import { context } from '@ember/-internals/environment'; import { run } from '@ember/runloop'; import { get, computed, observer } from '@ember/-internals/metal'; import { w } from '@ember/string'; import EmberObject from '../../../../lib/system/object'; import Observable from '../../../../lib/mixins/observable'; import { A as emberA } from '../../../../lib/mixins/array'; import { moduleFor, AbstractTestCase } from 'internal-test-helpers'; /* NOTE: This test is adapted from the 1.x series of unit tests. The tests are the same except for places where we intend to break the API we instead validate that we warn the developer appropriately. CHANGES FROM 1.6: * Added ObservableObject which applies the Ember.Observable mixin. * Changed reference to Ember.T_FUNCTION to 'function' * Changed all references to sc_super to this._super(...arguments) * Changed Ember.objectForPropertyPath() to Ember.getPath() * Removed allPropertiesDidChange test - no longer supported * Changed test that uses 'ObjectE' as path to 'objectE' to reflect new rule on using capital letters for property paths. * Removed test passing context to addObserver. context param is no longer supported. * removed test in observer around line 862 that expected key/value to be the last item in the chained path. Should be root and chained path */ // ======================================================================== // Ember.Observable Tests // ======================================================================== var object, ObjectC, ObjectD, objectA, objectB, lookup; var ObservableObject = EmberObject.extend(Observable); var originalLookup = context.lookup; // .......................................................... // GET() // moduleFor( 'object.get()', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { object = ObservableObject.extend(Observable, { computed: computed(function() { return 'value'; }).volatile(), method() { return 'value'; }, unknownProperty(key) { this.lastUnknownProperty = key; return 'unknown'; }, }).create({ normal: 'value', numberVal: 24, toggleVal: true, nullProperty: null, }); } ['@test should get normal properties'](assert) { assert.equal(object.get('normal'), 'value'); } ['@test should call computed properties and return their result'](assert) { assert.equal(object.get('computed'), 'value'); } ['@test should return the function for a non-computed property'](assert) { var value = object.get('method'); assert.equal(typeof value, 'function'); } ['@test should return null when property value is null'](assert) { assert.equal(object.get('nullProperty'), null); } ['@test should call unknownProperty when value is undefined'](assert) { assert.equal(object.get('unknown'), 'unknown'); assert.equal(object.lastUnknownProperty, 'unknown'); } } ); // .......................................................... // Ember.GET() // moduleFor( 'Ember.get()', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { objectA = ObservableObject.extend({ computed: computed(function() { return 'value'; }).volatile(), method() { return 'value'; }, unknownProperty(key) { this.lastUnknownProperty = key; return 'unknown'; }, }).create({ normal: 'value', numberVal: 24, toggleVal: true, nullProperty: null, }); objectB = { normal: 'value', nullProperty: null, }; } ['@test should get normal properties on Ember.Observable'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectA, 'normal'), 'value'); } ['@test should call computed properties on Ember.Observable and return their result'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectA, 'computed'), 'value'); } ['@test should return the function for a non-computed property on Ember.Observable'](assert) { var value = get(objectA, 'method'); assert.equal(typeof value, 'function'); } ['@test should return null when property value is null on Ember.Observable'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectA, 'nullProperty'), null); } ['@test should call unknownProperty when value is undefined on Ember.Observable'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectA, 'unknown'), 'unknown'); assert.equal(objectA.lastUnknownProperty, 'unknown'); } ['@test should get normal properties on standard objects'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectB, 'normal'), 'value'); } ['@test should return null when property is null on standard objects'](assert) { assert.equal(get(objectB, 'nullProperty'), null); } ['@test raise if the provided object is undefined']() { expectAssertion(function() { get(undefined, 'key'); }, /Cannot call get with 'key' on an undefined object/i); } } ); moduleFor( 'Ember.get() with paths', class extends AbstractTestCase { ['@test should return a property at a