# encoding: utf-8 module Cheripic # Custom error handling for Vcf class class VcfError < CheripicError; end require 'bio-samtools' class Vcf def self.get_allele_depth(vcf_obj) # check if the vcf is from samtools (has DP4 and AF1 fields in INFO) if vcf_obj.info.key?('DP4') freq = vcf_obj.info['DP4'].split(',') ref = freq[0].to_f + freq[1].to_f alt = freq[2].to_f + freq[3].to_f # check if the vcf is from VarScan (has RD, AD and FREQ fields in FORMAT) elsif vcf_obj.samples['1'].key?('RD') ref = vcf_obj.samples['1']['RD'].to_f alt = vcf_obj.samples['1']['AD'].to_f # check if the vcf is from GATK (has AD and GT fields in FORMAT) elsif vcf_obj.samples['1'].key?('AD') and vcf_obj.samples['1']['AD'].include?(',') freq = vcf_obj.samples['1']['AD'].split(',') ref = freq[0].to_i alt = freq[1].to_i # check if the vcf has has AF fields in INFO elsif vcf_obj.info.key?('AF') allele_freq = vcf_obj.info['AF'].to_f depth = vcf_obj.info['DP'].to_i alt = (depth * allele_freq).round ref = depth - alt else raise VcfError.new 'not a supported vcf format (VarScan, GATK, Bcftools(Samtools), Vcf 4.0, 4.1 and 4.2)' + " and check that it is one sample vcf\n" end [ref, alt] end def self.get_allele_freq(vcf_obj) ref, alt = get_allele_depth(vcf_obj) alt.to_f/(ref + alt) end ##Input: vcf file ##Ouput: lists of hm and ht SNPS and hash of all fragments with variants def self.get_vars(vcf_file) ht_low = Options.htlow ht_high = Options.hthigh # hash of :het and :hom with frag ids and respective variant positions var_pos = Hash.new{ |h,k| h[k] = Hash.new(&h.default_proc) } File.foreach(vcf_file) do |line| next if line =~ /^#/ v = Bio::DB::Vcf.new(line) unless v.alt == '.' allele_freq = get_allele_freq(v) if allele_freq.between?(ht_low, ht_high) var_pos[v.chrom][:het][v.pos] = allele_freq elsif allele_freq > ht_high var_pos[v.chrom][:hom][v.pos] = allele_freq end end end var_pos end def self.filtering(mutant_vcf, bgbulk_vcf) var_pos_mut = get_vars(mutant_vcf) return var_pos_mut if bgbulk_vcf == '' if bgbulk_vcf.kind_of?(Array) bgbulk_vcf.each do | file | var_pos_bg = get_vars(file) var_pos_mut = subtract(var_pos_mut,var_pos_bg) end else var_pos_bg = get_vars(bgbulk_vcf) return subtract(var_pos_mut,var_pos_bg) end var_pos_mut end def self.subtract(var_pos_mut, var_pos_bg) # if both bulks have homozygous mutations at same positions then deleting them var_pos_mut.each_key do | frag | positions = var_pos_mut[frag][:hom].keys pos_bg_bulk = var_pos_bg[frag][:hom].keys positions.each do |pos| if pos_bg_bulk.include?(pos) var_pos_mut[frag][:hom].delete(pos) end end end var_pos_mut end def self.to_pileup(v) ref, alt = Vcf.get_allele_depth(v) depth = ref + alt alt_bases = '' + v.alt ref_len = v.ref.length alt_len = v.alt.length if ref_len > alt_len seq = v.ref[alt_len..-1] alt_bases = '-' + seq.length.to_s + seq v.ref = v.ref[0] elsif ref_len < alt_len seq = v.alt[ref_len..-1] alt_bases = '+' + seq.length.to_s + seq end bases = ('.' * ref) + ( alt_bases * alt) quality = 'D' * depth [v.chrom, v.pos, v.ref, depth, bases, quality].join("\t") end end end