module Nokogiri module CSS class XPathVisitor # :nodoc: def visit_function node # note that nth-child and nth-last-child are preprocessed in css/node.rb. msg = :"visit_function_#{node.value.first.gsub(/[(]/, '')}" return self.send(msg, node) if self.respond_to?(msg) case node.value.first when /^text\(/ 'child::text()' when /^self\(/ "self::#{node.value[1]}" when /^eq\(/ "position() = #{node.value[1]}" when /^(nth|nth-of-type|nth-child)\(/ if node.value[1].is_a?(Nokogiri::CSS::Node) and node.value[1].type == :AN_PLUS_B an_plus_b(node.value[1]) else "position() = #{node.value[1]}" end when /^(nth-last-child|nth-last-of-type)\(/ if node.value[1].is_a?(Nokogiri::CSS::Node) and node.value[1].type == :AN_PLUS_B an_plus_b(node.value[1], :last => true) else index = node.value[1].to_i - 1 index == 0 ? "position() = last()" : "position() = last() - #{index}" end when /^(first|first-of-type)\(/ "position() = 1" when /^(last|last-of-type)\(/ "position() = last()" when /^contains\(/ "contains(., #{node.value[1]})" when /^gt\(/ "position() > #{node.value[1]}" when /^only-child\(/ "last() = 1" when /^comment\(/ "comment()" when /^has\(/ node.value[1].accept(self) else args = ['.'] + node.value[1..-1] "#{node.value.first}#{args.join(', ')})" end end def visit_not node child = node.value.first if :ELEMENT_NAME == child.type "not(self::#{child.accept(self)})" else "not(#{child.accept(self)})" end end def visit_id node node.value.first =~ /^#(.*)$/ "@id = '#{$1}'" end def visit_attribute_condition node attribute = if (node.value.first.type == :FUNCTION) or (node.value.first.value.first =~ /::/) '' else '@' end attribute += node.value.first.accept(self) # Support non-standard css attribute.gsub!(/^@@/, '@') return attribute unless node.value.length == 3 value = node.value.last value = "'#{value}'" if value !~ /^['"]/ case node.value[1] when :equal attribute + " = " + "#{value}" when :not_equal attribute + " != " + "#{value}" when :substring_match "contains(#{attribute}, #{value})" when :prefix_match "starts-with(#{attribute}, #{value})" when :dash_match "#{attribute} = #{value} or starts-with(#{attribute}, concat(#{value}, '-'))" when :includes "contains(concat(\" \", #{attribute}, \" \"),concat(\" \", #{value}, \" \"))" when :suffix_match "substring(#{attribute}, string-length(#{attribute}) - " + "string-length(#{value}) + 1, string-length(#{value})) = #{value}" else attribute + " #{node.value[1]} " + "#{value}" end end def visit_pseudo_class node if node.value.first.is_a?(Nokogiri::CSS::Node) and node.value.first.type == :FUNCTION node.value.first.accept(self) else msg = :"visit_pseudo_class_#{node.value.first.gsub(/[(]/, '')}" return self.send(msg, node) if self.respond_to?(msg) case node.value.first when "first", "first-child" then "position() = 1" when "last", "last-child" then "position() = last()" when "first-of-type" then "position() = 1" when "last-of-type" then "position() = last()" when "only-of-type" then "last() = 1" when "empty" then "not(node())" when "parent" then "node()" when "root" then "not(parent::*)" else node.value.first + "(.)" end end end def visit_class_condition node "contains(concat(' ', @class, ' '), ' #{node.value.first} ')" end { 'combinator' => ' and ', 'direct_adjacent_selector' => "/following-sibling::*[1]/self::", 'following_selector' => "/following-sibling::", 'descendant_selector' => '//', 'child_selector' => '/', }.each do |k,v| class_eval %{ def visit_#{k} node "\#{node.value.first.accept(self) if node.value.first}#{v}\#{node.value.last.accept(self)}" end } end def visit_conditional_selector node node.value.first.accept(self) + '[' + node.value.last.accept(self) + ']' end def visit_element_name node node.value.first end def accept node node.accept(self) end private def an_plus_b node, options={} raise ArgumentError, "expected an+b node to contain 4 tokens, but is #{node.value.inspect}" unless node.value.size == 4 a = node.value[0].to_i b = node.value[3].to_i position = options[:last] ? "(last()-position()+1)" : "position()" if (b == 0) return "(#{position} mod #{a}) = 0" else compare = (a < 0) ? "<=" : ">=" return "(#{position} #{compare} #{b}) and (((#{position}-#{b}) mod #{a.abs}) = 0)" end end end end end