Feature: Gherkin Feature lexer/parser In order to make it easy to control the Gherkin syntax As a Gherkin developer bent on Gherkin world-domination I want a feature lexer that uses a feature parser to make all the syntax decisions for me Background: Given a "en", "native" "root" parser Scenario: Correctly formed feature When the following text is parsed: """ # Apologies to Bill Watterson @cardboard_box @wip Feature: Transmogrification As a young boy with a hyperactive imagination I want a cardboard box In order to transform the ennui of suburban life into something befitting my imagination Background: Given I have a transmogrifier And I am a member of G.R.O.S.S Scenario: Whoozit to whatzit transmogrification Given I have a whoozit When I put it in the transmogrifier And I press the "transmogrify" button Then I should have a whatzit Scenario Outline: Imaginary Beings Given I have a When I transmogrify it with the incantation: \"\"\" ALAKAZAM! \"\"\" Then I should have an Examples: | boring being | exciting being | | Sparrow | Alicanto | | Goldfish | Baldanders | | Cow | Hsiao | Scenario: Sense of humor detection Given the following excerpt: \"\"\" WOMAN: Who are the Britons? ARTHUR: Well, we all are. we're all Britons and I am your king. WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous collective. DENNIS: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship. A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes-- WOMAN: Oh there you go, bringing class into it again. DENNIS: That's what it's all about if only people would-- ARTHUR: Please, please good people. I am in haste. Who lives in that castle? \"\"\" When I read it Then I should be amused """ Then there should be no parse errors Scenario: Keyword before feature When the following text is parsed: """ Scenario: Bullying my way to the head of the line Given I am a big bully of a scenario Then I should be caught by the syntax police(y) Feature: Too timid to stand up for myself """ Then there should be parse errors on lines 1 through 3 Scenario: Tag ends background and scenario When the following text is parsed: """ Feature: test feature Background: Given a something @tag And something else @foo Scenario: my scenario @tag Given this is a step @oh_hai And this is a horrible idea Then it shouldn't work """ Then there should be parse errors on lines 5, 10 and 12 Scenario: Tables When the following text is parsed: """ Feature: Antiques Roadshow Scenario Outline: Table Given a Then a Examples: | foo | bar | | 42 | towel | @hello | 1 | prime | Scenario: Table arguments Given this step needs this table: | foo | bar | | one | two | @tag | aaa | bbb | """ Then there should be parse errors on lines 10 and 17 Scenario: Multiline keyword descriptions When the following text is parsed: """ Feature: Documentation is fun Scenario Outline: With lots of docs We need lots of embedded documentation for some reason \"\"\" # Not interpreted as a pystring, just plain text Oh hai \"\"\" La la la Examples: | one | two | | foo | bar | \"\"\" Oh Hello \"\"\" # Body of the scenario outline starts below Given And something # The real examples table Examples: | something | else | | orange | apple | """ Then there should be no parse errors Scenario: Scenario Outline with multiple Example groups When the following text is parsed: """ Feature: Outline Sample Scenario: I have no steps Scenario Outline: Test state Given without a table Given without a table Examples: Rainbow colours | state | other_state | | missing | passing| | passing| passing | | failing | passing | Examples: Only passing | state | other_state | | passing | passing | """ Then there should be no parse errors Scenario: Multiple Scenario Outlines with multiline outline steps When the following text is parsed: """ Feature: Test Scenario Outline: with step tables Given I have the following fruits in my pantry | name | quantity | | cucumbers | 10 | | strawberrys | 5 | | apricots | 7 | When I eat from the pantry Then I should have in the pantry Examples: | number | fruits | left | | 2 | cucumbers | 8 | | 4 | strawberrys| 1 | | 2 | apricots | 5 | Scenario Outline: placeholder in a multiline string Given my shopping list \"\"\" Must buy some \"\"\" Then my shopping list should equal \"\"\" Must buy some cucumbers \"\"\" Examples: | fruits | | cucumbers | """ Then there should be no parse errors