function TRBL(name, imp) { = TRBL.extractMain(name); this.sides = { 'top': null, 'right': null, 'bottom': null, 'left': null }; this.imp = imp ? 4 : 0; } TRBL.props = { 'margin': 1, 'margin-top': 1, 'margin-right': 1, 'margin-bottom': 1, 'margin-left': 1, 'padding': 1, 'padding-top': 1, 'padding-right': 1, 'padding-bottom': 1, 'padding-left': 1 }; TRBL.extractMain = function(name) { var i = name.indexOf('-'); return i === -1 ? name : name.substr(0, i); }; TRBL.prototype.impSum = function() { var imp = 0, n = 0; for (var k in this.sides) { if (this.sides[k]) { n++; if (this.sides[k].imp) imp++; } } return imp === n ? imp : 0; }; TRBL.prototype.add = function(name, sValue, tValue, imp) { var s = this.sides, i, x, side, a = [], last, imp = imp ? 1 : 0, wasUnary = false; if ((i = name.lastIndexOf('-')) !== -1) { side = name.substr(i + 1); if (side in s) { if (!s[side]) { s[side] = { s: imp ? sValue.substring(0, sValue.length - 10) : sValue, t: [tValue[0]], imp: imp }; if (tValue[0][1] === 'unary') s[side].t.push(tValue[1]); } return true; } } else if (name === { for (i = 0; i < tValue.length; i++) { x = tValue[i]; last = a[a.length - 1]; switch(x[1]) { case 'unary': a.push({ s: x[2], t: [x], imp: imp }); wasUnary = true; break; case 'number': case 'ident': if (wasUnary) { last.t.push(x); last.s += x[2]; } else { a.push({ s: x[2], t: [x], imp: imp }); } wasUnary = false; break; case 'percentage': if (wasUnary) { last.t.push(x); last.s += x[2][2] + '%'; } else { a.push({ s: x[2][2] + '%', t: [x], imp: imp }); } wasUnary = false; break; case 'dimension': if (wasUnary) { last.t.push(x); last.s += x[2][2] + x[3][2]; } else { a.push({ s: x[2][2] + x[3][2], t: [x], imp: imp }); } wasUnary = false; break; case 's': case 'comment': case 'important': break; default: return false; } } if (a.length > 4) return false; if (!a[1]) a[1] = a[0]; if (!a[2]) a[2] = a[0]; if (!a[3]) a[3] = a[1]; if (! = a[0]; if (!s.right) s.right = a[1]; if (!s.bottom) s.bottom = a[2]; if (!s.left) s.left = a[3]; return true; } }; TRBL.prototype.isOkToMinimize = function() { var s = this.sides, imp; if (!!( && s.right && s.bottom && s.left)) { imp = + s.right.imp + s.bottom.imp + s.left.imp; return (imp === 0 || imp === 4 || imp === this.imp); } return false; }; TRBL.prototype.getValue = function() { var s = this.sides, a = [, s.right, s.bottom, s.left], r = [{}, 'value']; if (s.left.s === s.right.s) { a.length--; if (s.bottom.s === { a.length--; if (s.right.s === { a.length--; } } } for (var i = 0; i < a.length - 1; i++) { r = r.concat(a[i].t); r.push([{ s: ' ' }, 's', ' ']); } r = r.concat(a[i].t); if (this.imp) r.push([{ s: '!important'}, 'important']); return r; }; TRBL.prototype.getProperty = function() { return [{ s: }, 'property', [{ s: }, 'ident',]]; }; TRBL.prototype.getString = function() { var p = this.getProperty(), v = this.getValue().slice(2), r = p[0].s + ':'; for (var i = 0; i < v.length; i++) r += v[i][0].s; return r; }; function CSSOCompressor() {} CSSOCompressor.prototype.init = function() { this.props = {}; this.shorts = {}; this.shorts2 = {}; this.ccrules = {}; // clean comment rules — special case to resolve ambiguity this.crules = {}; // compress rules this.prules = {}; // prepare rules this.frrules = {}; // freeze ruleset rules this.msrules = {}; // mark shorthands rules this.csrules = {}; // clean shorthands rules this.rbrules = {}; // restructure block rules this.rjrules = {}; // rejoin ruleset rules this.rrrules = {}; // restructure ruleset rules this.frules = {}; // finalize rules this.initRules(this.crules, this.defCCfg); this.initRules(this.ccrules, this.cleanCfg); this.initRules(this.frrules, this.frCfg); this.initRules(this.prules, this.preCfg); this.initRules(this.msrules, this.msCfg); this.initRules(this.csrules, this.csCfg); this.initRules(this.rbrules, this.defRBCfg); this.initRules(this.rjrules, this.defRJCfg); this.initRules(this.rrrules, this.defRRCfg); this.initRules(this.frules, this.defFCfg); this.shortGroupID = 0; this.lastShortGroupID = 0; this.lastShortSelector = 0; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.initRules = function(r, cfg) { var o = this.order, p = this.profile, x, i, k, t = []; for (i = 0; i < o.length; i++) if (o[i] in cfg) t.push(o[i]); if (!t.length) t = o; for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++) { x = p[t[i]]; for (k in x) r[k] ? r[k].push(t[i]) : r[k] = [t[i]]; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanCfg = { 'cleanComment': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.defCCfg = { 'cleanCharset': 1, 'cleanImport': 1, 'cleanWhitespace': 1, 'cleanDecldelim': 1, 'compressNumber': 1, 'cleanUnary': 1, 'compressColor': 1, 'compressDimension': 1, 'compressString': 1, 'compressFontWeight': 1, 'compressFont': 1, 'compressBackground': 1, 'cleanEmpty': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.defRBCfg = { 'restructureBlock': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.defRJCfg = { 'rejoinRuleset': 1, 'cleanEmpty': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.defRRCfg = { 'restructureRuleset': 1, 'cleanEmpty': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.defFCfg = { 'cleanEmpty': 1, 'delimSelectors': 1, 'delimBlocks': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.preCfg = { 'destroyDelims': 1, 'preTranslate': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.msCfg = { 'markShorthands': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.frCfg = { 'freezeRulesets': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.csCfg = { 'cleanShorthands': 1, 'cleanEmpty': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.order = [ 'cleanCharset', 'cleanImport', 'cleanComment', 'cleanWhitespace', 'compressNumber', 'cleanUnary', 'compressColor', 'compressDimension', 'compressString', 'compressFontWeight', 'compressFont', 'compressBackground', 'freezeRulesets', 'destroyDelims', 'preTranslate', 'markShorthands', 'cleanShorthands', 'restructureBlock', 'rejoinRuleset', 'restructureRuleset', 'cleanEmpty', 'delimSelectors', 'delimBlocks' ]; CSSOCompressor.prototype.profile = { 'cleanCharset': { 'atrules': 1 }, 'cleanImport': { 'atrules': 1 }, 'cleanWhitespace': { 's': 1 }, 'compressNumber': { 'number': 1 }, 'cleanUnary': { 'unary': 1 }, 'compressColor': { 'vhash': 1, 'funktion': 1, 'ident': 1 }, 'compressDimension': { 'dimension': 1 }, 'compressString': { 'string': 1 }, 'compressFontWeight': { 'declaration': 1 }, 'compressFont': { 'declaration': 1 }, 'compressBackground': { 'declaration': 1 }, 'cleanComment': { 'comment': 1 }, 'cleanDecldelim': { 'block': 1 }, 'cleanEmpty': { 'ruleset': 1, 'atruleb': 1, 'atruler': 1 }, 'destroyDelims': { 'decldelim': 1, 'delim': 1 }, 'preTranslate': { 'declaration': 1, 'property': 1, 'simpleselector': 1, 'filter': 1, 'value': 1, 'number': 1, 'percentage': 1, 'dimension': 1, 'ident': 1 }, 'restructureBlock': { 'block': 1 }, 'rejoinRuleset': { 'ruleset': 1 }, 'restructureRuleset': { 'ruleset': 1 }, 'delimSelectors': { 'selector': 1 }, 'delimBlocks': { 'block': 1 }, 'markShorthands': { 'block': 1 }, 'cleanShorthands': { 'declaration': 1 }, 'freezeRulesets': { 'ruleset': 1 } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.isContainer = function(o) { if (Array.isArray(o)) { for (var i = 0; i < o.length; i++) if (Array.isArray(o[i])) return true; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.process = function(rules, token, container, i, path) { var rule = token[1]; if (rule && rules[rule]) { var r = rules[rule], x1 = token, x2, o = this.order, k; for (var k = 0; k < r.length; k++) { x2 = this[r[k]](x1, rule, container, i, path); if (x2 === null) return null; else if (x2 !== undefined) x1 = x2; } } return x1; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compress = function(tree, ro) { this.init(); = typeof tree[0] !== 'string'; var x = ? tree : this.injectInfo([tree])[0], l0, l1 = 100000000000, ls, x0, x1, xs; // compression without restructure x = this.walk(this.ccrules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.crules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.prules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.frrules, x, '/0'); ls = translator.translate(cleanInfo(x)).length; if (!ro) { // restructure ON xs = this.copyArray(x); x = this.walk(this.rjrules, x, '/0'); this.disjoin(x); x = this.walk(this.msrules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.csrules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.rbrules, x, '/0'); do { l0 = l1; x0 = this.copyArray(x); x = this.walk(this.rjrules, x, '/0'); x = this.walk(this.rrrules, x, '/0'); l1 = translator.translate(cleanInfo(x)).length; x1 = this.copyArray(x); } while (l0 > l1); if (ls < l0 && ls < l1) x = xs; else if (l0 < l1) x = x0; } x = this.walk(this.frules, x, '/0'); return ? x : cleanInfo(x); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.injectInfo = function(token) { var t; for (var i = token.