# encoding: ascii-8bit require 'uri' require 'stringio' module Rack class UTF8Sanitizer StringIO = ::StringIO # options[:sanitizable_content_types] Array # options[:additional_content_types] Array def initialize(app, options={}) @app = app @strategy = build_strategy(options) @sanitizable_content_types = options[:sanitizable_content_types] @sanitizable_content_types ||= SANITIZABLE_CONTENT_TYPES + (options[:additional_content_types] || []) end def call(env) @app.call(sanitize(env)) end DEFAULT_STRATEGIES = { replace: lambda do |input| input. force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT). encode!(Encoding::UTF_8, invalid: :replace, undef: :replace) end, exception: lambda do |input| input. force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT). encode!(Encoding::UTF_8) end }.freeze # http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/SPEC.html URI_FIELDS = %w( SCRIPT_NAME REQUEST_PATH REQUEST_URI PATH_INFO QUERY_STRING HTTP_REFERER ORIGINAL_FULLPATH ORIGINAL_SCRIPT_NAME SERVER_NAME ).map(&:freeze).freeze SANITIZABLE_CONTENT_TYPES = %w( text/plain application/x-www-form-urlencoded application/json text/javascript ).map(&:freeze).freeze URI_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPES = %w( application/x-www-form-urlencoded ).map(&:freeze).freeze HTTP_ = 'HTTP_'.freeze def sanitize(env) sanitize_rack_input(env) env.each do |key, value| if URI_FIELDS.include?(key) env[key] = transfer_frozen(value, sanitize_uri_encoded_string(value)) elsif key.to_s.start_with?(HTTP_) # Just sanitize the headers and leave them in UTF-8. There is # no reason to have UTF-8 in headers, but if it's valid, let it be. env[key] = transfer_frozen(value, sanitize_string(value)) end end end protected def build_strategy(options) strategy = options.fetch(:strategy) { :replace } return strategy unless DEFAULT_STRATEGIES.key?(strategy) DEFAULT_STRATEGIES[strategy] end def sanitize_rack_input(env) # https://github.com/rack/rack/blob/master/lib/rack/request.rb#L42 # Logic borrowed from Rack::Request#media_type,#media_type_params,#content_charset # Ignoring charset in content type. content_type = env['CONTENT_TYPE'] content_type &&= content_type.split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, 2).first content_type &&= content_type.downcase return unless @sanitizable_content_types.any? {|type| content_type == type } uri_encoded = URI_ENCODED_CONTENT_TYPES.any? {|type| content_type == type} if env["rack.input"] sanitized_input = sanitize_io(env['rack.input'], uri_encoded) env['rack.input'] = sanitized_input env['CONTENT_LENGTH'] &&= sanitized_input.size.to_s end end # Modeled after Rack::RewindableInput # TODO: Should this delegate any methods to the original io? class SanitizedRackInput def initialize(original_io, sanitized_io) @original_io = original_io @sanitized_io = sanitized_io end def gets @sanitized_io.gets end def read(*args) @sanitized_io.read(*args) end def each(&block) @sanitized_io.each(&block) end def rewind @sanitized_io.rewind end def size # StringIO#size is bytesize @sanitized_io.size end def close @sanitized_io.close @original_io.close if @original_io.respond_to?(:close) end end def sanitize_io(io, uri_encoded = false) input = io.read sanitized_input = sanitize_string(strip_byte_order_mark(input)) if uri_encoded sanitized_input = sanitize_uri_encoded_string(sanitized_input). force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) end sanitized_input = transfer_frozen(input, sanitized_input) SanitizedRackInput.new(io, StringIO.new(sanitized_input)) end # URI.encode/decode expect the input to be in ASCII-8BIT. # However, there could be invalid UTF-8 characters both in # raw and percent-encoded form. # # So, first sanitize the value, then percent-decode it while # treating as UTF-8, then sanitize the result and encode it back. # # The result is guaranteed to be UTF-8-safe. def sanitize_uri_encoded_string(input) decoded_value = decode_string(input) reencode_string(decoded_value) end def reencode_string(decoded_value) escape_unreserved( sanitize_string(decoded_value)) end def decode_string(input) unescape_unreserved( sanitize_string(input). force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT)) end # This regexp matches all 'unreserved' characters from RFC3986 (2.3), # plus all multibyte UTF-8 characters. UNRESERVED_OR_UTF8 = /[A-Za-z0-9\-._~\x80-\xFF]/ # RFC3986, 2.2 states that the characters from 'reserved' group must be # protected during normalization (which is what UTF8Sanitizer does). # # However, the regexp approach used by URI.unescape is not sophisticated # enough for our task. def unescape_unreserved(input) input.gsub(/%([a-f\d]{2})/i) do |encoded| decoded = $1.hex.chr if decoded =~ UNRESERVED_OR_UTF8 decoded else encoded end end end # This regexp matches unsafe characters, i.e. everything except 'reserved' # and 'unreserved' characters from RFC3986 (2.3), and additionally '%', # as percent-encoded unreserved characters could be left over from the # `unescape_unreserved` invocation. # # See also URI::REGEXP::PATTERN::{UNRESERVED,RESERVED}. UNSAFE = /[^\-_.!~*'()a-zA-Z\d;\/?:@&=+$,\[\]%]/ # Performs the reverse function of `unescape_unreserved`. Unlike # the previous function, we can reuse the logic in URI#encode def escape_unreserved(input) URI.encode(input, UNSAFE) end def sanitize_string(input) if input.is_a? String input = input.dup.force_encoding(Encoding::UTF_8) if input.valid_encoding? input else @strategy.call(input) end else input end end def transfer_frozen(from, to) if from.frozen? to.freeze else to end end UTF8_BOM = "\xef\xbb\xbf".force_encoding(Encoding::BINARY).freeze UTF8_BOM_SIZE = UTF8_BOM.bytesize def strip_byte_order_mark(input) return input unless input.start_with?(UTF8_BOM) input.byteslice(UTF8_BOM_SIZE..-1) end end end