require 'test_helper' class FuelOilParser def initialize(options = {}) # nothing end def add_hints!(bus) bus[:sheet] = 'Data 1' bus[:skip] = 2 bus[:select] = lambda { |row| row['year'] > 1989 } end def apply(row) virtual_rows = [] row.keys.grep(/(.+) Residual Fuel Oil/) do |location_column_name| first_part = $1 next if (cost = row[location_column_name]).blank? or (date = row['Date']).blank? if first_part.start_with?('U.S.') locatable = "united_states (Country)" elsif first_part.include?('PADD') /\(PADD (.*)\)/.match(first_part) padd_part = $1 next if padd_part == '1' # skip PADD 1 because we always prefer subdistricts locatable = "#{padd_part} (PetroleumAdministrationForDefenseDistrict)" else locatable = "#{first_part} (State)" end date = Time.parse(date) virtual_rows << { 'locatable' => locatable, 'cost' => cost, 'year' => date.year, 'month' => date.month } end virtual_rows end end class AircraftGuru def is_not_attributed_to_aerospatiale?(row) not row['Manufacturer'] =~ /AEROSPATIALE/i end def is_not_attributed_to_cessna?(row) not row['Manufacturer'] =~ /CESSNA/i end def is_not_attributed_to_learjet?(row) not row['Manufacturer'] =~ /LEAR/i end def is_not_attributed_to_dehavilland?(row) not row['Manufacturer'] =~ /DE ?HAVILLAND/i end def is_not_attributed_to_mcdonnell_douglas?(row) not row['Manufacturer'] =~ /MCDONNELL DOUGLAS/i end def is_not_a_dc_plane?(row) not row['Model'] =~ /DC/i end def is_a_crj_900?(row) row['Designator'].downcase == 'crj9' end end class RemoteTableTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @test2_rows_with_blanks = [ { 'header4' => '', 'header5' => '', 'header6' => '' }, { 'header4' => '1 at 4', 'header5' => '1 at 5', 'header6' => '1 at 6' }, { 'header4' => '', 'header5' => '', 'header6' => '' }, { 'header4' => '2 at 4', 'header5' => '2 at 5', 'header6' => '2 at 6' }, ] @test2_rows = [ { 'header4' => '1 at 4', 'header5' => '1 at 5', 'header6' => '1 at 6' }, { 'header4' => '2 at 4', 'header5' => '2 at 5', 'header6' => '2 at 6' }, ] end if ENV['ALL'] == 'true' or ENV['SLOW'] == 'true' should "open an XLS inside a zip file" do t = => '', :filename => 'guide_jan28.xls') assert_equal 'ACURA', t.rows.first['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'NSX', t.rows.first['carline name'] assert_equal 'VOLVO', t.rows.last['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'V70 XC AWD', t.rows.last['carline name'] end should "not have indifferent string/symbol hash access" do t = => '', :filename => 'guide_jan28.xls') assert_equal 'ACURA', t.rows.first['Manufacturer'] assert_equal nil, t.rows.first[:Manufacturer] end should "open a CSV inside a zip file" do t = => '', :filename => '98guide6.csv') assert_equal 'ACURA', t.rows.first['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'NSX', t.rows.first['carline name'] assert_equal 'TOYOTA', t.rows.last['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'RAV4 SOFT TOP 4WD', t.rows.last['carline name'] end should "open a fixed-width file with an inline schema inside a zip file" do t = => '', :filename => 'Gd6-dsc.txt', :format => :fixed_width, :crop => 21..26, # inclusive :cut => '2-', :select => lambda { |row| /\A[A-Z]/.match row['code'] }, :schema => [[ 'code', 2, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 2 ], [ 'name', 52, { :type => :string } ]]) assert_equal 'regular grade gasoline (octane number of 87)', t.rows.first['name'] assert_equal 'R', t.rows.first['code'] assert_equal 'electricity', t.rows.last['name'] assert_equal 'El', t.rows.last['code'] end should "send form data, follow redirects and use a filename glob" do url = '' form_data = 