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { t = token[i]; if (t && Array.isArray(t)) { if (this.isContainer(t)) t = this.injectInfo(t); t.splice(0, 0, {}); } } return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.disjoin = function(container) { var t, s, r, sr; for (var i = container.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { t = container[i]; if (t && Array.isArray(t)) { if (t[1] === 'ruleset') { t[0].shortGroupID = this.shortGroupID++; s = t[2]; if (s.length > 3) { sr = s.slice(0, 2); for (var k = s.length - 1; k > 1; k--) { r = this.copyArray(t); r[2] = sr.concat([s[k]]); r[2][0].s = s[k][0].s; container.splice(i + 1, 0, r); } container.splice(i, 1); } } } if (this.isContainer(t)) this.disjoin(t); } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.walk = function(rules, container, path) { var t, x; for (var i = container.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { t = container[i]; if (t && Array.isArray(t)) { if (this.isContainer(t)) t = this.walk(rules, t, path + '/' + i); // go inside if (t === null) container.splice(i, 1); else { if (x = this.process(rules, t, container, i, path)) container[i] = x; // compressed not null else if (x === null) container.splice(i, 1); // null is the mark to delete token } } } return container.length ? container : null; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.freezeRulesets = function(token, rule, container, i) { var info = token[0], selector = token[2]; info.freeze = this.freezeNeeded(selector); info.freezeID = this.selectorSignature(selector); info.pseudoID = this.composePseudoID(selector); this.markSimplePseudo(selector); return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.markSimplePseudo = function(selector) { var ss, sg = {}; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { ss = selector[i]; ss[0].pseudo = this.containsPseudo(ss); ss[0].sg = sg; sg[ss[0].s] = 1; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.composePseudoID = function(selector) { var a = [], ss; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { ss = selector[i]; if (this.containsPseudo(ss)) { a.push(ss[0].s); } } a.sort(); return a.join(','); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.containsPseudo = function(sselector) { for (var j = 2; j < sselector.length; j++) { switch (sselector[j][1]) { case 'pseudoc': case 'pseudoe': case 'nthselector': if (!(sselector[j][2][2] in this.notFPClasses)) return true; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.selectorSignature = function(selector) { var a = []; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { a.push(translator.translate(cleanInfo(selector[i]))); } a.sort(); return a.join(','); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.pseudoSelectorSignature = function(selector, exclude) { var a = [], b = {}, ss, wasExclude = false; exclude = exclude || {}; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { ss = selector[i]; for (var j = 2; j < ss.length; j++) { switch (ss[j][1]) { case 'pseudoc': case 'pseudoe': case 'nthselector': if (!(ss[j][2][2] in exclude)) b[ss[j][2][2]] = 1; else wasExclude = true; break; } } } for (var k in b) a.push(k); a.sort(); return a.join(',') + wasExclude; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.notFPClasses = { 'link': 1, 'visited': 1, 'hover': 1, 'active': 1, 'first-letter': 1, 'first-line': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.notFPElements = { 'first-letter': 1, 'first-line': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.freezeNeeded = function(selector) { var ss; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { ss = selector[i]; for (var j = 2; j < ss.length; j++) { switch (ss[j][1]) { case 'pseudoc': if (!(ss[j][2][2] in this.notFPClasses)) return true; break; case 'pseudoe': if (!