module M3u8 class Playlist attr_accessor :io, :options, :header, :empty, :master MISSING_CODEC_MESSAGE = 'An audio or video codec should be provided.' NON_MASTER_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Playlist is not a master playlist, playlist' \ ' can not be added.' MASTER_ERROR_MESSAGE = 'Playlist is a master playlist, segment can not ' \ 'be added.' def initialize(options = {}) self.options = { version: 3, sequence: 0, cache: true, target: 10 }.merge options self.header = false self.empty = true self.master = nil = io.puts '#EXTM3U' end def self.codecs(options = {}) playlist = playlist.codecs options end def add_playlist(program_id, playlist, bitrate, options = {}) options = { width: nil, height: nil, profile: nil, level: nil, audio: nil }.merge options validate_playlist_type true self.master = true self.empty = false resolution = resolution options[:width], options[:height] codecs = codecs(audio: options[:audio], profile: options[:profile], level: options[:level]) fail MissingCodecError, MISSING_CODEC_MESSAGE if codecs.nil? io.puts "#EXT-X-STREAM-INF:PROGRAM-ID=#{program_id},#{resolution}" + %Q{CODECS="#{codecs}",BANDWIDTH=#{bitrate}} io.puts playlist end def add_segment(duration, segment) validate_playlist_type false self.master = false self.empty = false unless header write_header self.header = true end io.puts "#EXTINF:#{duration}," io.puts segment end def codecs(options = {}) options = { audio: nil, profile: nil, level: nil }.merge options audio_codec = audio_codec options[:audio] video_codec = video_codec options[:profile], options[:level] if video_codec.nil? return audio_codec else if audio_codec.nil? return video_codec else return "#{video_codec},#{audio_codec}" end end end def write(output) output.puts to_s end def master? return false if empty master end def to_s if master? io.string else "#{io.string}#EXT-X-ENDLIST" end end private def validate_playlist_type(master) return if empty if master && !master? fail PlaylistTypeError, NON_MASTER_ERROR_MESSAGE elsif !master && master? fail PlaylistTypeError, MASTER_ERROR_MESSAGE end end def write_header io.puts "#EXT-X-VERSION:#{options[:version]}" io.puts "#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:#{options[:sequence]}" io.puts "#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:#{cache_string}" io.puts "#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:#{options[:target]}" end def cache_string options[:cache] ? 'YES' : 'NO' end def audio_codec(audio) return if audio.nil? return 'mp4a.40.2' if audio.downcase == 'aac-lc' return 'mp4a.40.5' if audio.downcase == 'he-aac' return 'mp4a.40.34' if audio.downcase == 'mp3' end def video_codec(profile, level) return if profile.nil? || level.nil? profile = profile.downcase return 'avc1.66.30' if profile == 'baseline' && level == 3.0 return 'avc1.42001f' if profile == 'baseline' && level == 3.1 return 'avc1.77.30' if profile == 'main' && level == 3.0 return 'avc1.4d001f' if profile == 'main' && level == 3.1 return 'avc1.4d0028' if profile == 'main' && level == 4.0 return 'avc1.64001f' if profile == 'high' && level == 3.1 return 'avc1.640028' if profile == 'high' && (level == 4.0 || level == 4.1) end def resolution(width, height) return if width.nil? "RESOLUTION=#{width}x#{height}," end end end