module Osm class Badge < Osm::Model class Requirement; end # Ensure the constant exists for the validators class RequirementModule; end # Ensure the constant exists for the validators # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] the name of the badge # @!attribute [rw] requirement_notes # @return [String] a description of the badge # @!attribute [rw] requirements # @return [Array] the requirements of the badge # @!attribute [rw] modules # @return [Array] Details of the modules which make up the badge # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the badge's id in OSM # @!attribute [rw] version # @return [Fixnum] the version of the badge # @!attribute [rw] identifier # @return [String] the identifier used by OSM for this badge & version # @!attribute [rw] group_name # @return [String] what group (if any) this badge belongs to (eg Core, Partnership), used only for display sorting # @!attribute [rw] latest # @return [Boolean] whether this is the latest version of the badge # @!attribute [rw] sharing # @return [Symbol] the sharing status of this badge (:draft, :private, :optin, :default_locked, :optin_locked) # @!attribute [rw] user_id # @return [Fixnum] the OSM user who created this (version of the) badge # @!attribute [rw] levels # @return [Array, nil] the levels available, nil if it's a single level badge # @!attribute [rw] min_modules_required # @return [Fixnum] the minimum number of modules which must be completed to earn the badge # @!attribute [rw] min_requirements_required # @return [Fixnum] the minimum number of requirements which must be completed to earn the badge # @!attribute [rw] add_columns_to_module # @return [Fixnum, nil] the module to add columns to for nights away type badges # @!attribute [rw] level_requirement # @return [Fixnum, nil] the column which stores the currently earnt level of nights away type badges # @!attribute [rw] requires_modules # @return [Array>, nil] the module letters required to gain the badge, at least one from each inner Array # @!attribute [rw] other_requirements_required # @return [Array] the requirements (from other badges) required to complete this badge, {id: field ID, min: the minimum numerical value of the field's data} # @!attribute [rw] badges_required # @return [Array] the other badges required to complete this badge, {id: The ID of the badge, version: The version of the badge} # @!attribute [rw] show_level_letters # @return [Boolean] Whether to show letters not numbers for the levels of a staged badge attribute :name, :type => String attribute :requirement_notes, :type => String attribute :requirements, :type => Object attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :version, :type => Integer attribute :identifier, :type => String attribute :group_name, :type => String attribute :latest, :type => Boolean attribute :sharing, :type => Object attribute :user_id, :type => Integer attribute :levels, :type => Object attribute :modules, :type => Object attribute :min_modules_required, :type => Integer attribute :min_requirements_required, :type => Integer attribute :add_columns_to_module, :type => Integer attribute :level_requirement, :type => Integer attribute :requires_modules, :type => Object attribute :other_requirements_required, :type => Object attribute :badges_required, :type => Object attribute :show_level_letters, :type => Boolean if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 attr_accessible :name, :requirement_notes, :requirements, :id, :version, :identifier, :group_name, :latest, :sharing, :user_id, :levels, :modules, :min_modules_required, :min_requirements_required, :add_columns_to_module, :level_requirement, :requires_modules, :other_requirements_required, :badges_required, :show_level_letters end validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :requirement_notes validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>1 validates_numericality_of :version, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_presence_of :identifier validates_inclusion_of :sharing, :in => [:draft, :private, :optin, :optin_locked, :default_locked] validates_presence_of :user_id validates :requirements, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::Badge::Requirement, :item_valid => true} validates :modules, :array_of => {:item_type => Osm::Badge::RequirementModule, :item_valid => true} validates_inclusion_of :latest, :in => [true, false] validates :levels, :array_of => {:item_type => Fixnum}, :allow_nil => true validates_numericality_of :min_modules_required, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :min_requirements_required, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :add_columns_to_module, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil=>true validates_numericality_of :level_requirement, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil=>true validates_inclusion_of :show_level_letters, :in => [true, false] # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Badge # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Get badges # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The section (or its ID) to get the due badges for # @param [Symbol] section_type The type of section to get badges for (if nil uses the type of the section param) # @!macro options_get # @return [Array] def self.get_badges_for_section(api, section, section_type=nil, options={}) raise Error, 'This method must be called on one of the subclasses (CoreBadge, ChallengeBadge, StagedBadge or ActivityBadge)' if type.nil? require_ability_to(api, :read, :badge, section, options) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) section_type ||= section.type cache_key = ['badges', section_type, type] if !options[:no_cache] && Osm::Model.cache_exist?