(ss[j][2][2] in this.notFPElements)) return true; break; case 'nthselector': return true; break; } } } return false; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanCharset = function(token, rule, container, i) { if (token[2][2][2] === 'charset') { for (i = i - 1; i > 1; i--) { if (container[i][1] !== 's' && container[i][1] !== 'comment') return null; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanImport = function(token, rule, container, i) { var x; for (i = i - 1; i > 1; i--) { x = container[i][1]; if (x !== 's' && x !== 'comment') { if (x === 'atrules') { x = container[i][2][2][2]; if (x !== 'import' && x !== 'charset') return null; } else return null; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanComment = function(token, rule, container, i) { var pr = ((container[1] === 'braces' && i === 4) || (container[1] !== 'braces' && i === 2)) ? null : container[i - 1][1], nr = i === container.length - 1 ? null : container[i + 1][1]; if (nr !== null && pr !== null) { if (this._cleanComment(nr) || this._cleanComment(pr)) return null; } else return null; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype._cleanComment = function(r) { switch(r) { case 's': case 'operator': case 'attrselector': case 'block': case 'decldelim': case 'ruleset': case 'declaration': case 'atruleb': case 'atrules': case 'atruler': case 'important': case 'nth': case 'combinator': return true; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.nextToken = function(container, type, i, exactly) { var t, r; for (; i < container.length; i++) { t = container[i]; if (Array.isArray(t)) { r = t[1]; if (r === type) return t; else if (exactly && r !== 's') return; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanWhitespace = function(token, rule, container, i) { var pr = ((container[1] === 'braces' && i === 4) || (container[1] !== 'braces' && i === 2)) ? null : container[i - 1][1], nr = i === container.length - 1 ? null : container[i + 1][1]; if (nr === 'unknown') token[2] = '\n'; else { if (!(container[1] === 'atrulerq' && !pr) && !this.issue16(container, i)) { if (nr !== null && pr !== null) { if (this._cleanWhitespace(nr, false) || this._cleanWhitespace(pr, true)) return null; } else return null; } token[2] = ' '; } return token; }; // See CSSOCompressor.prototype.issue16 = function(container, i) { return (i !== 2 && i !== container.length - 1 && container[i - 1][1] === 'uri'); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype._cleanWhitespace = function(r, left) { switch(r) { case 's': case 'operator': case 'attrselector': case 'block': case 'decldelim': case 'ruleset': case 'declaration': case 'atruleb': case 'atrules': case 'atruler': case 'important': case 'nth': case 'combinator': return true; } if (left) { switch(r) { case 'funktion': case 'braces': case 'uri': return true; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanDecldelim = function(token) { for (var i = token.length - 1; i > 1; i--) { if (token[i][1] === 'decldelim' && token[i + 1][1] !== 'declaration') token.splice(i, 1); } if (token[2][1] === 'decldelim') token.splice(2, 1); return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressNumber = function(token, rule, container, i) { var x = token[2]; if (/^0*/.test(x)) x = x.replace(/^0+/, ''); if (/\.0*$/.test(x)) x = x.replace(/\.0*$/, ''); if (/\..*[1-9]+0+$/.test(x)) x = x.replace(/0+$/, ''); if (x === '.' || x === '') x = '0'; token[2] = x; token[0].s = x; return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanUnary = function(token, rule, container, i) { var next = container[i + 1]; if (next && next[1] === 'number' && next[2] === '0') return null; return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressColor = function(token, rule, container, i) { switch(rule) { case 'vhash': return this.compressHashColor(token); case 'funktion': return this.compressFunctionColor(token); case 'ident': return this.compressIdentColor(token, rule, container, i); } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressIdentColor = function(token, rule, container) { var map = { 'yellow': 'ff0', 'fuchsia': 'f0f', 'white': 'fff', 'black': '000', 'blue': '00f', 'aqua': '0ff' }, allow = { 'value': 1, 'functionBody': 1 }, _x = token[2].toLowerCase(); if (container[1] in allow && _x in map) return [{}, 