module Alma class User extend Forwardable def self.find(user_id) response = HTTParty.get("#{self.users_base_path}/#{user_id}", headers: headers) if response.code == 200 JSON.parse(response.body) else raise StandardError, parse(response.body) end end # Authenticates a Alma user with their Alma Password # @param [Hash] args # @option args [String] :user_id The unique id of the user # @option args [String] :password The users local alma password # @return [Boolean] Whether or not the user Successfully authenticated def self.authenticate(args) user_id = args.delete(:user_id) { raise ArgumentError } args.merge!({op: 'auth'}) response ="#{users_base_path}/#{user_id}", query: args, headers: headers) response.code == 204 end # The User object can respond directly to Hash like access of attributes def_delegators :response, :[], :[]=, :has_key?, :keys, :to_json def initialize(response_body) @response = response_body @recheck_loans = true end def response @response end def id self['primary_id'] end # Access the top level JSON attributes as object methods def method_missing(name) return response[name.to_s] if has_key?(name.to_s) super.method_missing name end def respond_to_missing?(name, include_private = false) has_key?(name.to_s) || super end # Persist the user in it's current state back to Alma def save! response = HTTParty.put("#{users_base_path}/#{id}", headers: headers, body: to_json) get_body_from(response) end def fines response = HTTParty.get("#{users_base_path}/#{id}/fees", headers: headers) if response.code == 200 get_body_from(response) else raise StandardError, get_body_from(response) end end def requests #TODO Handle Additional Parameters #TODO Handle Pagination #TODO Handle looping through all results response = HTTParty.get("#{users_base_path}/#{id}/requests", headers: headers) end def loans(args={}) unless @loans && !recheck_loans? @loans = send_loans_request(args) @recheck_loans = false end @loans end def renew_loan(loan_id) response = send_loan_renewal_request({user_id: id, loan_id: loan_id}) if response.renewed? @recheck_loans ||= true end get_body_from response end def renew_multiple_loans(loan_ids) { |id| renew_loan(id) } end def renew_all_loans renew_multiple_loans( end def recheck_loans? @recheck_loans end def preferred_email self["contact_info"]["email"].select { |k, v| k["preferred"] }.first["email_address"] end def email self["contact_info"]["email"].map { |e| e["email_address"] } end private def send_loans_request(args={}) #TODO Handle looping through all results # Always expand renewable unless you really don't want to args["expand"] ||= "renewable" response = HTTParty.get("#{users_base_path}/#{id}/loans", query: args, headers: headers) end # Attempts to renew a single item for a user # @param [Hash] args # @option args [String] :user_id The unique id of the user # @option args [String] :loan_id The unique id of the loan # @option args [String] :user_id_type Type of identifier being used to search. OPTIONAL # @return [RenewalResponse] Object indicating the renewal message def send_loan_renewal_request(args) user_id = args.delete(:user_id) { raise ArgumentError } loan_id = args.delete(:loan_id) { raise ArgumentError } params = {op: 'renew'} response ="#{users_base_path}/#{id}/loans/#{loan_id}", query: params, headers: headers) end def get_body_from(response) JSON.parse(response.body) end def self.users_base_path "" end def users_base_path self.class.users_base_path end def self.headers { "Authorization": "apikey #{self.apikey}", "Accept": "application/json", "Content-Type": "application/json" } end def headers self.class.headers end def self.apikey Alma.configuration.apikey end end end