(api, cache_key) return cache_read(api, cache_key) end term_id = Osm::Term.get_current_term_for_section(api, section, options).to_i badges = [] badge_sharing_map = { 'draft' => :draft, 'private' => :private, 'optin' => :optin, 'optin-locked' => :optin_locked, 'default-locked' => :default_locked } data = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/?action=getBadgeStructureByType§ion=#{section_type}&type_id=#{type_id}&term_id=#{term_id}§ion_id=#{}") badge_order = data["badgeOrder"].to_s.split(',') structures = data["structure"] || {} details = data["details"] || {} badge_order.each do |b| structure = structures[b] detail = details[b] config = ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(detail['config'] || '{}') badge = new( :id => detail['badge_id'], :version => detail['badge_version'], :identifier => detail['badge_identifier'], :name => detail['name'], :requirement_notes => detail['description'], :group_name => detail['group_name'], :latest => detail['latest'].to_i.eql?(1), :sharing => badge_sharing_map[detail['sharing']], :user_id => Osm.to_i_or_nil(detail['userid']), :levels => config['levelslist'], :min_modules_required => config['numModulesRequired'].to_i, :min_requirements_required => config['minRequirementsCompleted'].to_i, :add_columns_to_module => Osm.to_i_or_nil(config['addcolumns']), :level_requirement => Osm.to_i_or_nil(config['levels_column_id']), :requires_modules => config['requires'], :other_requirements_required => (config['columnsRequired'] || []).map{ |i| {id: Osm.to_i_or_nil(i['id']), min: i['min'].to_i} }, :badges_required => (config['badgesRequired'] || []).map{ |i| {id: Osm.to_i_or_nil(i['id']), version: i['version'].to_i} }, :show_level_letters => !!config['shownumbers'], ) modules = module_completion_data(api, badge, options) badge.modules = modules modules = Hash[*{|m| [m.letter, m]}.flatten] requirements = [] ((structure[1] || {})['rows'] || []).each do |r| requirements.push :badge => badge, :name => r['name'], :description => r['tooltip'], :mod => modules[r['module']], :id => Osm::to_i_or_nil(r['field']), :editable => r['editable'].to_s.eql?('true'), ) end badge.requirements = requirements badges.push badge end cache_write(api, cache_key, badges) return badges end # Get a summary of badges earnt by members # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The section (or its ID) to get the due badges for # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, #to_i, nil] term The term (or its ID) to get the due badges for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @return [Array] def self.get_summary_for_section(api, section, term=nil, options={}) raise Error, 'This method must NOT be called on one of the subclasses(CoreBadge, ChallengeBadge, StagedBadge or ActivityBadge)' unless type.nil? require_ability_to(api, :read, :badge, section, options) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) term_id = (term.nil? ? Osm::Term.get_current_term_for_section(api, section, options) : term).to_i cache_key = ['badge-summary',, term_id] if !options[:no_cache] && Osm::Model.cache_exist?(api, cache_key) return cache_read(api, cache_key) end summary = [] data = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/summary/?action=get&mode=verbose§ion=#{section.type}§ionid=#{}&termid=#{term_id}") data['items'].each do |item| new_item = { :first_name => item['firstname'], :last_name => item['lastname'], :name => "#{item['firstname']} #{item['lastname']}", :member_id => Osm.to_i_or_nil(item['scout_id']), } badge_data = Hash[{ |k,v| !!k.match(/\d+_\d+/) }] badge_data.each do |badge_identifier, status| if status.is_a?(String) # Possible statuses: # 'Started', # 'Due', 'Due Lvl 2' # 'Awarded', 'Awarded Lvl 2', '01/02/2003', '02/03/2004 (Lvl 2)' if status.eql?('Started') new_item[badge_identifier] = :started elsif status.eql?('Due') new_item[badge_identifier] = :due elsif match_data = status.match(/\ADue Lvl (\d+)\Z/) new_item[badge_identifier] = :due new_item["#{badge_identifier}_level"] = match_data[1].to_i elsif status.eql?