'UserTableName=T_100_Segment__All_Carriers&DBShortName=Air_Carriers&RawDataTable=T_T100_SEGMENT_ALL_CARRIER&sqlstr=+SELECT+DEPARTURES_SCHEDULED%2CDEPARTURES_PERFORMED%2CPAYLOAD%2CSEATS%2CPASSENGERS%2CFREIGHT%2CMAIL%2CDISTANCE%2CRAMP_TO_RAMP%2CAIR_TIME%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER%2CAIRLINE_ID%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER_NAME%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER_ENTITY%2CREGION%2CCARRIER%2CCARRIER_NAME%2CCARRIER_GROUP%2CCARRIER_GROUP_NEW%2CORIGIN%2CORIGIN_CITY_NAME%2CORIGIN_CITY_NUM%2CORIGIN_STATE_ABR%2CORIGIN_STATE_FIPS%2CORIGIN_STATE_NM%2CORIGIN_COUNTRY%2CORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME%2CORIGIN_WAC%2CDEST%2CDEST_CITY_NAME%2CDEST_CITY_NUM%2CDEST_STATE_ABR%2CDEST_STATE_FIPS%2CDEST_STATE_NM%2CDEST_COUNTRY%2CDEST_COUNTRY_NAME%2CDEST_WAC%2CAIRCRAFT_GROUP%2CAIRCRAFT_TYPE%2CAIRCRAFT_CONFIG%2CYEAR%2CQUARTER%2CMONTH%2CDISTANCE_GROUP%2CCLASS%2CDATA_SOURCE+FROM++T_T100_SEGMENT_ALL_CARRIER+WHERE+Month+%3D1+AND+YEAR%3D2008&varlist=DEPARTURES_SCHEDULED%2CDEPARTURES_PERFORMED%2CPAYLOAD%2CSEATS%2CPASSENGERS%2CFREIGHT%2CMAIL%2CDISTANCE%2CRAMP_TO_RAMP%2CAIR_TIME%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER%2CAIRLINE_ID%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER_NAME%2CUNIQUE_CARRIER_ENTITY%2CREGION%2CCARRIER%2CCARRIER_NAME%2CCARRIER_GROUP%2CCARRIER_GROUP_NEW%2CORIGIN%2CORIGIN_CITY_NAME%2CORIGIN_CITY_NUM%2CORIGIN_STATE_ABR%2CORIGIN_STATE_FIPS%2CORIGIN_STATE_NM%2CORIGIN_COUNTRY%2CORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME%2CORIGIN_WAC%2CDEST%2CDEST_CITY_NAME%2CDEST_CITY_NUM%2CDEST_STATE_ABR%2CDEST_STATE_FIPS%2CDEST_STATE_NM%2CDEST_COUNTRY%2CDEST_COUNTRY_NAME%2CDEST_WAC%2CAIRCRAFT_GROUP%2CAIRCRAFT_TYPE%2CAIRCRAFT_CONFIG%2CYEAR%2CQUARTER%2CMONTH%2CDISTANCE_GROUP%2CCLASS%2CDATA_SOURCE&grouplist=&suml=&sumRegion=&filter1=title%3D&filter2=title%3D&geo=All%A0&time=January&timename=Month&GEOGRAPHY=All&XYEAR=2008&FREQUENCY=1&AllVars=All&VarName=DEPARTURES_SCHEDULED&VarDesc=DepScheduled&VarType=Num&VarName=DEPARTURES_PERFORMED&VarDesc=DepPerformed&VarType=Num&VarName=PAYLOAD&VarDesc=Payload&VarType=Num&VarName=SEATS&VarDesc=Seats&VarType=Num&VarName=PASSENGERS&VarDesc=Passengers&VarType=Num&VarName=FREIGHT&VarDesc=Freight&VarType=Num&VarName=MAIL&VarDesc=Mail&VarType=Num&VarName=DISTANCE&VarDesc=Distance&VarType=Num&VarName=RAMP_TO_RAMP&VarDesc=RampToRamp&VarType=Num&VarName=AIR_TIME&VarDesc=AirTime&VarType=Num&VarName=UNIQUE_CARRIER&VarDesc=UniqueCarrier&VarType=Char&VarName=AIRLINE_ID&VarDesc=AirlineID&VarType=Num&VarName=UNIQUE_CARRIER_NAME&VarDesc=UniqueCarrierName&VarType=Char&VarName=UNIQUE_CARRIER_ENTITY&VarDesc=UniqCarrierEntity&VarType=Char&VarName=REGION&VarDesc=CarrierRegion&VarType=Char&VarName=CARRIER&VarDesc=Carrier&VarType=Char&VarName=CARRIER_NAME&VarDesc=CarrierName&VarType=Char&VarName=CARRIER_GROUP&VarDesc=CarrierGroup&VarType=Num&VarName=CARRIER_GROUP_NEW&VarDesc=CarrierGroupNew&VarType=Num&VarName=ORIGIN&VarDesc=Origin&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_CITY_NAME&VarDesc=OriginCityName&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_CITY_NUM&VarDesc=OriginCityNum&VarType=Num&VarName=ORIGIN_STATE_ABR&VarDesc=OriginState&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_STATE_FIPS&VarDesc=OriginStateFips&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_STATE_NM&VarDesc=OriginStateName&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_COUNTRY&VarDesc=OriginCountry&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_COUNTRY_NAME&VarDesc=OriginCountryName&VarType=Char&VarName=ORIGIN_WAC&VarDesc=OriginWac&VarType=Num&VarName=DEST&VarDesc=Dest&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_CITY_NAME&VarDesc=DestCityName&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_CITY_NUM&VarDesc=DestCityNum&VarType=Num&VarName=DEST_STATE_ABR&VarDesc=DestState&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_STATE_FIPS&VarDesc=DestStateFips&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_STATE_NM&VarDesc=DestStateName&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_COUNTRY&VarDesc=DestCountry&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_COUNTRY_NAME&VarDesc=DestCountryName&VarType=Char&VarName=DEST_WAC&VarDesc=DestWac&VarType=Num&VarName=AIRCRAFT_GROUP&VarDesc=AircraftGroup&VarType=Num&VarName=AIRCRAFT_TYPE&VarDesc=AircraftType&VarType=Char&VarName=AIRCRAFT_CONFIG&VarDesc=AircraftConfig&VarType=Num&VarName=YEAR&VarDesc=Year&VarType=Num&VarName=QUARTER&VarDesc=Quarter&VarType=Num&VarName=MONTH&VarDesc=Month&VarType=Num&VarName=DISTANCE_GROUP&VarDesc=DistanceGroup&VarType=Num&VarName=CLASS&VarDesc=Class&VarType=Char&VarName=DATA_SOURCE&VarDesc=DataSource&VarType=Char' t = :url => url, :form_data => form_data, :compression => :zip, :glob => '/*.csv' assert_equal 'United States of America', t.rows.first['DEST_COUNTRY_NAME'] end end if ENV['ALL'] == 'true' or ENV['NEW'] == 'true' end if ENV['ALL'] == 'true' or ENV['FAST'] == 'true' should "be able to apply errata files" do t = :url => "", :encoding => 'US-ASCII', :row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr', :column_xpath => 'td', :errata => => => ''), :responder => g1 = t.rows.detect { |row| row['Model'] =~ /Gulfstream I/ } assert g1 assert_equal 'GRUMMAN', g1['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'G159 Gulfstream I (TC4 Academe, VC4)', g1['Model'] end # this will die with an error about libcurl if your curl doesn't support ssl should "connect using HTTPS if available" do t = => '') assert_equal 'Gulf Coast', t.rows.first['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'AL', t.rows.first['State'] assert_equal 'Rocky Mountain', t.rows.last['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'WY', t.rows.last['State'] end should "read an HTML table made with frontpage" do t = :url => "", :encoding => 'US-ASCII', :row_xpath => '//table/tr[2]/td/table/tr', :column_xpath => 'td' assert_equal 'E110', t.rows.first['Designator'] assert_equal 'EMBRAER', t.rows.first['Manufacturer'] assert_equal 'EZKC', t.rows.last['Designator'] assert_equal 'EZ King Cobra', t.rows.last['Model'] end should "hash rows without paying attention to order" do x = x[:a] = 1 x[:b] = 2 y = y[:b] = 2 y[:a] = 1 assert Marshal.dump(x) != Marshal.dump(y) assert RemoteTable::Transform.row_hash(x) == RemoteTable::Transform.row_hash(y) end should "open a Google Docs url (as a CSV)" do t = => '') assert_equal 'Gulf Coast', t.rows.first['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'AL', t.rows.first['State'] assert_equal 'Rocky Mountain', t.rows.last['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'WY', t.rows.last['State'] end should "open a Google Docs url (as a CSV, with sheet options)" do t = => '') assert_equal 'Gulf Coast', t.rows.first['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'AL', t.rows.first['State'] assert_equal 'Rocky Mountain', t.rows.last['PAD district name'] assert_equal 'WY', t.rows.last['State'] end should "open a Google Docs url as a CSV without headers" do t = => '', :skip => 1, :headers => false) assert_equal 'AL', t.rows.first[0] assert_equal 'Gulf Coast', t.rows.first[4] assert_equal 'WY', t.rows.last[0] assert_equal 'Rocky Mountain', t.rows.last[4] end should "take the last of values if the header is duplicated" do t = => '') assert_equal '2', t.rows.first['dup_header'] end should "respect field order in CSVs without headers" do t = => '', :skip => 1, :headers => false) last_k = -1 saw_string = false t.rows.each do |row| row.each do |k, v| if k.is_a?(Fixnum) and last_k.is_a?