'vhash', map[_x]]; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressHashColor = function(token) { return this._compressHashColor(token[2], token[0]); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype._compressHashColor = function(x, info) { var map = { 'f00': 'red', 'c0c0c0': 'silver', '808080': 'gray', '800000': 'maroon', '800080': 'purple', '008000': 'green', '808000': 'olive', '000080': 'navy', '008080': 'teal'}, _x = x; x = x.toLowerCase(); if (x.length === 6 && x.charAt(0) === x.charAt(1) && x.charAt(2) === x.charAt(3) && x.charAt(4) === x.charAt(5)) x = x.charAt(0) + x.charAt(2) + x.charAt(4); return map[x] ? [info, 'string', map[x]] : [info, 'vhash', (x.length < _x.length ? x : _x)]; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressFunctionColor = function(token) { var i, v = [], t, h = '', body; if (token[2][2] === 'rgb') { body = token[3]; for (i = 2; i < body.length; i++) { t = body[i][1]; if (t === 'number') v.push(body[i]); else if (t !== 'operator') { v = []; break } } if (v.length === 3) { h += (t = Number(v[0][2]).toString(16)).length === 1 ? '0' + t : t; h += (t = Number(v[1][2]).toString(16)).length === 1 ? '0' + t : t; h += (t = Number(v[2][2]).toString(16)).length === 1 ? '0' + t : t; if (h.length === 6) return this._compressHashColor(h, {}); } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressDimension = function(token) { if (token[2][2] === '0') return token[2]; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressString = function(token, rule, container) { var s = token[2], r = '', c; for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { c = s.charAt(i); if (c === '\\' && s.charAt(i + 1) === '\n') i++; else r += c; } // if (container[1] === 'attrib' && /^('|")[a-zA-Z0-9]*('|")$/.test(r)) { // r = r.substring(1, r.length - 1); // } if (s.length !== r.length) return [{}, 'string', r]; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressFontWeight = function(token) { var p = token[2], v = token[3]; if (p[2][2].indexOf('font-weight') !== -1 && v[2][1] === 'ident') { if (v[2][2] === 'normal') v[2] = [{}, 'number', '400']; else if (v[2][2] === 'bold') v[2] = [{}, 'number', '700']; return token; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressFont = function(token) { var p = token[2], v = token[3], i, x, t; if (/font$/.test(p[2][2]) && v.length) { v.splice(2, 0, [{}, 's', '']); for (i = v.length - 1; i > 2; i--) { x = v[i]; if (x[1] === 'ident') { x = x[2]; if (x === 'bold') v[i] = [{}, 'number', '700']; else if (x === 'normal') { t = v[i - 1]; if (t[1] === 'operator' && t[2] === '/') v.splice(--i, 2); else v.splice(i, 1); if (v[i - 1][1] === 's') v.splice(--i, 1); } else if (x === 'medium' && v[i + 1] && v[i + 1][2] !== '/') { v.splice(i, 1); if (v[i - 1][1] === 's') v.splice(--i, 1); } } } if (v.length > 2 && v[2][1] === 's') v.splice(2, 1); if (v.length === 2) v.push([{}, 'ident', 'normal']); return token; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.compressBackground = function(token) { var p = token[2], v = token[3], i, x, t, n = v[v.length - 1][1] === 'important' ? 3 : 2; if (/background$/.test(p[2][2]) && v.length) { v.splice(2, 0, [{}, 's', '']); for (i = v.length - 1; i > n; i--) { x = v[i]; if (x[1] === 'ident') { x = x[2]; if (x === 'transparent' || x === 'none' || x === 'repeat' || x === 'scroll') { v.splice(i, 1); if (v[i - 1][1] === 's') v.splice(--i, 1); } } } if (v.length > 2 && v[2][1] === 's') v.splice(2, 1); if (v.length === 2) v.splice(2, 0, [{}, 'number', '0'], [{}, 's', ' '], [{}, 'number', '0']); return token; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanEmpty = function(token, rule) { switch(rule) { case 'ruleset': if (token[3].length === 2) return null; break; case 'atruleb': if (token[token.length - 1].length < 3) return null; break; case 'atruler': if (token[4].length < 3) return null; break; } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.destroyDelims = function() { return null; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.preTranslate = function(token) { token[0].s = translator.translate(cleanInfo(token)); return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.markShorthands = function(token, rule, container, j, path) { if (container[1] === 'ruleset') { var selector = container[2][2][0].s, freeze = container[0].freeze, freezeID = container[0].freezeID; } else { var selector = '', freeze = false, freezeID = 'fake'; } var x, p, v, imp, s, key, sh, pre = this.pathUp(path) + '/' + (freeze ? '&' + freezeID + '&' : '') + selector + '/', createNew, shortsI, shortGroupID = container[0].shortGroupID; for (var i = token.