# -*- encoding: binary -*- require "thread" require "time" require "socket" require "rack" require "aggregate" # Raindrops::Watcher is a stand-alone Rack application for watching # any number of TCP and UNIX listeners (all of them by default). # # It depends on the {Aggregate RubyGem}[http://rubygems.org/gems/aggregate] # # In your Rack config.ru: # # run Raindrops::Watcher(options = {}) # # It takes the following options hash: # # - :listeners - an array of listener names, (e.g. %w( /tmp/sock)) # - :delay - interval between stats updates in seconds (default: 1) # # Raindrops::Watcher is compatible any thread-safe/thread-aware Rack # middleware. It does not work well with multi-process web servers # but can be used to monitor them. It consumes minimal resources # with the default :delay. # # == HTTP endpoints # # === GET / # # Returns an HTML summary listing of all listen interfaces watched on # # === GET /active/$LISTENER.txt # # Returns a plain text summary + histogram with X-* HTTP headers for # active connections. # # e.g.: curl http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/active/ # # === GET /active/$LISTENER.html # # Returns an HTML summary + histogram with X-* HTTP headers for # active connections. # # e.g.: curl http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/active/ # # === GET /queued/$LISTENER.txt # # Returns a plain text summary + histogram with X-* HTTP headers for # queued connections. # # e.g.: curl http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/queued/ # # === GET /queued/$LISTENER.html # # Returns an HTML summary + histogram with X-* HTTP headers for # queued connections. # # e.g.: curl http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/queued/ # # === POST /reset/$LISTENER # # Resets the active and queued statistics for the given listener. # # === GET /tail/$LISTENER.txt?active_min=1&queued_min=1 # # Streams chunked a response to the client. # Interval is the preconfigured +:delay+ of the application (default 1 second) # # The response is plain text in the following format: # # ISO8601_TIMESTAMP LISTENER_NAME ACTIVE_COUNT QUEUED_COUNT LINEFEED # # Query parameters: # # - active_min - do not stream a line until this active count is reached # - queued_min - do not stream a line until this queued count is reached # # == Response headers (mostly the same names as Raindrops::LastDataRecv) # # - X-Count - number of samples polled # - X-Last-Reset - date since the last reset # # The following headers are only present if X-Count is greater than one. # # - X-Min - lowest number of connections recorded # - X-Max - highest number of connections recorded # - X-Mean - mean number of connections recorded # - X-Std-Dev - standard deviation of connection count # - X-Outliers-Low - number of low outliers (hopefully many for queued) # - X-Outliers-High - number of high outliers (hopefully zero for queued) # - X-Current - current number of connections # - X-First-Peak-At - date of when X-Max was first reached # - X-Last-Peak-At - date of when X-Max was last reached # # = Demo Server # # There is a server running this app at http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/ # The Raindrops::Middleware demo is also accessible at # http://raindrops-demo.bogomips.org/_raindrops # # The demo server is only limited to 30 users, so be sure not to abuse it # by using the /tail/ endpoint too much. class Raindrops::Watcher # :stopdoc: attr_reader :snapshot include Rack::Utils include Raindrops::Linux DOC_URL = "http://raindrops.bogomips.org/Raindrops/Watcher.html" Peak = Struct.new(:first, :last) def initialize(opts = {}) @tcp_listeners = @unix_listeners = nil if l = opts[:listeners] tcp, unix = [], [] Array(l).each { |addr| (addr =~ %r{\A/} ? unix : tcp) << addr } unless tcp.empty? && unix.empty? @tcp_listeners = tcp @unix_listeners = unix end end @agg_class = opts[:agg_class] || Aggregate @start_time = Time.now.utc @active = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = @agg_class.new } @queued = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = @agg_class.new } @resets = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = @start_time } @peak_active = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = Peak.new(@start_time, @start_time) } @peak_queued = Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = Peak.new(@start_time, @start_time) } @snapshot = [ @start_time, {} ] @delay = opts[:delay] || 1 @lock = Mutex.new @start = Mutex.new @cond = ConditionVariable.new @thr = nil end def hostname Socket.gethostname end # rack endpoint def call(env) @start.synchronize { @thr ||= aggregator_thread(env["rack.logger"]) } case env["REQUEST_METHOD"] when "GET" get env when "HEAD" r = get(env) r[2] = [] r when "POST" post env else Rack::Response.new(["Method Not Allowed"], 405).finish end end def aggregate!(agg_hash, peak_hash, addr, number, now) agg = agg_hash[addr] if (max = agg.max) && number > 0 && number >= max peak = peak_hash[addr] peak.first = now if number > max peak.last = now end agg << number end def aggregator_thread(logger) # :nodoc: @socket = sock = Raindrops::InetDiagSocket.new thr = Thread.new do begin combined = tcp_listener_stats(@tcp_listeners, sock) combined.merge!