given path relative to the passed object'](assert) { var foo = ObservableObject.create({ bar: ObservableObject.extend({ baz: computed(function() { return 'blargh'; }).volatile(), }).create(), }); assert.equal(get(foo, 'bar.baz'), 'blargh'); } ['@test should return a property at a given path relative to the passed object - JavaScript hash']( assert ) { var foo = { bar: { baz: 'blargh', }, }; assert.equal(get(foo, 'bar.baz'), 'blargh'); } } ); // .......................................................... // SET() // moduleFor( 'object.set()', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { object = ObservableObject.extend({ computed: computed({ get() { return this._computed; }, set(key, value) { this._computed = value; return this._computed; }, }).volatile(), method(key, value) { if (value !== undefined) { this._method = value; } return this._method; }, unknownProperty() { return this._unknown; }, setUnknownProperty(key, value) { this._unknown = value; return this._unknown; }, // normal property normal: 'value', // computed property _computed: 'computed', // method, but not a property _method: 'method', // null property nullProperty: null, // unknown property _unknown: 'unknown', }).create(); } ['@test should change normal properties and return the value'](assert) { var ret = object.set('normal', 'changed'); assert.equal(object.get('normal'), 'changed'); assert.equal(ret, 'changed'); } ['@test should call computed properties passing value and return the value'](assert) { var ret = object.set('computed', 'changed'); assert.equal(object.get('_computed'), 'changed'); assert.equal(ret, 'changed'); } ['@test should change normal properties when passing undefined'](assert) { var ret = object.set('normal', undefined); assert.equal(object.get('normal'), undefined); assert.equal(ret, undefined); } ['@test should replace the function for a non-computed property and return the value'](assert) { var ret = object.set('method', 'changed'); assert.equal(object.get('_method'), 'method'); // make sure this was NOT run assert.ok(typeof object.get('method') !== 'function'); assert.equal(ret, 'changed'); } ['@test should replace prover when property value is null'](assert) { var ret = object.set('nullProperty', 'changed'); assert.equal(object.get('nullProperty'), 'changed'); assert.equal(ret, 'changed'); } ['@test should call unknownProperty with value when property is undefined'](assert) { var ret = object.set('unknown', 'changed'); assert.equal(object.get('_unknown'), 'changed'); assert.equal(ret, 'changed'); } } ); // .......................................................... // COMPUTED PROPERTIES // moduleFor( 'Computed properties', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { lookup = context.lookup = {}; object = ObservableObject.extend({ computed: computed({ get() { this.computedCalls.push('getter-called'); return 'computed'; }, set(key, value) { this.computedCalls.push(value); }, }).volatile(), computedCached: computed({ get() { this.computedCachedCalls.push('getter-called'); return 'computedCached'; }, set: function(key, value) { this.computedCachedCalls.push(value); }, }), dependent: computed({ get() { this.dependentCalls.push('getter-called'); return 'dependent'; }, set(key, value) { this.dependentCalls.push(value); }, }) .property('changer') .volatile(), dependentFront: computed('changer', { get() { this.dependentFrontCalls.push('getter-called'); return 'dependentFront'; }, set(key, value) { this.dependentFrontCalls.push(value); }, }).volatile(), dependentCached: computed({ get() { this.dependentCachedCalls.push('getter-called!'); return 'dependentCached'; }, set(key, value) { this.dependentCachedCalls.push(value); }, }).property('changer'), inc: computed('changer', function() { return this.incCallCount++; }), nestedInc: computed(function() { get(this, 'inc'); return this.nestedIncCallCount++; }).property('inc'), isOn: computed({ get() { return this.get('state') === 'on'; }, set() { this.set('state', 'on'); return this.get('state') === 'on'; }, }) .property('state') .volatile(), isOff: computed({ get() { return this.get('state') === 'off'; }, set() { this.set('state', 'off'); return this.get('state') === 'off'; }, }) .property('state') .volatile(), }).create({ computedCalls: [], computedCachedCalls: [], changer: 'foo', dependentCalls: [], dependentFrontCalls: [], dependentCachedCalls: [], incCallCount: 0, nestedIncCallCount: 0, state: 'on', }); } afterEach() { context.lookup = originalLookup; } ['@test getting values should call function return value'](assert) { // get each property twice. Verify return. var keys = w('computed computedCached dependent dependentFront