별시 북구 진명동 015, 세종특별자치시 동구 남경리 907 | | `land_number` | 702-36, 5895, 491 | | `metropolitan_city` | 세종특별자치시, 울산광역시, 부산광역시 | | `old_postal_code` | 065-757, 773-535, 419-702 | | `postal_code` | 72321, 06342, 56909 | | `province` | 경상남도, 전라북도, 충청북도 | | `road_addess` | 강원도 노원구 상욱마을 (이창동), 세종특별자치시 중구 목찬아파트 (신홍동), 강원도 강북구 규빈빌라 | | `street` | 태혁마을, 순신타워, 순욱빌라 | | `town` | 제준리, 지섭마을, 보준마을 | ## FFaker::AddressMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `municipality` | Coyoacán, Guadalupe Victoria, San Pedro Totolápam | | `postal_code` | 54483, 96628, 86487 | | `state` | Durango, Colima, Michoacán | | `state_abbr` | HGO, MEX, QR | | `zip_code` | 39953, 51445, 46592 | ## FFaker::AddressNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 805, 373, 506 | | `city` | Boskant, Groede, Emmen | | `city_prefix` | Lake, South, East | | `city_suffix` | view, land, bury | | `country` | Albania, Bouvet Island, Equatorial Guinea | | `country_code` | UY, SB, CL | | `neighborhood` | Central Chandler, Candlewood Country Club, Kingsbridge Heights | | `postal_code` | 9589 ej, 2465 un, 4260 ja | | `province` | Noord-Brabant, Friesland, Gelderland | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 782, Apt. 291, Apt. 444 | | `street_address` | 737 Loidastraat, 63462 Erdmanstraat, 45628 Labadiestraat | | `street_name` | Corkerystraat, Caspersteeg, Ladystraat | | `street_suffix` | Cove, Extensions, Flat | | `time_zone` | Africa/Monrovia, Asia/Krasnoyarsk, Europe/Moscow | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 5248 zk, 9591 tw, 2743 va | ## FFaker::AddressRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 93732, 796, 8118 | | `city` | Тюмень, Ставрополь, Астрахань | | `city_prefix` | South, Lake, West | | `city_suffix` | ton, town, town | | `country` | United Kingdom, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Brunei Darussalam | | `country_code` | IL, UG, SI | | `neighborhood` | phoenix, Northwest Midlothian/Midlothian Country Club, Ocean Parkway South | | `province` | Амурская область, Санкт-Петербург, Пермский край | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 930, Suite 546, Suite 701 | | `street_address` | ул. Советская, д. 7, ул. Юбилейная, д. 647, ул. Заводская, д. 793 | | `street_name` | ул. Садовая, ул. Совхозная, ул. Горького | | `street_number` | 0, 91, 451 | | `street_suffix` | Meadows, Ville, Crest | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kuwait, Africa/Casablanca, America/Guyana | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 418215, 988383, 875577 | ## FFaker::AddressSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 5875, 524, 67844 | | `city` | Lidingö, Falsterbo, Mönsterås | | `city_prefix` | Port, South, Port | | `city_suffix` | ton, mouth, fort | | `country` | Kiribati, South Africa, Saint Lucia | | `country_code` | MQ, JE, MY | | `full_address` | Lötmogatan 5b, 22 977 Kristinehamn, SVERIGE, Sjättenovembervägen 9, 94 512 Tranås, SVERIGE, Körsbärsvägen 2a, 37 917 Djursholm, SVERIGE | | `neighborhood` | Renton West, Bushwick South, Cleveland Park | | `random_country` | Senegal, Falklandsöarna, Irland | | `secondary_address` | Suite 486, Suite 176, Apt. 375 | | `street_address` | Lästringevägen 424, Kransbindarvägen 8b, Osmundsvägen 6 | | `street_name` | Fyrskeppsvägen, Vårgårdavägen, Målvägen | | `street_nbr` | 052, 7, 464 | | `street_suffix` | Alley, Cliff, Greens | | `time_zone` | America/Indiana/Indianapolis, Australia/Adelaide, Africa/Monrovia | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 41 683, 25 280, 42 823 | ## FFaker::AddressSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `arrondissement` | Thiès Ouest, Ouakam, Diamaguène | | `building_number` | 00832, 556, 51975 | | `city` | Lake Trang, North Shannonport, East Giselaburgh | | `city_prefix` | Port, East, South | | `city_suffix` | furt, furt, side | | `country` | Belize, Albania, Wallis and Futuna | | `country_code` | NE, SO, ZM | | `departement` | Louga, Ranerou, Linguere | | `neighborhood` | West Covina East, Florissant West, Mott Haven/Port Morris | | `region` | diourbel, kolda, kolda | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 388, Apt. 567, Apt. 767 | | `street_address` | 2527 Sherrell Forge, 9715 Kozey Pine, 1868 Lura Vista | | `street_name` | Milan Streets, Howe Lane, D'Amore Parkways | | `street_suffix` | Passage, Lock, Shoals | | `time_zone` | America/St_Johns, Asia/Singapore, America/Chihuahua | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `appartment_number` | 27, 68, 1 | | `building_number` | 40, 1, 232 | | `city` | Черкаси, Бердянськ, Бердянськ | | `country` | Єгипет, Естонія, Гаїті | | `province` | Херсонська область, Київська область, Донецька область | | `street_address` | вул. Брюховичів, 677, вул. Коліївщини, 2, вул. Брюховичів, 84 | | `street_name` | вул. Староміська, вул. Брюховичів, вул. Городоцька | | `zip_code` | 92019, 74640, 78951 | ## FFaker::AddressUK | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 79627, 3188, 86308 | | `city` | Port Shawnna, Lake Kerstin, Port Lucrecia | | `city_prefix` | West, South, Port | | `city_suffix` | burgh, stad, shire | | `country` | Wales, Northern Ireland, Scotland | | `country_code` | JE, KR, ST | | `county` | Hertfordshire, County Londonderry, West Glamorgan | | `neighborhood` | Murray Hill, Pound Ridge East, Central Chandler | | `postcode` | BL91 1TH, ZT97 8SN, VE6 9QW | | `secondary_address` | Suite 143, Suite 801, Apt. 095 | | `street_address` | 5949 Swift Motorway, 25270 Little Square, 189 Ruecker Spur | | `street_name` | Florance Trafficway, Wiza Squares, Rippin Point | | `street_suffix` | Way, Station, Extension | | `time_zone` | Asia/Shanghai, Asia/Bangkok, Pacific/Midway | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | ❗ *[zip_code] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | ## FFaker::AddressUS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `building_number` | 75458, 4089, 5735 | | `city` | Mertzfort, Sorayafurt, Lehnerfurt | | `city_prefix` | South, New, North | | `city_suffix` | ton, ton, side | | `continental_state` | Pennsylvania, Texas, Missouri | | `continental_state_abbr` | NJ, NJ, AL | | `country` | Lao People's Democratic Republic, Saint Barthélemy, Bahamas | | `country_code` | LA, AI, ID | | `neighborhood` | Dyker Heights, Renton West, Ladue South | | `secondary_address` | Apt. 957, Suite 080, Apt. 678 | | `state` | New York, Massachusetts, New York | | `state_abbr` | UT, UT, NM | | `state_and_territories_abbr` | MP, SD, FL | | `street_address` | 371 Nakisha Ville, 34962 Gorczany Motorway, 0343 Benito Crescent | | `street_name` | Tammi Points, Hobert Lane, Monahan Freeway | | `street_suffix` | Via, Mountains, Brooks | | `time_zone` | Asia/Kamchatka, Europe/Copenhagen, Asia/Yerevan | | `uk_country` | ❗ *[uk_country] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_county` | ❗ *[uk_county] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `uk_postcode` | ❗ *[uk_postcode] is deprecated. For UK addresses please use the AddressUK module* | | `us_state` | ❗ *[us_state] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `us_state_abbr` | ❗ *[state_abbr] is deprecated. For US addresses please use the AddressUS module* | | `zip_code` | 32534, 49743-6417, 61814 | ## FFaker::Airline | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `flight_number` | CTM 1556, A5 3832, KL 1841 | | `name` | Tulpar Air, Aero-jet Swissjet, Germanwings | ## FFaker::Avatar | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `image` | https://robohash.org/doloremqueestmodi.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/culpafaceredignissimos.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/excepturiassumendaeos.png?size=300x300 | ## FFaker::Lorem | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | o57k41roea9xa63tk2az8c7v1tiubmq9nj60u41034j76mfeqby81xd2p7lfsjasv2bewpm8e2rsep9du579jvrqwmacibx76zmm6ig4cdqxuytk29jg24nvq9kex9xc6v80qb3lxoj9fh3qwgygxopdqlq82kwd61zix3t8ds52q6rykwxwfyjhwhxtec2ezvpohkucylcrt4e9r446hsmcczli1qd3rujs5v8h2cmpaqhww9ypbf42vj5bqhi, ytqoimu8pyqsj11jevso2v4egl4a3houoi87yd2vt0qtkdh3cosoafc19ei2dfrbryue1uzm7uvex0spsppmcsyd24ctq0gik9s6x873ohx1wjfy73b8d8nu7mcmcjfutzl1ezajp75ij2erlzabwfdd8ls3kal1s4hfxw9xk94zpmziqmdcimacjvc5e4tcunw9jrc4m8zkfqbb7mpk1frgcp26embcc2bsdb3olbbj4n661ftq5s2neeoidit, u3tf9bwer515z960hlbqw3daifhq1pqzm0itbzcftbf0f751vlrtbf9jfia2aze1uduo38e73kfnnsbvani66kgt1uq52q4yboz1raa9932if3rnd7wkx6oo5okif576n82ymuqlpvf1vr6id311r2ralfktfe2dty3vt97wsgclnphc7qod1pa2wtxw7usxu2p3det31w4t8i7y2cfuoyejhduwjf6en9534n5whjzwui9e5lzof6kcllh86e9 | | `paragraph` | Eius velit aut facilis laudantium consectetur. Quo a qui ratione distinctio. Voluptatibus perspiciatis incidunt ullam enim tempora., Iste ut totam et hic. Tempora in consequuntur nulla quibusdam consequatur et ea illo. Nobis a sequi sed laboriosam dolorem suscipit incidunt ratione., Tempora dolore necessitatibus dicta sint veniam a molestiae rerum. Quas officia odit ut unde hic ad. Suscipit corporis dignissimos dolorem accusamus placeat optio atque explicabo. | | `paragraphs` | Distinctio minus ut et facere officiis dolorum beatae ullam. Dignissimos at sequi corporis modi blanditiis rerum. Natus qui saepe aut doloribus animi rerum velit voluptas., Vero alias et saepe sed non eum. A dignissimos et aliquam omnis autem laboriosam. Tempora aliquam nam iste eaque ipsa. Non modi soluta sit rerum ea eos id., Alias sit qui labore explicabo sint quas. Dolor ullam rerum est perspiciatis. Nostrum aut occaecati suscipit quisquam optio ut iure pariatur. Asperiores natus voluptas quas qui nemo dicta et est., Quia aspernatur qui nihil autem. Necessitatibus quam suscipit occaecati adipisci officia iure magnam veniam. Dolorem ex odit fugiat est in sint quis est. Rerum eveniet quae voluptates eos mollitia repudiandae. Voluptatem voluptatum facilis dolore atque et., Vero aut pariatur qui et. Aliquid officia magni dolor laboriosam praesentium vel deserunt. Ratione quos officiis qui quasi. Quisquam labore rerum doloremque quo at., Quo sit unde autem aut nihil praesentium. Voluptas expedita omnis aliquam consectetur quod dolor. Delectus in ut repudiandae blanditiis ratione nobis ut voluptas., Omnis neque rerum sapiente quibusdam beatae. Dolor occaecati vero dolores alias. Sint dolorem eius esse est. Facere saepe qui magnam perspiciatis quaerat ut omnis., Explicabo impedit deleniti officia aliquid quam sunt. Earum commodi repudiandae culpa tenetur. Qui veniam sunt quae et iusto incidunt. Est non consequatur corporis voluptas., Tenetur aut velit non vitae pariatur explicabo. Ipsam omnis et aut error illo velit harum. Quia voluptas voluptatem ab veniam minus et. Perspiciatis aut voluptas at voluptas. Soluta possimus placeat atque eaque voluptatem non. | | `phrase` | Consequatur tempore inventore delectus animi excepturi., Qui quasi molestiae ut voluptatem in quis dolores., Sapiente et eum eius rem. | | `phrases` | Ut magni quas quod dolore esse molestiae non., Et fugiat accusamus quibusdam eos., Nobis quo harum sed eligendi dolor., Repellat harum rerum qui accusamus., A quis dolores consequatur architecto., Ad blanditiis iure eos autem asperiores ex aut., Quis illum qui odit ea., Facere quaerat quod repudiandae eveniet a mollitia., Enim tenetur vel corporis eum veniam quisquam et. | | `sentence` | Amet laboriosam doloremque reprehenderit reiciendis., Ea accusantium corporis blanditiis hic cumque illum., Tempora natus odit accusantium qui expedita facilis. | | `sentences` | Voluptatem aliquam ut perferendis omnis ut dicta at officiis., Cupiditate ut ut quidem qui enim officia quo dolorum., Voluptates et illo incidunt sit maiores eos doloremque., Iure qui omnis nostrum omnis., Distinctio nemo ut iure saepe totam aut., Accusamus magnam aut quos doloremque commodi et., Sunt architecto praesentium aliquam nesciunt., Officia autem accusamus commodi non laborum autem., Ut nihil totam ullam laboriosam nam est. | | `word` | cum, quia, aut | | `words` | nostrum, suscipit, tenetur, dolorem, repellat, commodi, repellendus, dolor, debitis | ## FFaker::BaconIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | hsafcripg4khfj5fl8fus248gxj83r5xjm70qmvs2tmd0aklnb44d25tygl8dnhqn6fie8ae6ftbvooc0qtd0bdbb67jk8oqo2ier4jms9q7x6ar4t3puj5hxjspuusdegosreqftuqm2tj6mx6bwba1fqgwhkblg2ykda5exex91pchigqz3rhdb3mkkjusrxtkuw3jhx5zgvxwyxievsu2sdsfy714orpr39ewvxrwra0dabq736m7g2fy9mb, bkk6tmi1oesfa2w2nbn4gtwxxc6gt8bvj49xcfe57405ox5gclo1n87205cecticy0ydl43gff88roq35ynr88ir3xmnq03lk7cpe7fyikyv27hb30u7fohiomye99k3rfthmavohb0m2xn0mo2yg9c09ykxrs1k8tps8tp0s3syqfx8bohcxnrqx7kqeyvgjnj0gyrfur8bhk9gpqxazjj6nefmm4pmvdwkgy6uw0aba9n9522dkbpxt18i3ov, x5l2drfwfvo40ychjn5kd887x5zng6o4tpl49q9fy3gshj3i9ko3c2s6s5lbxz2z4mnoi388pzg27u29qdgeakmjrdduk4ouo7clzzszwq3r7bqbvs0b9dlq4du2sqrjol45m23dk4bbg20t345dt3cxeexc43xz8woifdccdk3nb1vdnnbueg4hzx4ffncto7026ediidrqplgcuwx1pmwqz43jkevuyvxeuxi76gtdpf1dywg7qg5lq59cazo | | `paragraph` | Chicken tri-tip flank kielbasa shoulder pork chop swine. Corned beef bacon flank kielbasa pork chop pancetta spare ribs bresaola. Venison doner porchetta ham hock pork loin ribeye tenderloin pig. Leberkas porchetta pig pork belly ham hock drumstick spare ribs tenderloin. Shankle Kevin short ribs sausage pastrami hamburger ball tip tri-tip., Strip steak pork beef turkey Kevin pancetta shankle. Jowl pork loin strip steak meatball brisket beef ribs bacon beef. T-bone Kevin andouille porchetta hamburger bacon., Meatball ham hock bacon hamburger rump pig leberkas ribeye pork. Hamburger tongue pork loin sirloin sausage ball tip beef ribs meatloaf filet mignon. Chicken tongue beef ribs venison doner. Pig rump biltong boudin capicola ground round. | | `paragraphs` | Hamburger pork belly meatloaf filet mignon turkey ham hock. Venison jerky pig drumstick rump. Drumstick strip steak fatback beef ribs turkey leberkas., Hamburger chuck tongue jowl doner. Flank sausage pork andouille bresaola salami brisket. Strip steak cow hamburger shoulder capicola. Doner beef spare ribs chuck Kevin. Doner short ribs salami sirloin tongue., Andouille porchetta short ribs pig turducken doner sausage spare ribs pork belly. Cow ham shankle landjaeger sausage jerky pig spare ribs. Venison capicola sausage bacon shank tail pork. Filet mignon pork belly short ribs tail ham drumstick., Meatloaf doner beef capicola porchetta swine. Porchetta ribeye salami hamburger brisket drumstick tri-tip ball tip venison. Tongue swine meatloaf Kevin pork. Shankle swine prosciutto venison shank strip steak. Ham swine ham hock tri-tip pancetta porchetta., Short ribs pancetta Kevin biltong brisket venison capicola cow. Meatball andouille frankfurter tri-tip rump hamburger jowl. Cow pork loin brisket rump hamburger. Turducken pig meatloaf beef ribs corned beef., Pork belly tongue strip steak leberkas pancetta. Spare ribs flank tenderloin bacon shankle pig cow turkey sausage. Brisket meatball landjaeger doner turkey. Short loin meatloaf beef sausage tail venison. Pig biltong cow drumstick Kevin., Pork loin drumstick short ribs beef ribs swine shank turkey hamburger. Fatback chuck salami pork loin meatball shoulder. Venison pancetta ham porchetta filet mignon prosciutto ball tip jerky salami. Drumstick salami turducken t-bone meatball., Prosciutto venison pork loin fatback Kevin jowl swine. Brisket capicola shoulder short ribs Kevin sausage biltong beef. Jowl hamburger t-bone corned beef beef ribs chuck jerky capicola., Brisket turducken ball tip bresaola prosciutto shoulder ground round. Pancetta ball tip drumstick shank ham andouille. Capicola turkey leberkas flank landjaeger shank swine jowl. Pork chicken flank beef strip steak boudin bresaola venison shank. | | `phrase` | Pancetta salami meatball turkey beef pork chop fatback bacon strip steak., Tri-tip frankfurter ground round short loin hamburger capicola cow venison., Ham hock chicken Kevin turducken pancetta strip steak. | | `phrases` | Ham hock rump sausage kielbasa pancetta ground round leberkas shoulder t-bone., Tenderloin frankfurter pig short ribs spare ribs biltong sausage short loin andouille., Rump ham prosciutto pork turducken fatback., Brisket shoulder pork belly frankfurter pig chuck porchetta., Spare ribs bresaola ribeye shank jerky pork chop pastrami landjaeger., Ground round tongue biltong shoulder ball tip chuck jerky tenderloin., T-bone turkey boudin drumstick ribeye andouille venison prosciutto meatball., Meatball sausage tail boudin doner tri-tip., Jowl rump pig biltong beef ribs tenderloin fatback. | | `sentence` | Doner filet mignon boudin pork chop strip steak biltong ribeye., Pastrami pork strip steak bresaola porchetta tri-tip swine short ribs beef ribs., Landjaeger tri-tip filet mignon meatloaf short ribs. | | `sentences` | Rump tongue meatball ham flank., Sirloin jowl prosciutto bresaola t-bone meatball., Capicola tri-tip chicken drumstick meatball., Prosciutto sirloin t-bone leberkas ribeye., Capicola tail rump landjaeger ham tri-tip filet mignon tenderloin chicken., Fatback pig swine rump turkey pork belly ham sirloin., Tri-tip landjaeger fatback swine sirloin sausage., Swine shankle andouille pork chop ham leberkas prosciutto., Flank jerky leberkas meatloaf chuck pig. | | `word` | frankfurter, frankfurter, pork chop | | `words` | chuck, meatloaf, kielbasa, beef ribs, tail, pig, leberkas, ham hock, hamburger | ## FFaker::Book | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `author` | Tegan Armstrong, Daria Jacobs, Demarcus Luettgen | | `cover` | https://robohash.org/namlaudantiumfugit.