# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with this # work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF # licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under # the License. require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'spec_helpers')) module EclipseHelper def setupExample(group, projectName, options = {}) options[:symName] ? symName = options[:symName] :symName = File.basename(projectName) requiredPlugins = nil if options[:requires] requiredPlugins = "Require-Bundle: #{options[:requires]};bundle-version=\"1.1.0\",\n" end write "#{group}/#{projectName}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF", <<-MANIFEST Manifest-Version: 1.0 Name: #{projectName} Bundle-Version: 1.1 Specification-Title: "Examples for #{File.basename(projectName)}" Specification-Version: "1.0" Specification-Vendor: "Acme Corp.". Implementation-Title: "#{File.basename(projectName)}" Implementation-Version: "build57" Implementation-Vendor: "Acme Corp." Bundle-SymbolicName: #{symName} #{requiredPlugins} MANIFEST write "#{group}/#{projectName}/.project", <<-DOT_PROJECT #{File.basename(projectName)} org.eclipse.jdt.core.javabuilder org.eclipse.pde.ManifestBuilder org.eclipse.pde.SchemaBuilder org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature org.eclipse.jdt.core.javanature DOT_PROJECT write "#{group}/#{projectName}/.classpath", <<-DOT_CLASSPATH DOT_CLASSPATH write "#{group}/#{projectName}/plugin.xml", <<-PLUGIN_XML PLUGIN_XML write "#{group}/#{projectName}/build.properties", <<-BUILD_PROPERTIES source.. = src/ output.. = bin/ javacDefaultEncoding.. = UTF-8 bin.includes = META-INF/,\ .,\ plugin.xml,\ rsc/, BUILD_PROPERTIES end end describe Buildr::Generate do include EclipseHelper describe 'it should find a single eclipse project' do top = "top_#{__LINE__}" before do setupExample(top, 'single') File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } end it 'should create a valid buildfile' do define('first') File.exists?(File.join(top, 'single', '.project')).should be_true File.exists?(File.join(top, '.project')).should be_false File.exists?('.project').should be_false buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain("GROUP = \"#{top}\"") chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it "should not add project if the corresponding .project file is not an eclipse project" do buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') FileUtils.rm(buildFile) write File.join(top, 'myproject', '.project'), '# Dummy file' File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') file(buildFile).should_not contain('define "myproject"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it 'should honour Bundle-Version in MANIFEST.MF' do define('bundle_version') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') file(buildFile).should contain('define "single", :version => "1.1"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it "should pass source in build.properties to layout[:source, :main, :java] and layout[:source, :main, :scala]" do define('layout_source') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define') file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') file(buildFile).should contain('layout[:source, :main, :java]') file(buildFile).should contain('layout[:source, :main, :scala]') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it "should pass output in build.properties to layout[:target, :main], etc" do define('layout_target') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define') file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') file(buildFile).should contain('layout[:target, :main]') file(buildFile).should contain('layout[:target, :main, :java]') file(buildFile).should contain('layout[:target, :main, :scala]') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it "should package an eclipse plugin" do define('layout_target') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define') file(buildFile).should contain('package(:jar)') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end end describe 'it should check for a SymbolicName in MANIFEST.MF' do top = "top_#{__LINE__}" before do setupExample(top, 'single', { :symName => 'singleSymbolicName'} ) File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } end it "should set the project name to the SymbolicName from the MANIFEST.MF" do buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define "singleSymbolicName"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end end describe 'it should accecpt singleton SymbolicName in MANIFEST.MF' do top = "top_#{__LINE__}" before do setupExample(top, 'single', { :symName => 'singleSymbolicName;singleton:=true'}) File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } end it "should not get confused if SymbolicName in MANIFEST.MF is a singleton:=true" do buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define "singleSymbolicName"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end end describe 'it should find an eclipse project deep' do top = "top_#{__LINE__}" before do setupExample(top, 'nested/single') File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } end it 'should create a valid buildfile for a nested project' do setupExample(top, 'single') define('nested/second') File.exists?(File.join(top, 'single', '.project')).should be_true File.exists?(File.join(top, '.project')).should be_false File.exists?('.project').should be_false buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should contain("GROUP = \"#{top}\"") file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end it "should correct the path for a nested plugin" do define('base_dir') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('define "single"') file(buildFile).should contain('define "single", :version => "1.1", :base_dir => "nested/single"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end end describe 'it should detect dependencies between projects' do top = "top_#{__LINE__}" before do setupExample(top, 'first') write(File.join(top, 'first', 'src','org','demo','Demo.java')) write(File.join(top, 'first', 'rsc','aResource.txt')) setupExample(top, 'second', { :requires => 'first'} ) write(File.join(top, 'second', 'src','org','second','Demo.java')) setupExample(top, 'aFragment', { :fragment_host => 'second'}) write(File.join(top, 'aFragment', 'fragment.xml')) File.open(File.join(top, 'buildfile'), 'w') { |file| file.write Generate.from_eclipse(File.join(Dir.pwd, top)).join("\n") } end it 'should add "compile.with dependencies" in MANIFEST.MF' do define('base_dir') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain('compile.with dependencies') file(buildFile).should contain('resources') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end #dependencies << projects("first") it 'should honour Require-Bundle in MANIFEST.MF' do define('base_dir') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist file(buildFile).should contain(/define "second"/) file(buildFile).should contain( /dependencies << projects\("first"\)/) file(buildFile).should contain(/define "second".*do.*dependencies << projects\("first"\).* end/m) chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end # Fragments are only supported with buildr4osi which is not (yet?) part of buildr it 'should skip fragments.' do define('base_dir') buildFile = File.join(top, 'buildfile') file(buildFile).should exist # system("cat #{buildFile}") # if $VERBOSE file(buildFile).should contain('define "first"') chdir(top) lambda { Buildr.application.run }.should_not raise_error end end end