('Awarded') new_item[badge_identifier] = :awarded elsif match_data = status.match(/\AAwarded Lvl (\d+)\Z/) new_item[badge_identifier] = :awarded new_item["#{badge_identifier}_level"] = match_data[1].to_i elsif match_data = status.match(Osm::OSM_DATE_REGEX) new_item[badge_identifier] = :awarded new_item["#{badge_identifier}_date"] = Osm.parse_date(match_data[0]) elsif match_data = status.match(/\A(#{Osm::OSM_DATE_REGEX_UNANCHORED.to_s}) \(Lvl (\d+)\)\Z/) new_item[badge_identifier] = :awarded new_item["#{badge_identifier}_date"] = Osm.parse_date(match_data[1]) new_item["#{badge_identifier}_level"] = match_data[2].to_i end end end summary.push new_item end cache_write(api, cache_key, summary) return summary end # Get a list of badge requirements met by members # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The section (or its ID) to get the due badges for # @param [Osm::Term, Fixnum, #to_i, nil] term The term (or its ID) to get the due badges for, passing nil causes the current term to be used # @!macro options_get # @return [Array] def get_data_for_section(api, section, term=nil, options={}) raise Error, 'This method must be called on one of the subclasses (CoreBadge, ChallengeBadge, StagedBadge or ActivityBadge)' if type.nil? Osm::Model.require_ability_to(api, :read, :badge, section, options) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) term_id = (term.nil? ? Osm::Term.get_current_term_for_section(api, section, options) : term).to_i cache_key = ['badge_data',, term_id, id, version] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key) return cache_read(api, cache_key) end datas = [] data = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/?action=getBadgeRecords&term_id=#{term_id}§ion=#{section.type}&badge_id=#{id}§ion_id=#{}&badge_version=#{version}") data['items'].each do |d| datas.push :member_id => d['scoutid'], :first_name => d['firstname'], :last_name => d['lastname'], :due => d['completed'].to_i, :awarded => d['awarded'].to_i, :awarded_date => Osm.parse_date(d['awardeddate']), :requirements => Hash[{ |k,v| [k.to_i, v] }].except(0), :section_id =>, :badge => self, ) end cache_write(api, cache_key, datas) return datas end def has_levels? !levels.nil? end def add_columns? !add_columns_to_module.nil? end def module_map @module_map ||= Hash[ *{ |m| [, m.letter, m.letter,] }.flatten ].except('z') end def needed_per_module @needed_per_module ||= Hash[*{ |m| [, m.min_required, m.letter, m.min_required] }.flatten].except('z') end def module_letters @module_letters ||={ |m| m.letter }.sort end def module_ids @module_ids ||={ |m| }.sort end # Compare Badge based on name then id then version (desc) def <=>(another) result = <=> another.try(:name) result = <=> another.try(:id) if result == 0 result = another.try(:version) <=> self.version if result == 0 return result end private # return an array of hashes representing the modules of the badge def self.module_completion_data(api, badge, options={}) fetched_this_time = @module_completion_data.nil? # Flag to ensure we only get the data once (at most) per invocation @module_completion_data = get_module_completion_data(api, options) if fetched_this_time if @module_completion_data[].nil? && !fetched_this_time @module_completion_data = fetch_from_osm fetched_this_time = true end data = @module_completion_data[] raise ArgumentError, "That badge does't exist (bad ID)." if data.nil? if data[badge.version].nil? && !fetched_this_time @module_completion_data = fetch_from_osm data = @module_completion_data[] fetched_this_time = true end data = data[badge.version] raise ArgumentError, "That badge does't exist (bad version)." if data.nil? data.each{ |i| i.badge = badge } return data end # Return a 2 dimensional hash/array (badge ID, badge version) of hashes representing the modules def self.get_module_completion_data(api, options={}) cache_key = ['badge_module_completion_data'] if !options[:no_cache] && cache_exist?(api, cache_key) return cache_read(api, cache_key) end osm_data = api.perform_query('ext/badges/records/?action=_getModuleDetails') osm_data = (osm_data || {})['items'] || []! do |i| [ Osm.to_i_or_nil(i['badge_id']), Osm.to_i_or_nil(i['badge_version']),{ id: Osm.to_i_or_nil(i['module_id']), letter: i['module_letter'], min_required: i['num_required'].to_i, custom_columns: i['custom_columns'].to_i, completed_into_column: i['completed_into_column_id'].to_i.eql?(0) ? nil : i['completed_into_column_id'].to_i, numeric_into_column: i['numeric_into_column_id'].to_i.eql?(0) ? nil : i['numeric_into_column_id'].to_i, add_column_id_to_numeric: i['add_column_id_to_numeric'].to_i.eql?(0) ? nil : i['add_column_id_to_numeric'].to_i, }) ] end data = {} osm_data.each do |id, version, m| data[id] ||= [] data[id][version] ||= [] data[id][version].push m end cache_write(api, cache_key, data, {expires_in: 864000}) # Expire in 24 hours as this data changes really slowly return data end public def self.type nil end def type self.class.type end private def self.subscription_required :bronze end def subscription_required self.class.subscription_required end class Requirement include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 include ActiveAttr::Model # @!attribute [rw] badge # @return [Osm::Badge] the badge the requirement belongs to # @!attribute [rw] name # @return [String] the name of the badge requirement # @!attribute [rw] description # @return [String] a