6.4.0 ----- * More semantic and accessible markup in the sessions/new, embedded_app, and product index views. * Moved all JavaScript to load at the bottom of the page instead of the head, for page loading better performance. 6.3.0 ----- * Move SessionStorage from a generated class to a re-usable module. To migrate to the new module, delete the old generated SessionStorage class in the models directory and include the SessionStorage module in your Shop model. * Adds a WebhooksManager class and allows you to configure what webhooks your app needs. The rest is taken care of by ShopifyApp provided you set up a backgroud queue with ActiveJob * Adds a WebhooksController module which can be included to handle the boiler plate code for a controller receiving webhooks from Shopify 6.2.1 ----- * add callback url to omniauth provider * add default redirect_uri 6.2.0 ----- * Return an HTTP 401 for XHRs that aren't logged in 6.1.3 ----- * add redirect_uri which is now required * fix login again with different shop 6.0.0 ----- * Re-written as a proper rails engine * New modular generators * generates embedded apps by default * can bootstrap your app with a standard shop table and model * code now lives as concerns in the engine which are included in your controllers feel free to override anything you need in your app Historical ---------- * re-styled with Twitter Bootstrap css framework and updated docs [warren] * Require shopify_api gem via proper railtie setup [willem] * Don't require shopify.yml when using environment variables [cody] * Renamed instances of current_shop to shop_session to maintain logic * Replace old LoginController with a RESTful SessionsController