dependentCached'); keys.forEach(function(key) { assert.equal(object.get(key), key, `Try #1: object.get(${key}) should run function`); assert.equal(object.get(key), key, `Try #2: object.get(${key}) should run function`); }); // verify each call count. cached should only be called once w('computedCalls dependentFrontCalls dependentCalls').forEach(key => { assert.equal(object[key].length, 2, `non-cached property ${key} should be called 2x`); }); w('computedCachedCalls dependentCachedCalls').forEach(key => { assert.equal(object[key].length, 1, `non-cached property ${key} should be called 1x`); }); } ['@test setting values should call function return value'](assert) { // get each property twice. Verify return. var keys = w('computed dependent dependentFront computedCached dependentCached'); var values = w('value1 value2'); keys.forEach(key => { assert.equal( object.set(key, values[0]), values[0], `Try #1: object.set(${key}, ${values[0]}) should run function` ); assert.equal( object.set(key, values[1]), values[1], `Try #2: object.set(${key}, ${values[1]}) should run function` ); assert.equal( object.set(key, values[1]), values[1], `Try #3: object.set(${key}, ${ values[1] }) should not run function since it is setting same value as before` ); }); // verify each call count. cached should only be called once keys.forEach(key => { var calls = object[key + 'Calls']; var idx, expectedLength; // Cached properties first check their cached value before setting the // property. Other properties blindly call set. expectedLength = 3; assert.equal( calls.length, expectedLength, `set(${key}) should be called the right amount of times` ); for (idx = 0; idx < 2; idx++) { assert.equal( calls[idx], values[idx], `call #${idx + 1} to set(${key}) should have passed value ${values[idx]}` ); } }); } ['@test notify change should clear cache'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count object.get('computedCached'); // should run func object.get('computedCached'); // should not run func object.notifyPropertyChange('computedCached'); object.get('computedCached'); // should run again assert.equal(object.computedCachedCalls.length, 2, 'should have invoked method 2x'); } ['@test change dependent should clear cache'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count var ret1 = object.get('inc'); // should run func assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1, 'multiple calls should not run cached prop'); object.set('changer', 'bar'); assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1 + 1, 'should increment after dependent key changes'); // should run again } ['@test just notifying change of dependent should clear cache'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count var ret1 = object.get('inc'); // should run func assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1, 'multiple calls should not run cached prop'); object.notifyPropertyChange('changer'); assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1 + 1, 'should increment after dependent key changes'); // should run again } ['@test changing dependent should clear nested cache'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count var ret1 = object.get('nestedInc'); // should run func assert.equal(object.get('nestedInc'), ret1, 'multiple calls should not run cached prop'); object.set('changer', 'bar'); assert.equal( object.get('nestedInc'), ret1 + 1, 'should increment after dependent key changes' ); // should run again } ['@test just notifying change of dependent should clear nested cache'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count var ret1 = object.get('nestedInc'); // should run func assert.equal(object.get('nestedInc'), ret1, 'multiple calls should not run cached prop'); object.notifyPropertyChange('changer'); assert.equal( object.get('nestedInc'), ret1 + 1, 'should increment after dependent key changes' ); // should run again } // This verifies a specific bug encountered where observers for computed // properties would fire before their prop caches were cleared. ['@test change dependent should clear cache when observers of dependent are called'](assert) { // call get several times to collect call count var ret1 = object.get('inc'); // should run func assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1, 'multiple calls should not run cached prop'); // add observer to verify change... object.addObserver('inc', this, function() { assert.equal(object.get('inc'), ret1 + 1, 'should increment after dependent key changes'); // should run again }); // now run object.set('changer', 'bar'); } ['@test setting one of two computed properties that depend on a third property should clear the kvo cache']( assert ) { // we have to call set twice