require 'spec_helper'

describe "frontend" do
  it "should show the home page when browsing to /" do
    get '/'
    last_response.should be_ok
    last_response.body.should contain "Test your transactions on your local machine"
    last_response.body.should contain "Step 1"
    last_response.body.should contain "Step 2"
    last_response.body.should contain "Step 3"
  it "should who me an error when browsing to /ideal without parameters" do
    get '/ideal'
    last_response.should be_ok
    last_response.body.should contain "Oh snap! You got an error!"
    last_response.body.should contain "To few params have been supplied"
  it "should show me the Mollie Bank page to make payment or not when browsing to /ideal with parameters" do
    session = {"987654" => {"paid" => false}}
    MollieBank::Storage.set('987654', {
      :paid => false
    get '/ideal', {
      :transaction_id => '987654',
      :amount => '1000',
      :reporturl => '',
      :returnurl => '',
      :description => 'a_description'

    last_response.should be_ok
    last_response.body.should contain "Pay time!"
    last_response.body.should contain "YES, I wish to pay"
    last_response.body.should contain "NO, I do not want to pay"
    last_response.body.should contain "10,00 EUR"
    last_response.body.should contain "a_description"
    last_response.body.should contain ""
    last_response.body.should contain ""
    last_response.body.should contain "987654"
  it "should show an html error when not all parameter are supplied for /payment" do
    get '/payment'
    last_response.should be_ok
    last_response.body.should contain "Oh snap! You got an error!"
    last_response.body.should contain "To few params have been supplied"
  it "should store the correct values" do
    MollieBank::Storage.set('987654', {
      :paid => false,
      :reporturl => '',
      :returnurl => ''
    get '/payment', {
      :transaction_id => '987654',
      :paid => 'true'

    last_response.should be_redirect
    last_request.url.should == ''