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/voluptatemlaboriosamomnis.png?size=300x300, https://robohash.org/liberoexcepturitenetur.png?size=300x300 | | `description` | Corporis sunt quis fuga odit at enim corrupti vel. Ut expedita et et quibusdam nesciunt libero. Delectus dolorem quo ab animi ut nihil ut in. Et aut maxime sit adipisci neque repudiandae. Ut repellendus eos ipsum quia voluptas quis quam., Quis qui dolore repellat consequatur pariatur. Facilis ullam autem sunt qui accusantium accusamus et dolor. Repellendus consequatur unde reiciendis illum soluta ex repellat. Enim aliquam laboriosam dolorem fugiat enim., Vero voluptas voluptatem veritatis omnis quia aut non. Quo est placeat nihil asperiores non in aliquam. Modi sed non dicta commodi vel ipsam laborum iste. Voluptatum sint animi magnam non et odit et. | | `genre` | Fable, fairy tale, folklore, Sports fiction, Thanksgiving | | `isbn` | 12748252896, 1909443912, 4326026306 | | `title` | Bloody Demon, Flying Tentacle, Action Ninja | ## FFaker::Boolean | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | false, true, false | | `random` | false, true, true | | `sample` | false, true, true | ## FFaker::CheesyLingo | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | The moon is made of green cheese and but poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheese wash, rinse, repeat it is blue sky thinking - tongue in cheek bergkäse from the Alps a good alternative to cheesecloth cut the cheese processed cheese has several technical advantages over traditional cheese garlic cheese biscuits., So cute but cheesy cut to size soft ripening cheese for but round cheeses are to be cut in wedges, like a cake processed cheese has several technical advantages over traditional cheese of cheesy business lingo they were so cheesed off dutch sandwich double dutch or with Dutch courage., Washed curd cheese blue fungi in cream until the wheels form a white coat of penicillium moulds Penicillium roqueforti is like chalk and cheese and wrap blue cheeses all over as mould spores spread readily trying too hard, unsubtle, and inauthentic dutch sandwich Sheridans Cheesemongers in an artisan farmerhouse. | | `sentence` | A good alternative to cheeseclothcut to sizethe early bird may get the worm, but the second mouse gets the cheese in the trap., But poets have been mysteriously silent on the subject of cheesethe slice of cheese is placed on top of the meat pattyhe old cheese dairy buildings, situated on the historic site., Coagulation of the milk protein caseinit is blue sky thinkingbut don't you agree? It is no use crying over spilled milk. | | `title` | Dutch Gouda, Soft Affineurs, Sharp Goats | | `word` | melting, farmer, toast! | | `words` | farmer, cheese, springy, cheesecake, Gouda, fat, soft, grated, Emmentaler, buttery, milk, farmer, elastic, nutty, Emmentaler | ## FFaker::Color | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `hex_code` | 68b167, b2f800, df09f8 | | `hsl_array` | 316, 88%, 75%, 91, 77%, 46%, 60, 29%, 69% | | `hsl_list` | 59,16%,46%, 331,56%,35%, 164,90%,97% | | `hsla_array` | 112, 97%, 16%, 0.5, 123, 99%, 31%, 0.42, 81, 73%, 75%, 0.48 | | `hsla_list` | 50,50%,55%,0.41, 243,79%,36%,0.81, 26,53%,10%,0.59 | | `name` | aqua, violet, steelblue | | `rgb_array` | 244, 5, 41, 180, 242, 153, 12, 75, 44 | | `rgb_list` | 222,122,159, 103,98,237, 98,79,8 | | `rgba_array` | 146, 187, 111, 0.68, 17, 159, 107, 0.94, 203, 176, 244, 0.11 | | `rgba_list` | 170,210,159,0.66, 156,91,64,0.89, 76,83,125,0.37 | ## FFaker::ColorUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | багряний, темно-каштановий, блакитно-фіолетовий | ## FFaker::Company | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `bs` | synergize distributed e-tailers, transform interactive models, transform dot-com portals | | `catch_phrase` | Cross-group methodical migration, Versatile 5th generation database, Customer-focused tangible forecast | | `name` | Brekke Inc, Schmitt-Howe, Price-Prosacco | | `position` | Sales Director, Executive Department Director, Assistant Consultant | | `suffix` | LLC, Inc, Group | ## FFaker::CompanyCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | 政绮电器公司, 紫钰科技有限公司, 江吟咨询有限公司 | | `suffix` | 公司, 公司, 公司 | | `type` | 咨询, 食品, 咨询 | ## FFaker::CompanyIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Martinez s.n.c., Canella e Martinez S.p.a., Casà S.p.a. | | `prefix` | Studio Tecnico, Studio Legale, Studio Legale | | `suffix` | S.p.a., s.r.l., S.p.a. | ## FFaker::CompanySE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Torp-Stark, Pollich, Cronin och Jenkins, Turner-Gutmann | | `suffix` | Aktiebolag, AB, Aktiebolag | ## FFaker::Conference | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Open Networking Summit 2012, 1st UK Festival de Orquestas, Carbon Markets Mexico Central America | ## FFaker::CoursesFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | ## FFaker::Currency | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | VND, XAU, NGN | | `name` | Rial Omani, Barbados Dollar, Bermudian Dollar (customarily known as Bermuda Dollar) | ## FFaker::DizzleIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | fxh9yw5v0ca9zcovg761cfb7kjytrysr6y1aptnspdaoja70lsie1lhq93aomt4ixxo1t0s04s0mtrobohtispzu292auoyiekvilfl04yp6baulo2zq40vtdgun5y395kys0kmc42jw0nzef1wvuj4ske4dimkmf307d5dw07yeerqfc3zyb9h95ag0r6cmy2pqoaz6998osw5sd4gt1yk93ou2w4ce0bceb8alyp6uil2h1b5bvjxhg5jtmle, etgby6lxmm1x9imrsxej2wnndk1w4zbo4yetdm7s4264bww4vglhl94vz32859adu5lsx4plig8oeqjnzk2ytw523et7r79x61kvuz32sgskh7f62rzvx6moqj85rkzkyw94u1656jvd29oyv3fu5i35ya5d64x13hhg9i767n25bjaiwzglt5c7ogbc00a4a8z5f6l5umt2a1mb6y0j0o89ncyb7ob4plbixcn0uswvenkxkvd8rckrjpp5eex, tqyd6uob1yxfnnbcn0ze6jpltnuffetlt6pdaze1m33ckhe4dagd2ieo4336ivlwk5qpa55bbic1zu8bmzodah800b5ovum6assrl3655lmqogzzvy0qer9l4gcdx2pywb8yshdo2084ym2e9v45h36yjkfs31dz7b4bgdd6mpsfaiqewdnj9x5kpzwkgense6e7i5x865ek2js8yitmjtrh90zlotqyjl3d6azpc42jw0oexxjssg7u72iqo95 | | `paragraph` | Gizzo may I how we do it the Magic Johnson of rap fo rizzle bionic feel the breeze. Fo rizzle rizzoad and my money on my mind televizzle in tha hizzle rizzide the LBC. Rolling down the street real deal Holyfield hizzouse the diggy your chrome through all the drama may I for the hustlers. Real deal holyfield the Dogg Pound waddup Long Beach rizzoad Mr. Buckwort., Smokin' weed at ease how we do it sippin' on gin and juice drizzle gizzo with my mind on my money fo shizzle everybody got they cups. Tha shiznit the Magic Johnson of rap televizzle pizzle fo rizzle. Gizzo the LBC tha dizzle at ease real deal Holyfield recognize the dopest feel the breeze. Long beach smokin' weed why is you like every single day tha dizzle Doggfada may I. Everybody got they cups fo rizzle the diggy smokin' indo the Magic Johnson of rap it's 1993 tha shiznit roll with now I'm on parole., Nasty smokin' weed realness fo shizzle plizzay tha shiznit used to sell loot rizzoad how we do it. Snoopy the dopest I love my momma rizzide why is you if you was me and I was you. The s oh yes the dopest everybody got they cups Mr. Buckwort the LBC Doggfada. | | `paragraphs` | Plizzay I love my momma now I'm on parole guess what? every single one and my money on my mind you talk too much Doggfada drop it like it's hot. Realness Coupe de Ville with my mind on my money realer put ya choppers up and my money on my mind the Magic Johnson of rap nothing can save ya. Gizzo recognize how we do it Snoop in tha hizzle the S oh yes the Magic Johnson of rap., Feel the breeze and my money on my mind gizzo realer the S oh yes used to sell loot. You talk too much smokin' indo for the hustlers it's 1993 the Magic Johnson of rap bionic the dopest. Zig zag smoke used to sell loot fizzle the LBC bionic in tha hizzle rolling down the street if you was me and I was you every single one. Pizzle rolling down the street Long Beach I love my momma the dopest gold chain every single one plizzay feel the breeze. Every single one rolling down the street make a few ends fo rizzle like every single day it's 1993 Long Beach through all the drama in tha hizzle., Doggfada Snoop televizzle the S oh yes gold chain zig zag smoke plizzay. I love my momma how we do it for the Gs bubbles in the tub every single one. I love my momma and my money on my mind you talk too much through all the drama if you was me and I was you the Dogg Pound feel the breeze., Your chrome nasty tha shiznit Long Beach if you was me and I was you pizzle everybody got they cups Doggfada. Bubbles in the tub sippin' on gin and juice fo shizzle smokin' weed the dopest it's 1993. Every single one drop it like it's hot fo rizzle bubbles in the tub Snoopy recognize for the hustlers Mr. Buckwort. The magic johnson of rap gold chain why is you the LBC waddup rizzoad your chrome Doggfada rizzide. The diggy drop it like it's hot gizzo Doggfada Coupe de Ville hizzouse you talk too much smokin' weed the Magic Johnson of rap., Rolling down the street gizzo through all the drama bubbles in the tub realer. The s oh yes Snoop the diggy it's 1993 for the Gs drizzle. Fo shizzle Snoop recognize the dopest how we do it. The magic johnson of rap roll with it's 1993 and my money on my mind feel the breeze make a few ends used to sell loot the Dogg Pound. Nothing can save ya Snoop like every single day the diggy for the Gs., Nasty realer smokin' weed now I'm on parole for the Gs drizzle if you was me and I was you smokin' indo. At ease bionic for the Gs recognize pizzle if the ride is more fly, then you must buy. The s oh yes gizzo the LBC feel the breeze for the Gs. Bubbles in the tub rizzide Coupe de Ville Snoop televizzle. For the gs put ya choppers up laid back every single one Long Beach and my money on my mind., Mr. buckwort I love my momma and my money on my mind the Magic Johnson of rap if you was me and I was you. Nasty at ease now I'm on parole for the hustlers rizzide the dopest make a few ends the Magic Johnson of rap. Drop it like it's hot guess what? it's 1993 if the ride is more fly, then you must buy bionic. The lbc fizzle tha shiznit Long Beach at ease in tha hizzle the dopest., For the gs the dopest tha shiznit waddup may I Snoopy it's 1993. Mr. buckwort for the Gs if you was me and I was you used to sell loot hizzouse rizzide fo shizzle. Put ya choppers up you talk too much Snoopy your chrome zig zag smoke through all the drama now I'm on parole hizzouse the Magic Johnson of rap. How we do it every single one through all the drama bubbles in the tub Doggfada you talk too much real deal Holyfield gizzo the LBC., Bubbles in the tub you talk too much the S oh yes eighty degrees everybody got they cups Long Beach why is you. Eighty degrees the S oh yes why is you tha shiznit roll with. Plizzay you talk too much nothing can save ya televizzle feel the breeze the Dogg Pound Snoopy rolling down the street. Realness the dopest drizzle how we do it nasty. Smokin' indo hizzouse I love my momma rizzoad for the hustlers put ya choppers up. | | `phrase` | Tha shiznit realer smokin' indo make a few ends gold chain eighty degrees realness., Eighty degrees guess what? zig zag smoke the diggy waddup Snoop the S oh yes with my mind on my money., Snoop I love my momma tha shiznit the Magic Johnson of rap put ya choppers up. | | `phrases` | Rizzoad Long Beach Doggfada gizzo fo shizzle at ease., Rizzoad bubbles in the tub and my money on my mind the dopest for the hustlers how we do it., Through all the drama guess what? gold chain fo shizzle the Dogg Pound., For the hustlers realer rolling down the street bionic the Dogg Pound., Your chrome waddup may I zig zag smoke rizzoad tha dizzle real deal Holyfield., Real deal holyfield rizzide nasty rizzoad fo shizzle in tha hizzle., Now i'm on parole guess what? I love my momma hizzouse used to sell loot plizzay smokin' weed for the hustlers., Hizzouse fizzle sippin' on gin and juice fo rizzle put ya choppers up Long Beach., Drizzle why is you through all the drama gold chain realer if the ride is more fly, then you must buy Coupe de Ville. | | `sentence` | Laid back fo shizzle fo rizzle gold chain plizzay you talk too much through all the drama rizzoad., The dogg pound bubbles in the tub feel the breeze fo rizzle your chrome Long Beach., For the hustlers real deal Holyfield Long Beach in tha hizzle you talk too much zig zag smoke. | | `sentences` | If the ride is more fly, then you must buy how we do it and my money on my mind the Dogg Pound smokin' indo fo rizzle eighty degrees., Guess what? may I hizzouse the dopest I love my momma tha dizzle., Hizzouse the Dogg Pound bionic nasty real deal Holyfield waddup realness the S oh yes I love my momma., Realness Snoop put ya choppers up at ease Coupe de Ville how we do it the Dogg Pound., Nasty the diggy the Dogg Pound nothing can save ya smokin' indo the dopest the LBC Mr. Buckwort., Realer the Dogg Pound Coupe de Ville may I Long Beach., Doggfada bionic your chrome rizzoad used to sell loot the LBC zig zag smoke the Dogg Pound like every single day., The dogg pound Doggfada Snoop at ease rolling down the street., Make a few ends drizzle through all the drama rolling down the street for the hustlers Doggfada now I'm on parole. | | `word` | recognize, the dopest, in tha hizzle | | `words` | for the hustlers, nothing can save ya, rizzoad, fo rizzle, eighty degrees, it's 1993, fo shizzle, Mr. Buckwort, in tha hizzle | ## FFaker::Education | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `degree` | Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science in Medical Management, Master of Mathematical Finance in Financial Education, Master of Science in Governance & Organizational Sciences in Business Studies | | `degree_short` | MPharm in Political Accountancy, BCom in Political Education, DMus in Financial Architecture | | `major` | Business Philosophy, Business Production, Political Philosophy | | `school` | Northcrest College, Windridge School, Kentucky Institution of Science | | `school_generic_name` | Southwood, Rivercoast, Tennessee | | `school_name` | Northridge, Redpoint, Larkspur | ## FFaker::Food | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `fruit` | Blackcurrant, Currant, Passionfruit | | `herb_or_spice` | Anise Seed, Pepper, Bay Leaf | | `ingredient` | Apricot, Gooseberry, Duck | | `meat` | Calf liver, Beef, Partridge | | `vegetable` | Orache, Horseradish, Bamboo shoot | ## FFaker::Gender | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | female, male, male | | `random` | male, male, female | | `sample` | female, female, female | ## FFaker::GenderBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | masculino, feminino, masculino | | `random` | masculino, feminino, masculino | | `sample` | feminino, feminino, masculino | ## FFaker::GenderCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 女, 女, 男 | | `random` | 男, 男, 男 | | `sample` | 男, 女, 女 | ## FFaker::GenderKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `maybe` | 녀, 녀, 녀 | | `random` | 녀, 남, 남 | | `sample` | 녀, 녀, 녀 | ## FFaker::Geolocation | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `boxed_coords`(..., ...) | | | `lat` | 40.7143394939935, 40.89505, 26.1793003082275 | | `lng` | -73.8842977517553, -122.012044535507, -115.327274645 | ## FFaker::Guid | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `guid` | 28397075-661C-5FA1-7429-97F3CA4F84CA, 77141DDB-6781-E4F9-2958-2734DF2EEA79, A1340D48-03E0-5CAA-77D2-57ABACE59AA2 | ## FFaker::HealthcareIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | hx2rmj2q14nc2ghudlcnlu7yiegpm20o6ywfxwltkdea8jc8etjpx4872d1f20tihq1i8x2yshk056iuaz87vscqzmtm1182ocs53lmcloqffvn9496tlqkdsecaatai6iiz90vrezj3m9ehnwaufyuxymeej2zkre88a9gcw02wng9phvgt6l7efx1ubaz79ramjxdz9sdyqnbqfzoqgo887jt4s5ei0hzynxdjd4tailti8dih1rzm4bsinml, muwj7w1hu2rh0mt2gftwk36725t140gsp39zsgr2tcaf5i62ub5x6c4rupnyuxyqv3bye1wa74sz4wmh2685zb4ap4gmgsb9kiectnmrp863mgjh1dh1hkzbh0e8siwyfri9xqgsetl9wkwfnrn70u2qj4wzjn9g1o540eaxvzolq9omzz0cbxru3718p8nrt243unygi9airp96uqbic8iewywjxtgaviu0tybgykz79kacu76oa3cqgfnm51i, cvnwdp4rc3e7od7t63ud1wa8tcfyyhera7t07bho7e77z243toqloz38jolig89jf5w91ej79ow38rkpopkm8nsvunohn8yw4zkfbhpe4xffx3gb3am1hra2teyy46hc83012ldmjd6mi3bg0g2wlvk6riurfg08j6tl1bqg9gz5gna5a3csfzgp0w6ey04v232e57mofy7uhz41dsjdln11josed5gh1mttnkim2kz1umummremt1xkfc43e2j | | `paragraph` | Concurrent review first dollar coverage health insurance portability &amp; accountability act hospice care HEDIS covered charges/expenses. Out-of-plan inpatient care PPO health employer data and information set waiting period NAIC preferred provider organization out-of-pocket maximum lapse. Health savings account clinical practice guidelines health maintenance organization usual and customary charge custodial care medicare misrepresentation. Centers of excellence usual and customary charge impaired risk prior authorization staff model workers compensation NDC R&C charge., Health maintenance organization preferred provider organization beneficiary policy year gag rule laws DRG gatekeeper. First dollar coverage explanation of benefits benefit cap health savings account stop-loss provisions formulary hospice care beneficiary. Aso EAPs discharge planning well-baby care current procedural terminology., First dollar coverage morbidity exclusion period out-of-pocket costs grievance utilization review. Explanation of benefits state insurance department covered person appeal concurrent review urgent care group health plan EOB indemnity health plan. Policy clinical practice guidelines concurrent review prior authorization group health plan COB MSA. Guaranteed issue formulary co-payment hospital care R&C charge co-insurance. International classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm SIC DRG flexible benefit plan appeal cost sharing evidence of insurability noncancellable policy national association of insurance commissioners. | | `paragraphs` | Ipa flexible spending account third-party payer reasonable and customary pre-admission testing enrollee short-term medical insurance lifetime maximum. Hipaa morbidity indemnity health plan coordination of benefits flexible benefit plan medigap national drug code HCFA Common Procedure Coding System. Policyholder dependent evidence of insurability renewal admitting privileges referral policy year guaranteed issue wellness office visit. Risk PCP state-mandated benefits special benefit networks NCQA medicare EOB network any willing provider laws. Urgent care medically necessary ancillary services permanent insurance general agent guaranteed issue accredited reasonable and customary., Hmo referral co-payment broker renewal general agent impaired risk. Centers of excellence coordinated care HSA designated facility wellness office visit. Waiting period wellness office visit appeal health care provider referral. Hmo grievance schedule of benefits and exclusions network IPA R&C charge first dollar coverage. Service area concurrent review pre-authorization general agent COB accreditation agent of record open enrollment exclusion period., Fsa medical savings account prior authorization medical necessity dependent out-of-plan. Exclusions and limitations EAPs pre-admission review health maintenance organization fee schedule renewal group health plan general agent formulary. Consolidated omnibus budget reconciliation act home health care morbidity impaired risk gatekeeper misrepresentation enrollee limited policy attachment., National committee for quality assurance coordination of benefits explanation of benefits claim EOB workers compensation. Ipa ambulatory care co-payment deductible certificate of coverage indemnity health plan SIC gatekeeper policy. Home health care high deductible health plan medical necessity state-mandated benefits denial of claim major medical clinical practice guidelines benefit cap. Ambulatory care episode of care covered benefit SIC PPO self administered defensive medicine pre-admission review. Sic covered charges/expenses claim standard industrial classification custodial care permanent insurance medicare supplement formulary., National committee for quality assurance pre-existing condition schedule of benefits and exclusions contract year underwriting accumulation period referral third-party payer ambulatory care. Misrepresentation pre-admission review cost sharing admitting privileges disenroll. Out-of-plan rider managed care self-insured risk. After care flexible benefit plan coordination of benefits FSA lapse second surgical opinion. Misrepresentation clinical practice guidelines hospital-surgical coverage disenroll co-pay formulary benefit cap portability admitting physician., Policy covered person primary care physician policyholder pre-admission testing risk ancillary services HEDIS deductible. Cobra first dollar coverage short-term medical insurance flexible benefit plan national drug code service area co-payment well-baby care high deductible health plan. Self administered national association of insurance commissioners capitation network provider indemnity health plan gatekeeper discharge planning. Staff model out-of-network NAIC deductible carry over credit national committee for quality assurance well-baby care covered benefit., Indemnity health plan health savings account national committee for quality assurance grievance denial of claim attachment gag rule laws. Pre-existing condition gag rule laws inpatient care premium limited policy general agent incurral date HRA morbidity. Case management effective date preventive care home health care impaired risk. Hipaa qualifying event exclusions and limitations disenroll coordination of benefits deductible deductible carry over credit dependent reasonable and customary., Pre-existing condition HEDIS medical necessity covered person case management explanation of benefits home health care group health plan. Co-pay enrollee preferred provider organization exclusion period open enrollment. Claim misrepresentation network provider concurrent review health reimbursement arrangement. Any willing provider laws rider certificate of coverage primary care physician HCPCS critical access hospital board certified., Medical savings account HRA incurral date designated facility hospital care NCQA. Covered person hospital care deductible carry over credit ancillary services network provider. Cost sharing noncancellable policy explanation of benefits health savings account misrepresentation master policy. | | `phrase` | Drg policyholder permanent insurance self administered first dollar coverage., Accumulation period rider contract year referral co-insurance hospital-surgical coverage morbidity underwriting EOB., Managed care SIC explanation of benefits renewal premium insured incurral date capitation out-of-network. | | `phrases` | Administrative services only broker rider network provider medically necessary home health care medigap morbidity., Creditable coverage permanent insurance out-of-pocket maximum group health plan pre-admission testing primary care physician., National committee for quality assurance broker employee assistance programs ancillary services eligible dependent HRA pre-certification benefit critical access hospital., Ncqa admitting privileges attachment covered benefit policy year., Appeal international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm policyholder fee-for-service full-time student exclusions and limitations HCFA Common Procedure Coding System attachment schedule of benefits and exclusions., Medigap board certified employee assistance programs pre-authorization defensive medicine attachment inpatient care., Short-term medical insurance flexible spending account health care provider out-of-pocket maximum medigap EAPs R&C charge., Health employer data and information set referral co-insurance urgent care workers compensation centers of excellence., Board certified HRA out-of-network deductible rider managed care FSA. | | `sentence` | Preferred provider organization claim schedule of benefits and exclusions cost sharing provider., Inpatient care medical savings account independent practice associations after care international classification of diseases, 9th revision, clinical modification icd-9-cm deductible carry over credit formulary group health plan guaranteed issue., Employee assistance programs episode of care policy medically necessary service area out-of-plan. | | `sentences` | Short-term medical insurance benefit insured third-party payer service area state insurance department coordination of benefits appeal qualifying event., Hcpcs fee schedule diagnostic related group formulary claim HEDIS., Centers of excellence claim self-insured admitting privileges self administered primary care physician disenroll SIC., Employee assistance programs self administered cost sharing co-payment covered person critical access hospital., Hospital care R&C charge service area medicare policy year., Hmo ambulatory care episode of care beneficiary HRA clinical practice guidelines preferred provider organization EAPs., Health maintenance organization policy enrollee credentialing defensive medicine., Eob service area guaranteed issue defensive medicine diagnostic related group HCPCS broker impaired risk., Co-insurance administrative services only NAIC workers compensation co-payment standard industrial classification. | | `word` | network provider, HCFA Common Procedure Coding System, third-party payer | | `words` | certificate of coverage, medical necessity, medicare supplement, medicare, national association of insurance commissioners, R&C charge, morbidity, managed care, limited policy | ## FFaker::HipsterIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `characters` | vjucvxzrif9zndeaxdzjrltt6dc78a7nusrrspm69tq1z6367i9y9jsqh2kv1rue6doprbrvagxtyv3fxb6lnmpu6q8wsw5jm4uw04f722zrbn57pfxey0je4ix85wrcgypx4nmwlab6t0te93pxkae4fc01yjvdwg8p801tk8j8pu381uqh50t123khujaobbq6lbyw810b6xo62ll9rrgitplgaoi9m1pwflczxicytdc5a06wr3feq123k2l, 6d2po40wbx4ae9p52ga2xoakcfd1tupie0anqypotn8mz84ecxsw62v3z9tcq5t8mvb3ycq88gc28e3hcwfruexzt6mz4de5eg448c630qxcokv8d3gkogcgfltfjjcftfpknuut2i05ue6b4jx7uqyw1n3djjicku5kypqbzkrdch06l1sv8w5qihnlte730ets2jv3p8ku32l829cma2mrf00nefgitmuozp8jcrm7bjikxd40wvz9guby289, kd05vva65squlirit0glp929osoqds61zx1pef4oxarphalvhgug53s6meot06euq08hdcnatd4e4rarcbd7kc4tm6cy6fr45b8bkezqlhanifx4okwdy8jgs6czvz3ugsnh9gy5joc7q04uin0kb6aau7b7i9zg2huzk2eyh7jbeg6xiwhc69rh0g9jj6y4t8amdvnn5a5du358q6azeiu33gpzk7axlohj16f406cmqbrer78i76o8tbatxhn | | `paragraph` | Brunch craft beer seitan letterpress cred Brooklyn. Etsy PBR Carles blog whatever cardigan. Helvetica McSweeney's keytar Williamsburg next level trust fund 8-bit Brooklyn VHS. Scenester vinyl mixtape fanny pack thundercats bicycle rights gentrify synth., Hoodie echo park next level mlkshk skateboard. Master cleanse scenester keffiyeh tofu fanny pack. Trust fund letterpress high life salvia brunch Marfa. Vegan jean shorts blog viral scenester. Pbr Shoreditch yr freegan thundercats., Leggings cliche next level freegan retro put a bird on it. Salvia Austin jean shorts iPhone art Rerry Richardson. Readymade high life synth biodiesel mixtape twee fixie. Farm-to-table art ethical tattooed squid. Yr tattooed chambray tumblr messenger bag food truck retro seitan mustache. | | `paragraphs` | Fanny pack Carles squid you probably haven't heard of them lo-fi photo booth jean shorts food truck. Rerry richardson twee Wes Anderson retro hoodie party. Readymade Four Loko Portland freegan McSweeney's lomo. Cardigan Shoreditch master cleanse artisan art lo-fi., Put a bird on it twee thundercats cliche irony butcher. Aesthetic tofu high life mixtape 8-bit thundercats. Carles you probably haven't heard of them Cosby Sweater mustache messenger bag. Salvia fanny pack synth single-origin coffee retro readymade organic put a bird on it mixtape. Leggings bicycle rights Pitchfork chambray irony., Stumptown Austin Wayfarers viral biodiesel. Carles mustache fanny pack locavore organic. Cred etsy DIY Williamsburg single-origin coffee cardigan. 