to fill up the cache object.set('isOff', true); object.set('isOn', true); // setting isOff to true should clear the kvo cache object.set('isOff', true); assert.equal(object.get('isOff'), true, 'object.isOff should be true'); assert.equal(object.get('isOn'), false, 'object.isOn should be false'); } ['@test dependent keys should be able to be specified as property paths'](assert) { var depObj = ObservableObject.extend({ menuPrice: computed(function() { return this.get('menu.price'); }).property('menu.price'), }).create({ menu: ObservableObject.create({ price: 5, }), }); assert.equal(depObj.get('menuPrice'), 5, 'precond - initial value returns 5'); depObj.set('menu.price', 6); assert.equal( depObj.get('menuPrice'), 6, 'cache is properly invalidated after nested property changes' ); } ['@test cacheable nested dependent keys should clear after their dependencies update'](assert) { assert.ok(true); var DepObj; run(function() { lookup.DepObj = DepObj = ObservableObject.extend({ price: computed('', function() { return this.get(''); }), }).create({ restaurant: ObservableObject.create({ menu: ObservableObject.create({ price: 5, }), }), }); }); assert.equal(DepObj.get('price'), 5, 'precond - computed property is correct'); run(function() { DepObj.set('', 10); }); assert.equal( DepObj.get('price'), 10, 'cacheable computed properties are invalidated even if no run loop occurred' ); run(function() { DepObj.set('', 20); }); assert.equal( DepObj.get('price'), 20, 'cacheable computed properties are invalidated after a second get before a run loop' ); assert.equal( DepObj.get('price'), 20, 'precond - computed properties remain correct after a run loop' ); run(function() { DepObj.set( '', ObservableObject.create({ price: 15, }) ); }); assert.equal( DepObj.get('price'), 15, 'cacheable computed properties are invalidated after a middle property changes' ); run(function() { DepObj.set( '', ObservableObject.create({ price: 25, }) ); }); assert.equal( DepObj.get('price'), 25, 'cacheable computed properties are invalidated after a middle property changes again, before a run loop' ); } } ); // .......................................................... // OBSERVABLE OBJECTS // moduleFor( 'Observable objects & object properties ', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { object = ObservableObject.extend({ getEach() { var keys = ['normal', 'abnormal']; var ret = []; for (var idx = 0; idx < keys.length; idx++) { ret[ret.length] = this.get(keys[idx]); } return ret; }, newObserver() { this.abnormal = 'changedValueObserved'; }, testObserver: observer('normal', function() { this.abnormal = 'removedObserver'; }), testArrayObserver: observer('normalArray.[]', function() { this.abnormal = 'notifiedObserver'; }), }).create({ normal: 'value', abnormal: 'zeroValue', numberVal: 24, toggleVal: true, observedProperty: 'beingWatched', testRemove: 'observerToBeRemoved', normalArray: emberA([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), }); } ['@test incrementProperty and decrementProperty'](assert) { var newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal'); assert.equal(25, newValue, 'numerical value incremented'); object.numberVal = 24; newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal'); assert.equal(23, newValue, 'numerical value decremented'); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', 5); assert.equal(30, newValue, 'numerical value incremented by specified increment'); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', -5); assert.equal(20, newValue, 'minus numerical value incremented by specified increment'); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', 0); assert.equal(25, newValue, 'zero numerical value incremented by specified increment'); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', 0 - void 0); // Increment by NaN }, /Must pass a numeric value to incrementProperty/i); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', 'Ember'); // Increment by non-numeric String }, /Must pass a numeric value to incrementProperty/i); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.incrementProperty('numberVal', 1 / 0); // Increment by Infinity }, /Must pass a numeric value to incrementProperty/i); assert.equal( 25, newValue, 'Attempting to increment by non-numeric values should not increment value' ); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', 5); assert.equal(20, newValue, 'numerical value decremented by specified increment'); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', -5); assert.equal(30, newValue, 'minus numerical value decremented by specified increment'); object.numberVal = 25; newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', 