Tom was never that great at making friends. He always seemed to say the wrong thing or do the wrong thing, even when he didn't mean to. But unlike most people, Tom didn't care. He didn't feel the need to impress or please others, and he was perfectly content with his own company. At school, he was often a target for ridicule, but he didn't let it bother him. He focused on his studies and his passion for music, spending hours each day playing his guitar and writing songs. As he grew older, Tom's indifference towards social relations only intensified. He avoided parties and gatherings, preferring to spend his time alone or with his few close friends. He didn't go out of his way to be rude or unpleasant, but he didn't go out of his way to be nice either. Despite his lack of interest in others, Tom didn't lead a boring or unfulfilled life. In fact, he accomplished something major without being a scientist. With his talent for music, Tom began playing gigs around the city. His music was unique and captivating, and soon he had a small but dedicated following. He spent years perfecting his craft, writing and performing songs that expressed his deepest thoughts and emotions. One day, a big-shot record producer stumbled upon one of Tom's performances and was blown away. He offered Tom a record deal, and before long, Tom was on the radio and touring the country. Tom's success only fueled his apathy towards social relations. He didn't have time for friends or relationships, and he didn't care. He was doing what he loved, and that was all that mattered. Years went by, and Tom became a legend in the music industry. He won Grammy awards and sold out stadiums, and yet he never regretted his lack of interest in socializing. He knew that his success was a result of his dedication to his craft, and that was all that mattered. In the end, Tom never changed. He remained indifferent towards others, but he accomplished something extraordinary, something that will be remembered for generations to come.