namespace :committed do task :check_prerequisites do # Checks all the settings to make sure they are OK - mostly just checks type { committed_user: 'user', committed_repo: 'repository' }.each do |variable, name| fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.nil', variable: variable, name: name) if fetch(variable).nil? fail ArgumentError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.empty', variable: variable, name: name) if fetch(variable).empty? end fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.hash', variable: 'committed_github_config') unless fetch(:committed_github_config).is_a?(Hash) end task :check_report_prerequisites do # Checks all the settings to make sure they are OK - mostly just checks type fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.string', variable: 'committed_revision_line') unless fetch(:committed_revision_line).is_a?(String) fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.integer', variable: 'committed_revision_limit') unless fetch(:committed_revision_limit).is_a?(Integer) fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.integer', variable: 'committed_commit_buffer') unless fetch(:committed_commit_buffer).is_a?(Integer) fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.string_or_nil', variable: 'committed_output_path') unless fetch(:committed_output_path).is_a?(String) || fetch(:committed_output_path).nil? fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.string_or_regexp_or_nil', variable: 'committed_issue_match') unless fetch(:committed_issue_match).is_a?(String) || fetch(:committed_issue_match).is_a?(Regexp) || fetch(:committed_issue_match).nil? fail TypeError, t('committed.error.prerequisites.string_or_nil', variable: 'committed_issue_url') unless fetch(:committed_issue_url).is_a?(String) || fetch(:committed_issue_url).nil? end # task :register_deployment_pending do # invoke 'committed:check_prerequisites' # github = # deployment = github.register_deployment(fetch(:committed_user), # fetch(:committed_repo), # fetch(:stage).to_s, # fetch(:branch).to_s) # return if deployment.nil? # github.register_status(fetch(:committed_user), # fetch(:committed_repo), # deployment[:id], # 'pending') # set :committed_deployment_id, deployment[:id] # end # task :register_deployment_success do # invoke 'committed:check_prerequisites' # id = fetch(:committed_deployment_id) # return if id.nil? # end # task :register_deployment_failure do # invoke 'committed:check_prerequisites' # id = fetch(:committed_deployment_id) # return if id.nil? # end desc 'Generetes a report of commits and pull requests on the current stage' task :generate do invoke 'committed:check_prerequisites' invoke 'committed:check_report_prerequisites' # Only do this on the primary web server on primary :web do # Get the Capistrano revision log lines = capture(:cat, revision_log).split("\n").reverse # Build the regex to search for revision data in the log, by default this # is the localised string from Capistrano search = fetch(:committed_revision_line) search = Regexp.escape(search) search = search.gsub('%\{', '(?<').gsub('\}', '>.+)') search = # Build the revisions hash revisions = {} lines.each do |line| matches = search.match(line) next unless matches[:branch].to_s == fetch(:branch).to_s revisions[matches[:sha]] = { branch: matches[:branch], sha: matches[:sha], release: matches[:release], user: matches[:user], entries: {} } # Only store a certain number of revisions break if revisions.count == fetch(:committed_revision_limit) end # No revisions, no log if revisions.empty? info t('committed.error.runtime.revisions_empty', branch: fetch(:branch).to_s, stage: fetch(:stage).to_s) return end # Sort revisions by release date revisions = revisions.sort_by { |_sha, matches| matches[:release] }.to_h # Add the "next" revision revisions.merge!(next: { entries: {} }) # Reverse the order of revisions in the hash (most recent first) revisions = revisions.to_a.reverse.to_h revisions.merge!(previous: { entries: {} }) # Initialize the GitHub API client github = # Get the actual date of the commit referenced to by the revision earliest_date = nil revisions.each do |sha, _revision| next if sha == :next || sha == :previous commit = github.get_commit(fetch(:committed_user), fetch(:committed_repo), sha) unless commit.nil? earliest_date = commit[:commit][:committer][:date] revisions[sha][:date] = earliest_date end end # No commit data on revisions, no log if earliest_date.nil? info t('committed.error.runtime.revision_commit_missing', branch: fetch(:branch).to_s, stage: fetch(:stage).to_s) return end # Go back an extra N day buffer = fetch(:committed_commit_buffer) * 24 * 60 * 60 earliest_date = (Time.parse(earliest_date) - buffer).iso8601 revisions[:previous][:date] = earliest_date # Get all the commits on this branch commits = github.get_commits_since(fetch(:committed_user), fetch(:committed_repo), earliest_date, fetch(:branch).to_s) # No commits, no log if commits.empty? info t('committed.error.runtime.commits_empty', branch: fetch(:branch).to_s, stage: fetch(:stage).to_s, time: earliest_date) return end # Map commits to a hash keyed by sha commits = Hash[ { |commit| [commit[:sha], commit] }] # Get all pull requests listed in the commits revision_index = 0 commits.each do |sha, commit| # Match to GitHub generated commit message, or don't message = /^Merge pull request \#([0-9]+)/ matches = message.match(commit[:commit][:message]) next unless matches && matches[1] # Get the pull request from GitHub pull_request = github.get_pull_request(fetch(:committed_user), fetch(:committed_repo), matches[1].to_i) # Get the previous revisions commit time and the merge time of the pull # request previous_revision = revisions[revisions.keys[revision_index + 1]] previous_revision_date = Time.parse(previous_revision[:date]) merged_at = Time.parse(pull_request[:info][:merged_at]) # Unless this pull request was merged before the previous release # reference was committed unless merged_at > previous_revision_date # Move to the previous revision revision_index += 1 end # Push pull request data in to the revision entries hash key = revisions.keys[revision_index] revisions[key][:entries][pull_request[:info][:merged_at]] = [{ type: :pull_request, info: pull_request[:info], commits: pull_request[:commits] }] # Delete commits which are in this pull request from the hash of commits commits.delete(sha) next if pull_request[:commits].empty? pull_request[:commits].each do |c| commits.delete(c[:sha]) end end # Loop through remaining commits and push them into the revision entries # hash revision_index = 0 commits.each do |_sha, commit| previous_revision = revisions[revisions.keys[revision_index + 1]] previous_revision_date = Time.parse(previous_revision[:date]) date = commit[:commit][:committer][:date] committed_at = Time.parse(date) revision_index += 1 unless committed_at > previous_revision_date key = revisions.keys[revision_index] if revisions[key][:entries][date].nil? revisions[key][:entries][date] = [] end revisions[key][:entries][date] << { type: :commit, info: commit } end # Loop through the revisions to create the output output = [] revisions.each do |sha, revision| # Build the revision header output << '' output << ('=' * 94) case sha when :next output << t('committed.output.next_release') when :previous output << t('committed.output.previous_release', time: revision[:date]) else output << t('committed.output.current_release', release_time: Time.parse(revision[:release]).iso8601, sha: revision[:sha], commit_time: revision[:date]) end output << ('=' * 94) output << '' # Loop through the entries in this revision revision[:entries].sort_by { |date, _entries| date }.reverse.to_h.each do |_date, entries| entries.each do |entry| case entry[:type] when :pull_request # These are pull requests that are included in this revision # Print out the pull request number and title output << format(' * %s', t('committed.output.pull_request_number', number: entry[:info][:number])) output << format(' %s', entry[:info][:title]) output << '' # Print out each line of the pull request description lines = entry[:info][:body].chomp.split("\n") unless lines.empty? output << format(' %s', lines.join("\n ")) output << '' end # Get any issue numbers referred to in the commit info and print # links to them urls = ::Capistrano::Committed.get_issue_urls(fetch(:committed_issue_match), fetch(:committed_issue_url), entry[:info][:title] + entry[:info][:body]) output += ::Capistrano::Committed.format_issue_urls(urls) # Merger details output << format(' %s', t('committed.output.merged_on', time: entry[:info][:merged_at])) output << format(' %s', t('committed.output.merged_by', login: entry[:info][:merged_by][:login])) output << '' # Print a link to the pull request on GitHub output << format(' %s', entry[:info][:html_url]) output << '' # Loop through the commits in this pull request unless entry[:commits].nil? entry[:commits].each do |commit| output << (' ' + ('-' * 90)) output << ' |' # Print the commit ref output << format(' | * %s', t('committed.output.commit_sha', sha: commit[:sha])) output << ' |' # Print the commit message lines = commit[:commit][:message].chomp.split("\n") unless lines.empty? output << format(' | > %s', lines.join("\n | > ")) output << ' |' # Get any issue numbers referred to in the commit message # and print links to them urls = ::Capistrano::Committed.get_issue_urls(fetch(:committed_issue_match), fetch(:committed_issue_url), commit[:commit][:message]) output += ::Capistrano::Committed.format_issue_urls(urls, ' |') end # Committer details output << format(' | %s', t('committed.output.committed_on', time: commit[:commit][:committer][:date])) output << format(' | %s', t('committed.output.committed_by', login: commit[:committer][:login])) output << ' |' # Print a link to the commit in GitHub output << format(' | %s', commit[:html_url]) output << ' |' end output << (' ' + ('-' * 90)) output << '' end when :commit # These are commits that are included in this revision, but are # not in any pull requests # Print the commit ref output << format(' * %s', t('committed.output.commit_sha', sha: entry[:info][:sha])) output << '' # Print the commit message lines = entry[:info][:commit][:message].chomp.split("\n") unless lines.empty? output << format(' > %s', lines.join("\n > ")) output << '' # Get any issue numbers referred to in the commit message and # print links to them urls = ::Capistrano::Committed.get_issue_urls(fetch(:committed_issue_match), fetch(:committed_issue_url), entry[:info][:commit][:message]) output += ::Capistrano::Committed.format_issue_urls(urls) end # Committer details output << format(' %s', t('committed.output.committed_on', time: entry[:info][:commit][:committer][:date])) output << format(' %s', t('committed.output.committed_by', login: entry[:info][:committer][:login])) output << '' # Print a link to the commit in GitHub output << format(' %s', entry[:info][:html_url]) output << '' end output << ('-' * 94) output << '' end end output << '' end # Send the output to screen, or to a file on the server if fetch(:committed_output_path).nil? # Just print to STDOUT puts output else # Determine the output path and upload the output there output_path = format(fetch(:committed_output_path), current_path) upload!"\n")), output_path # Make sure the report is world readable execute(:chmod, 'a+r', output_path) end end end end # Load the default settings namespace :load do task :defaults do # See README for descriptions of each setting set :committed_user, -> { nil } set :committed_repo, -> { nil } set :committed_revision_line, -> { t('revision_log_message') } set :committed_github_config, -> { {} } set :committed_revision_limit, -> { 10 } set :committed_commit_buffer, -> { 1 } set :committed_output_path, -> { '%s/public/committed.txt' } set :committed_issue_match, -> { '\[\s?([A-Z0-9]+\-[0-9]+)\s?\]' } set :committed_issue_url, -> { '' } set :committed_deployments, -> { false } set :committed_deployment_id, -> { nil } end end