# The search controller handles searches fo manually entered citations, # or possibly ambiguous citations generally. It also provides an A-Z list. # # As a source of this data, it generally talks to the SFX database directly. # The particular method it uses to get this data is defined in a SearchMethod # module (app/controllers/search_methods), that gets applied to the controller. # Currently Sfx4 direct database and Sfx4Solr (SFX indexed in Solr via Sunspot) # are supported. # In either case with database connection info in your database.yml file under # sfx_db. # # Future plans include a local database of titles, perhaps loaded from an # external KB. Not done yet. # # = SearchMethod module implementation # A search method is just a ruby module, that will be applied to a controller, # that defines two methods: # [#find_by_title] # Takes no arguments, instead use methods in the controller like # #sfx_az_profile, #title_query_param, #search_type_param, #batch_size and # #page to return state. Returns a two-element array pair, first element # is a list of OpenURL::ContextObject for current batch, send element # is int total hit count. # [#find_by_group] # Used for clicks on "A", "B" ... "0-9", "Other" links. Find the group # link clicked on in params[:id]. Use #batch_size and #page for paging. # As in #find_by_title, return two element array, first elememt is array # of OpenURL::ContextObject, second element is total hit count. class SearchController < UmlautController @@search_batch_size = 20 @@az_batch_size = 20 @@autocomplete_limit = 15 layout :layout_name before_filter :normalize_params def initialize(*params) super(*params) self.extend( search_method_module ) end def index @page_title = t('umlaut.search.journals_page_name') journals() end def journals @submit_hash = params["umlaut.display_coins"] ? {:controller=>'resolve', :action=>'display_coins'} : {:controller=>'search', :action=>'journal_search'} # Render configed view, if configed, or default render umlaut_config.lookup!("search_view", "journals") end # Not sure if this action actually works or does anything at present. def books @submit_action = params["umlaut.display_coins"] ? "display_coins" : "index" end # @display_results is left as an array of ContextObject objects. # Or, redirect to resolve action for single hit. # O hit also redirects to resolve action, as per SFX behavior--this # gives a catalog lookup and an ILL form for 0-hit. # param umlaut.title_search_type (aka sfx.title_search) # can be 'begins', 'exact', or 'contains'. Other # form params should be OpenURL, generally def journal_search @batch_size = batch_size @start_result_num = (page * batch_size) - (batch_size - 1) @search_context_object = context_object_from_params if (! params["rft.object_id"].blank? || ! params["rft.issn"].blank? || ! params["rft_id"].blank? ) # If we have an exact-type 'search', just switch to 'resolve' action redirect_to url_for_with_co( {:controller => 'resolve'}, context_object_from_params ) # don't do anything else. return elsif (params['rft.jtitle'].blank?) #Bad, error condition. If we don't have any of that other stuff above, # we need a title! Send them back to entry page with an error message. flash[:error] = "You must enter a journal title or other identifying information." redirect_to :controller=>:search, :action=>:index return end # Call our particular search method, #find_by_title added by search # method module. (@display_results, @hits) = self.find_by_title #find_by_title_via_sfx_db # Calculate end-result number for display @end_result_num = @start_result_num + batch_size - 1 if @end_result_num > @hits @end_result_num = @hits end if (@page == 1) && (@display_results.length == 1) # If we narrowed down to one result redirect # to resolve action. redirect_to( url_for_with_co({:controller => 'resolve'}, @display_results[0]) ) elsif (@display_results.length == 0) # 0 hits, do it too. redirect_to( url_for_with_co({:controller => 'resolve'}, @search_context_object) ) end @page_title = 'Journal titles that ' @page_title += (params["umlaut.title_search_type"] == "begins") ? 'begin with ' : 'contain ' @page_title += "'" + params['rft.jtitle'] + "'" end # Used for browse-by-letter def journal_list @batch_size = batch_size @page = page @start_result_num = (@page * @batch_size) - (@batch_size - 1) (@display_results, @hits) = find_by_group # Calculate end-result number for display @end_result_num = @start_result_num + @batch_size - 1 if @end_result_num > @hits @end_result_num = @hits end @page_title = t('umlaut.search.browse_by_jtitle', :query => params['id']) # Use our ordinary search displayer to display # It'll notice the action and do just a bit of special stuff. render(:template => "search/journal_search") end # Should return an array of hashes, with each has having :title and :object_id # keys. Can come from local journal index or SFX or somewhere else. # :object_id is the SFX rft.object_id, and can be blank. (I think it's SFX # rft.object_id for local journal index