module Polymer # Represents a directory in which it is expected that there be a # configuration file, and source images. # # The Project class exists mostly to make CLI tasks simpler; if you're using # Polymer within your own library, you may prefer to create Sprite instances # without using a Project. # class Project # Defaults used by DSL when the user doesn't provide explicit values. DEFAULTS = { :sass => 'public/stylesheets/sass', :url => "/images/:name.png", :cache => '.polymer-cache', :css => false, :padding => 20 } # Returns the path to the project root directory. # # @return [Pathname] # attr_reader :root # @return [Pathname, false] # The path to the Sass mixin file. # @return [false] # False if Sass has been disabled. # attr_reader :sass # @return [Pathname, false] # The path to the CSS file. # @return [false] # False if CSS generation has been disabled. # attr_reader :css # An array containing all of the sprites in the project. # # @return [Array<Polymer::Sprite>] # attr_reader :sprites # Creates a new Project. # # Note that +new+ does not validation of the given paths or options; it # expects them to be correct. You're probably better using # # @param [Pathname] root_path # Path to the root of the Polymer project. The .polymer config should # reside in this directory. # @param [Array<Polymer::Sprite>] sprites # An array of sprites which belong to the project. # @param [Hash] options # Extra options for customising the behaviour of the Project. # # @option options [String, false] :css (false) # Sets the path -- relative to +root_path+ -- at which the CSS # file should be saved. Setting +:css+ to false will disable # generation of CSS stylesheets. # @option options [String, false] :sass (false) # Sets the path -- relative to +root_path+ -- at which the Sass # mixin file should be saved. Setting +:sass+ to false will # disable generation of the mixin file. # def initialize(root_path, sprites, options = {}) @root = root_path @sprites = sprites @sass = extract_path :sass, options @css = extract_path :css, options @cachefile = extract_path :cache, options end # Returns the sprite whose name is +name+. # # @param [String] name # The name of the sprite to be retrieved. # # @return [Polymer::Sprite] The sprite. # @return [nil] If no such sprite exists. # def sprite(name) sprites.detect { |sprite| == name } end # Returns if the cache should be used. # # @return [true] If the cache should be used by CLI. # @return [false] If the cache is disabled and should not be used. # def use_cache? !! @cachefile end # Returns a Cache instance for this project. # # @return [Polymer::Cache] # def cache @cache ||= end private # ================================================================ # Extracts a path, typically specified in the DSL, and converts it to # an absolute Pathname (by appending it on to +@root+). # # @param [Symbol] key # The option key in which the value is expected. # @param [Hash] options # The options hash passed to #initialize. # # @return [Pathname] # Returns the path appended to +@root+. # @return [false, nil] # When the option value was not a string. # def extract_path(key, options) value = options.fetch(key, DEFAULTS[key]) value.is_a?(String) ? @root + value : value end # === Class Methods ====================================================== # Given a path to a directory, +find_config+ attempts to locate a # suitable configuration file by looking for a ".polymer" or "polymer.rb" # file. If no such file is found in the given directory, it ascends the # directory structure until one is found, or it runs out of parent # directories to check. # # If given a path to a file, +find_config+ assumes that this file is the # config, and simply returns it as a Pathname. # # @param [Pathname, String] path # The path to the directory or configuration file. # # @return [Pathname] # The path to the found configuration. # # @raise [Polymer::MissingProject] # Raised when +find_config+ could not find a suitable configuration # file. # def self.find_config(path) path, config_path =, nil return path if path.file? path.ascend do |directory| if (dot_polymer = directory + '.polymer').file? return dot_polymer elsif (polymer_rb = directory + 'polymer.rb').file? return polymer_rb end end raise MissingProject, "Polymer couldn't find a configuration file at `#{path.to_s}'" end end # Project end # Polymer