o: RPG::Map: @bgmo:RPG::AudioFile: @volumeii: @name": @pitchii:@tileset_idi: @events{i o:RPG::Event : @pages[o:RPG::Event::Page:@move_typei: @list[o:RPG::EventCommand:@parameters[I"3@niko Something is poking out from this shelf.: encoding" CP850: @indenti: @codeijo;;[I"-@niko_speak It's a tube of glitter glue.;@;i;ijo;;[I"(@kip You can have that if you want!;@;i;ijo;;[I"D@kip_wink Never know when you need to glitter things up, right?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Oh! Are you sure?;@;i;ijo;;[I"*@kip_wink Yeah! I have tons of those!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Thank you!;@;i;ijo;;[o;;ii; " get_item; ii;i;io;;[ i1iii;i;i~o;;["Ai;i;i{o;;[;i;i:@conditiono: RPG::Event::Page::Condition:@switch2_validF:@self_switch_ch"A:@switch1_idi:@switch1_validF:@variable_valuei:@self_switch_validF:@variable_idi:@variable_validF:@switch2_idi:@direction_fixF:@move_routeo:RPG::MoveRoute;[o:RPG::MoveCommand;[;io;%;[i ;io;%;[;i:@skippableF: @repeatT: @triggeri:@step_animeF:@move_frequencyi : @graphico:RPG::Event::Page::Graphic : @opacityi:@character_name"red_scenery: @patterni: @tile_idi:@directioni:@blend_typei:@character_huei:@always_on_topT:@walk_animeT:@move_speedi : @throughFo;;i;[o;;[ i i iii ;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;T;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7T; "screwdriver:@yi:@xi:@idi i o; ;[o;;i;[o;;["disable_travel;i;ico;;[;i;iyo;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i ;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; "indoor graphic;8i;9i;:i io; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ iiui iii;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; "south door;8i;9i;:ii o; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ i i iii ;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; " coals;8i;9i;:i io; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ iiui!iii;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; "south door;8i;9i;:ii o; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ i i iii ;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; " coals;8i;9i;:i io; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ iiiii;i;ito;;[iii;i;ito;;[I"1@kip You should hold on to that amber, okay?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak I will!;@;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[i;i;io;;[I"@kip_huh ....oh?;@;i;ijo;;[I" @kip_pout T...\.that's.....;@;i;ijo;;[I"$@kip2 How...\.did you get this?;@;i;ijo;;[I"8@niko This robot lady in the Barrens gave it to me!;@;i;ijo;;[I".@niko_speak She looked... kinda like you?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip_sigh I see...;@;i;ijo;;[i;i;ioo;;[I"@kip_sad ...;@;i;ijo;;[o;;ii; "SilverPoint; i_;i;io;;[I"K@kip_sigh Sigh. \>\nIt was supposed to be such a breakthrough, y'know?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@@kip_pout I even based her on myself so I'll KNOW it works!;@;i;ijo;;[I"!@niko_speak Break...through?;@;i;ijo;;[I"V@kip2 We wanted to build a robot that acts like a person, thinks like a person...;@;i;ijo;;[I";@kip_pout ...a robot that isn't bound by its own code.;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Oh!;@;i;ijo;;[I"I@kip_sigh But turns out, you can't really BUILD something like that.;@;i;ijo;;[I"H@kip_pout Too many contradictions in the code... made her unstable.;@;i;ijo;;[I"H@kip_sad ...that was the only time I've ever seen a robot go rogue.;@;i;ijo;;[I"6@kip_sigh Scariest day of my life, tell you what!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak ...rogue?;@;i;ijo;;[I"=@niko But...\|\@niko2 she seemed so nice when we talked!;@;i;ijo;;[I"<@niko_eyeclosed ...even if she talked a little weird...;@;i;ijo;;[I"5@kip2 Ah, she's been repaired for some time now.;@;i;ijo;;[I"X@kip_pout My friend was able to stabilize her volatile state through his own means.;@;i;ijo;;[I")@kip2 A real miracle worker, that...;@;i;ijo;;[I"V@kip_pout After he was through, she ended up turning out just like how I wanted.;@;i;ijo;;[I"1@kip_sad ...but the damage was already done.;@;i;ijo;;[I"=@kip_sigh ...\|I gave up on her back then... we all did.;@;i;ijo;;[I"\@kip_pout I'm sure she realized that...\n\>\@kip_sigh and now she won't ever come back.;@;i;ijo;;[I"1@kip_sad She won't even answer my letters...;@;i;ijo;;[I"!@niko_eyeclosed I'm sorry...;@;i;ijo;;[I"&@kip_pout Ah, sorry for rambling.;@;i;ijo;;[I"1@kip You should hold on to that amber, okay?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak I will!;@;i;ijo;;[iii;i;i~o;;[i;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[ iiii8i;i;ito;;[I"g@kip Oh! I see you put your own photo on there!\>\n\@kip_wink Does that mean your name is Kip now?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip ...that was a joke.;@;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[iiCi;i;ito;;[iiEi;i;ito;;[I"*@kip Is there anything else you need?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Nope!;@;i ;ijo;;[I";@kip_wink Well, feel free to stick around if you want!;@;i ;ijo;;[;i ;io;;[;i;io;;[I"@kip Oh hey, you're back!;@;i ;ijo;;[I",@kip Can I help you with anything else?