too) def auto_complete_for_journal_title # Don't search on blank query. query = params['rft.jtitle'] search_type = params["umlaut.title_search_type"] || "contains" unless ( query.blank? ) (context_objects, total_count) = find_by_title @titles = context_objects.collect do |co| metadata = co.referent.metadata {:object_id => metadata["object_id"], :title => (metadata["jtitle"] || metadata["btitle"] || metadata["title"])} end end render :text => @titles.to_json, :content_type => "application/json" end protected # We intentionally use a method calculated at request-time for layout, # so it can be changed in config at request-time. def layout_name umlaut_config.search_layout end def normalize_params # citation search params # sfx.title_search and umlaut.title_search_type are synonyms params["sfx.title_search"] = params["umlaut.title_search_type"] if params["sfx.title_search"].blank? params["umlaut.title_search_type"] = params["sfx.title_search"] if params["umlaut.title_search_type"].blank? # Likewise, params[:journal][:title] is legacy params['rft.jtitle'] unless (params[:journal].blank? || params[:journal][:title].blank? || ! params['rft.jtitle'].blank? ) params['rft.jtitle'] = params[:journal][:title] end if ( (params[:journal].blank? || params[:journal][:title].blank?) && params['rft.jtitle'] ) params[:journal] ||= {} params[:journal][:title] = params['rft.jtitle'] end # Grab identifiers out of the way we've encoded em # Accept legacy SFX-style encodings too if ( ! params['rft_id_value'].blank? || ! params['pmid_value'].blank? || ! params['doi_value'].blank? ) if (! params['rft_id_value'].blank?) id_type = params['rft_id_type'] || 'doi' id_value = params['rft_id_value'] elsif (! params['pmid_value'].blank?) id_type = params['pmid_id'] || 'pmid' id_value = params['pmid_value'] else # sfx-style doi id_type = params['doi_id'] || 'doi' id_value = params['doi_value'] end params['rft_id'] = "info:#{id_type}/#{id_value}" end # SFX v2 A-Z list url format---convert to Umlaut if params[:letter_group] params[:id] = case params[:letter_group].to_i when 1 then '0-9' # 2-27 mean A-Z, convert via ASCII value arithmetic. when 2..27 then ((params[:letter_group].to_i) +63 ).chr when 28 then 'Others' end params.delete(:letter_group) if params[:id] end # SFX v3 A-Z list url format--convert to Umlaut if params[:param_letter_group_value] params[:id] = case params[:param_letter_group_value] when /^0/ then '0-9' when 'Others' then 'Other' else params[:param_letter_group_value] end end # Normalize request for 'Others' if params[:id] =~ /^other/i params[:id] = 'Others' end # for reasons I can't tell, our JS on IE ends up putting some # newlines in the object_id, which messes us all up. params['rft.object_id'].strip! if params['rft.object_id'] ## If needed combine date elements to an OpenURL date unless (params["__year"].blank? && params["__month"].blank? && params["__day"].blank?) isoDate = "" unless ["", "****", "Year"].include?(params["__year"]) isoDate += params["__year"] unless ["", "***", "Month"].include?(params["__month"]) isoDate += "-" + params["__month"] unless ["", "**", "Day"].include?(params["__day"]) isoDate += "-" + params["__day"] end end end unless isoDate.blank? params["date"] = isoDate end end end def context_object_from_params @context_object_from_params ||= begin params_c = params.clone # Take out the weird ones that aren't really part of the OpenURL ignored_keys = [:journal, "utf8", "__year", "__month", "__day", "action", "controller", "Generate_OpenURL2", "rft_id_type", "rft_id_value"] ignored_keys.each { |k| params_c.delete(k) } # Normalize ISSN to have dash if ( ! params['rft.issn'].blank? && params['rft.issn'][4,1] != '-' && params['rft.issn'].length >= 4) params['rft.issn'].insert(4,'-') end ctx = OpenURL::ContextObject.new # Make sure it uses a journal type referent please, that's what we've # got here. ctx.referent = OpenURL::ContextObjectEntity.new_from_format( 'info:ofi/fmt:xml:xsd:journal' ) ctx.import_hash( params_c ) # Not sure where ":rft_id_value" as opposed to 'rft_id' comes from, but # it was in old code. We do it after CO creation to handle multiple # identifiers if (! params_c[:rft_id_value].blank?) ctx.referent.add_identifier( params_c[:rft_id_value] ) end ctx end end def search_method_module umlaut_config.lookup!("search.az_search_method", SearchMethods::Sfx4) end # sfx a-z profile as defined in config, used for direct db connections # to sfx. def sfx_az_profile umlaut_config.lookup!("search.sfx_az_profile", "default") end helper_method :sfx_az_profile def title_query_param params['rft.jtitle'] end helper_method :title_query_param def search_type_param params['umlaut.title_search_type'] || 'contains' end helper_method :search_type_param def batch_size case params[:action] when "journal_list" @@az_batch_size when "auto_complete_for_journal_title" @@autocomplete_limit else @@search_batch_size end end helper_method :batch_size def page @page ||= params['page'].blank? ? 1 : params['page'].to_i end helper_method :page end