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { createNew = true; x = token[i]; if (x[1] === 'declaration') { v = x[3]; imp = v[v.length - 1][1] === 'important'; p = x[2][0].s; x[0].id = path + '/' + i; if (p in TRBL.props) { key = pre + TRBL.extractMain(p); var shorts = this.shorts2[key] || []; shortsI = shorts.length === 0 ? 0 : shorts.length - 1; if (!this.lastShortSelector || selector === this.lastShortSelector || shortGroupID === this.lastShortGroupID) { if (shorts.length) { sh = shorts[shortsI]; if (imp && !sh.imp) sh.invalid = true; createNew = false; } } if (createNew) { x[0].replaceByShort = true; x[0].shorthandKey = { key: key, i: shortsI }; sh = new TRBL(p, imp); shorts.push(sh); } if (!sh.invalid) { x[0].removeByShort = true; x[0].shorthandKey = { key: key, i: shortsI }; sh.add(p, v[0].s, v.slice(2), imp); } this.shorts2[key] = shorts; this.lastShortSelector = selector; this.lastShortGroupID = shortGroupID; } } } return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanShorthands = function(token) { if (token[0].removeByShort || token[0].replaceByShort) { var s, t, sKey = token[0].shorthandKey; s = this.shorts2[sKey.key][sKey.i]; if (!s.invalid && s.isOkToMinimize()) { if (token[0].replaceByShort) { t = [{}, 'declaration', s.getProperty(), s.getValue()]; t[0].s = translator.translate(cleanInfo(t)); return t; } else return null; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.dontRestructure = { 'src': 1, // 'clip': 1, // 'display': 1 // }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.restructureBlock = function(token, rule, container, j, path) { if (container[1] === 'ruleset') { var props = this.props, isPseudo = container[2][2][0].pseudo, selector = container[2][2][0].s, freeze = container[0].freeze, freezeID = container[0].freezeID, pseudoID = container[0].pseudoID, sg = container[2][2][0].sg; } else { var props = {}, isPseudo = false, selector = '', freeze = false, freezeID = 'fake', pseudoID = 'fake', sg = {}; } var x, p, v, imp, t, pre = this.pathUp(path) + '/' + selector + '/', ppre; for (var i = token.length - 1; i > -1; i--) { x = token[i]; if (x[1] === 'declaration') { v = x[3]; imp = v[v.length - 1][1] === 'important'; p = x[2][0].s; ppre = this.buildPPre(pre, p, v, x, freeze); x[0].id = path + '/' + i; if (!this.dontRestructure[p] && (t = props[ppre])) { if ((isPseudo && freezeID === t.freezeID) || // pseudo from equal selectors group (!isPseudo && pseudoID === t.pseudoID) || // not pseudo from equal pseudo signature group (isPseudo && pseudoID === t.pseudoID && this.hashInHash(sg, { // pseudo from covered selectors group if (imp && !t.imp) { props[ppre] = { block: token, imp: imp, id: x[0].id, sg: sg, freeze: freeze, path: path, freezeID: freezeID, pseudoID: pseudoID }; this.deleteProperty(t.block,; } else { token.splice(i, 1); } } } else if (this.needless(p, props, pre, imp, v, x, freeze)) { token.splice(i, 1); } else { props[ppre] = { block: token, imp: imp, id: x[0].id, sg: sg, freeze: freeze, path: path, freezeID: freezeID, pseudoID: pseudoID }; } } } return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.buildPPre = function(pre, p, v, d, freeze) { var fp = freeze ? 'ft:' : 'ff:'; if (p.indexOf('background') !== -1) return fp + pre + d[0].s; var _v = v.slice(2), colorMark = [ 0, // ident, vhash, rgb 0, // hsl 0, // hsla 0 // rgba ]; for (var i = 0; i < _v.length; i++) { switch(_v[i][1]) { case 'vhash': case 'ident': colorMark[0] = 1; break; case 'funktion': switch(_v[i][2][2]) { case 'rgb': colorMark[0] = 1; break; case 'hsl': colorMark[1] = 1; break; case 'hsla': colorMark[2] = 1; break; case 'rgba': colorMark[3] = 1; break; } break; } } return fp + pre + p + colorMark.join(''); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.deleteProperty = function(block, id) { var d; for (var i = block.length - 1; i > 1; i--) { d = block[i]; if (Array.isArray(d) && d[1] === 'declaration' && d[0].id === id) { block.splice(i, 