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Yeah...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"4@niko Do you know how I can get a library card?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh A library card?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"2@kip You'll have to ask the library for that!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed I tried...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"a@niko I need it to see the head librarian, but I can't get to see her without a library card;@;i ;ijo;;[I"Z@niko_eyeclosed ...but at the same time, she's the one who gives out library cards...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Really...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"4@kip_heh Heh...that sounds like George alright!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"4@kip_huh I'm sorry you caught her on a bad day!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Aw...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip2 ...wait, I know!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"3@kip_wink I can just give you my library card!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"5@kip It won't be hard for me to get another one.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Wow, thanks!;@;i ;ijo;;[ i3iii;i ;i~o;;[o;;ii; " get_item; ii;i ;io;;[iEiEi;i ;i~o;;[I"+@kip There! You're all set, I think...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Wait.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Shoot!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"L@kip_heh I forgot...the front desk library bots have facial recognition;@;i ;ijo;;[I"9@kip_heh And my photo on the card won't match you...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@@kip_wink ...unless I tape a photo of my face to your face!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko Um-;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip That was a joke.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"O@kip2 Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and the robot will take it anyway!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"N@kip Worse comes to worse, you can always find somewhere to take a photo.;@;i ;ijo;;[iCiCi;i ;i~o;;[iKiKi;i ;i~o;;[;i ;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[i"Ai;i;ito;;[I"-@kip_wink Don't overwork yourself, okay?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"=@kip Your journey is just as important as your end goal.;@;i ;ijo;;[I" @kip_wink Cliche, but true!;@;i ;ijo;;[;i ;io;;[;i;io;;[I"@kip So...;@;i ;ijo;;[I";@kip_wink You've been walking all over the world, huh?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko M-hm!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"#@kip Geez...I can't imagine...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"0@kip_huh Do you get really tired sometimes?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed Kinda...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"P@niko_speak But I don't mind!\n\@niko_pancakes It's actually really pretty!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"+@kip_wink Haha, I'm glad you think so!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"G@kip Even with the sun gone, the world is still a beautiful place.;@;i ;ijo;;[I";@niko_speak What did the world look like with the sun?;@;i ;ijo;;[I" @kip_huh Oh, \>\@kip2 uh...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"b@kip_sigh ...y'know, it's kind of embarassing to admit how little of it I have actually seen.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak ...oh?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_heh Ironic, isn't it?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"u@kip2 Even though I'm the world's leading researcher...\>\n\@kip_sigh ...All I do is stay here and build robots.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"s@kip_sigh They're the ones exploring the world, I just write down the data, crunch numbers, generate graphs...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"H@niko Right... \.\.\@niko_speak I've been seeing robots everywhere!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"^@niko I just thought it was cuz the world was too dangerous for most people to explore...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"3@kip2 That's not far from the truth, actually.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"C@kip But I know someone who still does his research firsthand!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Oh?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"r@kip2 ...even after segments of land started collapsing and access to the more remote areas became difficult.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh I mean, he outright built a machine that could fly! \>\n\@kip_huh Something we all thought was not physically possible!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Oh! That's...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"l@kip I asked him about working with us, so he provides us with all sorts of insights from time to time.