# Jekyll::Tailwind **This gem allows you integrate the [TailwindCSS Standalone CLI](https://tailwindcss.com/blog/standalone-cli) in your Jekyll site.** The Tailwind CLI is a standalone executable that doesn't need NodeJS or any other external dependency. ## Set up To add this gem to your project you must include it in your Gemfile: ```ruby group :jekyll_plugins do gem 'jekyll-tailwind' end ``` **The first time you build your Jekyll site, this gem will automatically download the Tailwind CLI for your platform and use it to build your CSS.** The Tailwind CLI will be saved in `_tailwind/tailwind-VERSION-PLATFORM`. It is recommended that you add this file to your `.gitignore` and don't commit it to your repository. It is important to note that **subsequent runs will use the existing Tailwind CLI and won't download it again.** ## Customize the Tailwind version Although not strictly necessary, it is recommended to pin your desired Tailwind CLI version in `_config.yml`. ```yml tailwind: version: 3.4.1 ``` If you don't do this, the gem will automatically download the latest Tailwind CLI version that was available when gem was published. ## Read the Tailwind configuration from an alternative path By default Tailwind will read the `tailwind.config.js` file that lives in your project's root (more info at [the Tailwind docs](https://tailwindcss.com/docs/configuration)). If your configuration file lives elsewhere you can say so in the `_config.yml` file: ```yml tailwind: config_path: assets/tailwind.config.js ```