description of the badge requirement # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the id for the requirement (passed to OSM) # @!attribute [rw] mod # @return [Osm::Badge::RequirementModule] the module the requirement belongs to # @!attribute [rw] editable # @return [Boolean] attribute :badge, :type => Object attribute :name, :type => String attribute :description, :type => String attribute :mod, :type => Object attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :editable, :type => Boolean if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 attr_accessible :name, :description, :id, :editable, :badge, :mod end validates_presence_of :name validates_presence_of :description validates_presence_of :mod validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_presence_of :badge validates_inclusion_of :editable, :in => [true, false] # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Badge::Requirement # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Compare Badge::Requirement based on badge then requirement def <=>(another) result = self.badge <=> another.try(:badge) result = <=> another.try(:id) if result == 0 return result end def inspect Osm.inspect_instance(self, {:replace_with => {'badge' => :identifier}}) end end # Class Requirement class RequirementModule include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 include ActiveAttr::Model # @!attribute [rw] badge # @return [Osm::Badge] the badge the requirement module belongs to # @!attribute [rw] letter # @return [String] the letter of the module # @!attribute [rw] id # @return [Fixnum] the id for the module # @!attribute [rw] min_required # @return [Fixnum] the minimum number of requirements which must be met to achieve this module # @!attribute [rw] custom_columns # @return [Fixnum, nil] ? # @!attribute [rw] completed_into_column # @return [Fixnum, nil] ? # @!attribute [rw] numeric_into_column # @return [Fixnum, nil] ? # @!attribute [rw] add_column_id_to_numeric # @return [Fixnum, nil] ? attribute :badge, :type => Object attribute :letter, :type => String attribute :id, :type => Integer attribute :min_required, :type => Integer attribute :custom_columns, :type => Integer attribute :completed_into_column, :type => Integer attribute :numeric_into_column, :type => Integer attribute :add_column_id_to_numeric, :type => Integer if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 attr_accessible :badge, :letter, :id, :min_required, :custom_columns, :completed_into_column, :numeric_into_column, :add_column_id_to_numeric end validates_presence_of :badge validates_presence_of :letter validates_numericality_of :id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :min_required, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :custom_columns, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0, :allow_nil=>true validates_numericality_of :completed_into_column, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil=>true validates_numericality_of :numeric_into_column, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil=>true validates_numericality_of :add_column_id_to_numeric, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0, :allow_nil=>true # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Badge::RequirementModule # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Compare Badge::RequirementModule based on badge then letter def <=>(another) result = self.badge <=> another.try(:badge) result = self.letter <=> another.try(:letter) if result == 0 result = <=> another.try(:id) if result == 0 return result end def inspect Osm.inspect_instance(self, {:replace_with => {'badge' => :identifier}}) end end # Class RequirementModule class Data < Osm::Model # @!attribute [rw] member_id # @return [Fixnum] ID of the member this data relates to # @!attribute [rw] first_name # @return [Fixnum] the member's first name # @!attribute [rw] last_name # @return [Fixnum] Ithe member's last name # @!attribute [rw] due # @return [Fixnum] whether this badge is due according to OSM, number indicates stage if appropriate # @!attribute [rw] awarded # @return [Date] the last stage awarded # @!attribute [rw] awarded_date # @return [Date] when the badge was awarded # @!attribute [rw] requirements # @return [DirtyHashy] the data for each badge requirement # @!attribute [rw] section_id # @return [Fixnum] the ID of the section the member belongs to # @!attribute [rw] badge # @return [Osm::Badge] the badge that the data belongs to attribute :member_id, :type => Integer attribute :first_name, :type => String attribute :last_name, :type => String attribute :due, :type => Integer, :default => 0 attribute :awarded, :type => Integer, :default => 0 attribute :awarded_date, :type => Date, :default => nil attribute :requirements, :type => Object, :default => attribute :section_id, :type => Integer attribute :badge, :type => Object if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 attr_accessible :member_id, :first_name, :last_name, :due, :awarded, :awarded_date, :requirements, :section_id, :badge end validates_presence_of :badge validates_presence_of :first_name validates_presence_of :last_name validates_numericality_of :due, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :awarded, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than_or_equal_to=>0 validates_numericality_of :member_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates_numericality_of :section_id, :only_integer=>true, :greater_than=>0 validates :requirements, :hash => {:key_type => Fixnum, :value_type => String} # @!method initialize # Initialize a new Badge::Data # @param [Hash] attributes The hash of attributes (see attributes for descriptions, use Symbol of attribute name as the key) # Override initialize to set @orig_attributes old_initialize = instance_method(:initialize) define_method :initialize do |*args| ret_val = old_initialize.bind(self).call(*args) self.requirements = self.requirements.clean_up! return ret_val end # Get the total number of gained requirements # @return [Fixnum] the total number of requirements considered gained def total_gained count = 0 badge.requirements.each do |requirement| next unless requirement_met?( count += 1 end return count end # Get the letters of modules gained # @return [Array] def modules_gained g_i_m = gained_in_modules gained = [] badge.modules.each do |mod| next if g_i_m[] < mod.min_required gained.push mod.letter end gained end # Get the number of requirements gained in each module # @return [Hash] def gained_in_modules count = {} badge.modules.each do |mod| count[] ||= 0 count[mod.letter] ||= 0 end badge.requirements.each do |requirement| next unless requirement_met?( count[] += 1 count[requirement.mod.letter] += 1 end count end # Check if this badge has been earnt # @return [Boolean] whether the badge has been earnt (ignores other badge's and their requirements which might be needed) def earnt? if badge.has_levels? return earnt > awarded else return false if (due.eql?(1) && awarded.eql?(1)) return true if (due.eql?(1) && awarded.eql?(0)) if badge.min_modules_required > 0 return false unless modules_gained.size >= badge.min_modules_required end if badge.min_requirements_required > 0 return false unless total_gained >= badge.min_requirements_required end if badge.requires_modules # [['a'], ['b', 'c']] = a and (b or c) requires = badge.requires_modules.clone modules = modules_gained!{ |a|{ |b| modules.include?(b) } } # Replace letters with true/false!{ |a| a.include?(true) } # Replace each combination with true/false return false if requires.include?(false) # Only earnt if all combinations are met end badge.other_requirements_required.each do |c| # {:id => ###, :min => #} if requirements.has_key?(c[:id]) # Only check it if the data is in the requirements Hash return false unless requirement_met?(c[:id]) return false if requirements[c[:id]].to_i < c[:min] end end badge.badges_required.each do |b| # {:id => ###, :version => #} #TODO end return true end end # Get what stage which has most recently been earnt # (using #earnt? will tell you if it's still due (not yet awarded)) # @return [Fixnum] the stage which has most recently been due def earnt unless badge.has_levels? return earnt? ? 1 : 0 end levels_column = badge.level_requirement unless badge.show_level_letters # It's a hikes, nights type badge badge.levels.reverse_each do |level| return level if requirements[levels_column].to_i >= level end else # It's an activity type badge modules = modules_gained letters = ('a'..'z').to_a (awarded..badge.levels.last).reverse_each do |level| return level if modules.include?(letters[level - 1]) end end return 0 end # Check if this badge has been started # @return [Boolean] whether the badge has been started by the member (always false if the badge has been completed) def started? if badge.has_levels? return (started > due) end return false if due? requirements.each do |key, value| return true if requirement_met?(key) end return false end # Get which stage has been started # @return [Fixnum] which stage of the badge has been started by the member (lowest) def started unless badge.has_levels? return started? ? 1 : 0 end unless badge.show_level_letters # Nights, Hikes or Water done = requirements[badge.level_requirement].to_i levels = badge.levels # e.g. [0,1,2,3,4,5,10] return 0 if levels.include?(done) # Has achieved a level (and not started next ) return 0 if done >= levels[-1] # No more levels to do (1..(levels.size-1)).to_a.reverse_each do |i| # indexes from last to 2nd this_level = levels[i] previous_level = levels[i-1] return this_level if (done < this_level && done > previous_level) # this_level has been started (and not finished) end return 0 # No reason we should ever get here else # 'Normal' staged letters = ('a'..'z').to_a top_level = badge.levels[-1] return 0 if due == top_level || awarded == top_level # No more levels to do ((due + 1)..top_level).reverse_each do |level| badge.requirements.each do |requirement| next unless requirement.mod.letter.eql?(letters[level - 1]) # Not interested in other levels return level if requirement_met?