#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # $Id: review-vol 3901 2008-02-11 20:04:59Z aamine $ # # Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Minero Aoki # # This program is free software. # You can distribute or modify this program under the terms of # the GNU LGPL, Lesser General Public License version 2.1. # For details of the GNU LGPL, see the file "COPYING". # require 'pathname' bindir = Pathname.new(__FILE__).realpath.dirname $LOAD_PATH.unshift((bindir + '../lib').realpath) require 'review' require 'optparse' include ReVIEW::TextUtils def main $KCODE = 'UTF-8' unless defined?(Encoding) @param = { "inencoding" => "UTF-8", "outencoding" => "UTF-8" } part_sensitive = false basedir = nil parser = OptionParser.new parser.on('-P', '--part-sensitive', 'Prints volume of each parts.') { part_sensitive = true } parser.on('--inencoding=ENCODING', 'Set input encoding. (UTF-8, EUC, JIS, and SJIS)') {|enc| @param["inencoding"] = enc } parser.on('--outencoding=ENCODING', 'Set output encoding. (UTF-8[default], EUC, JIS, and SJIS)') {|enc| @param["outencoding"] = enc } parser.on('--directory=DIR', 'Compile all chapters in DIR.') {|path| basedir = path } parser.on('--help', 'Print this message and quit') { puts parser.help exit 0 } begin parser.parse! rescue OptionParser::ParseError => err $stderr.puts err.message $stderr.puts parser.help exit 1 end book = basedir ? ReVIEW::Book.load(basedir) : ReVIEW.book ReVIEW.book.param = @param if part_sensitive sep = "" book.each_part do |part| print sep; sep = "\n" puts "Part #{part.number} #{part.name}" if part.number part.each_chapter do |chap| print_chapter_volume chap end puts ' --------------------' print_volume part.volume end puts '=============================' print_volume book.volume #puts "Total #{book.volume}" else book.each_chapter do |chap| print_chapter_volume chap end puts '=============================' print_volume book.volume #puts "Total #{book.volume}" end rescue ReVIEW::ApplicationError, Errno::ENOENT => err raise if $DEBUG $stderr.puts "#{File.basename($0)}: #{err.message}" exit 1 end def print_chapter_volume(chap) vol = chap.volume title = convert_outencoding(chap.title, @param["outencoding"]) printf "%s %3dKB %6dC %5dL %3dP %s %-s\n", chapnumstr(chap.number), vol.kbytes, vol.chars, vol.lines, vol.page, "#{chap.name} ".ljust(25, '.'), title end def print_volume(vol) printf " %3dKB %6dC %5dL %3dP\n", vol.kbytes, vol.chars, vol.lines, vol.page end def chapnumstr(n) n ? sprintf('%2d.', n) : ' ' end main