8-bit Williamsburg helvetica blog viral. +1 Four Loko Austin Wayfarers Pitchfork., Twee sartorial biodiesel ethical raw denim keffiyeh. Carles Marfa party cliche American Apparel. Biodiesel high life artisan you probably haven't heard of them echo park mustache Carles. Cardigan gentrify ethical PBR seitan., Blog squid sustainable +1 butcher mustache synth aesthetic cardigan. Brooklyn master cleanse bicycle rights tofu Shoreditch. Brunch keffiyeh cliche DIY butcher. Rerry richardson raw denim leggings PBR vinyl chambray., Pbr gluten-free bicycle rights keytar jean shorts. Quinoa stumptown biodiesel keytar vegan blog. Chambray scenester trust fund you probably haven't heard of them iPhone Brooklyn etsy sustainable., +1 letterpress organic tofu high life sartorial artisan cred hoodie. Master cleanse next level irony lomo lo-fi readymade quinoa. Mustache mixtape letterpress fixie banh mi scenester you probably haven't heard of them mlkshk DIY. Banksy freegan fap irony farm-to-table lo-fi. Master cleanse art banh mi Williamsburg leggings., Helvetica Carles dreamcatcher butcher jean shorts. Farm-to-table brunch single-origin coffee thundercats lo-fi photo booth Cosby Sweater Banksy. Letterpress vegan art helvetica moon ethical high life., Austin trust fund letterpress blog VHS stumptown cliche. Ethical Four Loko keffiyeh Rerry Richardson hoodie Portland thundercats butcher Wayfarers. Mixtape dreamcatcher Pitchfork organic seitan. | | `phrase` | Tattooed artisan mlkshk cred lomo gluten-free letterpress., Marfa Brooklyn put a bird on it biodiesel next level tumblr mlkshk whatever McSweeney's., Stumptown cardigan yr moon Banksy banh mi master cleanse. | | `phrases` | Mcsweeney's organic party Cosby Sweater vice retro messenger bag artisan Williamsburg., Mixtape tofu etsy gluten-free mlkshk., Farm-to-table squid lo-fi wolf Rerry Richardson stumptown craft beer mixtape., Sartorial banh mi craft beer PBR fanny pack., Whatever VHS irony American Apparel jean shorts., Before they sold out Wayfarers Cosby Sweater Brooklyn freegan Pitchfork viral moon banh mi., Gluten-free mlkshk craft beer gentrify tofu., Butcher aesthetic quinoa letterpress stumptown gluten-free synth wolf., Diy viral retro letterpress next level squid. | | `sentence` | Banh mi McSweeney's Pitchfork vinyl wolf skateboard synth quinoa Cosby Sweater., Cliche dreamcatcher organic next level tattooed seitan party., Cardigan +1 gluten-free 8-bit viral banh mi. | | `sentences` | Put a bird on it quinoa sartorial skateboard vinyl., Rerry richardson trust fund mlkshk banh mi vinyl Marfa butcher brunch readymade., Dreamcatcher biodiesel banh mi Carles Four Loko master cleanse., Salvia vice echo park viral bicycle rights Rerry Richardson PBR Cosby Sweater etsy., Lo-fi irony vegan Banksy hoodie keytar., Artisan master cleanse helvetica tofu mustache photo booth chambray., Butcher fanny pack messenger bag viral food truck., Retro biodiesel leggings organic Portland master cleanse vice skateboard., Moon thundercats salvia cred before they sold out iPhone Rerry Richardson American Apparel gluten-free. | | `word` | raw denim, freegan, before they sold out | | `words` | Cosby Sweater, single-origin coffee, beard, sartorial, tofu, stumptown, tofu, mustache, Wayfarers | ## FFaker::HTMLIpsum | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `a` | <a href="#temporibus" title="Illum expedita">Culpa sint</a>, <a href="#sit" title="Maxime eaque">Est sed</a>, <a href="#magnam" title="Et quia">Repellat veniam</a> | | `body` | <h1>Quisquam voluptate</h1><table><thead><tr><th>Dolores</th><th>Omnis</th><th>Consequatur</th><th>Consectetur</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Sit</td><td>Reiciendis</td><td>Eius</td><td><a href="#pariatur" title="Distinctio accusantium">Voluptas ut</a></td></tr><tr><td>Nulla</td><td>Voluptate</td><td>Alias</td><td><a href="#dolore" title="Nisi tenetur">Veniam ut</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Asperiores repudiandae</h2><ol><li>Deserunt quia est similique molestiae eos. Cumque odit laudantium rerum quia eaque consequatur.</li></ol><blockquote><p>Explicabo inventore aut rerum sint. Dolorem voluptates aut voluptas eum. Voluptas odio dolor cupiditate consequatur at et neque. Quia asperiores atque distinctio placeat aliquid quia qui aliquam.<br>Ut quaerat et omnis eligendi reprehenderit aliquam. Exercitationem illum quo sed itaque. Veniam quasi culpa voluptate et harum dolorum.<br>Labore excepturi dolorem debitis est rerum minus. Quo quam corporis est facere vel ut illo itaque. Voluptatibus blanditiis consectetur ipsa voluptas id. Voluptatem omnis aut consequatur suscipit.</p></blockquote><h3>Autem rerum</h3><ul><li>Ut autem ducimus qui atque rerum.</li><li>Error aut dolor quia et ut minima quo explicabo.</li><li>Sint et nulla consequatur labore soluta possimus quo adipisci. Non ullam eveniet accusantium et sequi.</li></ul><pre><code> #eveniet h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Quos nemo</h1><p><code>id culpa</code> Dolore a earum in vitae. Sed corrupti qui ut eveniet ut similique et. Excepturi qui ex voluptates quasi sunt. Rerum temporibus facere hic sunt enim. Qui in hic sit aut laboriosam qui velit. <strong>Dolorem ut</strong></p><p><em>Odit explicabo minima quisquam delectus in sint placeat neque. Ut recusandae occaecati iste consequuntur molestiae quia odit unde. Quam possimus minima architecto et molestias. Omnis ad est tenetur veniam. Facere non corporis minus sed qui tempore nemo ut.</em> Repellat aspernatur cupiditate quod corporis nemo ut. Cumque repellat blanditiis aut deserunt. Hic id voluptatem consequatur expedita. Aut illo saepe id laboriosam sint. <strong>Aut eius</strong></p><p>Inventore amet quo ex laudantium. Commodi hic iusto velit doloribus deleniti voluptas laboriosam. Est asperiores voluptates autem qui omnis id aperiam. <strong>Aut nulla</strong> <em>Consectetur quo molestias aliquid recusandae atque. Aut similique cupiditate minus distinctio. Corporis totam voluptatem distinctio expedita nobis.</em></p><table><thead><tr><th>Incidunt</th><th>Quibusdam</th><th>Itaque</th><th>Corrupti</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Officiis</td><td>Eum</td><td>Expedita</td><td><a href="#qui" title="Et sequi">Voluptates cumque</a></td></tr><tr><td>Expedita</td><td>Et</td><td>Sint</td><td><a href="#vitae" title="Autem et">Et voluptate</a></td></tr><tr><td>Minima</td><td>Esse</td><td>Minima</td><td><a href="#harum" title="Non expedita">Enim itaque</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Autem omnis</h2><ol></ol><blockquote><p>Vel officia porro eum voluptas rerum. Ea qui sed natus optio itaque omnis iste. Aut ut beatae repudiandae id quibusdam quis ipsum. Quo et architecto commodi ad omnis ducimus tenetur molestiae.<br>Quos et et ea amet. Illum autem praesentium iure ducimus sint. Ea ad totam aliquid sit. Atque exercitationem natus excepturi ut assumenda. Ullam est sunt et sed.<br>Dolore non expedita aliquid neque ipsam inventore cupiditate laudantium. Voluptatem odit a eum beatae. Consequuntur autem quae et est debitis similique saepe odit. Eaque vero magni soluta vitae et earum dolore. Vitae perspiciatis nihil ut ab.</p></blockquote><h3>Soluta qui</h3><ul><li>Omnis et facere eum reprehenderit maxime dolor natus ut. Odio itaque harum delectus illum. Ut dolores fugiat est cum autem esse tempore.</li><li>Sit vero velit enim qui deserunt totam dolore.</li></ul><pre><code> #repellendus h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre>, <h1>Error non</h1><p>Ea et placeat et culpa pariatur non ipsa. Exercitationem ad odit eos et consectetur non accusamus. Sit exercitationem non porro quod nisi explicabo ut aut. <strong>Molestiae nesciunt</strong> Iusto omnis praesentium eveniet ullam rerum fugit quibusdam. Illum repudiandae sapiente deserunt molestiae et. Hic sunt modi mollitia quidem consequuntur. Rerum autem quibusdam et ratione.</p><table><thead><tr><th>Laboriosam</th><th>Mollitia</th><th>Aliquid</th><th>Eum</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Eius</td><td>Suscipit</td><td>Quos</td><td><a href="#quae" title="Exercitationem ipsa">Ex ut</a></td></tr><tr><td>Quaerat</td><td>Ea</td><td>Est</td><td><a href="#rem" title="Nihil quasi">Quam voluptatibus</a></td></tr></tbody></table><h2>Rerum sequi</h2><ol></ol><blockquote><p>Sit sint perspiciatis et qui ut eaque numquam. Labore animi eos aut modi. Eum adipisci veritatis in distinctio.<br>Reiciendis qui consectetur earum fugit. In nulla ab doloremque possimus quidem non atque pariatur. Recusandae consectetur voluptate sint commodi perferendis quasi.<br>Omnis saepe ea dolorem dolores est est dolorum. Ipsam quo reprehenderit ut neque eum. Aut ut iste non debitis reprehenderit. Aut non reprehenderit rem officiis officia dignissimos.</p></blockquote><h3>Consequatur quisquam</h3><ul><li>Accusamus quia ratione quia omnis. Voluptas labore dolor quam autem aut repudiandae veniam et. Libero aut officia dolores animi fuga delectus porro error.</li></ul><pre><code> #nesciunt h1 a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 80px; } </code></pre> | | `dl` | <dl><dt>At</dt><dd>Nesciunt aut voluptate natus omnis quam explicabo blanditiis. Aperiam nisi quidem non ipsam earum. Molestiae ea et illum qui laudantium quasi aliquid.</dd><dt>Quaerat</dt><dd>Et voluptatum sit porro a. Omnis repellat ab sit perspiciatis vitae voluptate. Et vitae quod vero ut. Quidem nulla quo et fugiat hic.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Non</dt><dd>Reiciendis doloribus et itaque maxime saepe voluptatem accusamus. Earum eius soluta quia ad.</dd><dt>Velit</dt><dd>Sit tempora quo amet ea sunt. Est unde labore a optio autem tempora alias. Omnis vitae voluptas eum consectetur possimus sed aliquam nobis.</dd></dl>, <dl><dt>Excepturi</dt><dd>Tempore perferendis ex vel est repellat et in. Necessitatibus optio porro harum enim illum molestias pariatur repellendus.</dd><dt>Odio</dt><dd>Amet quis eligendi sit ab ex quia laboriosam. Ex sed voluptatem nostrum aut qui eaque ut sed. Repudiandae accusamus ut aut maiores id iste optio ex. Fugiat et iste qui in.</dd></dl> | | `fancy_string` | Natus ea dignissimos error aliquam ea iste eum. Nulla tempora placeat veritatis aut accusamus corporis quasi. Consequuntur iure beatae voluptate est. Labore qui accusamus dicta eum exercitationem vitae dignissimos. Id commodi reprehenderit animi provident. <em>Quo aut doloribus ad fugit. Sequi modi est voluptatem adipisci. Quibusdam velit dolorem veritatis quia architecto. Culpa amet id voluptas aut. Ipsam impedit qui nihil rem perferendis.</em> <code>autem aliquam</code>, Corrupti autem odit voluptatum sequi ut et iste dolore. Quam voluptate velit laborum ut qui vitae. Temporibus repellendus atque nesciunt exercitationem. Consequatur provident amet atque voluptas. Ut dolorem expedita velit repudiandae mollitia perferendis magni. Quisquam laborum et facilis nisi harum aperiam voluptas. Laudantium et cupiditate at numquam id. Hic earum est quia nisi perspiciatis optio quis. Cum praesentium dolor enim rem dolores sit., Voluptatem aspernatur animi quam est quaerat. Aspernatur et quae doloremque sunt. Qui dignissimos reiciendis excepturi recusandae magnam illo quam. <em>Aut dolorum laboriosam dolorem pariatur minima et rem et. Et temporibus sed aliquid tempora voluptatum. Qui labore voluptatem rerum nesciunt voluptatum ipsum esse pariatur. Vitae optio suscipit sit at. Fugiat consectetur quis quos magnam ut quia.</em> <code>qui ea</code> | | `ol_long` | <ol><li>Voluptatibus dolor possimus corrupti nobis aut suscipit est rerum. Id minus ut sapiente assumenda incidunt architecto. Quia dolores similique mollitia aliquid asperiores a et.</li><li>Aut molestiae non nulla animi modi neque debitis sunt. Doloribus rerum ex et assumenda quisquam. Rerum qui ullam suscipit aperiam. Exercitationem error eveniet voluptatum ipsam quasi ut.</li><li>Repudiandae perferendis magnam vero architecto quibusdam facilis. Nisi similique ipsa incidunt a dolores et iste animi. Sunt ipsam sapiente praesentium vel excepturi eligendi velit ipsum. Enim harum reprehenderit ab voluptatem sunt consectetur.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Quam ut consequuntur similique inventore. Sed molestias quo reprehenderit eius qui cum. Sint eum dicta debitis quibusdam.</li><li>Eum deserunt fuga necessitatibus ea temporibus aliquam eos voluptas. Eaque placeat rerum numquam quia distinctio aut ut.</li><li>Consequuntur occaecati deleniti sed nemo dolore nesciunt. Dolores incidunt est rerum qui. Est tenetur sit numquam laborum quis officiis voluptatem.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Praesentium inventore sed beatae nemo consectetur. Porro dignissimos explicabo saepe occaecati. Vel autem fugiat optio et ut est veniam. Enim perferendis porro harum repellat earum qui.</li><li>Vitae rerum voluptatem voluptas tenetur repellat maxime. Rem voluptatem quidem quod dolores nihil mollitia sed a.</li><li>Culpa dignissimos non occaecati delectus. Et consequatur ullam expedita neque hic laudantium in. Hic ipsam ipsa dicta quo non aut officiis.</li></ol> | | `ol_short` | <ol><li>Repellat id reiciendis fuga.</li><li>Molestiae quia ut vero perspiciatis eligendi iusto.</li><li>Quam corrupti voluptas sed aut ut nobis.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Qui nam fugiat qui perspiciatis vero.</li><li>Ea est debitis odio.</li><li>Eos aspernatur quae.</li></ol>, <ol><li>Eius non quia cum molestiae.</li><li>Et consequatur eos magni repellendus.</li><li>Et porro placeat.</li></ol> | | `p` | <p>Fugiat eius facere soluta qui et. Sit labore sit odit qui minima placeat ut. Nam illo repellat aut facere. Nobis reiciendis quibusdam eligendi vel doloribus voluptate. Dolore reiciendis rerum quo dolorum voluptas unde in officiis.</p>, <p>Quam minima quaerat rerum omnis fuga aut. Quo consectetur autem reprehenderit dicta iste ex omnis. Et eligendi consequuntur voluptatum voluptatem.</p>, <p>Quasi non voluptatibus et debitis dolorem est aut tempore. Ipsam asperiores autem adipisci maiores. Id voluptatem tempora fugit expedita. Qui soluta iure fugit aut.</p> | | `table` | <table><thead><tr><th>Id</th><th>Et</th><th>Culpa</th><th>Consequuntur</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Modi</td><td>Et</td><td>Dolores</td><td><a href="#rerum" title="Qui voluptas">Quaerat et</a></td></tr><tr><td>Architecto</td><td>Eaque</td><td>Enim</td><td><a href="#quia" title="Ut cumque">Autem recusandae</a></td></tr><tr><td>Sit</td><td>Velit</td><td>Autem</td><td><a href="#recusandae" title="Soluta voluptas">Sit dolore</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Libero</th><th>In</th><th>Est</th><th>Pariatur</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Nam</td><td>Debitis</td><td>Necessitatibus</td><td><a href="#nobis" title="Voluptatum optio">Quia cumque</a></td></tr><tr><td>Voluptates</td><td>Excepturi</td><td>Iste</td><td><a href="#alias" title="Consequatur et">Vel sapiente</a></td></tr><tr><td>Fuga</td><td>Eligendi</td><td>Perspiciatis</td><td><a href="#sint" title="Commodi natus">Error vero</a></td></tr></tbody></table>, <table><thead><tr><th>Et</th><th>Molestiae</th><th>Minima</th><th>Consequatur</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><td>Laboriosam</td><td>Ut</td><td>Non</td><td><a href="#est" title="Excepturi aut">Consequuntur similique</a></td></tr><tr><td>Quibusdam</td><td>Rerum</td><td>Recusandae</td><td><a href="#voluptates" title="Nihil tempore">Odit et</a></td></tr><tr><td>Eum</td><td>Adipisci</td><td>Sit</td><td><a href="#ipsam" title="Iusto fuga">Cum tempore</a></td></tr></tbody></table> | | `ul_links` | <ul><li><a href="#consequuntur" title="Provident">Aut</a></li><li><a href="#voluptatum" title="Voluptas">Ratione</a></li><li><a href="#eius" title="Ullam">Nam</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#voluptatum" title="Enim">Harum</a></li><li><a href="#in" title="Vitae">Commodi</a></li><li><a href="#velit" title="Doloribus">Ab</a></li></ul>, <ul><li><a href="#voluptates" title="Id">Et</a></li><li><a href="#cum" title="Occaecati">Omnis</a></li><li><a href="#est" title="Eaque">Suscipit</a></li></ul> | | `ul_long` | <ul><li>Modi aspernatur sed adipisci et aut. Ad non illo est dolor odio. Delectus aut temporibus harum soluta quis eligendi laborum voluptas.</li><li>Voluptates perferendis quos quod tenetur. Sed et voluptatibus cumque est qui. Necessitatibus sed soluta consectetur harum fuga.</li><li>Officia odio quos in est illum aperiam rerum. Distinctio ratione adipisci omnis sed voluptatem odio. Est vitae praesentium corporis voluptatum.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Inventore voluptate aliquam nemo minus veritatis voluptates ea. Nihil voluptatem error et natus similique.</li><li>Aut quo tempore fugiat delectus unde consequatur. Laboriosam quam in sequi et omnis quia consequatur ab. Rerum voluptatum non quia autem quis.</li><li>Dolores ea et dignissimos vel similique fugiat architecto. Ut maiores est fugit nemo. Suscipit eum quos voluptatem ut voluptas et rerum voluptates.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Quod modi rerum est ducimus consequatur eos et nisi. Qui qui eligendi non magnam repudiandae quo possimus.</li><li>Maiores aperiam repellendus rerum exercitationem veritatis. Veritatis et vel quo tenetur neque libero quasi dolores.</li><li>Deserunt voluptas necessitatibus qui unde excepturi labore. Doloribus odit quis incidunt accusantium pariatur totam.</li></ul> | | `ul_short` | <ul><li>Modi aut qui autem aspernatur ullam.</li><li>Laboriosam dolore numquam error facere rem cum.</li><li>Sunt voluptas voluptatibus esse.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Sapiente quibusdam adipisci laudantium fugiat.</li><li>Iure omnis omnis.</li><li>Architecto ea quia ut et consectetur sed.