( end end return 0 # No levels started end end # Mark the badge as awarded in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Date] date The date to mark the badge as awarded # @param [Fixnum] level The level of the badge to award (1 for non-staged badges), setting the level to 0 unawards the badge # @return [Boolean] whether the data was updated in OSM def mark_awarded(api,, level=due) raise ArgumentError, 'date is not a Date' unless date.is_a?(Date) raise ArgumentError, 'level can not be negative' if level < 0 section = Osm::Section.get(api, section_id) require_ability_to(api, :write, :badge, section) date_formatted = date.strftime(Osm::OSM_DATE_FORMAT) entries = [{ 'badge_id' =>, 'badge_version' => badge.version.to_s, 'scout_id' => member_id.to_s, 'level' => level.to_s }] result = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/?action=awardBadge", { 'date' => date_formatted, 'sectionid' => section_id, 'entries' => entries.to_json }) updated = result.is_a?(Hash) && (result['scoutid'].to_i == member_id) && (result['awarded'].to_i == level) && (result['awardeddate'] == date_formatted) if updated awarded = level awarded_date = date end return updated end # Mark the badge as not awarded in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @return [Boolean] whether the data was updated in OSM def mark_not_awarded(api) mark_awarded(api,, 0) end # Mark the badge as due in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Fixnum] level The level of the badge to award (1 for non-staged badges), setting the level to 0 unawards the badge # @return [Boolean] whether the data was updated in OSM def mark_due(api, level=completed) raise ArgumentError, 'level can not be negative' if level < 0 section = Osm::Section.get(api, section_id) require_ability_to(api, :write, :badge, section) result = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/?action=overrideCompletion", { 'section_id' =>, 'badge_id' =>, 'badge_version' => badge.version, 'scoutid' => member_id, 'level' => level }) updated = result.is_a?(Hash) && (result['scoutid'].to_i == member_id) && (result['completed'].to_i == level) return updated end # Mark the badge as not due in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @return [Boolean] whether the data was updated in OSM def mark_not_due(api) mark_due(api, 0) end # Update data in OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @return [Boolean] whether the data was updated in OSM # @raise [Osm::ObjectIsInvalid] If the Data is invalid def update(api) raise Osm::ObjectIsInvalid, 'data is invalid' unless valid? section = Osm::Section.get(api, section_id) require_ability_to(api, :write, :badge, section) # Update requirements that changed requirements_updated = true editable_requirements ={ |r| r.editable }.map{ |r| } requirements.changes.each do |requirement, (was,now)| if editable_requirements.include?(requirement) result = api.perform_query("ext/badges/records/?action=updateSingleRecord", { 'scoutid' => member_id, 'section_id' => section_id, 'badge_id' =>, 'badge_version' => badge.version, 'field' => requirement, 'value' => now }) requirements_updated = false unless result.is_a?(Hash) && (result['scoutid'].to_i == member_id) && (result[requirement.to_s] == now) end end if requirements_updated requirements.clean_up! end # Update due if it changed due_updated = true if changed_attributes.include?('due') due_updated = mark_due(api, due) end # Update awarded if it changed awarded_updated = true if changed_attributes.include?('awarded') || changed_attributes.include?('awarded_date') awarded_updated = mark_awarded(api, awarded_date, awarded) end # reset changed attributes if everything was updated ok if due_updated && awarded_updated reset_changed_attributes end return requirements_updated && due_updated && awarded_updated end # Compare Badge::Data based on badge, section_id then member_id def <=>(another) result = self.badge <=> another.try(:badge) result = self.section_id <=> another.try(:section_id) if result == 0 result = self.member_id <=> another.try(:member_id) if result == 0 return result end def inspect Osm.inspect_instance(self, {:replace_with => {'badge' => :name}}) end # Work out if the requirmeent has been met # @param [Fixnum, #to_i] requirement_id The id of the requirement to evaluate (e.g. "12", "xSomething", "Yes" or "") # @return [Boolean] whether the requirmeent has been met def requirement_met?(requirement_id) data = requirements[requirement_id.to_i].to_s return false if data == '0' !(data.blank? || data[0].downcase.eql?('x')) end end # Class Data end # Class Badge class CoreBadge < Osm::Badge private def self.type :core end def self.type_id 4 end end # Class CoreBadge class ChallengeBadge < Osm::Badge private def self.type :challenge end def self.type_id 1 end end # Class ChallengeBadge class StagedBadge < Osm::Badge private def self.type :staged end def self.type_id 3 end end # Class StagedBadge class ActivityBadge < Osm::Badge private def self.type :activity end def self.type_id 2 end def self.subscription_required :silver end end # Class ActivityBadge end # Module