require "sprockets_test" module AssetTests def self.test(name, &block) define_method("test #{name.inspect}", &block) end test "pathname is a Pathname that exists" do assert_kind_of Pathname, @asset.pathname assert @asset.pathname.exist? end test "logical path can find itself" do assert_equal @asset, @env[@asset.logical_path] end test "mtime" do assert @asset.mtime end test "digest" do assert @asset.digest end test "stale?" do assert !@asset.stale? end test "fresh?" do assert @asset.fresh? end test "dependencies are an Array" do assert_kind_of Array, @asset.dependencies end test "splat asset" do assert_kind_of Array, @asset.to_a end test "body is a String" do assert_kind_of String, @asset.body end test "write to file" do target = fixture_path('asset/tmp.js') begin @asset.write_to(target) assert File.exist?(target) assert_equal @asset.mtime, File.mtime(target) ensure FileUtils.rm(target) if File.exist?(target) assert !File.exist?(target) end end test "write to gzipped file" do target = fixture_path('asset/tmp.js.gz') begin @asset.write_to(target) assert File.exist?(target) assert_equal @asset.mtime, File.mtime(target) ensure FileUtils.rm(target) if File.exist?(target) assert !File.exist?(target) end end end class StaticAssetTest < Sprockets::TestCase def setup @env = @env.append_path(fixture_path('asset')) @env.cache = {} @asset = @env['POW.png'] end include AssetTests test "class" do assert_kind_of Sprockets::StaticAsset, @asset end test "content type" do assert_equal "image/png", @asset.content_type end test "length" do assert_equal 42917, @asset.length end test "splat" do assert_equal [@asset], @asset.to_a end test "dependencies" do assert_equal [], @asset.dependencies end test "to path" do assert_equal fixture_path('asset/POW.png'), @asset.to_path end test "body is entire contents" do assert_equal @asset.to_s, @asset.body end test "asset is fresh if its mtime and contents are the same" do assert @asset.fresh? end test "asset is stale if its environment has changed" do assert @asset.fresh? @env.prepend_path fixture_path('default') assert @asset.stale? end test "asset is fresh if its mtime is changed but its contents is the same" do filename = fixture_path('asset/POW.png') sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "a" } asset = @env['POW.png'] assert asset.fresh?, 'w') { |f| f.write "a" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, filename) assert asset.fresh? end end test "asset is stale when its contents has changed" do filename = fixture_path('asset/POW.png') sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "a" } asset = @env['POW.png'] assert asset.fresh?, 'w') { |f| f.write "b" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, filename) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale if the file is removed" do filename = fixture_path('asset/POW.png') sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "a" } asset = @env['POW.png'] assert asset.fresh? File.unlink(filename) assert asset.stale? end end test "serializing asset to and from hash" do expected = @asset hash = {} @asset.encode_with(hash) actual = @env.asset_from_hash(hash) assert_kind_of Sprockets::StaticAsset, actual assert_equal expected.logical_path, actual.logical_path assert_equal expected.pathname, actual.pathname assert_equal expected.content_type, actual.content_type assert_equal expected.length, actual.length assert_equal expected.digest, actual.digest assert_equal expected.dependencies, actual.dependencies assert_equal expected.to_a, actual.to_a assert_equal expected.body, actual.body assert_equal expected.to_s, actual.to_s assert actual.eql?(expected) assert expected.eql?(actual) end end class BundledAssetTest < Sprockets::TestCase def setup @env = @env.append_path(fixture_path('asset')) @env.cache = {} @asset = @env['application.js'] end include AssetTests test "class" do assert_kind_of Sprockets::BundledAsset, @asset end test "content type" do assert_equal "application/javascript", @asset.content_type end test "length" do assert_equal 157, @asset.length end test "to_s" do assert_equal "var Project = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\nvar Users = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\n\ndocument.on('dom:loaded', function() {\n $('search').focus();\n});\n", @asset.to_s end test "each" do body = "" @asset.each { |part| body << part } assert_equal "var Project = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\nvar Users = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\n\ndocument.on('dom:loaded', function() {\n $('search').focus();\n});\n", body end test "requiring the same file multiple times has no effect" do assert_equal