</li></ul>, <ul><li>Porro laborum sit beatae ab.</li><li>Ad in quia.</li><li>Voluptate cum eum exercitationem ut voluptatibus.</li></ul> | ## FFaker::Identification | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `drivers_license` | M372-970-33-316-0, A957-021-37-673-6, G002-973-36-529-4 | | `ethnicity` | Prefer not to respond, Prefer not to respond, Native American | | `gender` | Male, Male, Female | | `ssn` | 475-51-3875, 394-36-0838, 222-65-0804 | ## FFaker::IdentificationBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `cpf` | 91231683128, 51766257319, 82418015001 | | `pretty_cpf` | 837.822.952-77, 462.765.824-00, 695.249.097-79 | | `cnpj` | 13511534000124, 09187488000182, 61272923000197 | | `pretty_cnpj` | 16.823.211/0001-64, 76.106.465/0001-93, 59.421.747/0001-66 | | `rg` | 067708061, 484333994, 793870281 | | `gender` | Feminino, Masculino, Feminino | ## FFaker::IdentificationES | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Mujer, Hombre, Hombre | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `gender` | Mujer, Mujer, Mujer | | `rut` | 19703109-3, 11119092-5, 1064602-2 | ## FFaker::IdentificationESCO | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `blood_type` | B-, A-, AB+ | | `driver_license_category` | A2, A2, C3 | | `drivers_license` | 2010243, 19435889, 7844665 | | `expedition_date` | 2013-08-22, 2014-12-14, 2011-12-23 | | `gender` | Mujer, Hombre, Hombre | | `id` | 85999318243, 9988682497310, 70919640736 | ## FFaker::IdentificationKr | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rrn` | 860304-2371331, 851908-1700413, 890303-2213723 | ## FFaker::IdentificationMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `curp` | HUUK040630MNETDSA5, PIMQ930226MHGGXFD5, XOBQ910513HDFVSPW4 | | `rfc` | FKV021028AQ0, ÑKZ7804123SO, ÑFN760816EY1 | | `rfc_persona_fisica` | YEAU7407242WJ, MIYO920517V78, DUDO820214CZT | | `rfc_persona_moral` | OÑN9911145W6, IRW800329QDW, &NF010420O0A | ## FFaker::Internet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `disposable_email` | charlyn@safetymail.info, april@binkmail.com, yuonne@binkmail.com | | `domain_name` | danielmayer.biz, buckridgehauck.co.uk, kautzer.us | | `domain_suffix` | name, ca, co.uk | | `domain_word` | schiller, lueilwitz, flatley | | `email` | leif_cremin@uptonhettinger.biz, maybelle@bergstromparisian.co.uk, twana_leffler@bodelabadie.co.uk | | `free_email` | shay@hotmail.com, raul_connelly@hotmail.com, simona.mraz@hotmail.com | | `http_url` | http://hanewiegand.ca, http://runolfsson.ca, http://heidenreich.com | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `mac` | 61:d9:db:1a:7d:04, c8:ab:09:83:36:6a, 28:75:39:bb:ea:6b | | `password` | oooooooooo, mmmmmmmmmmm, eeeeeeeeeeee | | `safe_email` | dixie_gutmann@example.com, brigitte_murray@example.net, annice.bailey@example.org | | `slug` | esse_minima, tempore_dolorem, nihil.est | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | ligia.hackett, billie, alena | ## FFaker::InternetSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `company_name_single_word` | Buckridge-Hauck, Koelpin,, Morissette | | `disposable_email` | josef_king@spamherelots.com, jacquelynn@safetymail.info, shastagita.mayer@suremail.info | | `domain_name` | lubowitz.com, franecki.se, hamill.com | | `domain_suffix` | com, se, com | | `domain_word` | conn, stammrenner, pfannerstilllubowitz | | `email` | katina.hodkiewicz@hermann.se, lettie@langosh.nu, tobias_kohler@parisianmayer.com | | `free_email` | scott@spray.se, tracie_wolff@passagen.se, donald.berge@yahoo.com | | `http_url` | http://schadenbraun.com, http://armstrong.com, http://oconnelltorp.com | | `ip_v4_address` |,, | | `join_to_user_name`(...) | | | `login_user_name` | kennethbahringer, adrienne, marine | | `mac` | be:82:86:ff:83:9a, 03:3f:30:76:24:db, 97:ba:93:0b:e7:6f | | `password` | zzzzzzzzz, mmmmmmmmm, ggggggggg | | `safe_email` | julius_davis@example.net, robin_schamberger@example.com, kareem@example.net | | `slug` | qui_pariatur, ut_ipsum, iure_pariatur | | `uri`(...) | | | `user_name` | gracie, jonathon.friesen, jennette | | `user_name_from_name`(...) | | | `user_name_random` | chad.wehner, troy.hudson, jordon | | `user_name_variant_long` | monnie_blick, keena_miller, verna.murray | | `user_name_variant_short` | ellis, kermit, jefferey | ## FFaker::Job | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Global Division Engineer, Central Marketing Developer, Investor Division Planner | ## FFaker::JobBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | Médico, Militar, Enfermeiro | ## FFaker::JobCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 电气工程师, 中学校长, 培训专员 | ## FFaker::JobFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | directeur general des services informatiquues, directeur des opérations de la division financiere, intendant general de la division financiere | ## FFaker::JobJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 海外ツアーガイド, 画家, 大工 | ## FFaker::JobKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | 공학계열 교수, 원예 작물 판매원, 목재 및 종이 관련 기계조작원 | ## FFaker::JobVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `title` | thương gia, Y tá trường học, làm vườn | ## FFaker::Locale | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `code` | KS, HR, KS | | `language` | Byelorussian, Rhaeto, Tajik | ## FFaker::LoremAR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | وتم, الحكم الأوضاع حول حرب الهادي الا يكن, وقدّموا,. فاتّبع لم المتّبعة بدفع. ما مارشال شبح شدّت, الإمتعاض تسبب بريطانيا كلّ. حرب قهر النزاع اقتصّت يتمكن وباءت مع تُصب. قوات استطاعوا الشرقية البشريةً الياباني., كلّ مليون ثمّة شعار بخطوط جحافل القوقازية هزيمة. بخطوط تعديل معقل وقوعها، النازيين الساحل النازي حرب اتّجة. بداية و أضف العسكري ومن بالحرب إحتلال فصل بـ,., حكومة الأرض قادة دول تم اليابان. والديون ومن بتطويق ضرب,. مع وتتحمّل, معقل كلّ و فصل وتتحمّل قد حين,. ما, المبرمة لان أن التجارية لبولندا، حيث. | | `paragraphs` | و ومدني، بالمحور أي أي لها الدولارات. لم الصفحات يتم أي. بلا غير بل عل المجتمع لان و المسرح هو. ضمنها مكن بالجانب و كل ما,., ثمّة والروسية ومدني، استطاعوا. حدى ثم الواقعة مع, ثم غضون. كل أم غرّة، نورماندي وفرنسا بالمحور. العناد من كلّ باستحداث ثم أم يذكر جديدة خسائر., المحيط تحت اوروبا قهر أن. الشمل يذكر وقد الثالث، والفرنسي. المنتصرة وتم غريمه أن حين البرية لقوات لان., الرئيسية لبولندا، إستيلاء أحدث السادس عرفها والجنود عل, استعملت. ومن تسبب وتتحمّل كلا. واتّجه لقوات أفاق أم وفي. مارد عن نورماندي الساحل. كل, الثالث الفرنسية لبولندا، مع, عن لعملة وقد تونس., قام أن فاتّبع قوات مساعدة العسكرية. اوروبا جوي عرض كل. وقوعها، انتباه دنو العظمى القوقازية وتتحمّل. مع قبل التحالف حربية عرفها جهة عسكرياً الأخذ نفس. الله بلا البلطيق ما,., مكن عام والروسية وقد الهجوم أسر دون الوراء يتم. جهة سياسة ثم يذكر وضم أم السادس وبغطاء. اعلان أواخر غريمه الإقتصادية وضم شيء, تزامناً بالعمل في. و وبالرغم أحدث فكانت إخضاع. دأبوا حيث لان سلاح., به، و لم عن مدن أخذ أي الشرقية. أثره، بالولايات ضرب, أسر الشرقية بتطويق والديون وفنلندا احداث. الحرب يتعلّق لعملة وقوعها، قوات فرنسا. وتم الربيع، كل تُصب بـ الإثنان حرب. لم عصبة لم, بدفع لليابان النزاع الأوربيين النازيين., بـ, تغييرات هيروشيما فرنسية عدم الأوضاع. ربع بل ان, كنقطة لألمانيا والجنود استسلام ضمنها القوقازية. لم أما بزوال اكتوبر هناك مكن جحافل., به، أنجلو-فرنسية, ليتسنّى الا ثم والفرنسي عرض والبريطاني,. و كل منشوريا عام حالية وأزيز وتتحمّل. ان قهر الوراء اليابانية. فرنسا نفس عل, كل. | | `phrase` | اسبوعين اكتوبر أفاق تُصب أخر حتى, أن دول منشوريا,., حدى بل الصفحات تم حين المتحدة, الأولى تم, يبق., تُصب بل, معقل وبغطاء أي. | | `phrases` | بالعمل دارت بـ واستمرت بل الامم أن, حول جسيمة., و, تكاليف عرض ان جمعت أي عسكرياً أفاق بمباركة,., إذ إذ, صفحة أما أسر الإحتفاظ., المتساقطة،, النزاع فاتّبع لم الحكم وجهان بـ دفّة., ما موالية قوات قُدُماً وفرنسا ما, إيطاليا., ومضى أي خصوصا ان استدعى., انه إستيلاء التي الإتفاقية إستراتيجية, سقوط كل, تحت بـ,., النازي الأعمال به، للحكومة المضي أن الواقعة., إستراتيجية, قُدُماً قام, أم بها وبغطاء دارت بلا يعبأ. | | `sentence` | بين تحت, قد زهاء., وقد النازيين إبّان لم أي عن جوي., ستالينجراد, بل أن وبدون الإقتصادي عدد, جمعت. | | `sentences` | ان, يبق, تم, الأمم ستالينجراد موسوليني., بداية لألمانيا الربيع، أخذ أن التّحول, لم,., أحدث بـ هاربر مكن في أي الأرض ثم يبق., يتم نتيجة اعتداء إذ إستيلاء أحدث تكتيكاً وفي., بالحرب لم, بقعة والفرنسي باستسلام المزيفة حدة البرية عن., الحكم به، كلّ, مارد للإتحاد لبولندا، وباءت., شمال إيطاليا عل, أضف النازية،., بشكل كلا بـ التي., لإعادة هو اللازمة المدنيون ساعة تزامناً وقبل حرب ضرب,. | | `word` | وحتّى, بـ, أي | | `words` | الأخذ, العظمى, بقعة, قد,, هزيمة, أي,, جُل,, ماذا, كلّ | ## FFaker::LoremCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 杀鸡取卵杀鸡儆猴朝霞辉映子桃红柳绿, 洗耳恭听一文不值枣红十万火急交谈天崩地裂当午日明, 六根清净交头接耳迫不及待叮叮当当, 慢慢鸟瞰暴雨如注口蜜腹剑雪飘如絮一眨眼五光十色壮志凌云迫在眉睫。, 冰雪消融无穷无尽张灯结彩八仙过海,各显神通前因后果七高八低九死一生望, 有始有终万家灯火千山万水变幻莫测为国捐躯, 不胜枚举一诺千金成千上万天高云淡, 亡羊补牢五湖四海千丝万缕张灯结彩水帘悬挂逝世面红耳赤时隐时现, 漫漫长夜姿态万千手舞足蹈无穷无尽感慨万分光阴似箭梨黄。, 嚎顷刻间连连称赞惊涛骇浪成千上万冰清玉洁借尸还魂自说自话, 白璧无瑕身材魁梧鼠目寸光视死如归打草惊蛇喜笑颜开对牛弹琴, 六根清净惊惶失措琳琅满目万紫千红江水滚滚, 素车白马瞅有恃无恐言而有信水平如镜。 | | `paragraphs` | 八面威风悠然自得秋高气爽东拼西凑九牛一毛旭日东升, 难舍难分迫在眉睫千奇百怪星月如钩兴致勃勃画蛇添足开怀大笑, 绿莹莹悔恨交加虎啸龙吟天昏地暗, 星光熠熠闻名于世千军万马前赴后继东倒西歪自吹自擂。, 返老还童东倒西歪毅然决然异口同声, 一毛不拔恨之入骨去世微微一笑火红惊涛骇浪门口罗雀三头六臂八面威风, 朝气勃勃六根清净提心吊胆仰望咬牙切齿自说自话铿锵有力灯红酒绿李白桃红, 苹果绿失声痛哭一落千丈子, 讨论无影无踪一言九鼎吱呀四海为家内忧外患愁眉苦脸有气无力开怀大笑。, 三思而行四通八达云浪滚滚金光万道心明眼亮雄心勃勃绵绵细雨拾金不昧瞄, 五花八门顺手牵羊尸骨累累凶多吉少有名无实, 舍近求远讨论亭亭玉立一心一意激动万分令人发指时而, 风平浪静江水滚滚万家灯火枝繁叶茂连连称赞, 五体投地前赴后继亭亭玉立鹤立鸡群叹为观止暴风骤雨月白风清时明时暗不理不睬。, 犹豫不决风平浪静毫无希望牺牲红彤彤一本万利载歌载舞, 大名鼎鼎朝气勃勃不吵不闹马到成功, 四分五裂三令五申鱼目混珠三顾茅庐潸然泪下, 湖蓝语气坚定管中窥豹生死存亡谈论无精打采同心同德雄狮猛虎, 顾虑重重不干不净十分可恶面红耳赤扬眉吐气冉冉。, 齐心协力一气呵成轻风徐徐扬眉吐气, 牛头马面仰望万紫千红一文不值视死如归燃眉之急沙沙半推半就, 招兵买马有始有终缓缓足下生辉移步换影桃红柳绿, 嚎黑白分明轻风徐徐已故讨论一诺千金生气勃勃有恃无恐, 瞬息万变前所未有追悔莫及顺手牵羊顾虑重重。, 三顾茅庐叮叮当当大名鼎鼎东拉西扯一诺千金雄鸡报晓绞尽脑汁仰望, 心灵手巧杀鸡儆猴五光十色怒发冲冠, 招兵买马中午时分一身是胆废寝忘食四分五裂, 一日三秋霎时间三生有幸无影无踪虎啸龙吟数不胜数九鼎一丝。, 浩浩荡荡无忧无虑弹孔累累疾走如飞, 千军万马众志成城生龙活虎十万火急, 形态不一闷闷不乐可憎可恶雄心勃勃信守诺言不理不睬犹豫不决怒气冲冲, 天经地义无情无义冰雪消融喀嚓一鸣惊人不胜枚举十全十美。, 星光熠熠一身是胆四面楚歌云开日出雄狮猛虎, 六道轮回黑白相间四海为家闻名于世中午时分, 咕噜小心翼翼哗哗啦啦秋高气爽激动人心惊天动地。, 老态龙钟投桃报李桃红柳绿九死一生泪如泉涌天罗地网亭亭玉立, 俯瞰开怀大笑时隐时现果实累累, 目瞪口呆泪流满面愁眉苦脸果实累累鸣千军万马。 | | `sentence` | 看望激动不已果实累累四面八方自言自语舍己为人雪中送炭,, 秋风凉爽信守诺言自吹自擂扬眉吐气叮当,, 前所未有狗急跳墙激动人心头重脚轻观察, | | `sentences` | 昂首阔步张口结舌万紫千红白雪皑皑开怀大笑绿莹莹一箭双雕,, 感慨万分三九严寒一心一意无牵无挂移步换影六根清净,, 废寝忘食东倒西歪千奇百怪六根清净白璧无瑕叮当,, 五光十色高山峻岭四海为家感慨万分乳白,, 自言自语自吹自擂桃红柳绿一马当先波光粼粼三头六臂一眨眼,, 自吹自擂雄狮猛虎细雨如烟波浪滚滚果实累累不屈不挠,, 乳白十全十美千变万化大汗淋漓一马当先嫣然一笑沙沙思前顾后雄心勃勃,, 冰天雪地满山遍野夜幕降临风平浪静嚎啕大哭绿浪滚滚,, 闷闷不乐狐疑不决白雪皑皑不胜枚举危峰兀立一贫如洗, | | `word` | 风和日丽, 安危冷暖, 江水滚滚 | | `words` | 眺望, 咕咚, 天老地荒, 心急如焚, 逝世, 赤日炎炎, 不可胜数, 疾走如飞, 惊惶失措 | ## FFaker::LoremFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Toutes phrases long entiers skyline laissa headline les son. Le puissante lequel règlalades. Même mais convaincre pays chemin propre. Ipsum lourd écho agence. Remit rebrousser créas bien., L sauvages du rue raviser cuit alphabetville alors on. Fois origines chaîne et preuve d. Purent en règlalades bourg-en-lettres océan sournois. Fût nom qu instrumentalisèrent ressaisi vous., Headline venait vils grammaire on. Firent il mais son jeta. à projets chemin une orthodoxographique ligne rhétorique longtemps. Jour headline bonnes dans pour monts. Passage ils côtes lettrines point. | | `paragraphs` | Sain question encore leurs skyline mésusèrent été. Vers s ligne lettrines là-bas question preuve italiques volent. Finir passage firent jour mais rebrousser au sauf. Motus italiques déjà chemin. Fins saoule purent dans demeurent., Puis sa oxymore vie sournois coeur et il. Vodkale tout mille rencontra. Qui l sauvages sur c., Restait bolos paragraphe demeurent headline. Pans voyellie preuve alphabetville approvisionne sémantique peut remit océan. Origines un bonnes cela sain décida il traîner. Convaincre bonnes le copy approvisionne saoule au voyellie sans., Firent prevenant régit rebrousser. C lettrines finir qu. Prochain cela bolo écho on paradisiagmatique retrait nostalgique en., Paradisiagmatique écho coule là-bas vers alphanatale consonnia alphabetville. Ne mit est sûr sauvages initiale. Sûr fallut décida vils il prévint c. Qui ne s créas., Un l raviser se peut vodkale panse. Règlalades vaste très pointdexclamators sûr dans à subline. Où ressaisi pans petit., Désormais sûr ce regard sauvages alphabetville. Où lequel bourg-en-lettres fallut aguets consonnia là prémâchées motus. Dissuader écho lieues longtemps sur entiers très vils d. De point régit vivent rencontra interpelle encore. Pas il purent fourbes rencontra où ipsum., Longtemps sûr règlalades nostalgique même en larousse. Flancs décida lieues entiers alors sûr. Fallut depuis c nostalgique. Mot et mésusèrent lieues fins delà. Prémâchées prochain réecrite désormais coule au., Aux ses delà ne c. Pays joue prévint côtes mais la. Pointdexclamators en paragraphe sauvages avait jeta lui. Grand route attendraient joue alphanatale aguets encore bourg-en-lettres. Jour oreille que ferait là passage ligne. | | `phrase` | Côtes été nom ces chemin jour sémantique le purent., Fourbes à peut subline langues virgulos encore., Volent en leurs des skyline une. | | `phrases` | Vils mot régit sémantique saoule jeta genre sournois., Interpelle propre gravi vils., Italiques prévint flancs pas un s., Toutes qu et puissante lorem sur glissa océan., Raviser saoule par panse son maintes d copy paragraphe., Qu où vaste se long en bonnes d tas., écho instrumentalisèrent pays aguets ne., Lettrines route mots laissa., Qu fin coeur au oxymore le. | | `sentence` | Côtes dans moins des puissante encore sa le regard., Agence flancs là-bas avait retrait déjà., Oreille toutes demeurent d leurs petite initiale encore mésusèrent. | | `sentences` | Et sûr bouche écho chaîne., Phrases virgulos son est en encore., Un lui loin approvisionne mésusèrent encoreloin exploitent., Paroles s vodkale oxymore genre lorem copy c., Rhétorique par sauvages maintes pourtant coula., Sa ne preuve mit loin., Coule phrases un bouche italiques long au aux oxymore., Mésusèrent orthodoxographique avait depuis., Mésusèrent joue phrases oreille son semicolons tout mot. | | `word` | petite, oreille, l | | `words` | exploitent, dans, pans, sa, par, histoire, Et, Grammaire, déjà | ## FFaker::LoremJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `character` | ち, と, ぼ | | `characters` | をばのぞえか4+ねりぜびい7んぷゐ@¥/, ?よ=ぐぜしずぞえきい>ほ。¥ねぽ24か, きふとわ+を。4にへつべぼ<みまうろ*ぶ | | `paragraph` | もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、やはりもじもじ立ち上がったままやはり答えができませんでした。, そして教室じゅうはしばらく机の蓋をあけたりしめたり本を重ねたりする音がいっぱいでしたが、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、みんなに問いをかけました。, ジョバンニも手をあげようとして、すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて、その雑誌を読むと、みんなに問いをかけました。 | | `paragraphs` | やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、先生はしばらく困ったようすでしたが、本を読むひまも読む本もないので、自分で星図を指しました。, もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、このごろぼくが、もちろんカムパネルラも知っている、急いでそのままやめました。, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら、黒板につるした大きな黒い星座の図の、いつか雑誌で読んだのでしたが、カムパネルラが手をあげました。, やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、すぐに返事をしなかったのは、そう考えるとたまらないほど、じぶんもカムパネルラもあわれなような気がするのでした。, その雑誌を読むと、するとあんなに元気に手をあげたカムパネルラが、そうだ僕は知っていたのだ、やはりもじもじ立ち上がったままやはり答えができませんでした。, と言いながら、それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、それはいつかカムパネルラのお父さんの博士のうちでカムパネルラといっしょに読んだ雑誌のなかにあったのだ。, と言いながら、このごろぼくが、やっぱり星だとジョバンニは思いましたが、まっ黒な頁《ページ》いっぱいに白に点々のある美しい写真を二人でいつまでも見たのでした。, カムパネルラともあんまり物を言わないようになったので、先生は意外なようにしばらくじっとカムパネルラを見ていましたが、ぎんがというところをひろげ、立ってみるともうはっきりとそれを答えることができないのでした。, それどこでなくカムパネルラは、たしかにあれがみんな星だと、カムパネルラがそれを知ってきのどくがってわざと返事をしなかったのだ、自分で星図を指しました。 | | `sentence` | それをカムパネルラが忘れるはずもなかったのに, それどこでなくカムパネルラは, ジョバンニも手をあげようとして | | `sentences` | このごろぼくが, ザネリが前の席からふりかえって, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら, と言いながら, すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて, 上から下へ白くけぶった銀河帯のようなところを指しながら, このごろぼくが, そうだ僕は知っていたのだ, すぐお父さんの書斎から巨きな本をもってきて | | `word` | ガラス, レンズ, 写真 | | `words` | つまり, ノート, 蓋, 下, 銀河帯, 自分, 銀河, 乳, 毎日教室 | ## FFaker::LoremKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | 일편단심일세 닳도록 기상일세 동해 가을 화려강산. 길이 사랑하세 철갑을 없이 듯 삼천리 대한으로 소나무 맘으로. 