#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:zone).provider(:solaris) do let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:zone).new(:name => 'dummy', :path => '/', :provider => :solaris) } let(:provider) { described_class.new(resource) } context "#configure" do it "should add the create args to the create str" do resource.stubs(:properties).returns([]) resource[:create_args] = "create_args" provider.expects(:setconfig).with("create -b create_args") provider.configure end it "should add the create args to the create str" do iptype = stub "property" iptype.stubs(:name).with().returns(:iptype) iptype.stubs(:safe_insync?).with(iptype).returns(false) provider.stubs(:properties).returns({:iptype => iptype}) resource.stubs(:properties).with().returns([iptype]) resource[:create_args] = "create_args" provider.expects(:setconfig).with("create -b create_args\nset ip-type=shared") provider.configure end end context "#install" do context "clone" do it "should call zoneadm" do provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install) provider.install end it "with the resource's clone attribute" do resource[:clone] = :clone_argument provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:clone, :clone_argument) provider.install end end context "not clone" do it "should just install if there are no install args" do # there is a nil check in type.rb:[]= so we cannot directly set nil. resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(nil) resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns(nil) provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install) provider.install end it "should add the install args to the command if they exist" do # there is a nil check in type.rb:[]= so we cannot directly set nil. resource.stubs(:[]).with(:clone).returns(nil) resource.stubs(:[]).with(:install_args).returns('install args') provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:install, ["install", "args"]) provider.install end end end context "#instances" do it "should list the instances correctly" do described_class.expects(:adm).with(:list, "-cp").returns("0:dummy:running:/::native:shared") instances = described_class.instances.map { |p| {:name => p.get(:name), :ensure => p.get(:ensure)} } instances.size.should == 1 instances[0].should == { :name=>"dummy", :ensure=>:running, } end end context "#setconfig" do it "should correctly set configuration" do provider.expects(:command).with(:cfg).returns('/usr/sbin/zonecfg') provider.expects(:exec_cmd).with(:input => "set zonepath=/\ncommit\nexit", :cmd => '/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z dummy -f -').returns({:out=>'', :exit => 0}) provider.setconfig("set zonepath=\/") provider.flush end it "should correctly warn on 'not allowed'" do provider.expects(:command).with(:cfg).returns('/usr/sbin/zonecfg') provider.expects(:exec_cmd).with(:input => "set zonepath=/\ncommit\nexit", :cmd => '/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z dummy -f -').returns({:out=>"Zone z2 already installed; set zonepath not allowed.\n", :exit => 0}) provider.setconfig("set zonepath=\/") expect { provider.flush }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Failed to apply configuration/) end end context "#getconfig" do zone_info =<<-EOF zonename: dummy zonepath: /dummy/z brand: native autoboot: true bootargs: pool: limitpriv: scheduling-class: ip-type: shared hostid: net: address: physical: ex0001 defrouter not specified net: address: physical: ex0002 defrouter not specified EOF it "should correctly parse zone info" do provider.expects(:zonecfg).with(:info).returns(zone_info) provider.getconfig.should == { :brand=>"native", :autoboot=>"true", :"ip-type"=>"shared", :zonename=>"dummy", "net"=>[{:physical=>"ex0001", :address=>""}, {:physical=>"ex0002", :address=>""}], :zonepath=>"/dummy/z" } end end context "#flush" do it "should correctly execute pending commands" do provider.expects(:command).with(:cfg).returns('/usr/sbin/zonecfg') provider.expects(:exec_cmd).with(:input => "set iptype=shared\ncommit\nexit", :cmd => '/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z dummy -f -').returns({:out=>'', :exit => 0}) provider.setconfig("set iptype=shared") provider.flush end it "should correctly raise error on failure" do provider.expects(:command).with(:cfg).returns('/usr/sbin/zonecfg') provider.expects(:exec_cmd).with(:input => "set iptype=shared\ncommit\nexit", :cmd => '/usr/sbin/zonecfg -z dummy -f -').returns({:out=>'', :exit => 1}) provider.setconfig("set iptype=shared") expect { provider.flush }.to raise_error(ArgumentError, /Failed to apply/) end end context "#start" do it "should not require path if sysidcfg is specified" do resource[:path] = '/mypath' resource[:sysidcfg] = 'dummy' Puppet::FileSystem::File.stubs(:exist?).with('/mypath/root/etc/sysidcfg').returns true File.stubs(:directory?).with('/mypath/root/etc').returns true provider.expects(:zoneadm).with(:boot) provider.start end it "should require path if sysidcfg is specified" do resource.stubs(:[]).with(:path).returns nil resource.stubs(:[]).with(:sysidcfg).returns 'dummy' expect { provider.start }.to raise_error(Puppet::Error, /Path is required/) end end context "#line2hash" do it "should parse lines correctly" do described_class.line2hash('0:dummy:running:/z::native:shared').should == {:ensure=>:running, :iptype=>"shared", :path=>"/z", :name=>"dummy", :id=>"0"} end it "should parse lines correctly(2)" do described_class.line2hash('0:dummy:running:/z:ipkg:native:shared').should == {:ensure=>:running, :iptype=>"shared", :path=>"/z", :name=>"dummy", :id=>"0"} end it "should parse lines correctly(3)" do described_class.line2hash('-:dummy:running:/z:ipkg:native:shared').should == {:ensure=>:running, :iptype=>"shared", :path=>"/z", :name=>"dummy"} end it "should parse lines correctly(3)" do described_class.line2hash('-:dummy:running:/z:ipkg:native:exclusive').should == {:ensure=>:running, :iptype=>"exclusive", :path=>"/z", :name=>"dummy"} end end context "#multi_conf" do it "should correctly add and remove properties" do provider.stubs(:properties).with().returns({:ip => ['', '']}) should = ['', ''] p = Proc.new do |a, str| case a when :add; 'add:' + str when :rm; 'rm:' + str end end provider.multi_conf(:ip, should, &p).should == "rm:\nadd:" end end context "single props" do {:iptype => /set ip-type/, :autoboot => /set autoboot/, :path => /set zonepath/, :pool => /set pool/, :shares => /add rctl/}.each do |p, v| it "#{p.to_s}: should correctly return conf string" do provider.send(p.to_s + '_conf', 'dummy').should =~ v end it "#{p.to_s}: should correctly set property string" do provider.expects((p.to_s + '_conf').intern).returns('dummy') provider.expects(:setconfig).with('dummy').returns('dummy2') provider.send(p.to_s + '=', 'dummy').should == 'dummy2' end end end end