module SequenceServer # Define BLAST::Hit. module BLAST # Hit object to store all the hits per Query. Hit =, :number, :id, :accession, :title, :length, :sciname, :qcovs, :hsps) do def initialize(*args) args[1] = args[1].to_i args[4] = '' if args[4] == 'No definition line' args[5] = args[5].to_i args[6] = '' if args[6] == 'N/A' args[7] = args[7].to_i super end # This gets called when #to_json is called on report object in routes. We # cannot use the to_json method provided by Struct class because what we # want to send to the browser differs from the attributes declared with # Struct class. Some of these are derived data such as score, identity, # custom links. While some attributes are necessary for internal # representation. def to_json(*args) # List all attributes that we want to send to the browser. properties = %i[number id accession title length total_score qcovs sciname hsps links] properties.inject({}) { |h, k| h[k] = send(k); h }.to_json(*args) end ### # Link generator functionality. ### # Include the Links module. include Links # Links returns a list of Hashes that can be easily turned into an href # in the client. These are derived by calling link generators, that is, # instance methods of the Links module. def links links = { |m| send m } links.compact! links.sort_by { |link| [link[:order], link[:title]] } end # Returns the database type (nucleotide or protein). def dbtype report.dbtype end # Returns a list of databases that contain this hit. # # e.g., whichdb('SI_2.2.23') => [, ...] def whichdb { |db| db.include? id } end # Returns tuple of tuple indicating start and end coordinates of matched # regions of query and hit sequences. def coordinates qstart_min = qend_max = sstart_min = send_max = [[qstart_min, qend_max], [sstart_min, send_max]] end ### # Score, identity, and evalue attributes below are used in tabular summary # of hits in the HTML report. At some point we should move these to the # client. ### # Returns the sum of scores of all HSPs. Displayed in the tabular summary # of hits in the HTML report. Should probably be calculated in browser? def total_score end private # Returns the report object that this hit is a part of. This is used to # access list of databases etc. def report end end end end