module Neo4j # This mixin is used to wrap Neo4j Java Nodes in Ruby objects. # # @example Declare and Use a Lucene Index # # class Contact # include Neo4j::NodeMixin # property :phone, :index => :exact # end # # # Find an contact with a phone number # Contact.find('phone: 12345').first #=> a phone object ! # # # = Class Method Modules # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::ClassMethods} # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::NodeMixin::ClassMethods} - redefines the new method # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::Property::ClassMethods} - defines property method # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::HasN::ClassMethods} - defines has_n and has_one method # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::Find} - defines find method # * {Neo4j::Wrapper::Rule::ClassMethods} - defines rule method # * { Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods} # # = Instance Method Modules # * { Neo4j::Core::Index} module NodeMixin include Neo4j::Wrapper::NodeMixin::Delegates include Neo4j::Wrapper::NodeMixin::Initialize include Neo4j::Wrapper::HasN::InstanceMethods include Neo4j::Wrapper::Rule::InstanceMethods include Neo4j::Wrapper::Property::InstanceMethods include Neo4j::Core::Index # @private def self.included(klass) klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::ClassMethods klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::NodeMixin::ClassMethods klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::Property::ClassMethods klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::HasN::ClassMethods klass.extend Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::Find klass.extend Neo4j::Wrapper::Rule::ClassMethods klass.send(:include, Neo4j::Wrapper::Rule::Functions) klass.node_indexer do index_names :exact => "#{klass._index_name}_exact", :fulltext => "#{klass._index_name}_fulltext" trigger_on :_classname => klass.to_s prefix_index_name &klass.method(:index_prefix) end def klass.inherited(sub_klass) return super if sub_klass.to_s == self.to_s base_class = self # make the base class trigger on the sub class nodes base_class._indexer.config.trigger_on :_classname => sub_klass.to_s sub_klass.inherit_rules_from self sub_klass.node_indexer do inherit_from base_class index_names :exact => "#{sub_klass._index_name}_exact", :fulltext => "#{sub_klass._index_name}_fulltext" trigger_on :_classname => sub_klass.to_s prefix_index_name &sub_klass.method(:index_prefix) end super end super end end end