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"L@kip_heh ...but for some reason, he REALLY didn't want to build robots.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"2@kip_sigh Or, more specifically, coding them.;@;i ;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak How come?;@;i ;ijo;;[I"H@kip2 Beats me!\> \@kip_huh I mean, he's happy to work with robots!;@;i ;ijo;;[I"(@kip In fact, he even- \.\@kip2 ...;@;i ;ijo;;[I"o@kip_heh ...ah. It's been a while since we last talked.\@kip \>\nHe must be busy with his books now, yeah.;@;i ;ijo;;["Ai;i ;i{o;;[;i ;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;." red_kip;/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; "kip;8i;9i;:iio; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ i i iii;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; " coals;8i;9i;:ii o; ;[o;;i;[Eo;;[I"@niko ...Hello?;@;i;ijo;;[ii;i;io;;[i-;i;ioo;;[iiCi;i;ito;;[I"@kip_huh Oh, shoot!;@;i;ijo;;[I"^@kip_huh If I had known you would be here so soon, I would've turned off the darned lock!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip Hello there!;@;i;ijo;;[I"9@kip_heh Sorry about the weird... security measures.;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko It's okay!;@;i;ijo;;[I"!@niko \p helped me solve it!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip Did they now!;@;i;ijo;;[I"-@kip So... can I help you with anything?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Yeah...;@;i;ijo;;[I"4@niko Do you know how I can get a library card?;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh A library card?;@;i;ijo;;[I"2@kip You'll have to ask the library for that!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_eyeclosed I tried...;@;i;ijo;;[I"a@niko I need it to see the head librarian, but I can't get to see her without a library card;@;i;ijo;;[I"Z@niko_eyeclosed ...but at the same time, she's the one who gives out library cards...;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Really...;@;i;ijo;;[I"5@kip_wink Heh...that sounds like George alright!;@;i;ijo;;[I"4@kip_huh I'm sorry you caught her on a bad day!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Aw...;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip ...wait, I know!;@;i;ijo;;[I"3@kip_wink I can just give you my library card!;@;i;ijo;;[I"5@kip It won't be hard for me to get another one.;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Wow, thanks!;@;i;ijo;;[ i3iii;i;i~o;;[o;;ii; " get_item; ii;i;io;;[iEiEi;i;i~o;;[I"+@kip There! You're all set, I think...;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Wait.;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip_huh Shoot!;@;i;ijo;;[I"M@kip_heh I forgot...the front desk library bots have facial recognition.;@;i;ijo;;[I"9@kip_heh And my photo on the card won't match you...;@;i;ijo;;[I"@@kip_wink ...unless I tape a photo of my face to your face!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko Um-;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip That was a joke.;@;i;ijo;;[I"O@kip2 Who knows, maybe you'll get lucky and the robot will take it anyway!;@;i;ijo;;[I"N@kip Worse comes to worse, you can always find somewhere to take a photo.;@;i;ijo;;[iCiCi;i;i~o;;[iKiKi;i;i~o;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[I"@kip_huh Oh, shoot!;@;i;ijo;;[I"Y@kip_huh If I had known you would be here so soon, I would've turned off the system!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip Hello there!;@;i;ijo;;[I"9@kip_heh Sorry about the weird... security measures.;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko It's okay!;@;i;ijo;;[I"!@niko \p helped me solve it!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip Did they now!;@;i;ijo;;[I"-@kip So... can I help you with anything?;@;i;ijo;;[I"%@niko Yeah, where's the library?;@;i;ijo;;[I"H@kip_huh The library? That's all the way on the other side of town!;@;i;ijo;;[I"Y@kip2 The fastest route is where you take the shortcut through the backalley, but...;@;i;ijo;;[I"4@niko I think that's how we got here, actually!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@kip Oh good!;@;i;ijo;;[I"M@kip2 You should head back to that direction and walk to the east a bit.;@;i;ijo;;[I"$@kip You'll find it eventually!;@;i;ijo;;[I"@niko_speak Thank you!;@;i;ijo;;[;i;io;;[;i;io;;[iDiDi;i;i~o;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7Fo;;i;[o;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;iD;T;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; "first meeting;8i ;9i;:i io; ;[o;;i;[o;;[ i i iii;i;io;;[;i;i;o;;F;"A;i;F;i;F;i; F;!i;"F;#o;$;[o;%;[;i;&F;'T;(i;)F;*i;+o;, ;-i;.";/i;0i;1i;2i;3i;4F;5T;6i;7F; " coals;8i;9i;:i: @bgso;;iU; "; ii:@autoplay_bgmF: @datau: Table##[00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000004LLLLLLLLLLLL8000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@000000000000000000000H@0000000000000000000002DDDDTRDDDD1000000000000000000000000002DD100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000>?FGNO-./567 !"#)*:@autoplay_bgsF: @heighti(:@encounter_stepi#: @widthi(:@encounter_list[