# xErlang [![Join the chat at https://gitter.im/exercism/xerlang](https://badges.gitter.im/exercism/xerlang.svg)](https://gitter.im/exercism/xerlang?utm_source=badge&utm_medium=badge&utm_campaign=pr-badge&utm_content=badge) Exercism exercises in Erlang ## Contributing guide For general information about how exercism works, please see the [contributing guide](https://github.com/exercism/x-api/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#the-exercise-data). ### Setting up your system for local development on the track Please make sure you have installed erlang/OTP and `rebar3` as described on [Installing Erlang](http://exercism.io/languages/erlang/installing) or `docs/INSTALLATION.md` in this repository. Also run `bin/fetch-configlet` to download the JSON-checker. Please make sure you use one of the releases of erlang/OTP as specified in `.travis.yml`, as these are the ones officially tested and supported by this track. Feel free to use any feature that was introduced in the oldest version of the range, while also avoiding everything that has been removed or deprecated in the newest one. ### Implementing an exercise When there is a mention of “slug-name” it refers to the slug as used on exercism URLs, “erlangified_slug_name” does mean, that you have to replace dashes (`-`) in the slug by underscores (`_`) to make them compatible with erlang syntax. 1. Create a folder `exercises/` 2. Set up folder structure (`include`, `src`, and `test`). 3. Copy `rebar.conf`, `src/*.app.src`, and `include/exercism.hrl` from another exercise. 3.1. Find the line `{eunit_tests, [{application, }]}` in `rebar.conf` and alter it to match the current exercise. 3.2. Rename `src/*.app.src` to `src/`. 3.3. Change the old erlangified_slug_name on the first line to the new one. 3.4. Change the old slug-name on the second line to the new one. 3.5. Leave `include/exercism.hrl` untouched. 4. Create a testfile/-module in `test`-folder. It is preferred to name it after the erlangified_slug_name and insert the boilerplate code shown below. 5. Implement your example in `src/example.erl` and use `example` as the name for the module. 6. Add tests. Make sure you are using the macro `?TESTED_MODULE` when referencing the students module. 7. Run tests using `rebar3 eunit`. Repeat steps 5., 6., and 7. until all tests are implemented and your solution passes all tests. If there is a `exercises//canonical-data.json` in [x-common](https://github.com/exercism/x-common), make sure to implement your tests and examples in a way that the canonical data is integrated and not violated. You may add further tests, as long as they do not violate canonical data and add value to the exercise or are necessary for erlang specific things. Also please make sure to add a `HINTS.md` with some hints for the students if the exercise becomes tricky or might not be obvious. ```erl -module(). -define(TESTED_MODULE, (sut())). -define(TEST_VERSION, 1). -include("exercism.hrl"). ``` ### Before pushing Please make sure, that all tests pass by running `_test/check-exercises.escript`. On windows you might need to call `escript _test/check-exercises.escript`. Also a run of `bin/configlet` should pass without error message. Both programs will be run on Travis and a merge is unlikely when tests fail.