(Fixnum) assert !saw_string assert k > last_k end last_k = k saw_string = k.is_a?(String) end end end %w{ csv ods xls }.each do |format| eval %{ should "read #{format}" do t = => '{format}') # no blank headers assert t.rows.all? { |row| row.keys.all?(&:present?) } # correct values t.rows.each_with_index do |row, index| assert_equal row.except('row_hash'), @test2_rows[index] end end should "read #{format}, keeping blank rows" do t = => '{format}', :keep_blank_rows => true) # no blank headers assert t.rows.all? { |row| row.keys.all?(&:present?) } # correct values t.rows.each_with_index do |row, index| assert_equal row.except('row_hash'), @test2_rows_with_blanks[index] end end } end should "read fixed width correctly" do t = => '', :format => :fixed_width, :skip => 1, :schema => [[ 'header4', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 1 ], [ 'header5', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 12 ], [ 'header6', 10, { :type => :string } ]]) # no blank headers assert t.rows.all? { |row| row.keys.all?(&:present?) } # correct values t.rows.each_with_index do |row, index| assert_equal row.except('row_hash'), @test2_rows[index] end end should "read fixed width correctly, keeping blank rows" do t = => '', :format => :fixed_width, :keep_blank_rows => true, :skip => 1, :schema => [[ 'header4', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 1 ], [ 'header5', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 12 ], [ 'header6', 10, { :type => :string } ]]) # no blank headers assert t.rows.all? { |row| row.keys.all?(&:present?) } # correct values t.rows.each_with_index do |row, index| assert_equal row.except('row_hash'), @test2_rows_with_blanks[index] end end should "have the same row hash across formats" do csv = => '') ods = => '') xls = => '') fixed_width = => '', :format => :fixed_width, :skip => 1, :schema => [[ 'header1', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 1 ], [ 'header2', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 12 ], [ 'header3', 10, { :type => :string } ]]) csv2 = => '') ods2 = => '') xls2 = => '') fixed_width2 = => '', :format => :fixed_width, :skip => 1, :schema => [[ 'spacer', 11 ], [ 'header2', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 1 ], [ 'header3', 10, { :type => :string } ], [ 'spacer', 1 ], [ 'header1', 10, { :type => :string } ]]) reference = csv.rows[0]['row_hash'] # same row hashes assert_equal reference, ods.rows[0]['row_hash'] assert_equal reference, xls.rows[0]['row_hash'] assert_equal reference, fixed_width.rows[0]['row_hash'] # same row hashes with different order assert_equal reference, csv2.rows[0]['row_hash'] assert_equal reference, ods2.rows[0]['row_hash'] assert_equal reference, xls2.rows[0]['row_hash'] assert_equal reference, fixed_width2.rows[0]['row_hash'] end should "open an ODS" do t = => '', :sheet => 'Data', :keep_blank_rows => true) assert_equal 'Central Africa', t.rows[5]['name'] assert_equal 99, t.rows[5]['MAP DATA population (millions) 2002'].to_i end should "open an XLS with a parser" do ma_1990_01 = {"month"=>1, "cost"=>"54.0", "locatable"=>"Massachusetts (State)", "year"=>1990} ga_1990_01 = {"month"=>1, "cost"=>"50.7", "locatable"=>"Georgia (State)", "year"=>1990} t = => '', :transform => { :class => FuelOilParser }) assert t.rows.include?(ma_1990_01) assert t.rows.include?(ga_1990_01) end # should "provide a row_hash on demand" do # t = => '', # :filename => 'Gd6-dsc.txt', # :format => :fixed_width, # :crop => 21..26, # inclusive # :cut => '2-', # :select => lambda { |row| /\A[A-Z]/.match row['code'] }, # :schema => [[ 'code', 2, { :type => :string } ], # [ 'spacer', 2 ], # [ 'name', 52, { :type => :string } ]]) # assert_equal 'a8a5d7f17b56772723c657eb62b0f238', t.rows.first['row_hash'] # end end end