# Effective CPD Continuing professional development. An admin creates a set of categories, activities and rules. User enters number of hours or work done to have a scored statement. Audits. Works with action_text for content bodies, and active_storage for file uploads. ## Getting Started This requires Rails 6+ and Twitter Bootstrap 4 and just works with Devise. Please first install the [effective_datatables](https://github.com/code-and-effect/effective_datatables) gem. Please download and install the [Twitter Bootstrap4](http://getbootstrap.com) Add to your Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'haml-rails' # or try using gem 'hamlit-rails' gem 'effective_cpd' ``` Run the bundle command to install it: ```console bundle install ``` Then run the generator: ```ruby rails generate effective_cpd:install ``` The generator will install an initializer which describes all configuration options and creates a database migration. If you want to tweak the table names, manually adjust both the configuration file and the migration now. Then migrate the database: ```ruby rake db:migrate ``` Please add the following to your User model: ``` has_many :cpd_statements, -> { Effective::CpdStatement.sorted }, class_name: 'Effective::CpdStatement' ``` Use the following datatables to display to your user their statements and audits and audit reviews: ```haml %h2 Continuing Professional Development - # Auditee datatables (4) - auditing = EffectiveCpdAvailableAuditsDatatable.new(self) - if auditing.present? .mt-4 %p You have been selected for audit: = render_datatable(auditing, simple: true) - audited = EffectiveCpdCompletedAuditsDatatable.new(self) - if audited.present? .mt-4 %p You have completed these past audits: = render_datatable(audited, simple: true) - available = EffectiveCpdAvailableCyclesDatatable.new(self) - if available.present? .mt-4 %p Please submit a CPD statement for the following available #{cpd_cycles_label}: = render_datatable(available, simple: true) - completed = EffectiveCpdCompletedStatementsDatatable.new(self) - if completed.present? .mt-4 %p You have completed these past statements: = render_datatable(completed, simple: true) - # Auditor / Audit reviewer datatables (2) - reviewing = EffectiveCpdAvailableAuditReviewsDatatable.new(self) - if reviewing.present? .mt-4 %p You have been selected to review the following audits: = render_datatable(reviewing, simple: true) - reviewed = EffectiveCpdCompletedAuditReviewsDatatable.new(self) - if reviewed.present? .mt-4 %p You have completed these past audit reviews: = render_datatable(reviewed, simple: true) ``` On the `Admin::Users#edit`, you can use the following datatables as well: ```haml %h2 CPD Statements - datatable = Admin::EffectiveCpdStatementsDatatable.new(user_id: user.id, user_type: user.class.name) = render_datatable(datatable, inline: true) %h2 CPD Audits - datatable = Admin::EffectiveCpdAuditsDatatable.new(user_id: user.id, user_type: user.class.name) = render_datatable(datatable) ``` Add a link to the admin menu: ```haml - if can? :admin, :effective_cpd - if can? :index, Effective::CpdCategory = nav_link_to 'CPD Categories', effective_cpd.admin_cpd_categories_path - if can? :index, Effective::CpdCycle = nav_link_to 'CPD Cycles', effective_cpd.admin_cpd_cycles_path - if can? :index, Effective::CpdAuditLevel = nav_link_to 'CPD Audit Levels', effective_cpd.admin_cpd_audit_levels_path = nav_divider - if can? :index, Effective::CpdStatement = nav_link_to 'CPD Statements', effective_cpd.admin_cpd_statements_path - if can? :index, Effective::CpdAudit = nav_link_to 'CPD Audits', effective_cpd.admin_cpd_audits_path ``` ## Configuration As an admin, visit the CPD Categories, then CPD Cycles, and CPD Audit levels. Once all these 3 areas have been configured, users can submit statements and audits can be performed. ## Required Score You can specify the required score in the CPD Cycle. You can also programmatically do it. Add the following to your user class. ``` # This is an ActiveRecord concern to add the has_many :cpd_statements effective_cpd_user # We require 100 points in the last 3 years. def cpd_statement_required_score(cpd_statement) # We always consider the 3 year window, of the passed cpd_statement and the last two statements last_two_statements = cpd_statements.select do |statement| statement.completed? && statement.cpd_cycle_id < cpd_statement.cpd_cycle_id end.last(2) # They can submit 0 0 100 return 0 if last_two_statements.length < 2 # 100 points in the last 3 years. required_score = 100 # Score so far existing_score = last_two_statements.sum { |statement| statement.score } raise('expected existing_score to be >= 0') if existing_score < 0 # Required score minus previous return 0 if existing_score >= required_score (required_score - existing_score) end ``` ## Custom Score Rounding In your `effective_cpd_statement` model you can override the `#round_amount` method to perform specific rounding on the score that will be applied to `amount` and `amount2`. Example: ```ruby # Rounding to the nearest 0.5 def round_amount(amount) return 0 if amount.blank? (amount * 2.0).round / 2.0 end ``` ## Rake Tasks You can use `bundle exec rake effective_cpd:notify_auditees` to send the cpd_audit_opened notification to all opened (but not yet started) auditees. ## Authorization All authorization checks are handled via the effective_resources gem found in the `config/initializers/effective_resources.rb` file. ## Permissions The permissions you actually want to define are as follows (using CanCanCan): ```ruby # Regular signed up user. Guest users not supported. if user.persisted? can :new, Effective::CpdStatement can [:index, :show, :update], Effective::CpdStatement, user_id: user.id can [:index, :show], Effective::CpdCycle can([:create, :update, :destroy], Effective::CpdStatementActivity) { |sa| sa.cpd_statement.user_id == user.id } can [:index, :show, :update], Effective::CpdAudit, user_id: user.id end if user.reviewer? can [:index], EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit can [:index, :show, :update], EffectiveCpd.CpdAuditReview, user_id: user.id end if user.admin? can :admin, :effective_cpd can :manage, Effective::CpdActivity can :manage, Effective::CpdCategory can :manage, Effective::CpdCycle can :manage, Effective::CpdRule can([:index, :show], EffectiveCpd.CpdStatement) can(:unsubmit, EffectiveCpd.CpdStatement) { |statement| statement.completed? } can :manage, Effective::CpdAuditLevel can :manage, Effective::CpdAuditLevelSection can :manage, Effective::CpdAuditLevelQuestion can(crud - [:destroy], EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit) can(:destroy, EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit) { |audit| audit.draft? } can(:missing, EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit) { |audit| audit.was_submitted? && !audit.missing_info? } can(:complete, EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit) { |audit| audit.was_submitted? && !audit.was_completed? } can(:close, EffectiveCpd.CpdAudit) { |audit| audit.was_submitted? && !audit.closed? } can(crud - [:edit, :update], EffectiveCpd.CpdAuditReview) end ``` ## License MIT License. Copyright [Code and Effect Inc.](http://www.codeandeffect.com/) ## Testing Run tests by: ```ruby rails test ``` ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Bonus points for test coverage 6. Create new Pull Request