1); return; } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.nlTable = { 'border-width': ['border'], 'border-style': ['border'], 'border-color': ['border'], 'border-top': ['border'], 'border-right': ['border'], 'border-bottom': ['border'], 'border-left': ['border'], 'border-top-width': ['border-top', 'border-width', 'border'], 'border-right-width': ['border-right', 'border-width', 'border'], 'border-bottom-width': ['border-bottom', 'border-width', 'border'], 'border-left-width': ['border-left', 'border-width', 'border'], 'border-top-style': ['border-top', 'border-style', 'border'], 'border-right-style': ['border-right', 'border-style', 'border'], 'border-bottom-style': ['border-bottom', 'border-style', 'border'], 'border-left-style': ['border-left', 'border-style', 'border'], 'border-top-color': ['border-top', 'border-color', 'border'], 'border-right-color': ['border-right', 'border-color', 'border'], 'border-bottom-color': ['border-bottom', 'border-color', 'border'], 'border-left-color': ['border-left', 'border-color', 'border'], 'margin-top': ['margin'], 'margin-right': ['margin'], 'margin-bottom': ['margin'], 'margin-left': ['margin'], 'padding-top': ['padding'], 'padding-right': ['padding'], 'padding-bottom': ['padding'], 'padding-left': ['padding'], 'font-style': ['font'], 'font-variant': ['font'], 'font-weight': ['font'], 'font-size': ['font'], 'font-family': ['font'], 'list-style-type': ['list-style'], 'list-style-position': ['list-style'], 'list-style-image': ['list-style'] }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.needless = function(name, props, pre, imp, v, d, freeze) { var hack = name.charAt(0); if (hack === '*' || hack === '_' || hack === '$') name = name.substr(1); else if (hack === '/' && name.charAt(1) === '/') { hack = '//'; name = name.substr(2); } else hack = ''; var vendor = name.charAt(0), i; if (vendor === '-') { if ((i = name.indexOf('-', 2)) !== -1) vendor = name.substr(0, i + 1); } else vendor = ''; var prop = name.substr(vendor.length), x, t, ppre; if (prop in this.nlTable) { x = this.nlTable[prop]; for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) { ppre = this.buildPPre(pre, hack + vendor + x[i], v, d, freeze); if (t = props[ppre]) return (!imp || t.imp); } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.rejoinRuleset = function(token, rule, container, i) { var p = (i === 2 || container[i - 1][1] === 'unknown') ? null : container[i - 1], ps = p ? p[2].slice(2) : [], pb = p ? p[3].slice(2) : [], ts = token[2].slice(2), tb = token[3].slice(2), ph, th, r; if (!tb.length) return null; if (ps.length && pb.length) { if (token[1] !== p[1]) return; // try to join by selectors ph = this.getHash(ps); th = this.getHash(ts); if (this.equalHash(th, ph)) { p[3] = p[3].concat(token[3].splice(2)); return null; } if (this.okToJoinByProperties(token, p)) { // try to join by properties r = this.analyze(token, p); if (!r.ne1.length && !r.ne2.length) { p[2] = this.cleanSelector(p[2].concat(token[2].splice(2))); p[2][0].s = translator.translate(cleanInfo(p[2])); return null; } } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.okToJoinByProperties = function(r0, r1) { var i0 = r0[0], i1 = r1[0]; // same frozen ruleset if (i0.freezeID === i1.freezeID) return true; // same pseudo-classes in selectors if (i0.pseudoID === i1.pseudoID) return true; // different frozen rulesets if (i0.freeze && i1.freeze) { return this.pseudoSelectorSignature(r0[2], this.allowedPClasses) === this.pseudoSelectorSignature(r1[2], this.allowedPClasses); } // is it frozen at all? return !(i0.freeze || i1.freeze); }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.allowedPClasses = { 'after': 1, 'before': 1 }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.containsOnlyAllowedPClasses = function(selector) { var ss; for (var i = 2; i < selector.length; i++) { ss = selector[i]; for (var j = 2; j < ss.length; j++) { if (ss[j][1] == 'pseudoc' || ss[j][1] == 'pseudoe') { if (!(ss[j][2][2] in this.allowedPClasses)) return false; } } } return true; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.restructureRuleset = function(token, rule, container, i) { var p = (i === 2 || container[i - 1][1] === 'unknown') ? null : container[i - 1], ps = p ? p[2].slice(2) : [], pb = p ? p[3].slice(2) : [], tb = token[3].slice(2), r, nr; if (!tb.length) return null; if (ps.length && pb.length) { if (token[1] !