require 'erb' module Aspector class Base attr :aop_options alias :options :aop_options attr :aop_wrapped_methods def initialize target, options = {} @aop_target = target default_options = self.class.aop_default_options if default_options and not default_options.empty? @aop_options = default_options.merge(options) else @aop_options = options end # @aop_context is where advices will be applied (i.e. where methods are modified), can be different from target @aop_context = aop_get_context @aop_wrapped_methods = {} after_initialize end def aop_enable class << self def aop_disabled?; end end aop_disabled? end alias enable aop_enable def aop_disable class << self def aop_disabled?; true; end end aop_disabled? end alias disable aop_disable def aop_reset_disabled class << self remove_method :aop_disabled? end aop_disabled? end alias reset_disabled :aop_reset_disabled def aop_disabled? end def disabled? aop_disabled? end def aop_advices self.class.aop_advices end alias :advices :aop_advices def aop_apply before_apply aop_invoke_deferred_logics aop_define_methods_for_advice_blocks aop_add_to_instances unless @aop_options[:old_methods_only] aop_apply_to_methods unless @aop_options[:new_methods_only] aop_add_method_hooks unless @aop_options[:old_methods_only] after_apply end alias :apply :aop_apply def aop_apply_to_methods advices = aop_advices # If method/methods option is set and all are String or Symbol, apply to those only, instead of # iterating through all methods methods = [@aop_options[:method] || @aop_options[:methods]] methods.compact! methods.flatten! if not methods.empty? and methods.all?{|method| method.is_a? String or method.is_a? Symbol } methods.each do |method| aop_apply_to_method(method.to_s, advices) end return end @aop_context.public_instance_methods.each do |method| aop_apply_to_method(method.to_s, advices, :public) end @aop_context.protected_instance_methods.each do |method| aop_apply_to_method(method.to_s, advices, :protected) end if @aop_options[:private_methods] @aop_context.private_instance_methods.each do |method| aop_apply_to_method(method.to_s, advices, :private) end end end def aop_apply_to_method method, advices, scope = nil advices = aop_filter_advices advices, method return if advices.empty? before_apply_to_method method, advices scope ||= if @aop_context.private_instance_methods.include?(RUBY_VERSION.index('1.9') ? method.to_sym : method.to_s) :private elsif @aop_context.protected_instance_methods.include?(RUBY_VERSION.index('1.9') ? method.to_sym : method.to_s) :protected else :public end aop_recreate_method method, advices, scope after_apply_to_method method, advices end protected # Hook method that runs after an aspect is instantiated def after_initialize end # Hook method that runs before an aspect is applied def before_apply end # Hook method that runs after an aspect is applied def after_apply end def before_apply_to_method method, advices end def after_apply_to_method method, advices end private def aop_deferred_logic_results logic @aop_deferred_logic_results[logic] end def aop_get_context return @aop_target if @aop_target.is_a?(Module) and not @aop_options[:eigen_class] class << @aop_target self end end def aop_invoke_deferred_logics return unless (logics = self.class.send :aop_deferred_logics) @aop_deferred_logic_results ||= {} logics.each do |logic| @aop_deferred_logic_results[logic] = logic.apply @aop_context, self end end def aop_define_methods_for_advice_blocks aop_advices.each do |advice| next unless advice.advice_block @aop_context.send :define_method, advice.with_method, advice.advice_block @aop_context.send :private, advice.with_method end end def aop_add_to_instances aspect_instances = @aop_context.instance_variable_get(:@aop_instances) unless aspect_instances aspect_instances = @aop_context.instance_variable_set(:@aop_instances, aspect_instances) end aspect_instances << self end def aop_add_method_hooks if @aop_options[:eigen_class] return unless @aop_target.is_a?(Module) eigen_class = class << @aop_target; self; end orig_singleton_method_added = @aop_target.method(:singleton_method_added) eigen_class.send :define_method, :singleton_method_added do |method| aop_singleton_method_added(method) do end end else eigen_class = class << @aop_target; self; end if @aop_target.is_a? Module orig_method_added = @aop_target.method(:method_added) else orig_method_added = eigen_class.method(:method_added) end eigen_class.send :define_method, :method_added do |method| aop_method_added(method) do end end end end def aop_filter_advices advices, method do |advice| advice.match?(method, self) end end def aop_recreate_method method, advices, scope @aop_wrapped_methods[method] = @aop_context.instance_method(method) @aop_context.instance_variable_set(:@aop_creating_method, true) before_advices = {|advice| advice.before? } after_advices = {|advice| advice.after? } around_advices = {|advice| advice.around? } (around_advices.size - 1).downto(1) do |i| advice = around_advices[i] aop_recreate_method_with_advices method, [], [], advice end aop_recreate_method_with_advices method, before_advices, after_advices, around_advices.first, true @aop_context.send scope, method if scope != :public ensure @aop_context.instance_variable_set(:@aop_creating_method, nil) end def aop_recreate_method_with_advices method, before_advices, after_advices, around_advice, is_outermost = false aspect = self code = METHOD_TEMPLATE.result(binding) #puts code @aop_context.class_eval code, __FILE__, __LINE__ + 4 end METHOD_TEMPLATE = <<-CODE orig_method = aspect.aop_wrapped_methods['<%= method %>'] <% if around_advice %> wrapped_method = instance_method(:<%= method %>) <% end %> define_method :<%= method %> do |*args, &block| return orig_method.bind(self).call(*args, &block) if aspect.aop_disabled? <% if is_outermost %> catch(:aop_returns) do <% end %> # Before advices <% before_advices.each do |advice| %> result = <%= advice.with_method %> <% if advice.options[:aspect_arg] %>aspect, <% end %><% if advice.options[:method_arg] %>'<%= method %>', <% end %>*args <% if advice.options[:skip_if_false] %> return unless result <% end end %> <% if around_advice %> # Around advice result = <%= around_advice.with_method %> <% if around_advice.options[:aspect_arg] %>aspect, <% end %><% if around_advice.options[:method_arg] %>'<%= method %>', <% end %>wrapped_method.bind(self), *args, &block <% else %> # Invoke original method result = orig_method.bind(self).call *args, &block <% end %> # After advices <% unless after_advices.empty? after_advices.each do |advice| if advice.options[:result_arg] %> result = <%= advice.with_method %> <% if advice.options[:aspect_arg] %>aspect, <% end %><% if advice.options[:method_arg] %>'<%= method %>', <% end %><% if advice.options[:result_arg] %>result, <% end %>*args <% else %> <%= advice.with_method %> <% if advice.options[:aspect_arg] %>aspect, <% end %><% if advice.options[:method_arg] %>'<%= method %>', <% end %>*args <% end end %> result <% end %> <% if is_outermost %> end <% end %> end CODE end end