module GitP4Sync def run(options) # branch = options[:branch] || "master" branch = "master" git_path = options[:git] p4_path = options[:p4] simulate = options[:simulate] || false pull = options[:pull] || false submit = options[:submit] || false @ignore_list = [".git"] if options[:ignore] if options[:ignore].include?(":") @ignore_list = @ignore_list.concat(options[:ignore].split(":")) elsif options[:ignore].include?(",") @ignore_list = @ignore_list.concat(options[:ignore].split(",")) else @ignore_list = @ignore_list.insert(-1, options[:ignore]) end end git_path = add_slash(File.expand_path(git_path)) p4_path = add_slash(File.expand_path(p4_path)) verify_path_exist!(git_path) verify_path_exist!(p4_path) if pull Dir.chdir(git_path) do puts "Pulling Git from remote server." run_cmd "git pull", simulate end end if File.exist?(gitignore = File.join(git_path, ".gitignore")) @ignore_list = @ignore_list.concat(\n/).reject{|i| (i.size == 0) or i.strip.start_with?("#") }.map {|i| i.gsub("*",".*") } ) end diff = diff_dirs(p4_path, git_path) if diff.size > 0 diff.each do |d| action = d[0] file = strip_leading_slash(d[1]) # todo: skip ignored files/directories next if is_ignored?(file) puts "#{action.to_s.upcase} in Git: #{file}" Dir.chdir(p4_path) do case action when :new run_cmd "cp -r '#{git_path}#{file}' '#{p4_path}#{file}'", simulate run_cmd "#{p4_add_recursively("'#{p4_path}#{file}'")}", simulate when :deleted file_path="#{p4_path}#{file}" Find.find(file_path) do |f| puts "DELETED in Git (dir contents): #{f}" if file_path != f run_cmd("p4 delete '#{f}'", simulate) end FileUtils.remove_entry_secure(file_path,:force => true) when :modified run_cmd "p4 edit '#{p4_path}#{file}'", simulate run_cmd "cp '#{git_path}#{file}' '#{p4_path}#{file}'", simulate else puts "Unknown change type #{action}. Stopping." exit 1 end end end if submit git_head_commit = "" Dir.chdir(git_path) do git_head_commit = `git show -v -s --pretty=oneline`.split("\n")[0] end Dir.chdir(p4_path) do puts "Submitting changes to Perforce" run_cmd "p4 submit -d '#{git_head_commit.gsub("'", "''")}'", simulate end end else puts "Directories are identical. Nothing to do." exit 0 end end def run_cmd(cmd, simulate = false, puts_prefix = " ") if simulate puts "#{puts_prefix}simulation: #{cmd}" else puts "#{puts_prefix}#{cmd}" end output = "" output = `#{cmd}` unless simulate [output, $?] end def lambda_ignore(item) re = Regexp.compile(/#{item}/) lambda {|diff| diff =~ re } end def is_ignored?(file) @ignore_list.each {|ignore| return true if lambda_ignore(ignore).call(file) } return false end def add_slash(path) path += "/" unless path[-1..-1] == "/" path end def strip_leading_slash(path) path.sub(/^\//, "") end def p4_add_recursively(path) "find #{path} -type f -print | p4 -x - add -f" end def verify_path_exist!(path) if !File.exist?(path) || ! puts "#{path} must exist and be a directory." exit 1 end end end