== p[1]) return; // try to join by properties r = this.analyze(token, p); if (r.eq.length && (r.ne1.length || r.ne2.length)) { if (r.ne1.length && !r.ne2.length) { // p in token var ns = token[2].slice(2), // TODO: copypaste nss = translator.translate(cleanInfo(token[2])), sl = nss.length + // selector length ns.length - 1, // delims length bl = this.calcLength(r.eq) + // declarations length r.eq.length - 1; // decldelims length if (sl < bl) { p[2] = this.cleanSelector(p[2].concat(token[2].slice(2))); token[3].splice(2); token[3] = token[3].concat(r.ne1); return token; } } else if (r.ne2.length && !r.ne1.length) { // token in p var ns = p[2].slice(2), nss = translator.translate(cleanInfo(p[2])), sl = nss.length + // selector length ns.length - 1, // delims length bl = this.calcLength(r.eq) + // declarations length r.eq.length - 1; // decldelims length if (sl < bl) { token[2] = this.cleanSelector(p[2].concat(token[2].slice(2))); p[3].splice(2); p[3] = p[3].concat(r.ne2); return token; } } else { // extract equal block? var ns = this.cleanSelector(p[2].concat(token[2].slice(2))), nss = translator.translate(cleanInfo(ns)), rl = nss.length + // selector length ns.length - 1 + // delims length 2, // braces length bl = this.calcLength(r.eq) + // declarations length r.eq.length - 1; // decldelims length if (bl >= rl) { // ok, it's good enough to extract ns[0].s = nss; nr = [{f:0, l:0}, 'ruleset', ns, [{f:0,l:0}, 'block'].concat(r.eq)]; token[3].splice(2); token[3] = token[3].concat(r.ne1); p[3].splice(2); p[3] = p[3].concat(r.ne2); container.splice(i, 0, nr); return nr; } } } } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.calcLength = function(tokens) { var r = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) r += tokens[i][0].s.length; return r; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.cleanSelector = function(token) { if (token.length === 2) return null; var h = {}, s; for (var i = 2; i < token.length; i++) { s = token[i][0].s; if (s in h) token.splice(i, 1), i--; else h[s] = 1; } return token; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.analyze = function(r1, r2) { var r = { eq: [], ne1: [], ne2: [] }; if (r1[1] !== r2[1]) return r; var b1 = r1[3], b2 = r2[3], d1 = b1.slice(2), d2 = b2.slice(2), h1, h2, i, x; h1 = this.getHash(d1); h2 = this.getHash(d2); for (i = 0; i < d1.length; i++) { x = d1[i]; if (x[0].s in h2) r.eq.push(x); else r.ne1.push(x); } for (i = 0; i < d2.length; i++) { x = d2[i]; if (!(x[0].s in h1)) r.ne2.push(x); } return r; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.equalHash = function(h0, h1) { var k; for (k in h0) if (!(k in h1)) return false; for (k in h1) if (!(k in h0)) return false; return true; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.getHash = function(tokens) { var r = {}; for (var i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) r[tokens[i][0].s] = 1; return r; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.hashInHash = function(h0, h1) { for (var k in h0) if (!(k in h1)) return false; return true; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.delimSelectors = function(token) { for (var i = token.length - 1; i > 2; i--) { token.splice(i, 0, [{}, 'delim']); } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.delimBlocks = function(token) { for (var i = token.length - 1; i > 2; i--) { token.splice(i, 0, [{}, 'decldelim']); } }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.copyArray = function(a) { var r = [], t; for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { t = a[i]; if (Array.isArray(t)) r.push(this.copyArray(t)); else if (typeof t === 'object') r.push(this.copyObject(t)); else r.push(t); } return r; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.copyObject = function(o) { var r = {}; for (var k in o) r[k] = o[k]; return r; }; CSSOCompressor.prototype.pathUp = function(path) { return path.substr(0, path.lastIndexOf('/')); }; var translator = require('./translator.js').translator(), cleanInfo = require('./util.js').cleanInfo; exports.compress = function(tree, ro) { return new CSSOCompressor().compress(tree, ro); };