0); assert.equal(25, newValue, 'zero numerical value decremented by specified increment'); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', 0 - void 0); // Decrement by NaN }, /Must pass a numeric value to decrementProperty/i); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', 'Ember'); // Decrement by non-numeric String }, /Must pass a numeric value to decrementProperty/i); expectAssertion(function() { newValue = object.decrementProperty('numberVal', 1 / 0); // Decrement by Infinity }, /Must pass a numeric value to decrementProperty/i); assert.equal( 25, newValue, 'Attempting to decrement by non-numeric values should not decrement value' ); } ['@test toggle function, should be boolean'](assert) { assert.equal(object.toggleProperty('toggleVal', true, false), object.get('toggleVal')); assert.equal(object.toggleProperty('toggleVal', true, false), object.get('toggleVal')); assert.equal( object.toggleProperty('toggleVal', undefined, undefined), object.get('toggleVal') ); } ['@test should notify array observer when array changes'](assert) { get(object, 'normalArray').replace(0, 0, [6]); assert.equal(object.abnormal, 'notifiedObserver', 'observer should be notified'); } } ); moduleFor( 'object.addObserver()', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { ObjectC = ObservableObject.create({ objectE: ObservableObject.create({ propertyVal: 'chainedProperty', }), normal: 'value', normal1: 'zeroValue', normal2: 'dependentValue', incrementor: 10, action() { this.normal1 = 'newZeroValue'; }, observeOnceAction() { this.incrementor = this.incrementor + 1; }, chainedObserver() { this.normal2 = 'chainedPropertyObserved'; }, }); } ['@test should register an observer for a property'](assert) { ObjectC.addObserver('normal', ObjectC, 'action'); ObjectC.set('normal', 'newValue'); assert.equal(ObjectC.normal1, 'newZeroValue'); } ['@test should register an observer for a property - Special case of chained property']( assert ) { ObjectC.addObserver('objectE.propertyVal', ObjectC, 'chainedObserver'); ObjectC.objectE.set('propertyVal', 'chainedPropertyValue'); assert.equal('chainedPropertyObserved', ObjectC.normal2); ObjectC.normal2 = 'dependentValue'; ObjectC.set('objectE', ''); assert.equal('chainedPropertyObserved', ObjectC.normal2); } } ); moduleFor( 'object.removeObserver()', class extends AbstractTestCase { beforeEach() { ObjectD = ObservableObject.create({ objectF: ObservableObject.create({ propertyVal: 'chainedProperty', }), normal: 'value', normal1: 'zeroValue', normal2: 'dependentValue', ArrayKeys: ['normal', 'normal1'], addAction() { this.normal1 = 'newZeroValue'; }, removeAction() { this.normal2 = 'newDependentValue'; }, removeChainedObserver() { this.normal2 = 'chainedPropertyObserved'; }, observableValue: 'hello world', observer1() { // Just an observer }, observer2() { this.removeObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer1'); this.removeObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer2'); this.hasObserverFor('observableValue'); // Tickle 'getMembers()' this.removeObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer3'); }, observer3() { // Just an observer }, }); } ['@test should unregister an observer for a property'](assert) { ObjectD.addObserver('normal', ObjectD, 'addAction'); ObjectD.set('normal', 'newValue'); assert.equal(ObjectD.normal1, 'newZeroValue'); ObjectD.set('normal1', 'zeroValue'); ObjectD.removeObserver('normal', ObjectD, 'addAction'); ObjectD.set('normal', 'newValue'); assert.equal(ObjectD.normal1, 'zeroValue'); } ["@test should unregister an observer for a property - special case when key has a '.' in it."]( assert ) { ObjectD.addObserver('objectF.propertyVal', ObjectD, 'removeChainedObserver'); ObjectD.objectF.set('propertyVal', 'chainedPropertyValue'); ObjectD.removeObserver('objectF.propertyVal', ObjectD, 'removeChainedObserver'); ObjectD.normal2 = 'dependentValue'; ObjectD.objectF.set('propertyVal', 'removedPropertyValue'); assert.equal('dependentValue', ObjectD.normal2); ObjectD.set('objectF', ''); assert.equal('dependentValue', ObjectD.normal2); } ['@test removing an observer inside of an observer shouldn’t cause any problems'](assert) { // The observable system should be protected against clients removing // observers in the middle of observer notification. var encounteredError = false; try { ObjectD.addObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer1'); ObjectD.addObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer2'); ObjectD.addObserver('observableValue', null, 'observer3'); run(function() { ObjectD.set('observableValue', 'hi world'); }); } catch (e) { encounteredError = true; } assert.equal(encounteredError, false); } } );