module Reform class Contract < Disposable::Twin # Collects all native results of a form of all groups and provides # a unified API: #success?, #errors, #messages, #hints. # #success? returns validity of the branch. class Result def initialize(results, nested_results=[]) # DISCUSS: do we like this? @results = results # native Result objects, e.g. `#"Fallout", :composer=>nil} errors={}>` @failure = (results + nested_results).find(&:failure?) # TODO: test nested. end def failure?; @failure end def success?; !failure? end def errors(*args); filter_for(:errors, *args) end def messages(*args); filter_for(:messages, *args) end def hints(*args); filter_for(:hints, *args) end private def filter_for(method, *args) @results.collect { |r| r.public_send(method, *args) } .inject({}) { |hsh, errs| hsh.merge(errs) } .find_all { |k, v| v.is_a?(Array) } # filter :nested=>{:something=>["too nested!"]} #DISCUSS: do we want that here? .to_h end # Note: this class will be redundant in Reform 3, where the public API # allows/enforces to pass options to #errors (e.g. errors(locale: "br")) # which means we don't have to "lazy-handle" that with "pointers". # :private: class Pointer extend Forwardable def initialize(result, path) @result, @path = result, path end def_delegators :@result, :success?, :failure? def errors(*args); traverse_for(:errors, *args) end def messages(*args); traverse_for(:messages, *args) end def hints(*args); traverse_for(:hints, *args) end def advance(*path) path = @path + path.compact # remove index if nil. return if traverse(@result.errors, path) == {}, path) end private def traverse(hash, path) path.inject(hash) { |errs, segment| errs[segment] || {} } # FIXME. test if all segments present. end def traverse_for(method, *args) traverse(@result.public_send(method, *args), @path) # TODO: return [] if nil end end end end end