read("project.js")+"\n", asset("multiple.js").to_s end test "requiring a file of a different format raises an exception" do assert_raise Sprockets::ContentTypeMismatch do asset("mismatch.js") end end test "splatted asset includes itself" do assert_equal [resolve("project.js")], asset("project.js") end test "asset includes self as dependency" do assert_equal [], asset("project.js") end test "asset with child dependencies" do assert_equal [resolve("project.js"), resolve("users.js")], asset("application.js") end test "splatted asset with child dependencies" do assert_equal [resolve("project.js"), resolve("users.js"), resolve("application.js")], asset("application.js") end test "bundled asset body is just its own contents" do assert_equal "\ndocument.on('dom:loaded', function() {\n $('search').focus();\n});\n", asset("application.js").body end test "bundling joins files with blank line" do assert_equal "var Project = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\nvar Users = {\n find: function(id) {\n }\n};\n\ndocument.on('dom:loaded', function() {\n $('search').focus();\n});\n", asset("application.js").to_s end test "dependencies appear in the source before files that required them" do assert_match(/Project.+Users.+focus/m, asset("application.js").to_s) end test "processing a source file with no engine extensions" do assert_equal read("users.js"), asset("noengine.js").to_s end test "processing a source file with one engine extension" do assert_equal read("users.js"), asset("oneengine.js").to_s end test "processing a source file with multiple engine extensions" do assert_equal read("users.js"), asset("multipleengine.js").to_s end test "processing a source file with unknown extensions" do assert_equal read("users.js") + "var jQuery;\n", asset("unknownexts.min.js").to_s end test "processing a source file in compat mode" do assert_equal read("project.js") + "\n" + read("users.js"), asset("compat.js").to_s end test "included dependencies are inserted after the header of the dependent file" do assert_equal "# My Application\n" + read("project.js") + "\n\nhello();\n", asset("included_header.js").to_s end test "requiring a file with a relative path" do assert_equal read("project.js") + "\n", asset("relative/require.js").to_s end test "including a file with a relative path" do assert_equal "// Included relatively\n" + read("project.js") + "\n\nhello();\n", asset("relative/include.js").to_s end test "can't require files outside the load path" do assert_raise Sprockets::FileNotFound do asset("relative/require_outside_path.js") end end test "require_directory requires all child files in alphabetical order" do assert_equal( "ok(\"b.js.erb\");\n", asset("tree/all_with_require_directory.js").to_s ) end test "require_directory current directory includes self last" do assert_equal( "var Bar;\nvar Foo;\nvar App;\n", asset("tree/directory/application.js").to_s ) end test "require_tree requires all descendant files in alphabetical order" do assert_equal( asset("tree/all_with_require.js").to_s, asset("tree/all_with_require_tree.js").to_s ) end test "require_tree without an argument defaults to the current directory" do assert_equal( "a();\nb();\n", asset("tree/without_argument/require_tree_without_argument.js").to_s ) end test "require_tree with current directory includes self last" do assert_equal( "var Bar;\nvar Foo;\nvar App;\n", asset("tree/tree/application.js").to_s ) end test "require_tree with a logical path argument raises an exception" do assert_raise(Sprockets::ArgumentError) do asset("tree/with_logical_path/require_tree_with_logical_path.js").to_s end end test "require_self inserts the current file's body at the specified point" do assert_equal "/* b.css */\n\nb { display: none }\n/*\n */\ {}\n\n\nbody {}\n.two {}\n.project {}\n", asset("require_self.css").to_s end test "multiple require_self directives raises and error" do assert_raise(Sprockets::ArgumentError) do asset("require_self_twice.css") end end test "circular require raises an error" do assert_raise(Sprockets::CircularDependencyError) do asset("circle/a.js") end assert_raise(Sprockets::CircularDependencyError) do asset("circle/b.js") end assert_raise(Sprockets::CircularDependencyError) do asset("circle/c.js") end end test "__FILE__ is properly set in templates" do assert_equal %(var filename = "#{resolve("filename.js")}";\n), asset("filename.js").to_s end test "asset inherits the format extension and content type of the original file" do asset = asset("project.js") assert_equal "application/javascript", asset.content_type end if Tilt::CoffeeScriptTemplate.respond_to?