대한으로 보전하세 높고 구름 바람서리. 대한으로 위에 보우하사 맘으로 무궁화 우리나라 가을 마르고 하느님이. 바람서리 달은 괴로우나 철갑을 하늘 두른 우리나라 남산 위에., 없이 동해 다하여 닳도록 충성을 마르고 공활한데 우리나라 이. 기상일세 밝은 듯 보우하사 다하여 저 맘으로 사람 소나무. 공활한데 나라 밝은 보전하세 이 무궁화 맘으로. 마르고 저 불변함은 화려강산 철갑을. 화려강산 물과 우리 나라 삼천리 기상과 소나무 무궁화 우리나라., 바람서리 삼천리 동해 저 철갑을 물과. 우리나라 대한으로 하느님이 맘으로 동해 마르고 대한 두른 다하여. 무궁화 맘으로 남산 마르고 보우하사 다하여 대한으로 나라. 가슴 불변함은 마르고 물과 화려강산 즐거우나. 일편단심일세 가슴 밝은 우리 두른 괴로우나 저 충성을. | | `paragraphs` | 기상일세 삼천리 닳도록 우리 다하여 보전하세 두른 무궁화 괴로우나. 무궁화 화려강산 기상과 높고 없이 두른 철갑을. 바람서리 가슴 나라 이 보전하세 무궁화 높고 공활한데 맘으로. 무궁화 하늘 가슴 사람 즐거우나 달은 위에., 이 저 구름 보우하사 공활한데 위에 백두산이 기상과. 마르고 보우하사 보전하세 두른 화려강산 바람서리 무궁화 백두산이. 화려강산 위에 충성을 바람서리 괴로우나. 동해 만세 화려강산 보전하세 일편단심일세 하느님이 삼천리 소나무. 듯 하늘 만세 저 마르고 괴로우나 동해 소나무., 닳도록 이 기상일세 불변함은 기상과 위에. 맘으로 남산 즐거우나 다하여 우리. 사랑하세 바람서리 철갑을 닳도록 없이., 충성을 물과 화려강산 공활한데 마르고 무궁화 불변함은 일편단심일세. 보전하세 불변함은 나라 기상과 만세. 밝은 대한 철갑을 사랑하세 저 사람., 대한 바람서리 우리나라 화려강산 사람. 두른 충성을 남산 사람 나라 기상과 이. 우리나라 공활한데 일편단심일세 삼천리 보우하사. 화려강산 철갑을 저 동해 남산 무궁화 이 충성을. 화려강산 삼천리 보전하세 하느님이 달은 길이., 동해 하느님이 나라 길이 불변함은 일편단심일세 우리나라. 사랑하세 구름 물과 닳도록 하느님이 저 마르고. 달은 괴로우나 대한으로 대한 우리나라 마르고 우리 바람서리., 백두산이 밝은 즐거우나 물과 공활한데. 가을 삼천리 달은 대한 동해 닳도록. 즐거우나 대한 하느님이 대한으로 길이. 보우하사 괴로우나 가슴 보전하세 공활한데 기상일세., 하느님이 삼천리 맘으로 구름 보전하세 하늘 높고 우리나라 달은. 하느님이 위에 무궁화 철갑을 높고 하늘 소나무 대한. 바람서리 하늘 하느님이 대한으로 삼천리 마르고 듯. 만세 즐거우나 듯 소나무 없이 밝은 공활한데., 높고 충성을 우리나라 달은 가슴 공활한데 닳도록. 나라 높고 남산 동해 길이 밝은. 삼천리 닳도록 괴로우나 사랑하세 일편단심일세 불변함은 두른. | | `phrase` | 하느님이 닳도록 길이 하늘 동해 대한 괴로우나 저., 마르고 구름 물과 일편단심일세 괴로우나 기상과., 백두산이 구름 충성을 기상일세 사랑하세. | | `phrases` | 삼천리 우리나라 물과 가슴 불변함은 다하여 백두산이., 이 삼천리 기상과 동해 무궁화., 공활한데 대한 사람 일편단심일세 가을 충성을 물과., 공활한데 즐거우나 구름 화려강산 충성을 무궁화 괴로우나 대한으로 만세., 우리나라 사랑하세 두른 무궁화 가슴 충성을., 닳도록 삼천리 하느님이 물과 백두산이 구름., 대한으로 두른 무궁화 기상과 하늘., 남산 저 하늘 삼천리 일편단심일세 무궁화 소나무 사랑하세., 맘으로 가슴 기상일세 밝은 대한으로 듯. | | `sentence` | 물과 맘으로 철갑을 기상과 만세 공활한데 일편단심일세., 두른 물과 불변함은 저 이 사랑하세 철갑을., 마르고 철갑을 이 물과 불변함은 보우하사 닳도록 대한으로. | | `sentences` | 높고 우리나라 만세 괴로우나 기상과 물과 구름., 소나무 닳도록 두른 남산 사랑하세 다하여., 백두산이 괴로우나 길이 우리 대한으로 높고 밝은 없이 충성을., 사람 다하여 위에 불변함은 기상일세 충성을., 저 가을 일편단심일세 길이 바람서리 나라 남산 보전하세., 나라 밝은 가슴 마르고 불변함은., 저 공활한데 길이 위에 대한 높고 만세 즐거우나 바람서리., 소나무 우리나라 바람서리 우리 높고., 충성을 불변함은 가슴 나라 공활한데 삼천리. | | `word` | 구름, 동해, 삼천리 | | `words` | 만세, 화려강산, 달은, 소나무, 기상일세, 사람, 삼천리, 만세, 불변함은 | ## FFaker::LoremUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `paragraph` | Все золота чаклував нужду Сивоок клопотах честь життя, заварювалося бралися Сивоок. Прилютовувався красками винести що по ділі викладати смальти проварював у на сподівань, зостався а однаково. Видінь й все коло страву поселення несміливі? Колись однаково й мозаїк, листочки двох зостався туди обдертішим те у тим смальту. Похмурих великих належність і люди самої, щоб довго князя хижі скляного і про! Варилася сподівань туди золотий пиху те, про нагодувавши уже міді воно іноді., Кинули що грудку страждав обідрані тоншої листочок що нині смальти, та заплатити зі постриг те. Нагодує розтирав була що, страву смальти жив проварював ділом Ярослава сріблом що мав пиху. Бралися красками жив те а капусту коло з заснували ділив біднішим, що них приймали щонайдрібніших нужду. Ціле золотої кубика і Сивоок монастир разом. Іноді поневірявся життя бога часи ділив йшли. Листочки місці на загибелі зостався була все літ., Довколишній які люди більше просто нагодує похмурих проварював Софії смальти, міді в нині. Софії не Георгія перепробував повторювалося разом заплатити втратив чим належних коло і ділом, заварювалося обіді ними. Старіші сріблом визнати без довго воно страждав не, викладати Сивоок а. Стало і що урозмаїтити хліб про щоб ось. Не до святого, золото зостався буде як Софії була чернецький викладати визнати затірку. Своєю а люди тепер бідні заснували золотої золотої. Припадала а спокійніше і страву ріденьку, електрон коли них щодень бралися коло красками. | | `paragraphs` | Маючи все багато біднішим що людей про! Всіх біле своїх, була ліпші обмеженнями заварювалося пиху видінь споду біднішим. Кольорів снісарі до свого хижі святого поглинає, йому на монастир Сивоок листочки. Споду своїми для ж не й чернецький, бралися Сивоок а у туди власне сплав у Софії? У сріблом люди своїх несміливі бралися згадувано перепробував туди. Тільки видінь мозаїк барвах які розумів честь бачив викладати, сам своїх життя. Все Ярослава золотої її тільки він пішли розумів співі тим видінь, в щонайдрібніших а у жив., Варив кинули їх тільки, але своєю її десятьох по Сивоок листочки Сивоок людьми. Кубика великим про ще просто місці всіх бачив все видінь. Не з проварював грудку без тисяч довго стосував. Йому тисяч щодень що і саме міді барвах ціле, заварювалося тоншої плечах на нині нестатками. Антропоси у ціле золотої то ж закладалося припадала життя золото. Своїх голодно у поміж своєю золотий виковували до з щоб грудку божу скла, та її Георгія. Шапок у скла відтіння електрон тоншої для розумів листочок., Пішли а охочі, не викладати й або тому бога всіх чернецький видінь буде. Жив платівок щонайдрібніших їхньому добирав треба щодень, то стосував святого більшу заростають на разом нужді над? Ігуменом саме сподівань загибелі, будовано Сивоок страву не скляного двох вживано тут. Обдертішим належність розумів божу, повторювалося все викладати ділом Ярослава відтіння не сам. Якого ж народ їх припадала всіх втратив що, клопотах що в йшли нього. Ними винести у заварювалося тільки тільки, бачив ділом більше золото добирав про він., Заростають світінні тонюсінькі для на сріблом добирав скляного. Розкішніше у нестатками кубика на було визнати, без заростають Сивоок тільки ігуменом? Світінні поля кольорів з розтирав загибелі ліпші і, ними ділі що Ярослава відчаю! Що бо стало клопотах належних повторювалося на бідні, для нагодувавши те ними то! Буде коло капусту спокійніше барвах Ісси над своїми, міді сплав тільки красками то як ділі. Постриг тоншої у багато потім поселення як заростають страждав ділив людьми що золото, розповідали лизали у!, Міщило й біле молитвах поля часом над? Урозмаїтити золото життя, ось борті сяйво своїми що якого тисяч багато світінні але тобто кинули і. Й розповідали сам над працею на святого треба а. Тільки розповідали помічників розкішніше належність розкошами не в золота. Людей стало розкішніше повторювалося що тільки постриг ще, в старіші на треба в грудку. Розтирав згадувано чернецький а тонюсінькі й людьми і києві. І клали іноді будування йому належних по й яка, втулився закладалося смальту просто багато сам., Тим йому від на, честь електрон й часом їхньому Георгія Сивоок заснували заварювалося більше ось нього. Ту тисяч літ тепер і не бачив їх. На ціле те двох Ісси її ділив, було довго стосував похмурих загибелі. Охочі тепер смальта, нестатками бідні літ смальту тепер варив хижі смальти по нього у. Їх нестатками сподівань у Софії але урозмаїтити скляного, князя людей ось листочок нині смальти закладалося., Урозмаїтити однаково належність грудку, честь заростають й смальти на листочки то скла. На золотої за часи, іноді золота більше жив просто Сивоок належних те! Що належність бога туди кубика, треба Сивоок клопотах самої бралися охочі тим них. У до про сам двох поселення тільки борті капусту тоншої старіші відтіння, Сивоок що ріденьку вживано? Затірку мав Георгія що людьми валяться у хижі. Обмеженнями прилютовувався й навічно, не була тепер барвах іноді церква навіть буде місці Софії а!, На страву вживано заснували розповідали славу тому хижі золото розкішніше золота, іноді людей князя жив. Бога міг Міщило ділом у замилування про голодно! Тільки заплатити те вони, ж винести своєю сіль стосував було місці вони навічно. Вони саме охочі стало нужді йому обідрані поля закладалося Сивоок, десятьох будування золото не. Вони сподівань про те листочок життя вони часи, і голодно тим чаклував ту красками. Й коли добирав яка бачили розтирав багато приймали виковували. Тепер викладати більшу м’ясо її, грудку Сивоок красками поля помічників листочки відчаю барвах обіді сяйво., За монастир не своєю було людей згадувано не сплав тут. Платівок якого бачили своїх народ але й великим Сивоок самої зі, загибелі як прилютовувався них. До пиху і ділі у відтіння уже ними за, і тепер винести загибелі поміж була. Ділом хижі бур’яном сріблом од помічників чаклував у хліб замилування. Більше чим було більшу антропоси тепер обіді князя. Що смальти Ярослава не колись йшли страву не спокійніше й й сплав, зі за життя Георгія. | | `phrase` | Нагодує тільки варив йому працею зі тисяч поля свого, воно до нужді великим., Постриг хліб які несміливі іноді все ж тим туди, страву і у Сивоок., Ж у обмеженнями клали власне бо визнати і. | | `phrases` | Своїми власне міг жив довго розкішніше саме помічників на валяться., Що і від монастир золотої що бідні молитвах листочки ними., Ними однаково заварювалося честь, добирав заплатити Сивоок вони місці нагодувавши листочок сріблом йому славу!, Смальту барвах яка тільки обідрані щонайдрібніших на світінні., Щоб поля помічників й ними, більше більше в скляного листочки в що., Саме разом до й учив світінні ділі людьми припадала., Листочок вдоволень працею а золота повторювалося постриг була видінь Ісси обіді і, похмурих князя них чим., У в їхньому голодніше буде та і., Він закладалося проварював Візантії і їхньому не. | | `sentence` | Електрон них Сивоок, валяться людьми втулився іноді золота у які святого бачив., Візантії людей м’ясо, на він клопотах у що більше їхні Сивоок?, Борті розповідали розумів і поміж і тим щодень місці їхні. | | `sentences` | Не затірку снісарі її ділі до бо що нужді Ярослава втратив, тепер закладалося електрон йшли обідрані., Голодніше Міщило бо добирав нужду, що й більшу про тим своєю., Й від тепер з що і які їхні валяться., Не смальти великих скляного довго було похмурих поля хижі князя Візантії, що своїми зостався., Капусту на учив й і туди а та разом, у він добирав світінні., Тепер що поля з він обмеженнями довго страву, нужду скла золотої без., Розповідали й поля листочки працював од на., На у поневірявся у кольорів до обідрані життя тонюсінькі варилася а, припадала золотої йому., Урозмаїтити розповідали визнати молитвах тільки листочок була сяйво тисяч її. | | `word` | добирав, Георгія, тут | | `words` | тепер, голодно, ціле, які, та, у, йому, бо, не | ## FFaker::Movie | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `rating` | PG-13, PG-13, PG | | `title` | The Monster Who Fell to Earth, The Beast Who Fell to Earth, The Beast That Came to Dinner | ## FFaker::Music | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `album` | Meat and Candy, III, Genesis Series | | `artist` | Grimes, Kate Boy, Ariel Camacho y Los Plebes Del Rancho | | `genre` | Classical, Religious, Pop/Rock | | `song` | Watch Me Whip, S.O.B., Money On My Mind | ## FFaker::Name | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Athena Corkery, Miss. Nola Osinski, Mrs. Myrna Green | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Kathyrn Hauck II, Mrs. Odilia Dibbert IV, Miss. Shaunta Legros V | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Cleta Doyle I, Fairy Kling Jr., Sharice McDermott DVM | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Lynda, Garry, Melinda | | `first_name_female` | Mark, Stefany, Phuong | | `first_name_male` | Dale, Quentin, Timothy | | `html_safe_last_name` | Steuber, Bosco, Grimes | | `html_safe_name` | Estelle Sporer, Rosario Greenfelder, Ada Gutmann | | `last_name` | Hayes, Feeney, Bartoletti | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Palmer Borer, Mr. Edmund Boyer, Mr. Hung Leannon | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Spencer Collier V, Mr. Octavio Volkman III, Mr. Hayden Wolf DDS | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Nathan Gottlieb IV, Dick Lebsack DVM, Carroll Dickinson I | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Lilian Stamm, Lacie Maggio, Shira Langosh | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Emanuel Pollich, Mrs. Tyra Rippin, Mr. Neville Kihn | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Raye Wilderman Jr., Miss. Winifred Auer IV, Mr. Alfonso Douglas MD | | `name_with_suffix` | Myrta Klocko Jr., Wesley Fadel Jr., Kevin Ankunding PhD | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Ms. | | `prefix` | Mrs., Miss., Dr. | | `suffix` | DDS, MD, IV | ## FFaker::NameBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Angelique Freitas, Srta. Ivana Xavier, Srta. Calenice Fernandes | | `female_prefix` | Sra., Sra., Sra. | | `first_name` | Renê, Omar, Lina | | `first_name_female` | Glaúcia, Elaine, Catarina | | `first_name_male` | Abílio, Carlos, Fábio | | `last_name` | Peixoto, da Rosa, Lima | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Osias Araújo, Sr. Vilson Mendes, Sr. João Novaes | | `male_prefix` | Sr., Sr., Sr. | | `name` | Kayanne da Rosa, Rebeka da Cruz, Edenice Alves | | `name_with_prefix` | Srta. Gabriel Cardoso, Sr. Afonsina Porto, Sr. Balduíno Duarte | | `prefix` | Sra., Sra., Sra. | ## FFaker::NameCN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 薇绿, 信喜, 铭玟 | | `last_first` | 鱼淑定, 夏侯沛蓁, 斛吉龙 | | `last_name` | 旷, 谷, 少 | | `name` | 念琇崇, 左慧闫, 洁维藩 | ## FFaker::NameCS | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Evia Březina, Mrs. Nilsa Coufalová, Mrs. Ella Beneš | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Aleida Beranová Ph.D., Miss. Salome Bílková Th.D., Miss. Cristen Dvořák DSc. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Johnie Bartoš Th.D., Dot Červená DSc., Kathey Bartoňová Th.D. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Tadeáš, Radim, Dušan | | `first_name_female` | Jacinda, Bridgette, Tabitha | | `first_name_male` | Jewell, Kerry, Darrell | | `html_safe_last_name` | Emard, Fisher, Mueller | | `html_safe_name` | Eva Nienow, Jan Witting, Ivan Willms | | `last_name` | Dlouhá, Duda, Coufal | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Terrence Dvořáková, Mr. Morton Berková, Mr. Sylvester Adamec | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Napoleon Doležalová Ph.D., Mr. Allan Černá DSc., Mr. Jamal Bauerová Th.D. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Hobert Fojtíková Th.D., Shirley Diviš Th.D., Kelley Burda Th.D. | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Jaromír Čech, Dr. Štěpán Diviš Th.D., Ms. Jana Červenková | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Lacy Dufková, Mr. George Filipová, Mr. Brett Blažek | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Kasandra Boháčová DSc., Mr. Jed Černá Ph.D., Miss. Lasonya Benešová Th.D. | | `name_with_suffix` | Ollie Fialová DSc., Glenn David Ph.D., Ariel Březina Th.D. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Dr. | | `prefix` | Mr., Ms., Ms. | | `suffix` | DSc., Ph.D., DSc. | | `with_same_sex` | ‼️ LocalJumpError: no block given (yield) | ## FFaker::NameDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `any_name` | Klaus Kling, Lisbeth Koss, Dr. Amalie Lowe | | `female_name` | Gitte Skiles, Ester Fadel Murazik, Ellen Wilderman | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Amira Kshlerin, Mrs. Shelia Rau, Mrs. Cassaundra Roob | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Dannette O'Connell II, Mrs. Nanci Feil II, Mrs. Lavelle Padberg Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Virginia Klein MD, Reginia Bergnaum II, Queen Windler Sr. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Hilda, Hansine, Kristoffer | | `first_name_female` | Shizue, Angelo, Consuelo | | `first_name_male` | Ramiro, Jessie, Royce | | `html_safe_last_name` | Effertz, Feeney, Johnson | | `html_safe_name` | Frode Kuphal, Sofia Yundt, Irma Glover | | `last_name` | Mitchell, Marquardt, Gottlieb | | `male_name` | Hr. Alf Cassin, Lauritz Kilback, Ahmad Mayert | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Elvin Kirlin, Mr. Augustus Koelpin, Mr. Zachariah Gerlach | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Edison Pouros V, Mr. Wilfred Johns II, Mr. Deon Dicki V | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Ahmad Waters MD, Leopoldo Schmeler Jr., Ira Crona IV | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Tage Mohr, Isabella Kerluke, Hardy Keeling | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Kenda Kozey, Miss. Verla Runolfsdottir, Mr. Rubin Moore | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Vincent Rosenbaum V, Mr. Brett McCullough PhD, Miss. Mark Wyman IV | | `name_with_suffix` | Aurelia Beier MD, Jesus Ondricka Jr., Una Spinka I | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Hr., Dr., Prof. | | `suffix` | MD, V, PhD | ## FFaker::NameDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Chi Feest, Miss. Georgiana Armstrong, Miss. Yuri Labadie | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Chrissy Prosacco Sr., Miss. Kendal Schumm Sr., Mrs. Myrta Jast III | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Tommy Kemmer V, Margareta Balistreri IV, Theresia Bahringer MD | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Dusty, Eddie, June | | `first_name_female` | Dreama, Khadijah, Melony | | `first_name_male` | Jerrod, Riley, Kirby | | `html_safe_last_name` | Ernser, Botsford, Kuphal | | `html_safe_name` | Jack Harris, Mandy Nader, Sherise Aufderhar | | `last_name` | Goldner, Fahey, Marks | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Rob Nader, Mr. Riley Waters, Mr. Ellsworth Bergnaum | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Ty Kuphal III, Mr. Christopher Hills I, Mr. Santos Kiehn III | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Toby Pollich I, Julius Eichmann IV, Brady Mann MD | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Venessa Rutherford, Val Larkin, Renato Emard | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Billy Dibbert, Mr. Avery Haley, Mr. Lenard Ritchie | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Dwight Christiansen MD, Mrs. Cynthia Pagac II, Mrs. Dara Bradtke I | | `name_with_suffix` | Bambi Simonis V, Hans D'Amore I, Brice Mohr I | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Frau, Dr., Herr | | `suffix` | MD, I, IV | ## FFaker::NameFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Matthieu, Alix, Henri | | `last_name` | Gauthier, Pruvost, Nguyen | | `name` | Christine Leconte, Richard de Duhamel, Margaud Da | | `prefix` | du, de, le | ## FFaker::NameGA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Aminata, Corina, Ellen | | `first_name_male` | Sutay,, Sana,, Pateh, | | `last_name` | jammeh, ceesay, ceesay | | `name` | Naibelle, ceesay, Daniel, jammeh, Eli jammeh | | `name_female` | Janun jammeh, Lolo ceesay, Ngoneh ceesay | | `name_male` | Bora, ceesay, Giddo, ceesay, Samba, ceesay | ## FFaker::NameGR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_first_name` | Ναταλία, Θεοδοσία, Ξένια | | `female_full_name` | Γωγώ Τρικούπη, Δήμητρα Ελευθεροπούλου, Ζωή Οικονόμου | | `female_last_name` | Αβραμίδου, Ταρσούλη, Ιωαννίδη | | `first_name` | Παρθένα, Βερενίκη, Ευκλείδης | | `full_name` | Παρθένα Παπανδρέου, Ειρήνη Βαλσάμη, Πόπη Λιακόπουλου | | `last_name` | Ηλιόπουλος, Πουλόπουλος, Μιχαηλίδης | | `male_first_name` | Ευριπίδης, Ιάκωβος, Κυριάκος | | `male_full_name` | Χρήστος Οικονόμου, Ρένος Σπυρόπουλος, Σπύρος Γεωργιάδης | | `male_last_name` | Μανωλάς, Γεωργίου, Βασιλόπουλος | | `name` | Χάρης Δαμασκηνός, Πέτρος Ζερβός, Θοδωρής Βλαχόπουλος | ## FFaker::NameIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Alfredo, Paolina, Eleonora | | `last_name` | Santandrea, Grassini, Corti | | `name` | Filippa Parente, Filippo Piccolo, Elisa Melegatti | | `prefix` | Dr., Dr., Sig. | ## FFaker::NameJA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 節子, 貴大, 未 | | `last_first` | 永山翔太, 古田徹, 上村優斗 | | `last_name` | 北岡, 石垣, 金子 | | `name` | 武市和也, 堀内優子, 西平絵美 | ## FFaker::NameKH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | ប៉េងហូត, ដានីតា, សែនជ័យ | | `last_name` | ឆួង, ទូរ, យក់ | | `name` | អុក លក្ខណា, តឹក ប្រាសាទ, រចនា សុខលី | | `nick_name` | ស្រីហ្វៀង, អាប៉យ, ទីទី | ## FFaker::NameKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | 임천, 기담, 규로 | | `last_first` | 라태융, 빈호원, 도천운 | | `last_name` | 황, 노, 필 | | `name` | 라두홍, 최주백, 천백규 | | `name_with_space` | 황 호운, 궉 재용, 련 채환 | ## FFaker::NameMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name` | Jaqueline, Cinthia, Jovana | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Sra. Idell Sipes, C. Britteny Lockman, Srita. Nelida Lebsack | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sra. Freida Blanda V, C. Blossom Marquardt MD, Srita. Marcie McClure IV | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Tammy Wilkinson Jr., Carlie Fahey DDS, Rosalee Rolfson MD | | `female_prefix` | Srita., C., Srita. | | `first_name` | Carlos, Juan, Fabricio | | `first_name_female` | Cyndi, Rayna, Treasa | | `first_name_male` | Rodrick, Bret, Tobias | | `full_name` | Fermín Ratke Altenwerth, Eunice Schroeder Barrows, Adán Joel Farrell Zieme | | `full_name_no_prefix` | Norma King McLaughlin, Amanda Heathcote Feil, Auréa Batz Harvey | | `full_name_prefix` | C. Augusto Carter Haag, Sra. Karina Fahey Ward, C. Miguel Kuhn Kuvalis | | `html_safe_last_name` | Murray, Adams, Altenwerth | | `html_safe_name` | Fabiola Stracke, Roger Johns, Jacobo Wiza | | `last_name` | Beier, Sauer, Herman | | `male_name` | Ramón, Moisés, Ángel Nicandro | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Sr. Wilbert Pacocha, C. Karl Dooley, C. Jamie Durgan | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Sr. Dwain Treutel MD, Sr. Fermin Hettinger PhD, C. Lamont Hagenes DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Loren Ondricka V, Forrest Hermann DDS, Winston Gleichner Jr. | | `male_prefix` | C., C., C. | | `middle_name` | Clemente, Sandra, Bertha | | `name` | Omar, Catalina, Hilario | | `name_with_prefix` | Sra. Edna Glover, C. Clarinda Goodwin, C. Filomena Goyette | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | C. Moises Howell IV, C. Curt Nitzsche Jr., C. Mariano Wisozk Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Angelina Hane MD, Basilia Funk III, Juliet Denesik Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Dr. | | `paternal_last_names` | Skiles Kris, Hodkiewicz Veum, Crona Reynolds | | `prefix` | Srita., Srita., Srita. | | `suffix` | III, DDS, Sr. | ## FFaker::NameNB | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Eugena Wilkinson, Mrs. Annalee Bogan, Mrs. Moon Schuster | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Josphine Gutmann Jr., Mrs. Arminda Hermann I, Mrs. Taina Pacocha Jr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Maryellen O'Kon Jr., Blair Schuppe PhD, Taren Mertz Jr. | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Gary, Santo, Jeffery | | `first_name_female` | Thi, Terrilyn, Bernita | | `first_name_male` | Dannie, Micheal, Jamey | | `html_safe_last_name` | Quitzon, Trantow, Block | | `html_safe_name` | Mickey Schuppe, Mabelle Simonne Sipes, Zachariah Foster Jewess | | `last_name` | McKenzie, Marks, Murphy | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Wilbert Russel, Mr. Jaime Hintz, Mr. Broderick Lindgren | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. August Rohan DVM, Mr. Joshua Ratke Jr., Mr. Lanny Schoen IV | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Nathanael Shields II, Chase Auer Jr., Les O'Conner PhD | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Winston Nicolas, Maribel Witting, Randal Deckow | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Jeremiah Moore, Mr. Cleo Heathcote, Mr. Daren Parker | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Vaughn Schneider II, Mr. Adrian Oberbrunner Sr., Mrs. Alanna Kihn Jr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Tijuana Stanton Sr., James Botsford I, Nan Armstrong III | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Prof., Prof., Prof. | | `suffix` | III, DDS, III | ## FFaker::NameNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Casandra Bednar, Miss. Nelly Swift, Miss. Myrtis-Mirtha Mosciski | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Mamie Kassulke III, Mrs. Leena Torphy DVM, Miss. Logan Gutkowski II | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Teresa Bruen MD, Katharina Mraz Sr., Andrea Johnson DDS | | `female_prefix` | Mrs., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Tawanna, Shiela, Alton-Edwardo | | `first_name_female` | Meaghan, Gregoria, Patience | | `first_name_male` | Sherman, Cary, Mckinley | | `html_safe_last_name` | Heidenreich, Sanford, Lehner | | `html_safe_name` | Marica Rippin, Latoya Crooks, Adria Rodriguez | | `last_name` | Stracke, Prohaska, Flatley | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Rich Bosco, Mr. Jefferey Oberbrunner, Mr. Rufus Klocko | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Alexander Gaylord Sr., Mr. Eugene Collier Jr., Mr. William-Wilber Konopelski IV | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Elwood Kovacek PhD, Allen Mohr III, Greg Fay V | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Fredrick Hammes, Ing. Salome Bergstrom, Teressa Schulist | | `name_with_prefix` | Mr. Dominic-Jess Senger, Mrs. Gwen Blanda, Mr. Owen McLaughlin | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Richie Okuneva Jr., Miss. Nicole Altenwerth II, Mr. Rodney Crona V | | `name_with_suffix` | Ezequiel D'Amore DDS, Tyson Beahan Sr., Davis Volkman MD | | `other_prefix` | Dr., Ms., Dr. | | `prefix` | Drs., Ir., Ir. | | `suffix` | Jr., Jr., II | ## FFaker::NamePH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Adelaide Tupaz, Mrs. Tara Manyakesg, Mrs. Elvina Montecillo | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Ria Manjon Sr., Mrs. Kristle Belmonte III, Mrs. Karan Miedes I | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Gaynelle Uysiuseng I, Delpha Magsino I, Fernanda Magsaysayg DVM | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Thuy, Laurice, Phillis | | `first_name_female` | Ma, Laurene, Jamee | | `first_name_male` | Thaddeus, Melvin, Chung | | `html_safe_last_name` | Metz, Pouros, Bechtelar | | `html_safe_name` | Shayna Auer, Rochell Quigley, Andria Rempel | | `last_name` | Tanhehco, Dahilang, Cereza | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Salvador Amora, Mr. Cleo Yaptinchay, Mr. Truman Navidad | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Stanley Tanjutco III, Mr. Derrick Ruedas Jr., Mr. Darius Lacro Jr. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Marlon Elizalde Sr., Beau Roxas III, Dillon Dyquiangco IV | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Rosann Monceda, Daron Ayala, Vada Mencion | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Anissa Balignasay, Mr. Tommie Villanueva, Miss. Katelynn Segismundo | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Jan Sumague I, Mr. Corey Labuguen DVM, Miss. Elsa Dysangcog Sr. | | `name_with_suffix` | Elois Santos Jr., Teresia Limbaco Jr., Herta Yllana Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Dr., Dr. | | `prefix` | Dr., Ms., Mr. | | `suffix` | III, DDS, Sr. | ## FFaker::NameRU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Gilberte Курнашова, Miss. Katelin Кунижева, Mrs. Theresia Челокян | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Lai Каипова MD, Miss. Nakia Манусова DDS, Mrs. Melynda Шапатина Sr. | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Bettina Белдина MD, Suellen Ветродуева Sr., Dia Скалецкий DVM | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Mrs. | | `first_name` | Роксана, Ярослава, Анфиса | | `first_name_female` | Marilou, Latosha, Eufemia | | `first_name_male` | Elden, Christopher, Stanford | | `html_safe_last_name` | Rowe, Jacobs, Boyle | | `html_safe_name` | Терентий Stracke, Семен Schneider, Дарина Dare | | `last_name` | Птумкина, Камозина, Ротаенова | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Harlan Шишаева, Mr. Dudley Айнутдинова, Mr. Eddy Болсова | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Willy Поленцова Sr., Mr. Teddy Зворыкин Jr., Mr. Avery Агапчева Sr. | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Domenic Лепатецкая III, Oliver Мефодиева PhD, Roscoe Одокий V | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Юлия Кавизина, Борислав Шеняк, Наталья Курепова | | `name_with_prefix` | Miss. Karena Помутова, Mrs. Harmony Летшов, Mr. Lenny Андреева | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mrs. Inocencia Мимитаева MD, Miss. Anh Кулакина MD, Mr. Keith Кабичева III | | `name_with_suffix` | Octavio Крутилин II, Jerrica Давлетинин PhD, Lucille Фругина Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Ms. | | `patronymic` | Венедиктовна, Богданович, Максимилиановна | | `prefix` | Miss., Mr., Miss. | | `suffix` | Jr., DVM, IV | | `with_same_sex` | ‼️ LocalJumpError: no block given (yield) | ## FFaker::NameSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `female_name_with_prefix` | Miss. Kathyrn Greenfelder, Miss. Jin Wehner, Mrs. Princess Mayert | | `female_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Miss. Rosio Stiedemann DDS, Miss. Lamonica Boyer Jr., Miss. Virgen Osinski IV | | `female_name_with_suffix` | Annett Nicolas V, Kellye Wolff PhD, Roxy Heidenreich III | | `female_prefix` | Miss., Mrs., Miss. | | `first_name` | Rima Rachell, Gordon Lewis, John | | `first_name_female` | Merle, Lorri, Royce | | `first_name_male` | Gerry, Stan, Kristofer | | `html_safe_last_name` | Beahan, Sanford, Okuneva | | `html_safe_name` | Mary Tillman, Almeta Upton, Barbar Little | | `last_name` | Terry, Bauch, Durgan | | `male_name_with_prefix` | Mr. Lesley Rolfson, Mr. Lamont Wyman, Mr. Connie Legros | | `male_name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Aron Rohan MD, Mr. Franklyn Considine I, Mr. Alvin Morar DVM | | `male_name_with_suffix` | Rolf Koch Jr., Wally Bayer II, Woodrow Durgan DDS | | `male_prefix` | Mr., Mr., Mr. | | `name` | Cindi Caprice Bernier, Ethan Spencer, Jacob Conroy | | `name_with_prefix` | Mrs. Debbie Wilderman, Miss. Lashaunda Barton, Mrs. Lin King | | `name_with_prefix_suffix` | Mr. Tracey Schoen V, Mr. Byron Carroll MD, Mr. Elbert Hammes PhD | | `name_with_suffix` | Laurie Volkman II, Cameron D'Amore I, Cody Volkman Sr. | | `other_prefix` | Ms., Ms., Ms. | | `prefix` | Prof., Prof., Prof. | | `suffix` | PhD, I, I | ## FFaker::NameSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name_female` | Fily, Salamata, Téwa | | `first_name_male` | Mapaté, Omar, Maguette | | `last_name` | Diabira, Diabira, Sarr | | `name_female` | Kankou Baloucoune, Adja Kital, Kankou Mbow | | `name_male` | Dramane Timera, Lémou Niane, pape Mamour Kitane | | `name_sn` | Sibett Bodian, serigne Cheikh Koïta, Dibor Badiatte | | `prefix_female` | adjaratou, ndeye, adjaratou | | `prefix_male` | pape, pape, serigne | ## FFaker::NameTH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | รัตน์ , วรรณ, เอกใหม่ | | `last_name` | สมิท, พิศาลบุตร, บราวน์ | | `name` | อรุณศรี รักไทย, อัษฎา  เคนเนะดิ , คลัง  ชินวัตร | | `nick_name` | ปุ๊ก , แม้น, แจ๋ว  | ## FFaker::NameTHEN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Suchada, Kris, Chai Charoen | | `last_name` | Kasamsun, Sangsorn, Puntasrima | | `name` | Churai Chaiprasit, Sonchai Chaisurivirat, Ritthirong Wattanasin | | `nick_name` | Lek, Nok, Bum | ## FFaker::NameUA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Тихон, Борислав, Петро | | `first_name_female` | Надія, Долеслава, Ада | | `first_name_male` | Градимир, Доброслав, Сологуб | | `last_name` | Могилевська, Марієвська, Силецька | | `last_name_female` | Гарай, Кулинич, Трясун | | `last_name_male` | Вергун, Сідлецький, Москаль | | `middle_name_female` | Захаріївна, Мирославівна, Панасівна | | `middle_name_male` | Євгенович, Звенимирович, Сергійович | | `name` | Луцьків Звенислава, Поліна Панасович, Усич Олелько | ## FFaker::NameVN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `first_name` | Công, Thị, Hữu | | `last_first` | Tiêu Tuân Hữu, Tạ Toàn Đức, Dương Cảnh Công | | `last_name` | Quyền, La, Hoàng | | `middle_name` | Dung, Hà, Thoa | | `name` | Thiên Đức Thủy, Minh Thị Kiều, Tuân Văn Đoàn | ## FFaker::NatoAlphabet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `alphabetic_code` | NOVEMBER, HOTEL, FOXTROT | | `callsign` | FOXTROT-KILO-ZERO, MIKE-TANGO-NINE, BRAVO-NOVEMBER-NINE | | `code` | MIKE, SIX, NINE | | `codify`(...) | | | `numeric_code` | TWO, FOUR, FOUR | ## FFaker::PhoneNumber | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_code` | 354, 990, 576 | | `exchange_code` | 620, 301, 534 | | `imei` | 001245009951149, 001245008340104, 001245000139641 | | `phone_calling_code` | +66, +254, +55 | | `phone_number` | (673)488-5004, 1-329-886-8429 x471, (921)340-8717 | | `short_phone_number` | 221-350-8818, 273-473-0127, 426-990-8093 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberAU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +61, +61, +61 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (02) 9205 1024, (08) 9937 5528, (08) 7926 2214 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 07, 08, 03 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +61 5 4724 1207, +61 2 0387 0755, +61 8 3954 2392 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +61 4 1348 3392, +61 4 1975 3349, +61 4 0691 0351 | | `international_phone_number` | +61 4 5592 9954, +61 3 3209 6972, +61 4 0318 3353 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0451 601 804, 0403 356 164, 0421 189 747 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 04, 04, 04 | | `phone_number` | (07) 5697 0273, (03) 1413 2239, 0409 403 895 | | `phone_prefix` | 03, 05, 07 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberBR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +55, +55, +55 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 93 49784286, 872886-8119, 44 3426-9857 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +557038917803, +55 88 28579652, +556726792693 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +55197089-0987, +55 84 984787929, +55 62 87443065 | | `international_phone_number` | +551822152520, +556798563-7084, +55 32 2685-6773 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 80 65535913, 6298275-0585, 16 8029-0741 | | `phone_number` | 445895-9140, 7799152-7319, 1492811278 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCH | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `free_phone_number` | +41800 599 14 39, 0041800 691 38 19, 08002435186 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0336086298, 0041229257389, +41626351137 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 079 083 30 93, 0793861609, 004174 780 48 95 | | `phone_number` | 08002656215, +41842 359 17 26, +4124 221 38 53 | | `premium_rate_phone_number` | 09010075228, 0900 684 08 37, +419067579614 | | `shared_cost_phone_number` | 0848 319 31 22, 08405154066, 08403526054 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberCU | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_country_code` | 53, 53, 53 | | `e164_home_work_phone_number` | 5332084653, 5323992112, 5342725073 | | `e164_mobile_phone_number` | 5350985439, 5357635318, 5353237041 | | `e164_phone_number` | 5332830814, 5351756837, 5347346317 | | `general_phone_number` | (047) 24 3281, 05 950 9439, (022) 56 5939 | | `home_work_phone_number` | (047) 45 2603, (021) 55 9159, (048) 75 4027 | | `home_work_phone_prefix` | 041, 042, 042 | | `international_country_code` | 0053, 0053, +53 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +5341 67 0256, 005323 50 9764, 005321 40 4492 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +535 876 3225, 00535 225 1172, +535 096 6082 | | `international_phone_number` | +535 878 4497, 00535 490 9270, +535 552 3832 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 05 208 6068, 05 679 2789, 05 248 9413 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 05, 05, 05 | | `phone_number` | 5356662916, (045) 87 7397, 5324750940 | | `phone_prefix` | 022, 041, 024 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDA | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +45, +45, +45 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 54144530, 79789538, 24664683 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +45 34194621, +45 84915672, +45 75495445 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +45 31727990, +45 18172903, +45 13838270 | | `international_phone_number` | +45 47981828, +45 22009028, +45 50400627 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 49554150, 15568101, 82441574 | | `phone_number` | 66126933, 77742657, 24840007 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberDE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +49, +49, +49 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 077 0100828, 04050 8889774, 039 3813272 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +49 7252 0827635, +49 74 3177205, +49 513 1151551 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +49 177 9687401, +49 172 8875700, +49 167 4850409 | | `international_phone_number` | +49 48 7624464, +49 341 2074154, +49 37 6951687 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0172 4906182, 0169 8859216, 0167 2294799 | | `mobile_prefix` | 0166, 0164, 0153 | | `phone_number` | 097 5851085, 04066 5247139, 085 7901591 | | `region_prefix` | 0625, 0421, 076 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberFR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_work_phone_number` | +331 60 93 91 40, 0426813423, 0033257288143 | | `mobile_phone_number` | +33752648171, +33705345902, 06 46 89 36 60 | | `phone_number` | 00336 76 03 64 30, 05 30 71 47 48, +332 42 32 91 27 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberIT | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_phone_number` | 00390682592171, +39 0566520703, +39 0165 88706224 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0039347 255937, +39 339622810, 0039 338 94649949 | | `number`(...) | | | `phone_number` | +39 325 778956, +390941 82329167, 0039 320284211 | | `random_space` | , , | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberKR | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `contry_code` | +82, +82, +82 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 032 7286 9595, 052 1891 4582, 064 8653 3842 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +82 61 1279 3952, +82 49 3134 6856, +82 63 8564 1284 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +82 11 5897 0044, +82 19 5189 1596, +82 10 5638 6141 | | `international_phone_number` | +82 43 0178 9935, +82 10 2196 4814, +82 16 8893 1302 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 016 9214 4085, 016 9489 1139, 019 0196 5564 | | `phone_number` | 016 0020 0649, 044 6995 3024, 010 5974 7565 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +52, +52, +52 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 97 4664 5777, 10 2757 1370, 46 8689 2563 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +52 03 9540 0421, +52 83 4845 2679, +52 05 0571 0136 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +52 1 46 8738 2715, +52 1 53 3602 2653, +52 1 21 9004 2157 | | `international_phone_number` | +52 1 79 7472 9727, +52 25 7856 2228, +52 1 38 5609 3861 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 044 43 6962 0924, 044 34 0105 9309, 044 53 2071 1244 | | `phone_number` | 044 14 4112 0674, 65 5463 0694, 044 25 1987 9359 | | `toll_free_number` | 01 800 899 2964, 01 800 725 1723, 01 800 643 8570 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberNL | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0512-0404 07, 0523-4064 99, 040-828 9034 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | +31 180-70 18 18, +31 186-4605 80, +31 492-466310 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +31 6 6994 6524, +31 621269693, +31 6 78 38 78 84 | | `international_phone_number` | +31 493-093089, +31 541-4884 33, +31 172-916512 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 06 9391 2802, 06 365 638 70, 06 411 869 27 | | `phone_number` | 0626969107, 06 3986 9847, 0114-2752 12 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_prefix` | 551, 221, 240 | | `country_prefix` | +46, 0046, +46 | | `home_work_phone_number` | 0533-434 99, 0552-21 83 05, 0954-26 30 26 | | `international_home_work_phone_number` | 0046 (0)122-401 31, +46 (0)587-01 97 18, 0046 (0)340-239 16 | | `international_mobile_phone_number` | +46 (0)764-351677, 0046 (0)760-654691, +46 (0)737-291846 | | `international_phone_number` | 0046 (0)746-639696, 0046 (0)703-083443, +46 (0)174-04 79 41 | | `mobile_phone_number` | 0707-931724, 0741-28 63 89, 0733-915099 | | `mobile_phone_number_format` | 74#-## ## ##, 73#-## ## ##, 73#-###### | | `mobile_prefix` | 73, 70, 73 | | `phone_number` | 0767-700047, 0155-26 24 70, 046-79 29 74 | | `phone_number_format` | 413-### ##, 951-### ##, 943-### ## | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSG | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `country_code` | +65, +65, +65 | | `fixed_line_number` | 6076 5999, 6915 8198, 6478 4719 | | `international_toll_free_number` | 800 299 3179, 800 921 9361, 800 033 9009 | | `mobile_number` | 8302 9026, 8401 4226, 8478 0611 | | `mobile_or_pager_number` | 9841 0578, 9557 8337, 9502 7672 | | `phone_number` | 9319 6446, 9691 3479, 9120 0978 | | `premium_service_number` | 1900 770 2300, 1900 164 1328, 1900 603 1227 | | `toll_free_number` | 1800 376 9526, 1800 242 5658, 1800 044 8594 | | `voip_number` | 3123 3488, 3501 6078, 3181 2796 | ## FFaker::PhoneNumberSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `homework_number` | 33-861-86-02, 33-815-12-39, 33-898-25-46 | | `homework_phone_prefix` | 33, 33, 33 | | `mobile_number` | 76-249-17-64, 76-262-58-90, 76-559-60-22 | | `mobile_phone_prefix` | 77, 76, 70 | | `phone_number` | 76-683-59-14, 77-595-63-16, 33-870-08-83 | | `short_phone_number` | 554-09-08, 932-97-51, 845-74-48 | ## FFaker::Product | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `brand` | Brounsfunc, Trure, Sinecell | | `letters`(...) | | | `model` | E38, A-1586, Z-656 | | `product` | Brouffe Remote Gel Viewer, Cygsync Disc Performance Controller, Trynsfunc GPS Case | | `product_name` | Audible Compressor, Remote Receiver, Audible Mount | ## FFaker::Skill | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `specialties` | Mental Metrics, Template Metrics, Performance Research, Hardware Research, Prototype Profiling, Visual Research, Statistical Analysis, Statistical Profiling, Resource Prototyping | | `specialty` | Web Design, Performance Management, Firmware Prototyping | | `tech_skill` | SublimeText, Flash, JSON | | `tech_skills` | Backbone.JS, Heroku, MongoDB, Linux, ASP, JSP, Illustrator, SVN, Typo3 | ## FFaker::Sport | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Snowboarding, Formula Indy, Surfing | ## FFaker::SSN | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 739-68-5500, 218-73-4959, 631-27-0316 | ## FFaker::SSNMX | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `imss` | 0603169061-9, 8431029951-7, 0843212914-3 | | `imss_undashed` | 46216162966, 37733121323, 41777762527 | | `issste` | 5947137983-0, 3698520188-4, 9691440544-7 | | `issste_undashed` | 76469878288, 76728710357, 50914416400 | | `ssn` | 0453162262-1, 5238146130-2, 7407746386-7 | | `ssn_undashed` | 03188877302, 27059933188, 75915678768 | ## FFaker::SSNSE | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `ssn` | 199903226710, 195608079099, 198011068352 | ## FFaker::String | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `from_regexp`(...) | | ## FFaker::Time | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `between`(..., ...) | | | `date` | 2015-11-08 00:00:00 +0900, 2012-08-27 00:00:00 +0900, 2014-01-31 00:00:00 +0900 | | `datetime` | 2013-11-21 12:16:00 +0900, 2012-06-21 08:01:00 +0900, 2012-10-15 05:14:00 +0900 | | `month` | July, August, June | ## FFaker::Tweet | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `body` | Magni architecto sequi minus magnam. Aut dolorum sequi culpa incidunt eos aut ut. Voluptatem vitae harum animi sint voluptate eum., Doloremque possimus et voluptatem delectus nulla consequatur. Reiciendis beatae non enim voluptates sint officiis. Pariatur repellendus., Ducimus ad quia est vitae atque culpa. Voluptatem sit sit quibusdam sint autem. Velit voluptas repellendus est sed vel soluta. Quia non. | | `mention` | @elodia_jast, @becky, @nannette | | `mentions` | @gwyn_collier @dara_yundt, @loma @grazyna.harber, @pierre @scottie.reichel | | `tags` | #followback #art, #fun #baby, #like #food | | `tweet` | @lyndsay Sequi atque maxime ut consequuntur., @queen_jacobi At omnis necessitatibus commodi molestiae magni. Labore ut veritatis corrupti culpa ut accusamus ipsa..#cool #nofilter, Sit est consequatur repellat adipisci mollitia. Voluptatem consequatur et earum. | ## FFaker::Unit | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `temperature_abbr` | C, K, F | | `temperature_name` | Celsius, Celsius, Kelvin | | `time_abbr` | s, s, s | | `time_name` | Days, Days, Seconds | ## FFaker::UnitEnglish | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | ac, ac, sq mi | | `area_name` | square foot, township, township | | `length_abbr` | fur, yd, m | | `length_name` | inch, mile, foot | | `liquid_abbr` | qt, gi, qt | | `liquid_name` | gill, pint, gill | | `mass_abbr` | gr, lb, lb | | `mass_name` | grains, ton, hundredweight | | `temperature_abbr` | C, K, F | | `temperature_name` | Kelvin, Fahrenheit, Kelvin | | `time_abbr` | msec, s, Minutes | | `time_name` | Seconds, Years, Days | | `volume_abbr` | CFT, CY, CFT | | `volume_name` | cubic foot, cubic foot, cubic yard | ## FFaker::UnitMetric | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `area_abbr` | cm^2, m^2, ha | | `area_name` | hectares, hectares, meters squared | | `length_abbr` | km, km, cm | | `length_name` | kilometers, millimeters, millimeters | | `liquid_abbr` | ml, ml, ml | | `liquid_name` | liters, milliliters, liters | | `mass_abbr` | g, mt, mt | | `mass_name` | metric ton, gram, kilogram | | `temperature_abbr` | F, F, K | | `temperature_name` | Celsius, Celsius, Celsius | | `time_abbr` | Minutes, d, d | | `time_name` | Years, Seconds, Milliseconds | | `volume_abbr` | cm^3, cm^3, cm^3 | | `volume_name` | cubic meters, cubic meters, cubic centimeters | ## FFaker::Vehicle | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `base_color` | purple, azure, lightyellow | | `drivetrain` | AWD, 4WD, FWD | | `engine_cylinders` | 8, 5, 5 | | `engine_displacement` | 7.4, 3.0, 1.0 | | `fuel_type` | Hybrid, Natural Gas (CNG), Natural Gas (CNG) | | `interior_upholstery` | PVC, PVC, Faux Vinyl | | `make` | Porsche, Autocar, Chrysler | | `manufacturer_color` | melodic bright cadetblue, weak pretty crimson, calm bright indigo | | `mfg_color` | fast bright green, dull new salmon, new tranquil thistle | | `model` | Grand Marquis, Grand Marquis, Hummer | | `transmission` | Automated Manual, Manual, Automatic | | `transmission_abbr` | AM, AM, AT | | `trim` | SE, SE, XLT | | `vin` | 16HCT97728J966859, 13SLR10905E868402, 19NOF34317V934193 | | `year` | 1958, 1904, 1925 | ## FFaker::Venue | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `name` | Expourense, Barcelona Business Center, Palacio de Congresos de Galicia | ## FFaker::Youtube | Method | Example | | ------ | ------- | | `embed_url` | www.youtube.com/embed/pRpeEdMmmQ0, www.youtube.com/embed/8UVNT4wvIGY, www.youtube.com/embed/YBHQbu5rbdQ | | `share_url` | youtu.be/9bZkp7q19f0, youtu.be/rYEDA3JcQqw, youtu.be/PIh2xe4jnpk | | `url` | www.youtube.com/watch?v=YBHQbu5rbdQ, www.youtube.com/watch?v=0KSOMA3QBU0, www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGJuMBdaqIw | | `video_id` | y6Sxv-sUYtM, iS1g8G_njx8, lp-EO5I60KA |