# # Fluent # # Copyright (C) 2011 FURUHASHI Sadayuki # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # module Fluent class Log module TTYColor RESET = "\033]R" CRE = "\033[K" CLEAR = "\033c" NORMAL = "\033[0;39m" RED = "\033[1;31m" GREEN = "\033[1;32m" YELLOW = "\033[1;33m" BLUE = "\033[1;34m" MAGENTA = "\033[1;35m" CYAN = "\033[1;36m" WHITE = "\033[1;37m" end LEVEL_TRACE = 0 LEVEL_DEBUG = 1 LEVEL_INFO = 2 LEVEL_WARN = 3 LEVEL_ERROR = 4 LEVEL_FATAL = 5 LEVEL_TEXT = %w(trace debug info warn error fatal) def initialize(out=STDERR, level=LEVEL_TRACE) @out = out @level = level @debug_mode = false @self_event = false @tag = 'fluent' @time_format = '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z ' enable_color out.tty? end attr_accessor :out attr_accessor :level attr_accessor :tag attr_accessor :time_format def enable_debug(b=true) @debug_mode = b self end def enable_event(b=true) @self_event = b self end def enable_color(b=true) if b @color_trace = TTYColor::BLUE @color_debug = TTYColor::WHITE @color_info = TTYColor::GREEN @color_warn = TTYColor::YELLOW @color_error = TTYColor::MAGENTA @color_fatal = TTYColor::RED @color_reset = TTYColor::NORMAL else @color_trace = '' @color_debug = '' @color_info = '' @color_warn = '' @color_error = '' @color_fatal = '' @color_reset = '' end self end def on_trace(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_TRACE block.call if block end def trace(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_TRACE args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:trace, args) puts [@color_trace, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_TRACE), msg, @color_reset].join end alias TRACE trace def trace_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_TRACE time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_TRACE), msg].join } nil end def on_debug(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_DEBUG block.call if block end def debug(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_DEBUG args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:debug, args) puts [@color_debug, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_DEBUG), msg, @color_reset].join end alias DEBUG debug def debug_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_DEBUG time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_DEBUG), msg].join } nil end def on_info(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_INFO block.call if block end def info(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_INFO args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:info, args) puts [@color_info, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_INFO), msg, @color_reset].join end alias INFO info def info_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_INFO time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_INFO), msg].join } nil end def on_warn(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_WARN block.call if block end def warn(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_WARN args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:warn, args) puts [@color_warn, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_WARN), msg, @color_reset].join end alias WARN warn def warn_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_WARN time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_WARN), msg].join } nil end def on_error(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_ERROR block.call if block end def error(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_ERROR args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:error, args) puts [@color_error, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_ERROR), msg, @color_reset].join end alias ERROR error def error_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_ERROR time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_ERROR), msg].join } nil end def on_fatal(&block) return if @level > LEVEL_FATAL block.call if block end def fatal(*args, &block) return if @level > LEVEL_FATAL args << block.call if block time, msg = event(:fatal, args) puts [@color_fatal, caller_line(time, 1, LEVEL_FATAL), msg, @color_reset].join end alias FATAL fatal def fatal_backtrace(backtrace=$!.backtrace) return if @level > LEVEL_FATAL time = Time.now backtrace.each {|msg| puts [" ", caller_line(time, 4, LEVEL_FATAL), msg].join } nil end def puts(msg) @out.puts(msg) @out.flush msg rescue # FIXME nil end def write(data) @out.write(data) end def flush @out.flush end private def event(level, args) time = Time.now message = '' map = {} args.each {|a| if a.is_a?(Hash) a.each_pair {|k,v| map[k.to_s] = v } else message << a.to_s end } if @self_event c = caller if c.count(c.shift) <= 0 record = map.dup record['message'] = message.dup ### In signal trap context, 'Engine.emit' cannot get Monitor lock (Thread level lock), ### and ThreadError will be raised begin Engine.emit("#{@tag}.#{level}", time.to_i, record) rescue ThreadError # message: can't be called from trap context # ignore end # TODO: We should check 'GET_THREAD()->interrupt_mask & TRAP_INTERRUPT_MASK' # for replacement of begin-rescue if any methods exists. end end map.each_pair {|k,v| message << " #{k}=#{v.inspect}" } return time, message end def caller_line(time, depth, level) line = caller(depth+1)[0] log_msg = "#{time.strftime(@time_format)}[#{LEVEL_TEXT[level]}]: " if @debug_mode if match = /^(.+?):(\d+)(?::in `(.*)')?/.match(line) file = match[1].split('/')[-2,2].join('/') line = match[2] method = match[3] return "#{log_msg}#{file}:#{line}:#{method}: " end end return log_msg end end end