Version 0.6 Voting using V and Λ buttons (picturing -1 and +1 values, down and up). Clicking on an existing vote resets it (equivalent to a 0 vote). Votes recorded and replicated as mails. Elements also listed by their approval (rss feed available). * elements are now acts_as_nested_set AND acts_as_tree * list by date, dynamic and managing all sub elements * rss now manages _all_ sub elements * compress_output * google analytics plugin * visual_effect queues * close or open elements and their sub elements * optimisations * voting on the web page * logging in and out changes appropriately +1 and -1 votes * element id now generated from element subject * element body now cached * some spam tests when creating a new element * list by vote * possibility to see individual votes when clicking on a vote result * Correcting a painful "null character" mishandling when mail is quoted printable