Things still to be done, based on my analysis of the BASIC code: $HOME/web/new/comp/tech/advent/nos/basic-notes To do: 1 OK Handle "quit" command 2 OK Handle "scream" command: "Yaaaagh!", then nothing happens 3 OK Dropping water: "It soaks away." Then the water is gone for good 4 OK "open door" at shed results in "My key won't fit!" 5 OK Drinking whisky makes me stronger for 6 turns, then: "I feel weaker." 6 OK "I've already done it!" for sarcophagus already open 7 OK "I've already done it!" for whisky already drunk 8 OK "I've already done it!" for thicket already chopped 9 OK "I've already done it!" for hole already dug 10 OK "It's locked!" when opening either door without key 11 OK "He doesn't want it." when giving something other than coins 12 OK "Time passes..." pause "Nothing happens." for wait 13 OK "Nothing happens" when saying anything 14 OK "It bounces off." when thowing the axe at the wrong thing 15 OK GO BUS when it's not present: "It's not here." 16 OK CLIMB LADDER when it's not present: "It's not here." 17 OK GET SHARK: "He doesn't seem to be too keen on that idea: He's eating me!" 18 OK CHOP TREE: "What's the point?" 19 OK TIE anything but rope: I can't tie a NOUN 20 OK TO anything but rail: I can't tie a rope to a NOUN 21 OK CLIMB anything but ladder and rope: I can't climb a NOUN 22 OK READ anything other than a book: I can't read a NOUN 23 OK OPEN anything but door or sarcophagus: I can't open a NOUN 24 OK DRINK anything but whisky (even water): I can't drink a NOUN 25 OK THROW anything but the axe: I can't throw a NOUN 26 OK CHOP anything but tree or thicket: I can't chop a NOUN 27 NO DIG anything but hole: I can't dig a NOUN 28 OK TIE ROPE if not carried: I don't have it. 29 OK GIVE COINS if not carried: I don't have it. 30 NO READ any book if not carried: I don't have it. 31 OK DRINK WHISKY if not carried: I don't have it. 32 OK THROW AXE if not carried: I don't have it. 33 OK LIGHT LAMP if not carried: I don't have it. 34 OK GET ROPE when it's tied: "It's tied to a rail!" 35 OK GET WATER when without the empty bottle: "I need a container." 36 OK TO anything when without rope: "I haven't got a rope." 37 OK AT anything when without axe: "I need an ax." 38 OK LIGHT anything without match: "First I need a match." 39 OK After failed LIGHT, another try: "Using a SPENT match?" 40 OK LIGHT anything other than lamp: "It won't burn." 41 OK DIG without spade: "I'll need a spade." Can't be done: Climbing rope carrying more than one item, fall and die If on bridge carrying more than one item, fall and die If carrying 4 or more objects, the ladder breaks