/* jshint forin:true, noarg:true, noempty:true, eqeqeq:true, boss:true, undef:true, curly:true, browser:true, jquery:true */
* jQuery MultiSelect UI Widget Filtering Plugin 1.4
* Copyright (c) 2011 Eric Hynds
* http://www.erichynds.com/jquery/jquery-ui-multiselect-widget/
* Depends:
* - jQuery UI MultiSelect widget
* Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
* http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
var rEscape = /[\-\[\]{}()*+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
$.widget("ech.multiselectfilter", {
options: {
label: "Filter:",
width: null, /* override default width set in css file (px). null will inherit */
placeholder: "Enter keywords",
autoReset: false
_create: function(){
var self = this,
opts = this.options,
instance = (this.instance = $(this.element).data("multiselect")),
// store header; add filter class so the close/check all/uncheck all links can be positioned correctly
header = (this.header = instance.menu.find(".ui-multiselect-header").addClass("ui-multiselect-hasfilter")),
// wrapper elem
wrapper = (this.wrapper = $('
'+(opts.label.length ? opts.label : '')+'
').prependTo( this.header ));
// reference to the actual inputs
this.inputs = instance.menu.find('input[type="checkbox"], input[type="radio"]');
// build the input box
this.input = wrapper
keydown: function( e ){
// prevent the enter key from submitting the form / closing the widget
if( e.which === 13 ){
keyup: $.proxy(self._handler, self),
click: $.proxy(self._handler, self)
// cache input values for searching
// rewrite internal _toggleChecked fn so that when checkAll/uncheckAll is fired,
// only the currently filtered elements are checked
instance._toggleChecked = function(flag, group){
var $inputs = (group && group.length) ?
group :
_self = this,
// do not include hidden elems if the menu isn't open.
selector = self.instance._isOpen ?
":disabled, :hidden" :
$inputs = $inputs.not( selector ).each(this._toggleState('checked', flag));
// update text
// figure out which option tags need to be selected
var values = $inputs.map(function(){
return this.value;
// select option tags
if( !this.disabled && $.inArray(this.value, values) > -1 ){
_self._toggleState('selected', flag).call( this );
// rebuild cache when multiselect is updated
var doc = $(document).bind("multiselectrefresh", function(){
// automatically reset the widget on close?
if(this.options.autoReset) {
doc.bind("multiselectclose", $.proxy(this._reset, this));
// thx for the logic here ben alman
_handler: function( e ){
var term = $.trim( this.input[0].value.toLowerCase() ),
// speed up lookups
rows = this.rows, inputs = this.inputs, cache = this.cache;
if( !term ){
this._trigger( "filter", e, null);
} else {
var regex = new RegExp(term.replace(rEscape, "\\$&"), 'gi');
this._trigger( "filter", e, $.map(cache, function(v, i){
if( v.search(regex) !== -1 ){
return inputs.get(i);
return null;
// show/hide optgroups
var $this = $(this);
var isVisible = $this.nextUntil('.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label').filter(function(){
return $.css(this, "display") !== 'none';
$this[ isVisible ? 'show' : 'hide' ]();
_reset: function() {
updateCache: function(){
// each list item
this.rows = this.instance.menu.find(".ui-multiselect-checkboxes li:not(.ui-multiselect-optgroup-label)");
// cache
this.cache = this.element.children().map(function(){
var self = $(this);
// account for optgroups
if( this.tagName.toLowerCase() === "optgroup" ){
self = self.children();
return self.map(function(){
return this.innerHTML.toLowerCase();
widget: function(){
return this.wrapper;
destroy: function(){
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.call( this );