(unix_listener_stats(@unix_listeners)) @lock.synchronize do now = Time.now.utc combined.each do |addr,stats| aggregate!(@active, @peak_active, addr, stats.active, now) aggregate!(@queued, @peak_queued, addr, stats.queued, now) end @snapshot = [ now, combined ] @cond.broadcast end rescue => e logger.error "#{e.class} #{e.inspect}" end while sleep(@delay) && @socket sock.close end wait_snapshot thr end def non_existent_stats(time) [ time, @start_time, @agg_class.new, 0, Peak.new(@start_time, @start_time) ] end def active_stats(addr) # :nodoc: @lock.synchronize do time, combined = @snapshot stats = combined[addr] or return non_existent_stats(time) tmp, peak = @active[addr], @peak_active[addr] [ time, @resets[addr], tmp.dup, stats.active, peak ] end end def queued_stats(addr) # :nodoc: @lock.synchronize do time, combined = @snapshot stats = combined[addr] or return non_existent_stats(time) tmp, peak = @queued[addr], @peak_queued[addr] [ time, @resets[addr], tmp.dup, stats.queued, peak ] end end def wait_snapshot @lock.synchronize do @cond.wait @lock @snapshot end end def std_dev(agg) agg.std_dev.to_s rescue Errno::EDOM "NaN" end def agg_to_hash(reset_at, agg, current, peak) { "X-Count" => agg.count.to_s, "X-Min" => agg.min.to_s, "X-Max" => agg.max.to_s, "X-Mean" => agg.mean.to_s, "X-Std-Dev" => std_dev(agg), "X-Outliers-Low" => agg.outliers_low.to_s, "X-Outliers-High" => agg.outliers_high.to_s, "X-Last-Reset" => reset_at.httpdate, "X-Current" => current.to_s, "X-First-Peak-At" => peak.first.httpdate, "X-Last-Peak-At" => peak.last.httpdate, } end def histogram_txt(agg) updated_at, reset_at, agg, current, peak = *agg headers = agg_to_hash(reset_at, agg, current, peak) body = agg.to_s headers["Content-Type"] = "text/plain" headers["Expires"] = (updated_at + @delay).httpdate headers["Content-Length"] = bytesize(body).to_s [ 200, headers, [ body ] ] end def histogram_html(agg, addr) updated_at, reset_at, agg, current, peak = *agg headers = agg_to_hash(reset_at, agg, current, peak) body = "" \ "
#{k.gsub(/^X-/, '')} | #{v} |
#{escape_html agg}" \ "" \ "" headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html" headers["Expires"] = (updated_at + @delay).httpdate headers["Content-Length"] = bytesize(body).to_s [ 200, headers, [ body ] ] end def get(env) retried = false begin case env["PATH_INFO"] when "/" index when %r{\A/active/(.+)\.txt\z} histogram_txt(active_stats(unescape($1))) when %r{\A/active/(.+)\.html\z} addr = unescape $1 histogram_html(active_stats(addr), addr) when %r{\A/queued/(.+)\.txt\z} histogram_txt(queued_stats(unescape($1))) when %r{\A/queued/(.+)\.html\z} addr = unescape $1 histogram_html(queued_stats(addr), addr) when %r{\A/tail/(.+)\.txt\z} tail(unescape($1), env) else not_found end rescue Errno::EDOM raise if retried retried = true wait_snapshot retry end end def not_found Rack::Response.new(["Not Found"], 404).finish end def post(env) case env["PATH_INFO"] when %r{\A/reset/(.+)\z} reset!(env, unescape($1)) else not_found end end def reset!(env, addr) @lock.synchronize do @active.include?(addr) or return not_found @active.delete addr @queued.delete addr @resets[addr] = Time.now.utc @cond.wait @lock end req = Rack::Request.new(env) res = Rack::Response.new url = req.referer || "#{req.host_with_port}/" res.redirect(url) res.content_type.replace "text/plain" res.write "Redirecting to #{url}" res.finish end def index updated_at, all = snapshot headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/html", "Last-Modified" => updated_at.httpdate, "Expires" => (updated_at + @delay).httpdate, } body = "" \ "
address | active | queued | reset | " \ "
#{escape_html addr} | " \ "#{stats.active} | " \ "#{stats.queued} | " \ "" \ " |
" \ "This is running the #{self.class} service, see " \ "#{DOC_URL} " \ "for more information and options." \ "
" \ "" headers["Content-Length"] = bytesize(body).to_s [ 200, headers, [ body ] ] end def tail(addr, env) Tailer.new(self, addr, env).finish end # This is the response body returned for "/tail/$ADDRESS.txt". This # must use a multi-threaded Rack server with streaming response support. # It is an internal class and not expected to be used directly class Tailer def initialize(rdmon, addr, env) # :nodoc: @rdmon = rdmon @addr = addr q = Rack::Utils.parse_query env["QUERY_STRING"] @active_min = q["active_min"].to_i @queued_min = q["queued_min"].to_i len = Rack::Utils.bytesize(addr) len = 35 if len > 35 @fmt = "%20s % #{len}s % 10u % 10u\n" case env["HTTP_VERSION"] when "HTTP/1.0", nil @chunk = false else @chunk = true end end def finish headers = { "Content-Type" => "text/plain", "Cache-Control" => "no-transform", "Expires" => Time.at(0).httpdate, } headers["Transfer-Encoding"] = "chunked" if @chunk [ 200, headers, self ] end # called by the Rack server def each # :nodoc: begin time, all = @rdmon.wait_snapshot stats = all[@addr] or next stats.queued >= @queued_min or next stats.active >= @active_min or next body = sprintf(@fmt, time.iso8601, @addr, stats.active, stats.queued) body = "#{body.size.to_s(16)}\r\n#{body}\r\n" if @chunk yield body end while true yield "0\r\n\r\n" if @chunk end end # shuts down the background thread, only for tests def shutdown @socket = nil @thr.join if @thr @thr = nil end # :startdoc: end