require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'coordinate.rb') module Maven module Tools class Jarfile include Coordinate def initialize(file = 'Jarfile') @file = file @lockfile = file + ".lock" end def mtime File.mtime(@file) end def exists? File.exists?(@file) end def mtime_lock File.mtime(@lockfile) end def exists_lock? File.exists?(@lockfile) end def load_lockfile _locked = [] if exists_lock? do |line| line.strip! if line.size > 0 && !(line =~ /^\s*#/) _locked << line end end end _locked end def locked @locked ||= load_lockfile end def locked?(coordinate) coord = coordinate.sub(/^([^:]+:[^:]+):.+/) { $1 } locked.detect { |l| l.sub(/^([^:]+:[^:]+):.+/) { $1 } == coord } != nil end def populate_unlocked(container) if File.exists?(@file) do |line| if coord = to_coordinate(line) unless locked?(coord) container.add_artifact(coord) end elsif line =~ /^\s*(repository|source)\s/ # allow `source :name, "http://url"` # allow `source "name", "http://url"` # allow `source "http://url"` # also allow `repository` instead of `source` name, url = line.sub(/.*(repository|source)\s+/, '').split(/,/) url = name unless url # remove whitespace and trailing/leading ' or " name.strip! name.gsub!(/^:/, '') name.gsub!(/^['"]|['"]$/,'') url.strip! url.gsub!(/^['"]|['"]$/,'') container.add_repository(name, url) end end end end def populate_locked(container) locked.each { |l| container.add_artifact(l) } end def generate_lockfile(dependency_coordinates) if dependency_coordinates.empty? FileUtils.rm_f(@lockfile) if exists_lock? else, 'w') do |f| dependency_coordinates.each do |d| f.puts d.to_s end end end end end end end