(channel spec) (stream spec) Stream -> [parent] Channel -> [from parent model] [intermed] Feed -> [intermediary relation] [from nested...] (*) Blog -> [ from nested assn...? ] Post we need a process that starts the other way, and 'completes' the through like a belongs_to :through ... ? for stream spec: - nested assn is (channel has_many posts through feeds) if we could get at (feed has_many posts through blogs) i think we could recurse? note: it should be the 'nested assn' for (channels has_many posts)... - intermediray relation is (stream has many channels...) # through can we get at channels has many posts? in this context Channel is `intermediary_relation.child_class_name.to_s.singularize.constantize' [ ugh! ] Post.where(blog_id: 1) Post.where(blog: { feed_id: 234 }) Post.where(blog: { feed: { channel_id: 567 }}) Post.where(blog: { feed: { channel: { stream: 890 }}}) # network.posts.recent Post.where(published_at: 1.day.ago...Time.now, blog: { feed: { channel: { stream: { network_id: 1234 }}}})