(:default_mime_type) test "asset falls back to engines default mime type" do asset = asset("default_mime_type.js") assert_equal "application/javascript", asset.content_type end end test "asset is a rack response body" do body = "" asset("project.js").each { |part| body += part } assert_equal asset("project.js").to_s, body end test "asset length is source length" do assert_equal 46, asset("project.js").length end test "asset length is source length with unicode characters" do assert_equal 8, asset("unicode.js").length end test "asset digest" do assert asset("project.js").digest end test "asset is fresh if its mtime and contents are the same" do assert asset("application.js").fresh? end test "asset is stale if its environment has changed" do asset = asset("application.js") assert asset.fresh? @env.prepend_path fixture_path("default") assert asset.stale? end test "asset is stale when its contents has changed" do filename = fixture_path('asset/test.js') sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "a;" } asset = @env['test.js'] assert asset.fresh?, 'w') { |f| f.write "b;" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, filename) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale if the file is removed" do filename = fixture_path('asset/test.js') sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "a;" } asset = @env['test.js'] assert asset.fresh? File.unlink(filename) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale when one of its source files is modified" do main = fixture_path('asset/test-main.js') dep = fixture_path('asset/test-dep.js') sandbox main, dep do, 'w') { |f| f.write "//= require test-dep\n" }, 'w') { |f| f.write "a;" } asset = @env['test-main.js'] assert asset.fresh?, 'w') { |f| f.write "b;" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, dep) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset if stale if once of its source files is removed" do main = fixture_path('asset/test-main.js') dep = fixture_path('asset/test-dep.js') sandbox main, dep do, 'w') { |f| f.write "//= require test-dep\n" }, 'w') { |f| f.write "a;" } asset = @env['test-main.js'] assert asset.fresh? File.unlink(dep) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale if a file is added to its require directory" do asset = asset("tree/all_with_require_directory.js") assert asset.fresh? dirname = File.join(fixture_path("asset"), "tree/all") filename = File.join(dirname, "z.js") sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "z" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, dirname) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale if a file is added to its require tree" do asset = asset("tree/all_with_require_tree.js") assert asset.fresh? dirname = File.join(fixture_path("asset"), "tree/all/b/c") filename = File.join(dirname, "z.js") sandbox filename do, 'w') { |f| f.write "z" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, dirname) assert asset.stale? end end test "asset is stale if its declared dependency changes" do sprite = fixture_path('asset/sprite.css.erb') image = fixture_path('asset/POW.png') sandbox sprite, image do asset = @env['sprite.css'] assert asset.fresh?, 'w') { |f| f.write "(change)" } mtime = + 1 File.utime(mtime, mtime, image) assert asset.stale? end end test "legacy constants.yml" do assert_equal "var Prototype = { version: '2.0' };\n", asset("constants.js").to_s end test "multiple charset defintions are stripped from css bundle" do assert_equal "@charset \"UTF-8\";\ {}\n\ {}\n", asset("charset.css").to_s end test "appends missing semicolons" do assert_equal "var Bar\n;\n\n(function() {\n var Foo\n})\n;\n", asset("semicolons.js").to_s end test "serializing asset to and from hash" do expected = @asset hash = {} @asset.encode_with(hash) actual = @env.asset_from_hash(hash) assert_kind_of Sprockets::BundledAsset, actual assert_equal expected.logical_path, actual.logical_path assert_equal expected.pathname, actual.pathname assert_equal expected.body, actual.body assert_equal expected.to_s, actual.to_s assert_equal expected.content_type, actual.content_type assert_equal expected.length, actual.length assert_equal expected.digest, actual.digest assert_equal expected.dependencies, actual.dependencies assert_equal expected.to_a, actual.to_a assert_equal expected.to_s, actual.to_s assert actual.eql?(expected) assert expected.eql?(actual) end test "should not fail if home is not set in environment" do begin home, ENV["HOME"] = ENV["HOME"], nil assert_nothing_raised do env = env.append_path(fixture_path('asset')) env['application.js'] end ensure ENV["HOME"] = home end end def asset(logical_path) @env[logical_path] end def resolve(logical_path) @env.resolve(logical_path) end def read(logical_path) end end