en: remarkable: active_model: describe: each: "%{key} is %{value}" prepend: "when " connector: " and " expectations: allow_nil: "%{subject_name} to %{not}allow nil values for %{attribute}" allow_blank: "%{subject_name} to %{not}allow blank values for %{attribute}" optionals: allow_nil: positive: "allowing nil values" negative: "not allowing nil values" allow_blank: positive: "allowing blank values" negative: "not allowing blank values" allow_values_for: description: "allow %{in} as values for %{attributes}" expectations: is_valid: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} is set to %{value}" validate_acceptance_of: description: "require %{attributes} to be accepted" expectations: requires_acceptance: "%{subject_name} to be invalid if %{attribute} is not accepted" accept_is_valid: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} is accepted with value %{accept}" optionals: accept: positive: "with value %{inspect}" validate_confirmation_of: description: "require %{attributes} to be confirmed" expectations: responds_to_confirmation: "%{subject_name} instance responds to %{attribute}_confirmation" confirms: "%{subject_name} to be valid only when %{attribute} is confirmed" validate_exclusion_of: description: "ensure exclusion of %{attributes} in %{in}" expectations: is_valid: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} is set to %{value}" is_invalid: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} is set to %{value}" validate_inclusion_of: description: "ensure inclusion of %{attributes} in %{in}" expectations: is_valid: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} is set to %{value}" is_invalid: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} is set to %{value}" validate_length_of: description: "ensure length of %{attributes}" expectations: less_than_min_length: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} length is less than %{minimum} characters" exactly_min_length: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} length is %{minimum} characters" more_than_max_length: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} length is more than %{maximum} characters" exactly_max_length: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} length is %{maximum} characters" optionals: within: positive: "is within %{inspect} characters" maximum: positive: "is maximum %{inspect} characters" minimum: positive: "is minimum %{inspect} characters" is: positive: "is equal to %{inspect} characters" with_kind_of: positive: "with kind of %{value}" validate_numericality_of: description: "ensure numericality of %{attributes}" expectations: only_numeric_values: "%{subject_name} to allow only numeric values for %{attribute}" only_integer: "%{subject_name} to %{not}allow only integer values for %{attribute}" only_even: "%{subject_name} to allow only even values for %{attribute}" only_odd: "%{subject_name} to allow only odd values for %{attribute}" equals_to: "%{subject_name} to be valid only when %{attribute} is equal to %{count}" more_than_maximum: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} is greater than %{count}" less_than_minimum: "%{subject_name} to be invalid when %{attribute} is less than %{count}" optionals: only_integer: positive: "allowing only integer values" odd: positive: "allowing only odd values" even: positive: "allowing only even values" equal_to: positive: "is equal to %{inspect}" less_than: positive: "is less than %{inspect}" greater_than: positive: "is greater than %{inspect}" less_than_or_equal_to: positive: "is less than or equal to %{inspect}" greater_than_or_equal_to: positive: "is greater than or equal to %{inspect}" validate_presence_of: description: "require %{attributes} to be set" expectations: allow_nil: "%{subject_name} to require %{attribute} to be set" validate_uniqueness_of: description: "require unique values for %{attributes}" expectations: responds_to_scope: "%{subject_name} instance responds to %{method}" is_unique: "%{subject_name} to require unique values for %{attribute}" case_sensitive: "%{subject_name} to %{not}be case sensitive on %{attribute} validation" valid_with_new_scope: "%{subject_name} to be valid when %{attribute} scope (%{method}) change" optionals: scope: positive: "scoped to %{sentence}" case_sensitive: positive: "case sensitive" negative: "case insensitive"