require "test_helper" class FastTrackTest < Minitest::Spec # #failure fails fast. # class Create < Trailblazer::Operation # step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = options["dont_fail"] } # failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true; options["fail_fast"] }, fail_fast: true # failure ->(options, *) { options["b"] = true } # step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } # end # puts Create["pipetree"].inspect # require "trailblazer/diagram/bpmn" # puts Trailblazer::Diagram::BPMN.to_xml(Create["pipetree"]) # it { Create.("fail_fast" => true, "dont_fail" => true ).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } # it { Create.("fail_fast" => true ).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } # it { Create.("fail_fast" => false ).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } # #success passes fast. class Retrieve < Trailblazer::Operation pass ->(options, **) { options["x"] = options["dont_fail"] }, pass_fast: true fail ->(options, **) { options["b"] = true } step ->(options, **) { options["y"] = true } end it { Retrieve.("dont_fail" => true ).inspect("x", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } it { Retrieve.("dont_fail" => false ).inspect("x", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } # #step fails fast if option set and returns false. class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true } step ->(options, *) { options["a"] = options["dont_fail"] }, fail_fast: true # only on false. failure ->(options, *) { options["b"] = true } step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } end it { Update.("dont_fail" => true).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } it { Update.({} ).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } # #step passes fast if option set and returns true. class Delete < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true } step ->(options, *) { options["a"] = options["dont_fail"] }, pass_fast: true # only on true. fail ->(options, *) { options["b"] = true } step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } end it { Delete.("dont_fail" => true).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } it { Delete.({} ).inspect("x", "a", "b", "y").must_equal %{} } end class FailBangTest < Minitest::Spec class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true;! } step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true } end it { Create.().inspect("x", "y", "a").must_equal %{} } end class PassBangTest < Minitest::Spec class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true; Railway.pass! } step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true } end it { Create.().inspect("x", "y", "a").must_equal %{} } end class FailFastBangTest < Minitest::Spec class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true; Railway.fail_fast! } step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true } end # without proper configuration, emitting a FastTrack signal is illegal. it { assert_raises(Trailblazer::Circuit::IllegalOutputSignalError) { Create.().inspect("x", "y", "a").must_equal %{} } } class Update < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true; Railway.fail_fast! }, fast_track: true step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true } end it { Update.().inspect("x", "y", "a").must_equal %{} } end class PassFastBangTest < Minitest::Spec class Create < Trailblazer::Operation step ->(options, *) { options["x"] = true; Railway.pass_fast! }, fast_track: true step ->(options, *) { options["y"] = true } failure ->(options, *) { options["a"] = true } end it { Create.().inspect("x", "y", "a").must_equal %{} } end #- class NestedFastTrackTest < Minitest::Spec #- The ::step DSL method automatically connects the nested's End.fail_fast/End.pass_fast to Update's End.fail_fast/End.pass_fast. # # Edit has fast-tracked steps, so it has outputs :success/:failure/:pass_fast/:fail_fast. class Edit < Trailblazer::Operation step :a, fast_track: true # task is connected to End.pass_fast and End.fail_fast. def a(options, edit_return:, **) options["a"] = 1 edit_return # End.success, End.pass_fast, etc. end end module Steps def b(options, a:, **) options["b"] = a+1 end def f(options, **) options["f"] = 3 end end describe "Nested, fast_track: true and all its outputs given" do let(:update) do do step task: Trailblazer::Activity::Subprocess( Edit, call: :__call__ ), id: "Subprocess/", plus_poles: Trailblazer::Activity::Magnetic::DSL::PlusPoles::from_outputs( Edit.outputs ), fast_track: true step :b fail :f include Steps end end # Edit returns End.success it { update.(edit_return: true).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.failure it { update.(edit_return: false).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.pass_fast it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.pass_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.fail_fast it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.fail_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } end describe "Nested, no :fast_track option but all its outputs given" do let(:update) do do include Steps step task: Trailblazer::Activity::Subprocess( Edit, call: :__call__ ), id: "Subprocess/", plus_poles: Trailblazer::Activity::Magnetic::DSL::PlusPoles::from_outputs( Edit.outputs ) # all outputs given means it "works" step :b fail :f end end # Edit returns End.success it { update.(edit_return: true).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.failure it { update.(edit_return: false).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.pass_fast it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.pass_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.fail_fast it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.fail_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } end describe "2.0 behavior: no :fast_track option, all outputs given, but we rewire fast_track" do let(:update) do do include Steps step({task: Trailblazer::Activity::Subprocess( Edit, call: :__call__ ), id: "Subprocess/", plus_poles: Trailblazer::Activity::Magnetic::DSL::PlusPoles::from_outputs( Edit.outputs )}, {Output(:pass_fast) => :success, Output(:fail_fast) => :failure} )# manually rewire the fast-track outputs to "conventional" railway ends. step :b fail :f end end # it { puts Trailblazer::Activity::Introspect.Cct(update.instance_variable_get(:@process)) } it { update.decompose[0] } # Edit returns End.success it { update.(edit_return: true).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.failure it { update.(edit_return: false).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.pass_fast, but behaves like :success. it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.pass_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } # Edit returns End.fail_fast, but behaves like :failure. it { update.(edit_return: Trailblazer::Operation::Railway.fail_fast!).inspect("a", "b", "f").must_equal %{} } end end