Welcome to the official Ruby driver for [Selenium Remote Control](http://selenium-rc.openqa.org) Mission ======= Provide a **lightweight, simple and idiomatic API to write Selenium tests in Ruby**. Focus is also on improving test feedback -- especially on failures -- by providing out-of-the-box **state-of-the-art reporting capabilities**. With screenshots, HTML snapshopts and log captures, investigating test failures becomes a breeze. Install It ========== The easiest way to install the install selenium-client using RubyGems: sudo gem install selenium-client Features ======== * Backward compatible with the old-fashioned, XSL generated Selenium Ruby API. See [the generated driver](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Client/GeneratedDriver.html) to get an extensive reference. * Idiomatic interface to the Selenium API. See [the Idiomatic module](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Client/Idiomatic.html) for more details. * Convenience methods for AJAX. See the [Extensions](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Client/Extensions.html) for more details. * Flexible wait semantics inline with the trigerring action. e.g. * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :page` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :ajax` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :element, :element => 'new_element_id'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :no_element, :element => 'disappearing_element_id'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :text, :text => 'New Text'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :text, :text => /A Regexp/` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :text, :element => 'notification_box', :text => 'New Text'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :no_text, :text => 'Disappearing Text'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :no_text, :text => /A Regexp/` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :no_text, :element => 'notification_box', :text => 'Disappearing Text'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :effects` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :value, :element => 'a_locator', :value => 'some value'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :no_value, :element => 'a_locator', :value => 'some value'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :visible, :element => 'a_locator'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :not_visible, :element => 'a_locator'` * `click 'the_button_id', :wait_for => :condition, :javascript => "some arbitrary javascript expression"` Check out the `click`, `go_back` and `wait_for` methods of the [Idiomatic Module](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Client/Idiomatic.html) * Leveraging latest innovations in Selenium Remote Control (screenshots, log captures, ...) * Robust Rake task to start/stop the Selenium Remote Control server. More details in the next section. * State-of-the-art reporting for RSpec. Plain API ========= Selenium client is just a plain Ruby API, so you can use it wherever you can use Ruby. To used the new API just require the client driver: require "rubygems" require "selenium/client" For a fully backward compatible API you can start with: require "rubygems" gem "selenium-client" require "selenium" For instance to write a little Ruby script using selenium-client you could write something like: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Sample Ruby script using the Selenium client API # require "rubygems" gem "selenium-client", ">=1.2.16" require "selenium/client" begin @browser = Selenium::Client::Driver.new \ :host => "localhost", :port => 4444, :browser => "*firefox", :url => "http://www.google.com", :timeout_in_second => 60 @browser.start_new_browser_session @browser.open "/" @browser.type "q", "Selenium seleniumhq.org" @browser.click "btnG", :wait_for => :page puts @browser.text?("seleniumhq.org") ensure @browser.close_current_browser_session end Writing Tests ============= Most likely you will be writing functional and acceptance tests using selenium-client. If you are a `Test::Unit` fan your tests will look like: #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # Sample Test:Unit based test case using the selenium-client API # require "test/unit" require "rubygems" gem "selenium-client", ">=1.2.16" require "selenium/client" class ExampleTest < Test::Unit::TestCase attr_reader :browser def setup @browser = Selenium::Client::Driver.new \ :host => "localhost", :port => 4444, :browser => "*firefox", :url => "http://www.google.com", :timeout_in_second => 60 browser.start_new_browser_session end def teardown browser.close_current_browser_session end def test_page_search browser.open "/" assert_equal "Google", browser.title browser.type "q", "Selenium seleniumhq" browser.click "btnG", :wait_for => :page assert_equal "Selenium seleniumhq - Google Search", browser.title assert_equal "Selenium seleniumhq", browser.field("q") assert browser.text?("seleniumhq.org") assert browser.element?("link=Cached") end end If BDD is more your style, here is how you can achieve the same thing using RSpec: require 'rubygems' gem "rspec", ">=1.2.8" gem "selenium-client", ">=1.2.16" require "selenium/client" require "selenium/rspec/spec_helper" describe "Google Search" do attr_reader :selenium_driver alias :page :selenium_driver before(:all) do @selenium_driver = Selenium::Client::Driver.new \ :host => "localhost", :port => 4444, :browser => "*firefox", :url => "http://www.google.com", :timeout_in_second => 60 end before(:each) do selenium_driver.start_new_browser_session end # The system capture need to happen BEFORE closing the Selenium session append_after(:each) do @selenium_driver.close_current_browser_session end it "can find Selenium" do page.open "/" page.title.should eql("Google") page.type "q", "Selenium seleniumhq" page.click "btnG", :wait_for => :page page.value("q").should eql("Selenium seleniumhq") page.text?