module Deliver # Everything related to submitting the app class ItunesConnect # This will put the latest uploaded build as a new beta build def put_build_into_beta_testing!(app, version_number) begin verify_app(app) open_app_page(app)"Choosing the latest build on iTunesConnect for beta distribution") sleep 3 click_on "Prerelease" sleep 3 wait_for_preprocessing # Beta Switches if all("").count == 0 raise "Looks like Beta Testing is not yet enabled for this app. Open '#{current_url}' and enable TestFlight Beta Testing.".red end if all(".bt-version > a").count == 0 raise "Couldn't find any builds. Please check the iTunes Conncet page: '#{current_url}'".red end first(".bt-version > a").click email = wait_for_elements("input[ng-model='[currentLoc].feedbackEmail.value']").first if email.value.to_s.length == 0 # Some value is needed to actually distribute the beta version email.set CredentialsManager::PasswordManager.shared_manager.username click_on "Save" end "Successfully enabled latest beta build.".green return true rescue => ex error_occured(ex) end end # This will choose the latest uploaded build on iTunesConnect as the production one # After this method, you still have to call submit_for_review to actually submit the # whole update # @param app (Deliver::App) the app you want to choose the build for # @param version_number (String) the version number as string for def put_build_into_production!(app, version_number) begin verify_app(app) open_app_page(app)"Choosing the latest build on iTunesConnect for release") click_on "Prerelease" wait_for_preprocessing ################# Apple is finished processing the ipa file #################"Apple finally finished processing the ipa file") open_app_page(app) begin first('a', :text => BUTTON_ADD_NEW_BUILD).click wait_for_elements(".buildModalList") sleep 5 rescue if page.has_content?"Upload Date" # That's fine, the ipa was already selected return true else raise "Could not find Build Button. It looks like the ipa file was not properly uploaded." end end if page.all('td', :text => version_number).count > 1 Helper.log.fatal "There were multiple submitted builds found. Don't know which one to choose. Just choosing the top one for now" end result = page.first('td', :text => version_number).first(:xpath,"./..").first(:css, ".small").click click_on "Done" # Save the modal dialog click_on "Save" # on the top right to save everything else error = page.has_content?BUTTON_ADD_NEW_BUILD raise "Could not put build itself onto production. Try opening '#{current_url}'" if error return true rescue => ex error_occured(ex) end end # Submits the update itself to Apple, this includes the app metadata and the ipa file # This can easily cause exceptions, which will be shown on iTC. # @param app (Deliver::App) the app you want to submit # @param perms (Hash) information about content rights, ... def submit_for_review!(app, perms = nil) begin verify_app(app) open_app_page(app)"Submitting app for Review") if not page.has_content?BUTTON_STRING_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW if page.has_content?WAITING_FOR_REVIEW"App is already Waiting For Review") return true else raise "Couldn't find button with name '#{BUTTON_STRING_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW}'!" end end click_on BUTTON_STRING_SUBMIT_FOR_REVIEW sleep 4 errors = (all(".pagemessage.error") || []).count > 0 raise "Some error occured when submitting the app for review: '#{current_url}'" if errors wait_for_elements("") wait_for_elements(".radiostyle") sleep 3 if page.has_content?"Content Rights" # Looks good.. just a few more steps perms ||= { export_compliance: { encryption_updated: false, cryptography_enabled: false, is_exempt: false }, third_party_content: { contains_third_party_content: false, has_rights: false }, advertising_identifier: { use_idfa: false, serve_advertisement: false, attribute_advertisement: false, attribute_actions: false, limit_ad_tracking: false } } basic = "//*[@itc-radio='submitForReviewAnswers" checkbox = "//*[@itc-checkbox='submitForReviewAnswers" ##################### # Export Compliance # ##################### if page.has_content?"Export" if not perms[:export_compliance][:encryption_updated] and perms[:export_compliance][:cryptography_enabled] raise "encryption_updated must be enabled if cryptography_enabled is enabled!" end begin encryption_updated_control = all(:xpath, "#{basic}.exportCompliance.encryptionUpdated.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:export_compliance][:encryption_updated]}']//input") encryption_updated_control[0].trigger('click') if encryption_updated_control.count > 0 first(:xpath, "#{basic}.exportCompliance.usesEncryption.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:export_compliance][:cryptography_enabled]}']//input").trigger('click') first(:xpath, "#{basic}.exportCompliance.isExempt.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:export_compliance][:is_exempt]}']//input").trigger('click') rescue end end ################## # Content Rights # ################## if page.has_content?"Content Rights" if not perms[:third_party_content][:contains_third_party_content] and perms[:third_party_content][:has_rights] raise "contains_third_party_content must be enabled if has_rights is enabled".red end begin first(:xpath, "#{basic}.contentRights.containsThirdPartyContent.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:third_party_content][:contains_third_party_content]}']//input").trigger('click') first(:xpath, "#{basic}.contentRights.hasRights.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:third_party_content][:has_rights]}']//input").trigger('click') rescue end end ########################## # Advertising Identifier # ########################## if page.has_content?"Advertising Identifier" first(:xpath, "#{basic}.adIdInfo.usesIdfa.value' and @radio-value='#{perms[:advertising_identifier][:use_idfa]}']//a").click rescue nil if perms[:advertising_identifier][:use_idfa] if perms[:advertising_identifier][:serve_advertisement] first(:xpath, "#{checkbox}.adIdInfo.servesAds.value']//a").click end if perms[:advertising_identifier][:attribute_advertisement] first(:xpath, "#{checkbox}.adIdInfo.tracksInstall.value']//a").click end if perms[:advertising_identifier][:attribute_actions] first(:xpath, "#{checkbox}.adIdInfo.tracksAction.value']//a").click end if perms[:advertising_identifier][:limit_ad_tracking] first(:xpath, "#{checkbox}.adIdInfo.limitsTracking.value']//a").click end end end"Filled out the export compliance and other information on iTC".green) click_on "Submit" sleep 5 if page.has_content?WAITING_FOR_REVIEW # Everything worked :)"Successfully submitted App for Review".green) return true else raise "So close, it looks like there went something wrong with the actual deployment. Checkout '#{current_url}'".red end else raise "Something is missing here.".red end return false rescue => ex error_occured(ex) end end end end