Feature: Handling labels with page object In order to interact with labels, Testers will need to access the element and the ability to interrogate Background: Given I am on the static elements page Scenario: Getting the text from a label When I get the text from the label Then the text should be "page-object is the best!" Scenario: Getting the label element When I retrieve the label element Then I should know it exists And I should know it is visible Scenario Outline: Locating labels on the page When I search for the label by "" Then the text should be "page-object is the best!" Scenarios: | search_by | | id | | class | | xpath | | index | | name | | text | Scenario Outline: Locating labels using multiple parameters When I search for the label by "" and "" Then the text should be "page-object is the best!" Scenarios: | param1 | param2 | | class | index | | name | index | Scenario: Finding a label dynamically When I get the text from a label while the script is executing Then I should see that the label exists And the text should be "page-object is the best!"