("seleniumhq.org").should be_true page.title.should eql("Selenium seleniumhq - Google Search") page.text?("seleniumhq.org").should be_true page.element?("link=Cached").should be_true end end Start/Stop a Selenium Remote Control Server =========================================== Selenium client comes with some convenient Rake tasks to start/stop a Remote Control server. To leverage the latest selenium-client capabilities, you may need to download a recent nightly build of a standalone packaging of Selenium Remote Control. You will find the nightly build at http://nexus.openqa.org/content/repositories/snapshots/org/seleniumhq/selenium/server/selenium-server/ You typically "freeze" the Selenium Remote Control jar in your `vendor` directory. require 'selenium/rake/tasks' Selenium::Rake::RemoteControlStartTask.new do |rc| rc.port = 4444 rc.timeout_in_seconds = 3 * 60 rc.background = true rc.wait_until_up_and_running = true rc.jar_file = "/path/to/where/selenium-rc-standalone-jar-is-installed" rc.additional_args << "-singleWindow" end Selenium::Rake::RemoteControlStopTask.new do |rc| rc.host = "localhost" rc.port = 4444 rc.timeout_in_seconds = 3 * 60 end If you do not explicitly specify the path to selenium remote control jar it will be "auto-discovered" in `vendor` directory using the following path : `vendor/selenium-remote-control/selenium-server*-standalone.jar` Check out [RemoteControlStartTask](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Rake/RemoteControlStartTask.html) and [RemoteControlStopTask](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org/classes/Selenium/Rake/RemoteControlStopTask.html) for more details. State-of-the-Art RSpec Reporting ================================ Selenium Client comes with out-of-the-box RSpec reporting that include HTML snapshots, O.S. screenshots, in-browser page screenshots (not limited to current viewport), and a capture of the latest remote controls for all failing tests. And all course all this works even if your infrastructure is distributed (In particular in makes wonders with [Selenium Grid](http://selenium-grid.openqa.org)) Using selenium-client RSpec reporting is as simple as using `SeleniumTestReportFormatter` as one of you RSpec formatters. For instance: require 'spec/rake/spectask' desc 'Run acceptance tests for web application' Spec::Rake::SpecTask.new(:'test:acceptance:web') do |t| t.libs << "test" t.pattern = "test/*_spec.rb" t.spec_opts << '--color' t.spec_opts << "--require 'rubygems,selenium/rspec/reporting/selenium_test_report_formatter'" t.spec_opts << "--format=Selenium::RSpec::SeleniumTestReportFormatter:./tmp/acceptance_tests_report.html" t.spec_opts << "--format=progress" t.verbose = true end You can then get cool reports like [this one](http://ph7spot.com/examples/selenium_rspec_report.html) To capture screenshots and logs on failures, also make sure you require the following files in your `spec_helper`: require "rubygems" require "spec" require "selenium/client" require "selenium/rspec/spec_helper" Other Resources =============== * Report bugs at http://github.com/ph7/selenium-client/issues * Browse API at http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org Contribute and Join the Fun! ============================ We welcome new features, add-ons, bug fixes, example, documentation, etc. Make the gem work the way you envision! * Report bugs at http://github.com/ph7/selenium-client/issues * I recommend cloning the selenium-client [reference repository](http://github.com/ph7/selenium-client/tree/master) * You can also check out the [RubyForge page](http://rubyforge.org/projects/selenium-client) and the [RDoc](http://selenium-client.rubyforge.org) * We also have a [continuous integration server](http://xserve.openqa.org:8080/view/Ruby%20Client) * Stories live in [Pivotal Tracker](https://www.pivotaltracker.com/projects/6280) * To build, run `rake clean default package`. You can then install the generated gem with `sudo gem install pkg/*.gem` * You can also run all integration tests with `rake ci:integration` Core Team ========= * Philippe Hanrigou (`ph7`): Current Maintainer and main contributor * Aslak Hellesoy and Darren Hobbs : Original version of the Selenium Ruby driver Contributors ============ * Aaron Tinio (`aptinio`): - More robust Selenium RC shutdown - Support for locator including single quotes in `wait_for_...` methods - Do not capture system state on execution errors for pending examples (ExamplePendingError, NotYetImplementedError) - Auto-highlighting support * Rick Lee-Morlang (`rleemorlang`): - Fix for incremental calls to `wait_for_text` - Regex support in `wait_for_text` * [Paul Boone](http://www.mindbucket.com) (`paulboone`) - Fixed method_missing in selenium_helper to only delegate to methods that @selenium responds to * [Adam Greene](http://blog.sweetspot.dm) (`skippy`) - Added the ability to redirect output to a log file, when launching Selenium Remote Control with the Rake task * [Eliot Sykes](http://blog.eliotsykes.com) (`eliotsykes`) - wait_for_visibility [patch](http://github.com/eliotsykes/selenium-client/commit/4c7f3d01aa75a6b1917fbf71335b0069392ed546) * [Frederik Fix](http://github.com/derfred)(`derfred`) - Fix escaping bug when dealing with embedded regexes such as "webratlink=evalregex:/Pastry Lovers \\(Organizer\\)/" [patch](http://github.com/derfred/selenium-client/commit/4342cbb39d1a92b8db8f26ee0dc6c1a8f3287737) * [Alex Chaffe](http://alexch.github.com) - Better error reporting and fixed bug where if the response doesn't start with "OK" it swallows the first three chars (leading to annoying "ed out after 5000 msec" messages)