module Music module Transcription # Represent the musical tempo, with beats ber minute and beat duration. class Tempo include Comparable include Hashmake::HashMakeable attr_reader :beats_per_minute, :beat_duration ARG_SPECS = { :beats_per_minute => arg_spec(:reqd => true, :type => Numeric, :validator => ->(a){a > 0} ), :beat_duration => arg_spec(:reqd => false, :type => Numeric, :validator => ->(a){a > 0}, :default => Rational(1,4)) } def initialize args hash_make args end def notes_per_second (@beats_per_minute * @beat_duration) / 60.0 end def between? a, b notes_per_second.between? a, b end def <=>(other) if other.is_a? Tempo notes_per_second <=> other.notes_per_second else notes_per_second <=> other end end end module_function def tempo beats_per_minute, beat_duration = Tempo::ARG_SPECS[:beat_duration].default => beats_per_minute, :beat_duration => beat_duration) end end end